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It wasn't THAT bad, anons.
Modelo? I just don't get the point of a lager.
>Try watching the first episode
>Main characters grate on my nerves one minute in.

I disagree.
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But...slime boy cute...
It was the new porn.
it taste like piss, some like the taste of pìss
I understood that reference
piss? Nah that would be bud light. Don't know how Americans can drink that shit. Then again their completely complacent with shoving toxic waste down their gullets
It's nice. It gets you buzzed, has a mild malty flavour, and doesn't give you a bad hangover.
Yeah, it was worse.
High Guardian Spice is a perfectly good show; calling it bad is ridiculous.
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It's flawed but okay
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It wasn't that great, either
People drew her with some rockin tits
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If the show's so bad, why does everyone want to fuck the characters? Is it a "correction" thing?
God I fucking luv a good Modelo after a long days work.
It was not as unwatchable as some said but it was still genuinely very bad
They're cute designs
They fumbled on it.
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Rosemary and Amaryllis should have been a couple. I usually hate the "poor person falls in love with the rich person" cliche but Amaryllis and Rosemary have way more in common to the point where theyre perfectly in sync

>They both love stabbing things
>They both love adventure
>They both love fighting
>They both love frilly girly things
>They both love sweets

Literally perfect. Rosemary needs a Purple Haired Ax Wielding Princesses to teach her why the poor are not to be trusted (Like Sage)
You're right, it was worse.
How do you know what piss tastes like?
I like lagers cause they don't have a strong after taste and are pretty smooth. Haven't tried Modelo, so I can't comment on it.
Incredibly bad taste. Another symptom of bad taste or trying to force it down everyone else's throats, as is the purpose of this thread.
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Someone who understands.
The Chelada ones are so good, with the exception of the gross ass orange'n.
I prefer Corona, but Modelo's good in a can. Corona's better in a bottle.
I don't get it why if you can make a show about anything would you choose something so generic
You guys drink beer?
>Mead Drinker.
It's MUCH worse.
Too many cooks. Eveyone was fighting over what to put in the show, which is why the script wasn't done before they started drawing.
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A good show that was kept from being great due to company oversight. From the low budget and time the show had compared to normal destroying the animation and writing, Crunchyroll buyout changing direction from slice of life kids show to serialized story driven 13+ with dirty jokes, a trailer the staff didn't even want talking about muh diversity. It was set up for failure.
I still like it despite and enjoy the characters, but I wish it got a fair shot
Amaryllis was unironically fun to watch from the clips I saw. The rest you can throw away.
>Both High Guardian Spice and Onyx Equinox are Crunchyroll originals
>HGS was widely panned and criticized
>OE was considered to be generally pretty decent
>But HGS is the show that still gets threads, nobody outside of aztec history autists still talks about OE


One was just a show that needed a Gastly better streaming service. The other gets all it's hate because rainbow colored hair people think "anime" is now a catch all term
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I find the show annoying and ugly, but I remember the biggest reason for the blow back was that Crunchyroll was spending a ton of money on this and random events with expensive celebrities' instead of spreading those funds throughout the anime industry like they said they would. Crunchyroll is a parasite of a company and does nothing but ruin everything it touches.
Because waifufags, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
I kind of want a Season 2 just to see if the theories about New Magic being the cause of the Rot were right.
You make the art at the bottom anon?
The main issue people had with it was Crunchyroll was talking about how they needed to raise money to keep affording the anime licensing and translating, only to turn around and announce they had blown millions on the self-insert pet project of a group of interns. It left a really nasty taste in the mouths of people who trusted Crunchyroll to stick to anime. The actual show is just a boring parody of Sailor Moon and isekai that nobody asked for.

The funny thing about Crunchyroll wanting to be its own streaming service when the service itself was predictably eaten up by a larger conglomerate
Because the creators were sellout hacks who didn't care nearly as much about "spreading anime to the masses" as they claimed. same as the guy behind Fakku.
and I get the feeling mangadex will head on the same direction sooner or later
I want Parsley to look at me like that...
Yeah, they have enough in common they should at least be friends. Then again, sometimes people don't become friends with people like themselves because their own negative traits annoy them to see.
They need to keep doing that. It's too bad drawfags don't visit these threads often because I want to see more of it.
Is Fakku still going?
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Glad you like it
No clue, I dumped the site back when they went paid-only. 2015 or 2016
Yeah, it's great. Did you draw it? If so, drawn any of the other gals, like Parsley?
People will want to fuck anything. Just cause Modifyers got a ZONE toon doesn't make it that great either.
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I drew a few other girls before mostly Rosemary and Thyme.
Isn't this a Spilling he Milk thumbnail?
Oh, cool. Can you share your past drawings? Got an artist handle?
i love their micheladas, especially the watermelon one and the lime and salt one
You're thinking of IPAs.
The inexplicable meme beer.
Zinnia needs more art
It was worse, in fact. Writing headcanon fanfics to keep yourself from hating the show for what it actually is doesn't actually make that show better.
You never tried a little? Its actually better than some beers I've had. I'm not even joking. Some beer is fucking HORRIBLE. I have actually thrown out beer.

