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Why did DreamWorks give up on this franchise? It had 1 movie, 2 TV specials and a TV show, yet nothing has been heard of it since 2014.
>2 TV specials and a series
Hey at least they got as shot even if it was shit or so they say.
I just remember the episode where Susan was mind controlled with the others. She has a moment of clarity before it activates on her and she does a stilted robotic activation pose.
>Shark Tale
>Over the Hedge
>Bee Movie
>Rise of the Guardians
Only 3DCG movies by DreamWorks which never got any sequels, specials or TV shows.
Usually they give up on a franchise if it has no overseas appeal. That was the reason they gave for Megamind, anyway. Until they changed their mind two decades later.
it was considered one of the worst dreamworks before the boss baby set the standard even lower
fucking things look too unappealing besides Susan.
Tv cgi aged like milk
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should have just made a second movie
>Over the Hedge
iirc that has to do with the creators of the comic strip it's based on
True. They declined to do another one.
It wasn't a Box Office Success as they expected it to. Basically the rule is if any Dreamwork film isn't that big a hit in the Box Office they get a low budget spin-off show which usually is put on streaming. With the exclusion of Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda.
>Monsters vs Aliens
>Ice Age 3
>A Christmas Carol
Only western animation movies of 2009 that grossed more than 300 million at worldwide box office. MvA was a success.
It wasnt good.
holy shit i thought i was the only person on earth who still remembers this series
Why is Susan dabbing
It sucks
>Rise of the Guardians
I'm surprised they never tried to capitalize on the fandom it had on tumblr.
Nigga hes dying to do another one. It had to do with dreamworks wanting to shill other shit due to the comic creators having a say in creative control and marketing deals. It deserves a revival more than anything and shouldve gotten it instead of megamind or bad guys, the latter of which its a much better version of.
Kind of weird, to be honest.
I guess the executives only care for the box office.
Movie and TV specials didn't preform exceptionally well and were just meh in overall quality. The TV show is one of the most horrific abominations of animation ever produced and deserves to be forgotten.

Susan/Ginormica is the only memorable thing about MVA as a whole.
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This is exactly why I never cared much for the TV show continuations. I'd say Monsters vs Aliens The Series should've been 2D, but then I remember how DreamWorks's other 2D series ended up looking and hold my tongue...
Webm, please
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Uhhh I've got this..
I heard that the show was the shittezt thing ever which I believe because it's dreamworks
Madagascar Penguins was kino
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It's funny how you guys always conveniently forget about the Turbo and Mr. Peabody & Sherman cartoons
>Susan becomes a size changer undermining the whole movie arc of coming to accept her status as the 49 1/2 foot woman.
>Also no budget for Insectosaurus

The show was a mistake
The movie or the show?
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Should have made Susan have that stylish hair
Dreamworks's hair physics weren't that advanced just yet
The show bombed
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The more reason to make a big stylish well-written theatrical sequel to the movie.
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fivehead fetish
>look at his top of her HEAD
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The shipping is so strong that if you use the bing AI to generate an image with Elsa and include a male character, it will make it Jack Frost unprompted

