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>reach a certain age
>start finding Marge attractive
I always found her attractive
This season's been very generous with Marge fanservice.
Something happened to me but with Homer.
It feels disrespectful to fap to Marge.
She’s dressed like Donald Duck.
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>a certain age
This is called puberty
marge could pass for a twenty something year old with her hair down. homer just looks older because he's bald and fat.
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I want to worship Patty and Selma's feet and tits
isn't one a gay now.
That was almost 20 years ago
She'd probably still enjoy having her feet pampered
Extremely based
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>drawing Patty and Selma without hairy legs
This isn't even a one-off joke they're shown to have hairy legs multiple times, at least in the early seasons. It's the grossest thing about them.
They don't have hairy legs or angry eyes anymore.
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Mind not be animated but I know it's still there.
after a while they started showing her boobs and body more.
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>She’s dressed like Donald Duck.
She needs to lose the pants and underwear to complete the look.
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They can shave
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*Simpson women
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Only with homer or also with other masculine figures?
how do americans find such ugly drawings arousing?
I am sure it is ESLs who do
Your beauty standards are partially shaped by what you grew up with. "Lola Bunny made me a furry" is not a joke at all.
but Lola Bunny was drawn well
Too old
For fuck's sake, OP.
>Too old
Too young
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Don't you get tired of asking this question in every single Simpsons thread?
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Selma sure does
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Hottest Simpsons woman without a doubt
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Same, the show has never shied away from depicting her as sexy.
>t. has had a 103 fever for the past six months
They would be too hot if not for those legs
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>Marge thread
>Patty/Selmafags decide to show their awful fetish
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Lisa is always superior far away from all these old hags
Edna's great, but I prefer Ruth just a little more
how long before /aco/&R34 parody this like viral FoP housecoat?
I wish Lisa was smothered between those cheeks.
not enough decent fanservice to make up for how shitty and soulless the series's been from the last 20 years.
they are hideous anon,what's wrong with you?
her personality is so awful that I hate her no matter what
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Anyone have Marge screenshots/webms from the Master and Cadaver section of Treehouse of Horror XXI (left in pic related)
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Imagine walking into the tattoo parlour at this moment
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She is a noisy brat that needs to be punished
theyre also shown shaving their legs a lot.
>needs to be punished
I agree,with a big knife and some acid
very slowly and painfully
You're so done man
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She is just cartoon charachter anon
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Marge gets hairy legs, too
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Love her actual proper cringe here
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I always thought she was hot as hell when her hair was down, especially in flashbacks she was in her late teens/early 20s
I think we can say conclusively that this was bait
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Never forget
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You know who's a hot Simpsons woman? Bart's balet teacher
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This episode awakened something in me as a child.
she's underrated for sure
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Reminds me of that one episode of American Dad that implies that if Francine doesn't take care of herself she ends up looking ugly as fuck.

And this is coming from someone who usually finds Francine hot as fuck. Marge having leg hair is pretty tame in comparison.
What? 2? Quit lying to yourself OP, real men like women who wear lipstick. Granted, Marge wears lipstick sometimes, but it's not her default character design like either female lead from Family Guy.
yes lots of women have unibrows and mustaches.

liking bimbos is a boomer thing.
Also reminds me that Francine hair is actually brown like Steve.
>liking bimbos is a boomer thing.
Oh sure, zoomies certainly don't like bimbos
they want goth mommies to step on their balls and peg them far as i can tell.
>All boomers are adults
Point proven.
It's the forearm hair that turned me off.
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They didn't even give her hairy arms the same way Patty and Selma have hairy legs. They just drew the top of Homer Simpson's head hair on her forearms.
That's called brain rot
why do zoomies call everything brain rot or brain worms?
But he insulted Marge.
146414763 here. I meant to reply to >>146414719

>You must wait a little longer to delete this post
>You can't delete a post this old
Make up your fucking mind, 4chan. Who are you, Masahiro Sakurai? Fuck this site.
sissy hypno nomenclature
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Hair's hot.
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yeah it's like the actresses whose character requires a wig and lots of layers of clothes and then you see them without that stuff and then boner
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I'm partial to braids/ponytails myself
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for me, it's officer Marge
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Starting to find them attractive is when I realized there's something wrong with me
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kinda reminds me of kid me realizing Naomie Harris was stunning irl, it seemed illogical they casted a beautiful woman only to make her look like an ugly gypsy who lives in a swamp and probably never bathes (and yeah i know she is a goddess trapped in human form in the story)
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Underage Marge has so little content, but what is there is bretty gud
>that voice
still would even as an unwashed voodoo woman
actually especially as an unwashed voodoo woman
>it seemed illogical they casted a beautiful woman only to make her look like an ugly gypsy who lives in a swamp and probably never bathes
What? No, it makes perfect sense. She's still hot under all the grime. Mud and makeup don't cover up her conventionally attractive bone structure and her teeth are still whole despite the shoe polish. If the goal is to have an aesthetically appealing movie, then you'll even want your uggo characters to be secret-hot.