You should draw Rosemary with big boobs
More budget doesn't suddenly turn the shit writing into good writing. Crappy animation, fewer episodes, repetitive sound track, etc, are the result of low budget. This show being a pile of shit is because it was staffed almost entirely by retarded amateurs and faggots who made the show they wanted to make, and that show was bad. The creator dragged this idea around all her life, never developed it beyond some vague Harry Potter/Magic Girl idea, and then finally got to make it and it fucking sucked.
A 32 car pileup is more interesting than a car getting to the destination safely.
I don't really have a handle

Possibly even though she had the nerve to not die in a cave.

Also a possibility

Please draw Rosemary with big boobs, I want to see this dummy stretching the chest area of her outfit without realizing what she's doing
Cute Parsley! I hope you draw her more, along with the other girls.
Better idea, all the spice girls have big boobs and they are comparing them,
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You're right, but it gives you more time to flesh out your ideas and world, fill in plot holes, create better connections, improve character interactions, etc. The writing itself while clearly needing more time is not horrible.
They had a solid theme about tradition versus change. Every character arc was good to serviceable and fleshed out that theme more. The soft magic system while not as "magical" as others served the theme and narrative well. The worst aspect is some of the dialogue that needed to be rewritten or a second take on. Once again, things that are solved with more budget and time.

Rosemary with boobs the size of her head pressing her boobs into Parsley's chest, which is also pretty big, in order to more effectively "compare sizes" while Sage and Thyme just watch in concern and annoyance.
The big writing issue was
Instead of Raye telling everyone to shut up and do what he says they just pulled the story in every direction, making boring slop.
>I don't really have a handle
Oh, ok. I just wanted to see if you had an account anywhere else where you posted your art. I like your style!
You're thinking of production time, which is usually on a fixed schedule. Would more budget mean that they could have worked longer and developed the show better? Perhaps. But more time and money wasted on bad writers and creators does not ever guarantee a better final product.
Great face.
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Budget will give you more to work with on all fronts. I get that if you think a product is shit because of everyone working on it that more time and money won't help, but I think even for the stuff I hate they'll get better. Probably not much, but they will be better
From how it was made, ether Raye never worked on the world over the several years since the idea was had, or the other writers threw out a huge chunk of that work to write bullshit. Like the entire thing with Aster, it would take SUBSTANTIAL work to make him the irredeemable asshole the show treats him as without it coming off as blatant straight white guy hate. And i can't see how that is possible when kate was in the writing team and would refuse anything that gave him any nuance.
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Did hate Aster too, though not that hard to fix to be honest. He's mainly meant to be a plot device for Sage and Rosemary growing resentment due to their changes. A himbo arc type that's also full of himself. He gets humbled and can still be a himbo but comes to rely and appreciate those around him more. The only issue was the show not showing Parsley in a bad light for overdueing it. Heck it could even be a negative character trait for her that mixes with the almost motherly protective instincts she is shown to already have for her friends.
The reason it fails is, the slapstick feels undeserved because of how much of an escalation it is compared to his actions. Two ways to fix it basically only changing the ending scene. Something that would have probably been fixed with some more time. The slapstick failing might have even looked like it worked in the storyboards, but once actually animated it fell flat and they didn't have time to fix anything.

All I'm saying is stuff like this happens. While it probably was Kate's bias it might not have been. And even if it was, more time would've let more people double check that stuff to make sure it doesn't bleed into the final product
The only good thing to come of it was art of Rosemary with big tits.
You're essentially deluding yourself so you can ascribe some kind of positive potential to the show that it should have achieved, and would therefore make it acceptable, or at least less embarrassing, to be a fan of this pile of shit.

Blaming Crunchy Roll and the budget and everything else is just trying to find an excuse for why this team of overhyped cunts couldn't put together something that amounted to "passable" -- and yet again, more money and more time wouldn't have fixed something that fundamentally needed an entirely different team and an entire different script to make an entirely different show.
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There is value though. I see the themes, characters, world, and I don't think it's awful. I enjoyed my watch of it, was able to dissect the media, found what was good and what wasn't, and appreciate it.