Believe in the original story she was meant to be much more vapid, closer to the love interest in 1950s scifi. The movie in general scrapped most of the classic scifi theming and also sanitised it a bunch (the creature from the black lagoon was originally much more of a pervy character)
cute feet
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you literally can't with that fucking forehead in the way
That render is terrible.
Movie was good, but show was awful.
fr bro, shit is TRAGIC
Kys zoomer
ugly feet
regular feet
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I can excuse poorly rendered animation since it's a measly TV budget, but poorly rendered promo art is just unacceptable.
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monsters > aliens
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This is all about... peaceful communication.
Terrible artstyle.
For some reason people thought the villain looked like Katzenberg
did they slap 2 pngs on an old photo? theres no way this is official, right?
deviantart is a magical place
the renders are official, the image itself is a deviantart giantess fetish picture it seems
It was bad
It was good and people got filtered.
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wish I were that building...
Someone post the webms
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from the SHOW!
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>Why did DreamWorks give up on this franchise?
Because this entire series had zero potential and the only reason why it stook around for so long was cause of Ginormica r34/giantess fags.
Susan would've been complete sex with that outfit holy fuck.
He was the best character in the movie.
What is this? From a tabletop game?
Don't spoonfeed
Fuck off, fag.
Nice paint.
Looks like a costume figure from Hero Forge.
No one is invading you expensive and boring hobby.
>inb4 muh Warhammer
GW did wrong to itself.
Sergeant Titanica from Monsterpocalypse.
Megamind was better.
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Yes. It is from a tabletop game about Kaijus and giant momsters.
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So true
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The main look
It would have been perfect for holiday shorts throughout the year.
I also happen to think it was at least in their top 3 IPs in terms of quality.
I'm hardly their target demographic though, and I guess kids must really love Boss Baby?
dont you diss Turbo: Fast in my presnece boah
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I literally just acknowledged Titmouse Turbo as one of the few GOOD DreamWorks TV adaptations..
It sucks.
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wtf no it doesnt
I want to smash that motherfucking minecraft alien with my bare hands
Voiced by Amphibia girl.
>Voiced by Amphibia girl.
that explains
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Did you draw this just now? Regardless, nice art.
Not new.
ginormica requests?
Requesting Ginormica wrestling Giganta from DC, preferably her Bruce Timm design. It's her best look.
Everytime I think of Over the Hedge, it think of how better it would've been if it was closer to the comic. The comic had such a unique (for the time at least) tone, style and sense of humor that would've translated phenomenally in animation, and the movie we got...was a standard adventure-comedy no different from a direct-to-video movie.
Ginormica complaining about how she doesn't have bras for her size.
Requesting a recreation of this >>146366326
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But what if there's no afterlife?
Dr. Strange just hasn't been the same since he got back from his 5 year hiatus.
Requesting Ginormica wearing lingerie.
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Tried getting it in the Drawthread for a while, how her wearing a pretty quinceañera dress because of the 15th Anniversary of the movie?
I'll try these tomorrow
Is NSFW okay to ask? If so requesting Ginormica using an Easter Island head as a dildo.
I'm not that good yet, I'd rather have simple sfw.
her wearing booty shorts.
Nah best character is Seth Rogen blob, easily.
Old /co/ hated this movie.
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Does new /co/ love this movie?
No, too ugly.
I like the Halloween short
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Man I wish they'd gone with this Ginormica design.
Requesting Ginormica being mogged by Giganta.
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Cute as fuck.

Do we even know who did the original designs before she became a bit more bland and put in a jumpsuit
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Not the guy giving out requests, but I liked your idea. I'm just trying to get better at drawing. All I got done was this sketch, probably won't work on it any more.
For just a sketch this looks great. It would definitely look nice if completed. Overall, good job.

lol, wouldnt it be funny she accidentally sat on someone, but her giant asshole swallows them up and they are just thrusted into her asshole lol. Like being stuck inside a hot chicks colon. That would be so funny.
When did Dreamworks drop in quality?
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they didn't
I want a sequel to this movie where Joe Rogan interviews Susan about the aliens and asks her if she ever did DMT and Ruby Gillman is part of the team. This is one of the many reasons why I don't work in Hollywood.
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Why were they Monsters and why are there Aliens in the show?
I like it.
I don't disagree completely, this movie is from a time where they tried to mix some realism into the humans.
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Well how come Shrek still looks fine after all these years?
Old. Hag.
You convinced me to return to it for some line art.
I don't know who that guy is, that ain't me
It fell short of projected goals at the time even with the buzz. It is a good IP, they could have made use of it again sooner.
I miss Missing Link
Very nice, looks good!
I hated it.
All that shit was fucking ass.
Just total, valueless drivel.
Looking great so far.
no u didnt
Their output the past few years has actually been better than ever I’d say. Walt Dorn is doing great with the trolls movies. They’re the only studio I have any faith in to keep making creative and entertaining animated films for all ages anymore.
It’s weird that Bee Movie didn’t break out into a franchise because of it’s memetic status on the internet but the last thing Dreamworks needs is pulling another Megamind as we all know how that “sequel” turned out.
The general guy was funny.
Seinfeld is too expensive. Does he even do movies?
I got flat colors done, and this is as far as I can go today. I feel like my line control has gotten a lot better recently, so this was great practice
this is cool
He also hated it.
Giganta bros... In seriousness, this is coming out great.
So funny!
I used to watch this scene over and over and over when I was really young...