Movies always have pretty people in them, Anon.
t. Davy
>What? No, it makes perfect sense
I know, I meant as a kid it seemed illogical to me
stary from a high point and work down. like ugly betty
yeah but wasnt that a key plot point in the story Betty is a bombshell when she takes care of herself, or am i mixing up with some other soap opera
in PotC Tia Dalma was supposed to be a swamp dwelling witch, and in AWE she claims she hates being in a human body so she probably didnt care of her body that much (like how lot of people let themselves go in prison)
Because they have it.
Don't you get tired of ugly art?
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>Hulu marge
your typo made me giggle
Lisa's hotter
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>Hulu Marge
>laying down on the bed like there's nothing good on tv
yep sums up what it feels like watching Hulu era Simpsons
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It's not that you reached a certain age, it's that the artists started drawing her more realistically curved and rounded. And in more tight clothing.
>pretty cute by Simpson standards without looking like a weird OC
>fun personality
>natural chemistry with homer
She was better than Marge in every way, homer was a fag for not fucking her.
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Most arousing Marge scene ever
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There's just something about how forceful they are...
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>no nipples
I guess she really is a disguised rabbit wearing a human suit.
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How old is she supposed to be now?
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11. I remember watching a Fox promo for "Treehouse of Horror XV", and this was the scene they ended on. This was the first time I ever found Marge hot.
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cute feet
Zoom girls are complete bimbos
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and I wouldn't have it any other way~
I would, because I hate them, I wish women were like 20+ years ago
>a wife who actually likes cleaning and cooking and taking care of the house even if you're a lazy piece of shit
You know outside of being hot Marge really is great wife material
an extremely bitchy, annoying and ungrateful one
When did this happen?
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Ah, I remember that thread.
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why is he like this
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Season 15 Episode 20
Homer recalls how he had his first kiss in a camp and turns out the girl was Marge
>Luann's bush peaking out
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Luanne > Marge.

Something about those short haired, milfy, skinny, secretary types that drives me insane with lust.
Her being a kind of trash person adds to the appeal.
Is she trash? I know Nelson Muntz mom is trashy.
Meant more as a bitch, not trash-y
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>reach a certain age
>still visit 4chan
I'm sure she is like that because Kirk is a loser. bitchy women crave men who are successful, ambitious, and can put them in their place.
Holy shit, I just realized that she and Lisa have the same face.
>tfw I am finding Helen Lovejoy attractive
Somebody post her Playboy pinups.
the official animation book says Lisa's top lip should be slightly higher and stick slightly further out than marge's.
>Marge really is great wife material
Yes, but it really depends on the husband.
I'd say Marge actually isn't a great match for Homer. Her worst characteristic is that she's an enabler. It doesn't matter how much of a lazy, selfish, childish, self-destructive piece of shit you are. Marge will never give you any reason to be anything but the worst version of yourself and ,yes /co/, that is a bad thing.
Canonically when Homer isn't with Marge, he sometimes ends up much more successful (but not necessarily happier), like the potential future with Mindy (pic related) or his brief stint as a grunge singer.
Why is this? Maybe without Marge, Homer is forced to put his varied talents to good use. Maybe he has to deal with the consequences of his fuckups without Marge to help him clean up the mess. Or maybe just not having Bart or any kids in his life is the key, kek.
Isn't she considered attractive in universe? It's not surprising. She has nice legs.
really she was supposed to be considered mediocre in universe for the longest time. but the fact is her design is very cute. especially sinc eevery other simpsons female has to be distinct from her, they are often less cute unless theyre made intentionally sexy. marge becoming sexy in universe seemed to me more like the writers relenting to the audience's opinion.
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>potential future with Mindy
Now that Homer may seem more successful but did he become an astronaut and go to space? Mingle with countless celebrities and ex-Presidents? Become an accomplished musical artist in multiple genres? Win an Academy Award, Grammy, and Pulitzer Prize? Bowled a perfect game?

Homer with Marge might seem like a loser on the surface but when you add up the totality of his accomplishments over nearly 800 episodes Homer has lived an extremely successful life.
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She has big kawaii eyes and a nice positive smile. It's a nice simple design, which the Simpsons does not do anymore. You're not going to see a celebrity cameo where they draw the celebrity with those type of eyes.

It's a similar thing with South Park. Older designed characters look simplisitic and newly designed characters are overly detailed.
With or without the hairy legs, the smoking is literally the only deal-breaker for me.
>your husband has to see a photo of your kids every time he fucks you from behind
What the fuck was she thinking?
>implying there weren't hordes of bimbos in all generations of 20-something girls
>You're not going to see a celebrity cameo where they draw the celebrity with those type of eyes.
and its gotten really obnoxious. like theyre practically faithful portraits withbyellow skin. any random new character looks like it too
Francine is Portuguesa?
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Right. You can tell instantly that the character on the right isn't an old Simpsons character just from the design.