Blaming isn't an excuse, but it does help to understand. It doesn't fix the issues with the voice acting at times, animation errors, or the pacing. But I can still appreciate good aspects of something without shrugging it all off as garbage. I can see what they were trying for in scenes even if it stumbles along the way.

I am sorry you didn't enjoy the show, but I hope the next thing you watch is more enjoyable.
The entire thing feel a Family Guy gag about anime.
>There is value though. I see the themes, characters, world, and I don't think it's awful.
That's called projection. If and of that shit was there, it would be there, and not simply interpreted through the lens of headcanon and wishful thinking.
Why did people hated this show?
Do you guys feel bad for Raye?
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It's not projection. New Magic and Old Magic are change vs tradition. Every single character's arc and personal struggles tackle that in some way. Parsley going her own path but still keeping her family close. Thyme accepting her mother's decision and coming to see things her way. Sage finding a blend of the two types of magic to strive for. Rosemary started enamored by becoming just like her mom, but the end of S1 reveal shows that she would have probably ended up fully embracing change. Even Snapdragon and Amaryllis have bits of that with their characters.
This is the text of the show talking and not head canon. You're the one not engaging and is writing it all off.
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>change vs tradition
Boring soapbox stuff.
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>You are Garlic
>Decide to pay Parsley a visit
>To say hi and also cuz you need something to get fixed
>Hear the forge is active so you figure she's there
>Pop your head in
>Immediately met with the sight of a large, pale, completely nude dwarf ass
>Freak out at seeing her indecently
>Get's her attention, and she turns, revealing she's still got the apron on
>Greets you happily, either unknowing or uncaring at your flustered state or the fact you 100% just saw her bare ass
>Asks what you need
>You awkwardly try to get through with getting your item fixed, which she happily does
>She keeps turning her back to you as she gets more stuff to work
>Keep getting extended glimpses of her naked ass, with the occasional side boob and hint of pussy
I feel like I've seen this green before. Are you reposting this every time there is one of these threads, anon?
Why are people thirsty for her?
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>rainbow colored hair people think "anime" is now a catch all term
...It is. It's literally just "animation" in Japan but westoids coopted it to only refer to japanese cartoons.
New magic causes the Rot.

Also, everyone is a retard and doesn't think an entire forest dying is important.
>person who pirates 99% of the media they consume: PAY PUBLISHERS WHAT THEY'RE WORTH!
Stop being a crunchyroll-hating npc just because a youtube video told you to.
Who was the worst character out of the entire show?
"Piracy is a service issue" - Gabe Newell
I never watched it but yes it was.
I never got it either, out of all of them l thought she was the least standout and definitely not the hottest. Yet somehow she seems to be the center of the bulk of the thirstposting.
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You, the viewer.
Which character do you consider hot?

Sage. They literally could not decide if they wanted to ship her with Snapdragon or Rosemary and quite frankly she didnt compliment either of them.
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I will when I get some time
Thats the plan
Thanks anon.

Thank you, I really look forward to your Rosemary art
Beown, blue hair, and the cat.
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Yes it was THAT bad.
But I still love the character designs and artstyle.
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honestly I enjoyed the show for how awful it was, so bad that is actually good. also the succubus teacher was hot
I agree but I only saw one episode
You should watch the rest anon!
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Hope I get some more time later for more drawing.
The brown one
If you like the show's art look up "calarts" and you'll find a lot of other shows I'm sure you'll love
What did Japan think of it?
There's more to an artstyle than the faces kid. Go to bed.

Thank you very very much I really like how you drew Rosemary here, this is really good
I'm not tired and it's nowhere near my bedtime and I'm over 18.
NTA who requested this but this is nice! Why is she looking down confused at her tits, though?
Cute Zinnia! What program do you draw this in?
>Why is she looking down confused at her tits, though?
Clearly because Rosemary in >>146374376 is confused about the feeling caused by the tiny Anon who is stuck struggling between her fat sweaty tits.
Happy to provide

She is blissfully unaware of her big boobs and is confused about why people talk about her big milk tanks.

Krita, even though I would have liked to use tegaki but it was giving me trouble.
impressive how you can make an absolute shitheap of a series and people will still shill it a decade later because it had girls in it
Females are kino.
>She is blissfully unaware of her big boobs and is confused about why people talk about her big milk tanks.
Aaaaah, that would explain it. Not gonna lie though, I kind of also like anon's explanation here kek >>146374510
I've never used Tegako before but I've used Krita a bunch, I was just wondering how you did the bubble effect in that other piece (I am not very good at Krita or art)
Glad you like my explanation. I would ask the artist here to do a version with that, but I don't think they could post that on a blueboard. Or maybe they could but in catbox, but still. Still looks really good though.
Yeah so what happened to that snoot game style project people on here were making with this series?
People are still working on it, it just takes some time to make it is all
It still exists. The thing taking so long is the fact that the devs also want to make it a turn based rpg. As opposed to just a vn.
>Still looks really good though.
For sure, looks great. You could still always ask anyways, can't hurt.

