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What are your thoughts on Amy Wong?
still angry with Fry for giving her up
I'm not enraptured with Amy. I don't spend my time shipping. But I can't see any way that she wasn't a much better match for Fry than Leela. Bender's Big Score didn't do much to convince me otherwise.
wong hole
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I get confused by the time shenanigans on Bender's Big Score with every Futurama rewatch. Am I dumber than Fry?
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How is the artbook by the way?
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It exists.
She pretty much represents what any hot asian american chick would be....a massive whore that would ride the cock carosaul and end up with a beta provider like kip. Many such cases!
Fun, but I'm a Leela man myself.
I wanna hump her.
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Morgan best girl
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Based on her eating habits, she's gonna need one of these someday
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what did they mean by this
>The nudist beach episode

Yeah... my thoughts on her are.
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I'm sure she was a lot of fun for the artists and designers to draw
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She's best girl by leaps and bounds and I've always been a little bitter that she ended up with Kif. Kif's cool though so it's not all bad.
The romance in BBS sucks, ironically the ending of the Fry/Amy episode shows why Leela is great for Fry and in general.
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What if she were more impulsive tho...
Why? She's boring
>ironically the ending of the Fry/Amy episode shows why Leela is great for Fry and in general.
only cause they have to make Amy randomly fickle in way of the status quo to have it make sense. Leela and Fry aren't that great.
leela clapped amy's cheeks
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I'm turned on by women who take charge.

Scaroused, if you will.
i wonder if she made fry breastfeed from her
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It's certainly possible.
I'll grant you that Amy was a slut that didn't even wait to get her shoulder fixed to go on a new date, but Fry was the one who ended the relationship for no reason.
>that one Calvin Klein-ass photo of Kif
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>breastfeed from her
Good luck with that...
>cyclops eye
>singing boils(boyle)
>elbow talons
>random tentacle growth
>lays the occasional egg
Her nipples likely have quills or she lactates battery acid. Everything with a mutant is a coin toss.
At least with Amy, all you have to worry about is weight gain...which the future has a cure for >>146340583 .
Ozempic is apparently lost technology in the XXXI century.
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What are you, CHICKEN?
>she says as chicken wings sprout from her shoulders
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I can work with that.
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Who's funnier, Bender or Roger the Alien?
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Hard to say. Roger has more scenes but Bender usually never fails to make me laugh. I'd say Bender but only cause I'm pretty sure if you put a compilation of him vs a compilation of Roger with the same time, I'd be laughing at Bender more.
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ONE OF the best girls
What does she do with two extra arms?
Gotta go with Bender.
kek why do they have a picture of Zapp?
Captain's orders. Also keep it by the router.
I like her when she's cheating on Kif and cucking him. Other than that she got pretty boring when they paired her with Kif.
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God I fucking WISH
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Honestly kind of sad how this wasn't a bigger deal. I'm starting to second-guess buying it myself. Maybe it's not even worth it
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Amy is insanely hot and I want to fuck her extremely badly.

Honestly I feel the same way about Bridgette from Close Enough.

And Heather from Total Drama Island.

And, honestly, Trixie Tang.

Oh, God, vapid Asian thots are my kryptonite, aren't they?
You and me both.
well, we did see the earth's society collapse and rise like three or four times in the first episode while Fry was frozen for a thousand years
>Gets dripping wet over a retarded slob
There's hope lads
>episode 7
>Fry goes missing
>Leela immediately goes after the guy she knew since he was 12 and she was an adult
What did she mean by this
Amy is the nicest person on there at least. I would not fucking stand Heather or Trixie
Cubert has Fry's DNA. It's close enough for Leela.
Bender for sure.
Roger is more annoying than funny.
I want to marry and breed her repeatedly.
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Are vapid rich Asian thots really so common in America that they keep showing up in animated shows?
More like Amy Right, amirite?
I don't think she's Wong
She's right :D
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they are in California
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What do they sound like?
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best fusion
Velma isn't Asian
>Velma isn't Asian
She's short and smart through.
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Why is she such a Klutz?
She's Asian, of course she's a klutz.
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I heard it only goes up to "All the Way Down," which is bullshit if you ask me. They already knew this was getting released in honor of the 25th anniversary and likely after Season 9 had aired. Wouldn't it have made sense to include the full 20 episodes Hulu initially ordered? "Otherwise" was actually written as another potential series finale, so it feels even more fitting to close out the book.
I wouldn't say Kiff is cool. Dude didn't lift a finger to help anyone else that Zapp was fucking with, he was busy being a miserable jackass who was drowning in self-pity. Total middle management type.
maybe baby
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hear hear
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What an embarrassment of a season...
shes good but Leela is better
also new seasons should have just animated Amy turning giant like in the comic
Leela has her way with Amy, iwtwm
imagnie the sex...
bad amy thread, mostly shoving Leela into the spotlight again
Eh it's just some people pushing it. Like come on, Leela is a mutant freak, no way she's better. She's ugly and from what I remember she smells bad too.
You're gay, dude.
Ugly. I understood Leela was supposed to be attractive, but the art style really didn't do Amy any favors.
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She's a rich girl that went to college to party and has strict partents, probably some cocktail of drugs.
Would love to see her smash ass on the bathroom with deuce bros
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You haven't awoken your third eye yet. Only a select few have what it takes to view the Groening style through the proper lens. Those of us can appreciate how hot Marge Simpson is, without even needing her hair down.
>all these gay guys accidentally outing themselves as queer by not finding amy, the definition of sexy attractive
At least samefag a little less obviously
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It's just boot feet. Leela takes care of herself. She's a catch!
Not samefagging, retard.