Can't imagine why though, can you guys?
Ginormica blushing while carrying her new date in her pocket.
Thanks dudes! I'd like to know what you guys think would make a good background? Giant women kinda need an environment to be in, so you know they're huge. I'm thinking a baseball field or a football stadium, because they're wrestling. But I'm all ears for what I should do
>I'm thinking a baseball field or a football stadium
Sounds good. It is probably better than what I would've done which is a destroyed city.
Anywhere other than a football field is unamerican
Baseball is just as American as football, but a football field does have more space for the scene of a fight between giant women.
A Football field is a standard unit of American measurement, though
Kys freak
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He's no Megamind warden, but he did give me some laughs yeah
I liked your idea so I made this quick sketch. Although I think it could be better posed
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Ginormica may have legs for days, but Giganta absolutely MOGS her with her gigantic rack.
Shrek came out before, and its style is kinda ugly on purpose, it also probably helps that most humans aren't that stylized, unlike in Monsters Vs. Aliens.
Nice sketches.
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I LOVE it!
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Is it winning Best Animated Feature, or nah?
Why should it?
Tv show was WAY better than movie. It was actually funny.
Both Turbo and Croods are better than movies
I like the Henry Jackman OST of the movie
Post it
We couldve had a kickass nightmare before christmas esque sequal too, with halloween being the shadow to frosts sonic
It was shit
Maybe it will happen
John K. style.
Or here, holy shit thank you!
She turned out great, the expression is perfect.

I didn't expect you to really draw it, thanks for drawing us stuff, your style is very appealing.
A bit.
Ahould have aimed just a smidge higher
Turbo cartoon is the only good thing that spawned from turbo
Dreamworks movies are always a coinflip
I sure hope so. I liked Inside Out 2 just fine, but Wild Robot was far better.
Looks nice. Needs a little shading so it doesn't look completely flat.
you got me anon, I really thought the gisnep white woman anxiety sequel was the top kino of all time and the movie about the cool robot and funny goose was bad. I'm returning my katzenbucks now and turning myself into the fbi
Thanks man! I'm really starting to think I need to develop a proper art account and start taking commissions, like that slugman guy that started out here.
A forest can also work.
you sure, anon?
It was pretty good.
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The deadliest alien- a funko pop
"should she have the jumpsuit from early in the movie or the alien tech suit from the end?"
I think the concept of mythology vs science fiction could be very cool but 4 out of the 5 monsters in the movie are mutants so it's like science fiction and 1 monster vs more science fiction. I know they're paying homage to classic movies (50 ft women, godzilla, the blob, the fly, creature from the black lagoon) but still I think something like ghosts and cryptids fighting the aliens could've been cool
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Dreamworks only really gives a shit about Kung Fu Panda, Shrek and HTTYD in terms of legacy franchises because they were the only ones that had positive ratings before the whole “let’s start adapting children’s books” thing
>still I think something like ghosts and cryptids fighting the aliens could've been cool
Watch Dandadan.
Should be added to the booru.
Penguins of Madagscar was better.
It had funnier moments so I have to agree.
What booru?
It sucked.
No, kys.
Good luck with the background. It's tough.
I'll get to it eventually, first let the thread run its course.
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>becomes famous from saving the world
>immediately abandons her friends for randos
messed up
Not really.
>4 out of the 5 monsters in the movie are mutants
I feel like you're just splitting hairs there, mutants can be considered monsters too, it's an umbrella term and the creatures in the film definitely count.

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