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I'm in a very theological mood today, and since it *is* Sunday, I thought I'd start this thread. Post stuff that good, bad and/or weird.

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do mormons actually believe this
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Joseph Smith
Explain to me why people refer to certain religions as cults and others as not. They are all the same thing.
Aum Shinrkyo made their own anime.
There's a big difference between
>these are our beliefs, pls donate to help us fix up the church and give to charity for you(this might not happen if the guy is corrupt)
>hey this guy is our god and he can save us with his easily disprovable magical powers, now we need all your money to build an UFO to take us to Paradise(this will never be built and your money will be used to buy a yacht which you will not be invited to)
mormons are not told stuff unless they're parents tell them (which they're not supposed to, secret shit, 'sacred', whatever) and no missionaries ever mention this shit ever. It's a "trick you" and effort justification kind of cult.
Yeah, they're a cult, they're not Christian in any way other mainstream Christians would recognize. They're dangerous, they bleed people dry who genuine believe their shit, way more than 10% of gross income forever, tons of donations demanded, free time and labor constantly, always pushing young families to have more kids than they can afford.
(ex mormon)
Remember, these two cartoons are anti-Mormon propaganda, not created nor authorized by the Mormon Church.
No, I live in Utah and these cartoons are at best intentionally misleading as to what they believe.
I'm sure you left becuase they told you to not have gay sex .
Is this that one where they said other races were created by the devil?
"cult" is just cultural practice
a fundamental social system, which because they are so undeveloped can be dangerous in desperation (a new cultural practice has to start from scratch, frequently paranoid about the world around them 'opposing' their batshit claims whereas older religions don't care when people say their beliefs are nonsense because they are old -- but all religion starts as dangerous cults.) and always relies on powerful personalities that members unquestioningly follow in a frenzy.
>they're not Christian in any way other mainstream Christians would recognize

They aren't Christian period. Mormons are unironically closer to Muslims than they are Christians
cults don’t let you leave and seek to control your life and isolate you. no amount of millennial fedora cope is going to make living in a compound the same as singing carols in church on a sunday
>cartoons are misleading
its a secretive cult that hides all the 'true secrets' behind masonic rituals, I think the cartoons are in bad taste but when you go to the temple it's going to be an embarrassing shock to most converts. It is crazy space opera.
>ad hominins
I quit the church because when I was 12 I looked up "Joseph Smith" on wikipedia and I read it.
>They aren't Christian period. Mormons are unironically closer to Muslims than they are Christians
That makes no sense
>Trusting Wikipedia
No, Mormons believe in
mormon jesus
>>Trusting Wikipedia
I don't trust WP but please tell me what kind of lies does it spreads about Joseph Smith?
Was polygamy
*was his polygamy a lie spread by those that hated his teachings?
No, its largely misinformation based on what Evangelical denominations have heard of the LDS Church at the time without really giving them a good faith argument. Talk to any well-read Mormon and they will tell you otherwise.
mormon time
Not /co/ but here you go:
Yes, all the good stuff is in Doctrine & Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.

Elohim lives on a giant crystal ball with his angels, Mormon Jesus will have Earth and it will be turned into a crystal ball too once he is done.
Doctrine and Covenants
Section 130

>4 In answer to the question—Is not the reckoning of God's time, angel's time, prophet's time, and man's time, according to the planet on which they reside?

>5 I answer, Yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it.

6 The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth;

>7 But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord.

>8 The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim.

>9 This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ's.
Off the top of my head:

The numbers of their faithful and of their leadership/clergy.

Whether their founders are/were/remain either agreeable or controversial to the public at large.

The managerial complexity of their institutions and organizations.

Their overall degree of secrecy/esotericism, and their consequent level of openness (or lack therof) to public scrutiny.

The historical pedigree/longevity/continuity/legitimacy of their doctrinal tenets and assertions (relative to other contemporaneous belief systems).

Whether their rites and practices are considered to be either innocuous or disruptive (if not outright illegal) by a given society.

Whether they possess the conventional trappings of major world religions, such as sacred literature and items, prayers, symbols, iconography, liturgies, hierarchies for the clergy/leadership, and buildings designated as places of worship.

Whether they have good/decent enough PR with goverment authorities, secular organizations, and the mass media.