You provided well, also that is a very cute drawing of Rosemary and Isaac and I like that his head is a little O inside the speech bubble
Haha it is a good theory.

I got those bubble effects by using a mojo moo resource pack but there is a similar stamp tool in the fx brush section.

Not sure why I put them together exactly but I'll try to make some new stuff after resting.
As the anon who made the theory over >>146374510 do you think you'd be willing to draw it? I understand if you don't wanna though.
Oh, I haven't looked through all the brushes yet, I didn't know there were stamps there. Thanks, I'll try to play around with those later!
Oh neat! Good for them, I hope it can be as good as it can be
Awwww, cute art of Amaryllis and Snapdragon in their costumes!

I hope that you rest well and that this thread is still up later, it's nice to see people talking about the show here
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I like how 3 of the characters are drawn detailed, but then you have Parsley and Thyme in the corner
you literally say this because you built a parasocial bond with one of the artists of this rubbish.
They always look like that.
I hate Crunchyroll because they closed down RSA and made their own service absolute dogshit. Wasting money on annoying celebrities and shitty original shows to entice more normalfags to use their service and bring in more tourists just is the cherry on the shit sundae.
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I probably won't draw it

It has a lot of defaults brushes and tools to play around with.

I do like their interactions between each other.

The show is goofy but it is kinda funny to look back on.
Fair enough, it's a specific weird thing to ask for. I look forward to the rest of your drawings with the girls.
Cute Sage!
No, no it wasn't and I'm still very disappointed the show didn't get at least a second season. By the end I was genuinely enjoying the show and wanted to see where these characters were going to end up.
Like 40% sure she's too young to drink
big pink bush
This but blue
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Usually I do my own thing. But glad you been enjoying what I got.
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This will probably look like shit, but Amaryllis is going to show her who's boss.
>tfw no girl to drink Modelo with
I'm so fucking lonely
I'd be into seeing that
HGS didn't feel anime at all, it felt like a 2003 webcomic

Genuinely wtf was her problem
Oh, nice style! You done any other art of this show?
A little martial artist Rosemary

She's perfect. Her only flaw is she didnt immediately kill Sage to not only establish dominance among the main character hierarchy but to greatly improve the show with Sage being dead.
Pretty Amaryllis art, that bubble effect is still neat to see
>show fails
>Rosemary turns to alcoholism
Well, it sure wasn't good. I really wanted to like it more, I fucking love fantasy school settings.
Really cute stuff, anon. Keep it up!
Can you do Parsley with big boobs too? Maybe a little bit less big than this, but not too much smaller.
I love this kissing meme
>file name
>jelly donut
Unironically I think the creator of the show would like this kind of art
I wanna eat rosemary's donut, nudge nudge wink wink say no more.
Even if the show was well received there is not a chance CR would have made another season.
True. Hell, they pushed the series back by nearly a year before it actually got to come out and then dropped it silently without any word about it. That "trailer" crew interview really fucked the series in ways it never got to recover from. With out that the show may have had some kind of chance.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
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>Blonde Elf-eared thick-thighed shortstack
It's a mystery...
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If i wanted to watch a dull show that promotes abusive relationships between lesbians with a poorly written plot armor, i would have watched Netflix' She-Ra
Why that one instead?
I wanna glaze rosemary's donut
Fill rosemary's donut with cream.
The bubbles stuff seem kinda like the show style.

that's the way it is

thanks anon


i get it
kek, is this a reference?
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I tried drawing high guardian spice seen here once, everyone HATED it in the drawthread. I will try again once more.
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>creator literally just wanted to make a show about cute girls doing cute things
>crunchyroll the anime streaming service told him that won't sell
>the ANIME streaming service
>said nobody will wanna watch a cartoon about cute girls doing cute things
>shoved him in a production group with a buncha WIA cunts that were only concerned with money laundering and politics
>production was shit, no season 2
>"sorry kid *sips champagne* your idea *sips champagne* *pops SSRI* is *sips champagne* ours now *sips champagne* won't be doing anything with it tho lol lmao even
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you're right, "anime" is japanese for animation
but you're not talking in japanese, therefor if you use a foreign term in english, it is implied that you are using the english definition of the term, which typically refers to a commonly recognized object or concept, usually originating from the country that the language is from