In fact that's Elon Musk and the episode was from like 7 years ago. This might be peak Simpsons celebrity worship:

I don't care what celebrity it is, if they're on the show the writers should be making fun of them not sucking their dick.
>if they're on the show the writers should be making fun of them not sucking their dick.
for real. it became like a publicity thing for them. and so worthless. like theyll just show up, someone will say "omg it's <celebrity name>" theyll make a quip, and then walk away.
She's mediocre like Homer is mediocre. They're still cartoon characters with huge personalities and confidence (or anti-confidence in Marge's case) so it's hard to buy that they're failures when the plot moves in their favor every time.
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I. Love. MARGE!!
For me that age was 8 years old, downloading terrible quality Simpsons porn off Limewire.
Regardless, it is a win for me.
True, but zoom girls seem to be ONLY bimbos
Homer won.
What is the lore behind Rabbit Marge?
I'd say you need to meet more zoomer girls, but that's probably the opposite of a good idea.

But stay off that damn Tiktok.
/aco/ is productive? I thought it was one the most worthless boards in 4chan.
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It's literally impossible not to!
Same here.
The early works of Matt Groening involved several lagomorphs. When some folks asked about Marge's hair, he jokingly thought about revealing she was really a cartoon rabbit that used it to hide her ears. Obviously that was never a serious idea but it's something that people like to remember.
Looking at that hairy drumbstick makes me realize I need a drink.
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Ah, okay.
I know it limits what they can do with a bedroom scene but it's a shame that they dropped the "sleeps in the nude" aspect of Marge's character.
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Timeskip spinoff in this style when
The hottest thing about her to me is that she's horny for a big bald moron with a beer belly (literally me)
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I've done some thinking. I've always found
attractive, even since a kid, but
definitely more of a recent thing.

The sunday school teacher and this dork are good too.
what makes you think I watch that trash?
>It's a similar thing with South Park. Older designed characters look simplisitic and newly designed characters are overly detailed.
>I don't care what celebrity it is, if they're on the show the writers should be making fun of them not sucking their dick.
Is this a product of a show getting old, or is it due to celebrities being more protective of their image now?
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>posting the boring sterile Playboy one and not the superior MAXIM one

Best Marge for sure
For me it's her character. Her design, like most simpsons characters, has that Matt Groenig look to it which is normally like -2 to attractiveness, but Marge is endearing and that makes her cute.
ok i saved the webm but im so busy. just look out for it...someday
she is the model of the perfect wife.
simpsons became advertisements for celebrities like 20 years ago. celebrities would come on and play CHARACTERS then they started playing themselves, and get a little razzing. then more and more the celebs were untouchable and only got positive attention. the earliest one like that i can think of was n'sync. no jokes except they dance instead of walk.
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Her loyalty and enthusiastic personality are her #1 traits, she's basically an anime waifu tier character barring the Groening style design
Is there context I'm missing? Reminder of what?
>more and more the celebs were untouchable and only got positive attention. the earliest one like that i can think of was n'sync. no jokes except they dance instead of walk.
The joke in that one was meta: they were treated/acted like they were in an educational PSA. N'Sync even spoof one at the end of the episode. It's easily one of the funniest and most memorable Simpsons jokes for me, how did you not get it? If anything, it was MAD (both the magazine and its staff) that were treated like celebrities.

Looks like Bart
her hair is too retarded for me to feel anything. I like an up-do but Marge has a blue afro, and its a boner killer.
Shut the fuck up.
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Does Ruth or Princess Kashmir ever make appearances in zombie simpsons (even if only the background)?
youre missing the angle. this is marge's behavior with homer as her husband. what if she were your wife and you put in 1% more effort than homer? something as simple as getting her a thoughtless gift meant for her, at least, rather than a gift for yourself.
glad you liked my edit
I keep forgetting people used to have sex in real life. Especially 40 somethings in dead-end jobs with seek out romantic interactions nowadays everyone is too adept to mate.
too adept?
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One problem is the very artificial way the Simpsons introduce these celebrities. In real life someone might say "oh shit it's Robert De Niro!". But in the Simpsons they'll have Lisa say "it's multiple Acadamy Award winner Robert De Niro, he is one of our greatest living actors!"
People have adopted the current social order. Basically in real life we are more conservative than the pilgrims online is a different matter.
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42 here. Never did. I just find the entire art style to be so far removed from looking human. There like pugs crossbred with lemons.
Relevant: >>146437479
He looks a lot uglier in real life
yeah originally because theyre animated. so the audience needs to be told who the fuck this is because its not really them its a drawing. but then yeah it becomes a little publicity line. its gross. the celebs better be paying fox for it.
>I don't care what celebrity it is, if they're on the show the writers should be making fun of them not sucking their dick.

there should be a watchlist for celebrities who appear on SNL or Simpsons but demand to be ass-kissed the whole time.
She has moments with her hair down though.
Of course, jackass.
Hey now, there was a time when that was true and first impressions are important.
I still don’t find her attractive

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