It's funny. I can absolutely see Marge being attractive for different reasons. I don't see it for Amy. It might be that Asians just don't like good in the "Groening style". I think the eyes look wonky. Again, in the Groening style.
>Leela is a mutant freak
Unique looking.
Also she has lips and obviously takes better care of her hair than Amy who don't even seem to acknowledge she has hair.
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Bestiality is true love. Amy Wong was shit and I am happy Fry gave her up.
shes breedable
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My lust for Leela is like no other, but you can't tell me with a serious face that she pretties herself up more than Amy on a consistent basis. Leela does the bare minimum when it comes to her casual wardrobe and her simple ponytail, whereas Amy used to constantly go on dates and regularly chides Leela for not being "ladylike enough": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OWk4I2-D3c
Leela is the kind of girl that needs minimal effort to be hot, she always looks great when they put her in a formal dress. Also I think her regular green jacket looks cute.
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Oh hard agree. Leela cleans up nicely, and even her simpler, more casual attire gets me going
By how much?
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Because she's Amy Wrong
Bitch please she's got a massive single eye. I don't know why the fuck you're going on about Leela and treating her as though she's actually attractive, because she's really not.
Fry's just an idiot who decided he wanted to go with her.
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Her body is smoking hot thoughever
She's cute.
That's good.
I don't know why Amy needs to ask since she fucked Zapp in The Beast with a Billion Backs.
I love it when she got he got her stomach filled by amazonian futa cum, then blew it out her ass for a full minute.
There is a porn animation that gets posted in /gif/ where Amy gets fucked by a futa snoo snoo alien.
Well, post it then
I don't have it.
People advertise themselves for AIslop now?
Hey, if you generate it, is yours. Nothing wrong with that.
She ain't black either
Didn't know Dobson was a surgeon
Is she?
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Early Futurama's Y2K aesthetic is such a charming aspect of the series that I feel later revivals could never recapture. Why couldn't they have left this show a product of the late '90s/early 2000s?
She would be cuter as a Raccoon
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I'm surprised Amy and Fry weren't a thing or had that many interactions together. Seems like they had far more chemistry together than Lila.
Did they?
Why is the Asian girl is a slut stereotype so prevalent in cartoons?
She is sexy
Futurama had a surprising amount of one-off hotties. That fembot Bender and Flexo fought over, Fry's grandma, the mermaid, etc.
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beats me
Fry cares more about what Leela thinks.
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cry about it
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her hair is cool
muffin top
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Are the Hulu episodes really that bad? I ask as a fan of the Comedy Central run.
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I love how assertive she is. PERFECT casting imo
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It's alright.
>What are your thoughts on Amy Wong?
She's a character I don't care about from a show I don't care about.
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Why don't you care about arguably one of the greatest TV series in both the comedy AND sci-fi genres? Sounds like you haven't given it an honest try and just wanna feel special.
There have been at least two episodes about this.
I only remember the one where they share a head, what's the other one?
The Titanic episode, Fry has to pretend to be both Leela and Amy's boyfriend in order to trick Zapp Brannigan and Amy's parents respectively.
The good old Titanic.
Two wongs don't make a white.
Love her, she's into bdsm.
who the hell has photos of themselves in their own house??
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Should've married Fry and Leela
You must think you are funny.
She's cute with her hair down.
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She's cute, period.
Nice back.
>Like a cheap French harlot
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>Please don't stop playing, Fry. I wanna hear how it ends.
One of the worst characters.
Poor Frank-E...
Looks like Homer Simpson.
She doesn't.
The fact that Kief was the one that got pregnant instead of her was one of the biggest mistakes of the show.
Who should impregnate Amy?
Hmm. Now that's a good question. Her parents are always demanding grandkids. Hmmm. Kief himself would be fine, but it should have been this massive mess where Kief does get pregnant by Leela, but then has sex with Amy and this whole mess ends with the babies inside Amy and they kind of treat the whole thing as a throuple. It would have been interesting.
I didn't think they were bad.
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Yes, Leela is underrated by the greater community
Need dominatrix Amy.
Muh dick, bros...
She looks weird.
Yeah how did that even work?
Why does she have the best body?
just future activities
She's Asian.
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She just does, I don't makea the rules
this, just makes me want to pin her arms and motorboat her tummy all over
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GOD she's cute!!
I tink sum ting wong wit mai pipi!
As a character she is unironically underrated, much better female lead and straight (wo)man character than either Marge or Lisa.
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Is it possible to be Ironically underrated?
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No thoughts, only COOM
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100%, a perfect example of how a woman can be strong, empowered, but also oddly pathetic and funny without being unrealistic or boring. She does draw upon a lot of old tropes of female characters in sitcoms though but they work in synergy with her being the ships captain.
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Well said. I love that she can be as funny as she is attractive. Just a very well-rounded female character for a comedy series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qP_p27l65Q
Gets your girl that is basically like Leela.
She's a Wong but she's not wrong!
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What episode was this?
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Pretty sure it's The Honking
Leela puts out. All indications are that she fucks on the first date
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Is safe to assume Amphibiosos kids only spent like a year or so with their parents before they're considered adults? Because Amy really doesn't seem suited for the role of motherhood.
Maybe it happens before -.
I like Amy in that dress.
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I can think of Two Things in need of a honking...
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What a cool and quirky cast of characters. Sure would be a shame if they were forced to be in new episodes for another 20+ years, with each season being worse than the last...
As someone whose been watching this shit since I was 4 when it first came out, she's genuinely wasted on Kiff. Kiff sucks and every bit associated with him isn't funny.
The point where I couldn't take the Hulu shit anymore was the episode that begins with Leela falling for some alien prince in the first five minutes.
I literally turned the TV off right at that moment and haven't watched sense.
What is it with millenial writers and including cuckoldry in everything they write? Cursed generation.
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>me trying to find Amy's clitoris
I only saw most of the first batch. Some of them were decent, some of them were god awful. You can predict which category each episode will fall into based on whether the writer is one of the new ones or one of the old ones.