"naan" means bread in persian, but you know that when you say it in english, it means a specific type of bread, and not any ol bread
don't be a disingenuous little twat
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They should have let the animators have more liberty with character designs.
I think the thing I would say could do with touching up the most would be the face, but it's otherwise fine. Don't be discouraged anon, keep at it!
I'd say if anything, it got far more attention than it could have it didn't catch the hot seat for teenagers to mock. I checked out the first two episodes. It was very clearly a children's show, something I might encounter on TV, but not stick around too long to watch to the end.
CR released the entire series as downloadable links to the video files without even being behind a login
It's actually impossible to pirate the series
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I want to marry Olive
She'd make a good wife
IPAs are a meme beer because shitty craft beer makers realized they could cover mistakes by putting in more hops.
Kinda, it is just a mash of different stuff

keep at it
yup, and I intend on doing it every HGS thread or at least until I get some art of Parsley in nothing but her blacksmith apron and her bare ass on proud display
Rosemary makes me horny
Their kind was stillborn
Their kind was stillborn.
olive my beloved
Then just ask for that. Posting the same green over and over is kind of cringe and would probably make people NOT want to do that. Maybe the artist who made the original piece is around and would accommodate that.
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She doesn't approve of you trying to do stuff with her donut
needs bigger boobs but this is not bad anon, good work so far
Did you make this edit? If so not bad.
Appreciate that you'd consider the big boob Parsley art. I hope you keep making art for the thread either way since you have a fun style.
This is cute. Cute!
This one is cute too. Thanks for making stuff for this thread!
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I can't be shamed for making this
I've had it with the toxic positivity in HGS threads.
Eh?? When and where did they do that? Got a link to where they're available to download?
It's not easy to find HGS art in the wild, anon, where is it?
I still prefer Rosemarry x Olive, but only BEFORE she got redeemed, the hate sex while they were fighting in the festival episode would have gone insane.
Something that still confuses me is why the fuck did Rosemary hide her wound that one time she got cut by that crab thing in the cave episode?
She never really seemed like the kind of character to do that and there isn't an explanation for it, either.
>service meant to provide ease of access to eastern cartoons uses our money to make a western one
It was conceptually bad
Not wanting to show attachment to her locket plus that seems like she hates showing weakness. Though not many more examples except maybe her putting on a front to kill the Scypith
Issue is the locket lie was to Sage, who has been her best friend for a long time, and would already know how she feels about the whole mssing mom thing. Lying about it to literally any of the other characters in the city would be understandable, but not to Sage.
Speaking as a guy who was into Homestuck, RWBY, and Steven Universe (all of which are objectively and substantially better pieces of media than HGS)- Yes, yes it was. It is extremely cheaply made and produced, with almost all control being wrested away from the creator's honestly super generic vision. And then it got fucked by its network like 5 times in a row.

You can like bad things anon. The fact that you like them doesn't make them good.

True dat. Need more Amaryllis art if I'm being honest, though Rose and Parsley are always good.
That's fair. What about her butt, then?
They all need more art, they deserve it.
Making The Rot an analogy for climate change was an incredibly brave thing to do.
Yeah, new magic causing the rot was really subtle, kudos for that. It took a while to realize it's supposed to be climate change.
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You shouldn't look at her butt like that...
I thought the fat one was cute. This show could've been okay if they actually finished the animation and refined it.
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It’s interesting how this show looks better in still frames than it does animated.
I think what a lot of wannabe anime creators forget is that anime characters really dont move that much at all.
There are tons of things anime does to cheat and look more lively than it actually is. Still frames, dynamic camera angles, looping animation, cropping, over the top character designs, detailed backgrounds etc. This show could’ve utilized them. If it did, it probably would’ve evoked a feeling of 90s anime nostalgia which is what it was going for. but instead it opted to have scenes where too many things were moving and dumbed down everyones character designs to account for that. Thus, it ruined the main appeal that anime has.
Watch New Frame Plus’s the animation of guilty gear. He goes more in depth on this
Yeah, the animation for the show fucking sucks, but the nonmoving art for it like the credits and promotional images actually look pretty pleasant.
There's a timeline where it stayed a forgettable but cute webcomic and not basically a flash animation with pngs.
Is THAT why I see so many god damn IPAs out there?
I just want to make sure that butt isn't hiding anything. Might need to lift up that skirt and look between those cheeks just to be sure...
I still don't get the difference between new and old magic
There isn't.
The entire magic system is whatever metaphor it needs to be.
Because HSG is a culture war topic while OE is not. Thats literally it
>1.6 on imdb
It deserves a 6.1 at max
Because hate is a stronger emotion and driver of conversation than indifference is.
Old magic takes time and preparation to cast and you need to give something from yourself to it foe it to work.