The level of cultural, sociopolitical, and financial influence that their adherents hold, both in group and individually.
>Elohim lives on a giant crystal ball with his angels, Mormon Jesus will have Earth and it will be turned into a crystal ball too once he is done.
Kind of seems more poetic to me if you don’t take it at face value.
>Urim and Thummim
>[two objects of unknown nature, possibly used for divination…] - American Oxford Dictionary
Can be interpreted that God lives in a place where all is revealed to him. “all will be made clear” or revealed and that everything will be made pure again on earth. Different that it ascribes God as having a physical being, but not too different from most post-millenarian Christian beliefs regarding the Second Coming.
David Berg's puppet show.

Nuff said.
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I pretty much have to watch any Adam and Eve cartoon, especially the ones where Eve gives me impure thoughts.
Is Jesus an angel in this religion?
No no, there’s more to be said, like posting it you fucking lazy cunt
Joseph Smith was a chad. He rejected the whiskey that would've dulled the pain from the leg operation.
A literal son of Elohim, so not part of a trinity, not God.
That's probably the darkest rabbit hole I've learned about via true crime YouTubers since Color Climax. Evil heinous shit.
>Color Climax
a fellow Internet Investigator viewer I see.
>"Let's invest-a-gaaate"
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I like the King of the Hill episode about religion, Its interesting because is not trying to be an episode pro or anti religion but more about how shallow Hank faith is, everything start when the family arrives late for church and see another family sitting in their usual spot and the pastor not taking sides in the matter is reason enough for him to find another church, from there is just jokes about the different kind of churches. So in the end is less the philosophical or spiritual concept of religion and more the religious experience from the POV of an average person.
>Its real
It's son of Heavenly Father, Mormons almost never refer to the Father as Elohim except in sinday school classes.
He is a separate being of the Godhead with God and the Holy Spirit, but acts in the father’s name on his behalf.
>Talk to any well-read Mormon and they will tell you otherwise
Strange, why didn’t you advise that anon to go and read Doctrine & Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price himself? Afraid that people will find that ridiculous anti-Mormon cartoon isn’t so off the mark after all?

Never trust anyone who says "Just talk to my pastor bro, he can explain it to you" Go look directly at their literature of fundamental beliefs and reach your own conclusion.
Just part of being the new kid in town.
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Don’t skip The Tragedy of Man then.
>That makes no sense
Figures, it takes a level of doormat not to notice the hilarious similarities between Joseph Smith and Muhammad, prophets of their own making who claim to have gotten the true continuation of the gospel hundreds / a thousand years later directly from God to make things right after the poor sheep have lead astray for so long. So similar it even pretends to respect Jesus as he deserves by completely deconstructing what the founders of Christianity itself said Jesus was.
>Strange, why didn’t you advise that anon to go and read Doctrine & Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price himself? Afraid that people will find that ridiculous anti-Mormon cartoon isn’t so off the mark after all?
No, the resources are all there for anyone to look at. Moving the goalposts there, anon, didn’t say he can’t go look at the D&C or PoGP but your baseline Mormon will watch the cartoon and most likely say: “thats kind of misconstrued, here’s why…”.
>Never trust anyone who says "Just talk to my pastor bro, he can explain it to you" Go look directly at their literature of fundamental beliefs and reach your own conclusion.
I agree with that premise too.
endless celestial sex
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I was raised on Psalty.
>That makes no sense

Well, let's see:
>Write new book that proclaims random asshole as "God's new special dude" and throws out everything in the Old and New Testaments
>Denies divinity of Christ and the Trinity, thereby making them, by definition, not Christians
>Weird cultish features like multiple wives, child marriage, ordering followers to sperg out/murder at anybody who criticizes the cult