Big issue with the ones I saw is that they were clearly giving each major side character their own episode to reestablish the series, but this left it feeling lame and episodes that didn't fall into that format were parodying some "current news" thing four years too late and a few of the really bad episodes are doing both at the same time.
i would rather work her belly button instead
>Why is the Asian girl is a slut stereotype so prevalent in cartoons?
Yes... cartoons
Red button.
I'd rather have them than not, some are okay to great
Some however are either forgettable or just bad
Why is Amy and Kif allowed to have kids while Fry and Leela are childless?

Is it really just because "Our show was cancelled twice so that unrealistic date we set for Kif's tadpole babies actually came."
>lays the occasional egg
Excuse me but what?
The tits.
What if they gave her more tits?
Why more tits?
You will never be 12, stay up past bedtime, watch Futurama on adult swim at midnight, hoping for an episode where Amy may show her feet. Why even live?
Awesome feet. Just she needs to wash them first.
Leela will probably still have a pregnancy and live birth given she has a navel. Even Kif was shown to have a navel and that was a season before he gave birth.
Yup. And it's a bit awkward too since Kif and Amy's relationship is less sturdy than Fry and Leela's and Amy dresses like she's doing laundry while recovering from a frat party the night before. Amy's apartment is very much suited for a bachelorette, though for some reason Leela hasn't done anything to clean up Fry's bachelor pad. At least Fry's place can be fixed up to be an actual family home.
I cannot get over how genuinely ugly the art style is in this show. Unironically repellent.
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Because she's a mutant, Leela canonically lays eggs
Occasionally, at least. Which means she somehow may be capable of both live birth and egg laying, at least depending on how her mutations are acting at the time
I love the gags about Leela having a weird mutant body
It's not meant to come across as cuckshit exactly. The romantic rival who's more competent at love than the protagonist is a favorite trope of lazy writers because it's a really easy source of conflict and drama and practically writes itself.
Post more of Amy then.
Given that Leela was cured of tentacleism, she probably had that egg-laying because of it.
It's the worst episode and not canon.
Futurama has had that exact style of plot between Leela and Fry multiple times in the past already. It was acceptable then because they weren't dating yet. But now? After they are dating and this exact song and dance has gotten old? It's dogshit cheap drama.

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