New magic is instantaneous and you don't need to give anything for it to work. Except; this actually makes new magic use up, basically the life force of the world, causing the Rot, all natural life in the world decaying and dying. But only the Triumvirate and some other higher ups in Spooky City in Witch Country actually know this; and they want to keep it a secret because if the people would know that new magic causes the Rot, the people would stop using new magic. And new magic has made those guys in Witch Country super rich. And they want to keep the profits rolling in - that's why they sent Olive and Mandrake to kill the girls - because Thyme's discovery of magic water healing the Rot could have lead to the whole cover up getting blown wide open.

It is a climate change analogy.
Why the fuck do they want to kill them for finding a way to heal the rot when finding ways to heal it would be a MUCH better way of covering it up than killing everybody who knows until the problem gets too big to reasonably ignore?
The healing water is drying up due to the rot as well. The energy making it is goong away as well.

The big issue is the plot requires everyone to be stupid and decide no adults are capable of noticing the rot.
See the previous anons explanations of it being a clumsy climate change analogy, and toss in the writer's half-baked memories of how alchemy works in FMA; Newfag magic, like the philosopher stones, seemingly cheats the system by getting something for nothing, but the cost is simply taken from somewhere else, in this case, the Rot rather than human sacrifice.
I thought it was a clumsy political analogy with the whole thing about Sage and her mother?
It's both because different writer just added whatever they thought was cool. So they accidentally made themselves look stupid buy making new magic be both progressive AND bad for the environment.
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thanks, I drew this one before that other one but I will try again
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It's both because Sage learns through Caraway about combining both New and Old magic. Innovation caring more about convenience and not following the principles of what came before.
The straight text is to not destroy the environment, but subtext through character arc is about not forgetting the traditional values you were taught as you find your own path.
I wanna squeeze her hair pompoms
I like her smug aura
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Nothing suspicious here!
Hmmm... alright, Rosemary is probably clear. Probably... just to be safe, it's best we look under the panties too. Can never be too safe, after all. Best that she bends over too, to make it easier to see what she might be hiding.
this is good, boobs could still be bigger but this is a very solid pic, keep on improving your art
Rosemary es mexicana?
These look good anon. Do you post your art to any accounts anywhere else?
Why does a show like this actually get fan art, and good fan art even?
It was so bad that people can't beleive it, it just can't be THAT much of waste of time. So they invent meaning to ascribe to it after the fact. "I made fanart, therefore watching the show had some value"
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She doesn't have a good relationship with her parents.

thank you anons

the shortstack...
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Sage nuking the dragon was low key pretty based. I didn’t expect them to show gore given how allergic these shows tend to be to blood
whenever a trainwreck show comes out a lot of people like to remake the characters to one up the creators.
this is especially prominent with tumblr shows because art hoes are petty.
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Pretty unhappy with the clothes but it's not too horrible

I barely have any art at all let alone more from HGS

Contributing to Rosemaryllis
The whole dragon situation was retarded to begin with. They selected the students who were most capable at murdering to go on the mission. A capture mission. Why the fuck would you take killers to a capture mission?
Nice art anon :)
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She finally caught on...

I don't post often, but I'm trying to.

Sage was a better pick to be the MC than Rosemary. SnapDragon was good

Geez, why is Rosemary reacting this way?? I'm just looking for my lost locket. It's like, really important to me. I guess she just wouldn't get it...
>smoke effect on the hand from the punch
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Ty, you're art is great! Honestly inspiring and makes me want to make more HGS stuff
Cute expression and style!
What if they're looking for a missing fairy exchange student from the guardian academy? Never know where those little guys might end up.

these are just making me want to get a giant donut, sounds tasty
You mean the one that they brought to life from the egg with the life water?
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Last one

>selected the students who were most capable at murdering to go on the mission. A capture mission.
fuck yeah!
Oh also I like to add they were sent on that mission because they completed a test that involve killing a robotic kraken.

Thank you for making the tits bigger
It was worse.
I didn't watch it.
Sex with Snapdragon.
Aw, unfortunate to hear this is the last one. You've been making some really nice art for the thread, anon. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Boy snapdragon or girl potion snapdragon?
Looking through your Twitter, you have some nice stuff and good quality art! I also see you have drawn the girls with larger boobs sometimes, which I think are some of my favorite takes on them. Hopefully you do more like that. I'm not looking to get a comm any time soon but I see you have them open, but no commission information listed anywhere like pricing. Just thought I'd let you know that in case others show up for that kind of thing!
You're a retarded contrarian
It was insufferably boring and predictable at every turn
Does it matter?
You should definitely make more, anon
No, just curious which way you think he would swing.
Porn was good
Have not and will not ever watch the show
Wish there was more porn of the femboy
Do you think Raye would give up the model sheets if someone asked?
there's model sheets being posted in one of the artist's personal website as part of their portfolio.
So fucking good~~~\
I love how strange attached to this show this artist is. He does such good work and it's interesting seeing him expand on these characters and his own views on them.
Agreed, it's always cool when a niche property gets a really good and passionate artist
its not the only weebtoons that I get "strangely attached" to.

to be honest, the reason I do it is extremely petty, ironically I haven't done much new things on the topic because I feel I had gotten over my own spitefulness.

recently though, I tried posting stuff in the thread because I wanted get myself out of a drawing funk by appropriating other people's enthusiasm on various subjects but it hasn't really worked.
Sorry to hear that man, but you tried at least, counts for something. Sorry it didn't seem to work out
Wow, you drew all that other stuff out of spite alone? How?? What were you being spiteful about?
yeah, hope spring eternal right? lol

well, maybe not spite alone. I enjoy designing, redesigning characters and work on world building and lore spinning, and also drawing porn.

as to spiteful part is just the fact they were able to make a cartoon out of their ideas and I didn't, and rest is mostly dunning kruger on my part, I was like, "uohhh, I'll show them! this is what it suppose look like!" kind of thing, but after a while I was just having fun with the idea.
/co/ HGS threads don't have culture war sjw vs /pol/ shitflinging though

Which is also why I am a bit skeptical of >>146369425, >>146372457, and >>146399370
. Those are reasons why drama Youtubers covered HGS, but not why /co/ talks about it, unless there were a lot of /co/ threads shitting on it and that gradually turned into pity and then earnest interest

>>146369502 seems like the most likely reason in addition to my theory?
Ah, that kind of spite. Well, I'm happy it's kee to some really nice art from you. Hoping to see more at some point! Especially if it's of Parsley, too.
Nice work!
It actually did morph. At first it was pure shitflinging because the only info we had was the first trailer with the "writers are 100% female" nonsense. But that had years to simmer and cool off some before the show finally came out. Then everyone showed up to first couple of post-release threads just to laugh and rage in equal measure. The rage slowly fell away with time because no one could sustain it for THAT long. We still get haters in threads, but they are not the ones making the threads much anymore. Now all that is left is the people with actual interest in trykng to make something from the ashes.
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She's not going to believe you now...


I still haven't finished (re)making my commission sheet yet but thanks for the concern!
These have all been really well drawn, anon. Funny too. The Sage at the end makes me laugh.
The larger the audience the more autists there are who will obsess over it. HGS had a lot of attention put on it because of that horrible trailer and then the actual quality of the show.
HGS is exactly the kind of shit I would have made if my ideas from Highschool were ever animated. I can't hate it that much.
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Modelo Negra >>>>>>
But what if those anons were telling the truth??
I hope your commission sheet goes well!
Yeah, it'd be cool to see that kind of thing happen more, but with proper support and development time.
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Shortstacks are fairly popular and the amount of dorf chicks is criminally deficient.
Genuinely funny anon, I've liked seeing these drawings. You know how to draw the characters well.
True facts. Hopefully Parsley gets even more shortstack art.
only good character
This art makes me want to see the other HGS girls in an office setting and outfits.
Yes, I do want to see art of amaryllis in a power suit
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She and the Dwarf are good for porn.

That's it.
We need more edited screenshots of the show that give the girls huge tits
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love these
sounds interesting.

i do try.
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Oh shit, this looks great! Is the guy behind the counter a specific character?
The Owl House filled the void that this vapid cartoon left.
Cute art anon!
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why is she so SMUG?
the new magic is rotting the world and if magic is so important to the message of the series, then your comparison makes no sense.
The message would be: "tradition is good and the new is bad"

my own character, the default ugly bastard character I uses when I wasn't particularly interested in using other characters to fuck the girls in porn.

It was SALVAGABLE. But it was in fact that bad.
The team of overhyped cunts WAS CrunchyRoll.
I agree. I think there is something special there.
Several good threads died for this
Only one thread died anon
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I guess it's unheard of it tries to give a balanced take looking at positives of both sides?
The point of new magic being almost a direct upgrade shows how change and innovation cannot be ignored. You will be left behind in the world if you don't like Sage struggling with seemingly easy magical tasks compared to the new magic students for not embracing it.
The misuse of New Magic in not following the principals Sage talks about with Old Magic leads to the rot. That's why the combination of the two was the most powerful magic in the series that they could defeat their enemies with.
It's preachy and on the nose, but it's still a cohesive thematic structure that ties into every character arc.
this thread is proof that knuckle dragging /co/ anons will defend the shittiest of garbage shows if it has a generic flavor of the day anime girl in it they can waifuize.
How would YOU KNOW BAD?
>extremely childish tone and storytelling
>suddenly swears and bloody violence
Who the fuck was this show for?
Ah, that's fair. Also that's a cute Parsley!
The show is garbage but the girls are cute
makes me wanna writefag some crappy smut
Go for it anon
Tempting. Might type something up and put it on Ao3 in a few days if I have the Thyme. Won't be anything good or well written mind you
>Won't be anything good or well written mind you
Oh, so will make it show accurate then
Guess I have nothing to worry about
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I just got busy so let's see what happens.
>I just got busy so let's see what happens.
Fair enough, happens to everyone. Cute Sage art by the way.
Is she looking at a computer screen?
Time will tell but the thread seems to be good.

She is looking at her table, with the technology in the universe I could see her looking at a monitor.
No, new magic AT ALL causes rot. Making terraspheres sucks energy out of the planet, killing it. The only way to stop the rot is to never make a terraspehere again.
This picture would be better if she had big tits instead of big hips
>SHINRA electric power company uses new magic to generate power
>uplifts them out of a medieval existence and into the modern age
Is that how Final Fantasy worked?
basically, the shinra company found a way to turn the life energy of their planet into a green liquid called mako
mako was then used to do whatever the plot needed but was mainly used to generate electricity
their next best energy source was coal, so they had mostly lived in a 1800s steampunk-ish world
and the introduction of mako shot them into the 1990s with cellphones, automobiles. airships, and robots

the downside to using mako is that the lifestream in their planet is the sum total of all life that had ever and ever will be on their planet
nothing grows in midgar because of the rampant extraction there and you get told that in less than 100 years the entire planet will be barren at current rates of extraction
>instead of
You mean "and"
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Ok, you two might have a point. Both is good. I just like boobs more.
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>I just like boobs more
glad you are not a nigger nor a monrel but a man of European values
I remember there was a girl who did scottish dubs of various clips of this on youtube, but I can't find her anymore. Are the videos still there? Did anyone save them?
The lifestream does grow as life lives and dies.
Basically when something is born a small fragment of the lifestream enters it to give it life. Over the years of life the fragment grows a bit bigger and when the thing dies the larger fragment returns to the lifestream, making it bigger by however much the fragment grew. It takes thousands of years for the cycle to grow to any noticable amount, but as it does the life that can appear grows more advanced since they are born with bigger fragments of the lifestream, since they get the same proportional amount, but since the lifestream is bigger the fragment is bigger.
Can't get enough of this style
I just wanted to discuss delicious Modelo Chelada, i would never in my life even consider watching whatever this is.
All the cr originals were failures except the korean shit?
dude, the only thing you accomplish by showing this is showing that muslims and africans are based
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Such an intelligent discussion
Then parsley suggests both, and they smack her for suggesting such blasphemy.
The little nosebleeds are funny, good shit
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Clearly big boobs is the way
Are there any for Parsley and Thyme?
All I could find was these
Do the character designs of Thyme and Snapdragon seem off-putting to everyone else? It's like they belong in another universe.
Aside from a few examples I'm probably unaware of, they are weirdly out of place. They have completely different head shapes to anyone else in the show, especially in the main cast, whose head shapes are more squished and stout. They stick out like a baboon's ass in a show with a cast of characters with passable designs. They look like Argonians wearing skin suits, especially Thyme.
Thyme is an elf, so being different at least makes sense for her in a way. No idea what is up with snapdragon though.
Why must you make this a board of lies?
Literally just add some sex and fanservice and people would've loved it.
>all the girls are teenagers
YOU did that. YOU chose to write that. Now live with it
i guess snapdragon is supposed to have mature but feminine features which is why his face is long and sharp compared to everyone else who have more round and short faces like you mentioned, but aster or the black haired teacher doesn't have pudgy faces either so i guess it's just you who's tripping off of it
anyway i will draw more high guardian spice maybe
Thanks! If you do, I hope you consider Thyme with big boobs.
That's a shame, I hope there's more than this out there for reference.
>thigh highs with absolute territory
Why is she dirty?
It's the model sheet for her during episode 3 when she was doing her little hammer quest.
Oh yeah, I remember that.
Representing the lack of brain cells in the thread
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I am a sword lover and I have to say that that sword is totally useless.
Why is the entire blade straight except the tip?! It doesn't make sense, that makes her bad at cutting and bad at thrusting.
you have to choose a rapier or a saber, but you can't choose both.
I always love when some anom shows up with some specific knowledge about why something would le wouldn't make sense. Why does a curved blade help with cutting anyhow, anon?
when you cut or slash with a blade, you naturally follow a circular path
so you can more efficiently transfer that force into the target with a blade curve

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