Seems to make a lot of sense, actually. The only thing Mormons are lacking are RPGs and suicide vests.
Anyone have that Mormons cartoon whose main character looks like Conan the Barbarian?
EIT! Classic over here
Just stumbled across this and got a good kek.
this is the reality for the vast majority of american Christians, they only go to church because its the American tradition, they have to go to church or people may think they are atheists and attack them.
so what you have is a community that goes to the church just to show off, but the momment they go back home they abandon whatever Christian tradition and live the most mundane secular life they can
i always found lame how cartoons always portray Adam and Eve as 2 modern secular looking humans.
but if you go after the source materials, ancient jew myts you realise if Adam and Eve show up today both would look ALIEN to us.
Like imagine that tall greay guy from prometheus but with some hair
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>The only thing Mormons are lacking are RPGs and suicide vests.
You can get that in Harry Turtledove's books.
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>tfw they get to the part where they encourage kids to kiss and "cuddle" with adults and the davidito puppet gives the camera that thousand-cock stare
this shit is fucked.
>they have to go to church or people may think they are atheists and attack them.
this is not a thought that has ever appeared in the mind of any regular church-goer in America. The kind of person you're thinking of just does it as an excuse to socialize.
John Moses Browning got you covered.
You could easily put any official JW cartoon.
I find hilarious that mormons are super racists but many natives converted to mormonism in the 19th century expecting their skin to turn white and in certain way they got what they wanted because their descendents are pretty much white and very racist
Otherwise known as Arian heresy, which disqualifies the LDS from being considered a Christian church by orthodox (i.e. Trinitarian) Christian churches.
I don't think you can distinguish "white" as in metaphorically clean from Caucasian skin.
BTW did you know that the last piece of Mormon scripture is 1 year younger than Star Wars?
literally the only people that don't consider mormons christian are protestants. catholics don't care, orthodoxes don't care, non-christians don't care. it's literally just protestants that make a big fuss about it. pretty much everyone else just considers the definition of christian to be someone who believes that jesus died to save humanity from their sins. it's really just protestants that add all these extra restrictions on what religions can really be called christian.
I know they didn't allow black people to join the church until like 1978. I learned it from Trey Parker's Book of Mormon

>I believe God changed his opinion on black people in 1978
have you spoken to a mormon ever by any chance? it's basically "why can't we all get along" the religion. literally the exact opposite of racist.
Seems to not be the case, my brother told me that before 1978, it was difficult for Latinos and even whites to receive the Mormon priesthood because the confirmation process took forever.
They believe natives were punished by god by having red skin and black people weren't allowed to join the church until some decades ago because they were cowards in the other life
>They believe natives were punished by god by having red skin
not true
>black people weren't allowed to join the church until some decades ago
kind of true, but only of you interpret "join the church" as something different to what that usually means.
>because they were cowards in the other life
also not true.
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Wait, shit, I almost forgot about Spirit Science
This counts as web animation right?
Shame they ruined it with tranny shit
>Catholic doesn't know anything about Christianity
Orthodox and Catholic churches see those that appose their set of believes as not true Christians
Protestants are the ones that think that Christianity is just about Jesus being Our Lord And Savior
Your cult follows not Him but a conman from 19th century
Stop pretending to be Christian
What kind of cartoon comics or even anime have have that mormon inspired lore?
He got beat up by an infernal frog.
Battlestar Galactica?
That never happened.
>But Raz0rfist told me that was the case.
And the sources he used are among the most unreliable ever, a conversation 10 years after the fact with Smith Sr. for which there is no evidence it ever happened.
No, it’s the one where the knee grow race is created by angels being neutral in a conflict and native americans used to be white.

No matter what you believe, Christ is king.
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What the fuck is a Razorfist?
I guess its this guy, or the Marvel character.
I’ve seen some Living Scripture stuff. I can’t tell you how disappointed I was to find out that they were a part of LDS, but the OG christian stuff they do is solid. https://youtu.be/ajJFvFKfyjY?feature=shared
I know a preacher who says ALL denominations of Christianity are fake and gay, even the fundie baptists.
I hate that this animation is still better than the modern slop we have today.
If we're talking cults, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Barber Westchester yet.
Have you seen the actual Living Scriptures animations on Youtube? They’re pretty solid for 1980’s stuff.
I hate tranny shit to death. Is the artist insane?
Is this shit parody or real?

I don't even know. David Liebe Hart is a pretty genuine guy but he regularly appears on Tim & Eric's stuff so obviously he has to know how bizarre & hokey the things he makes are.
There’s this interview by this by a guy I never heard of (tho I think he might be an actual journalist?) that shows that, while Hart is self-aware, he does legitimately believe in aliens and that (and I’m just gonna quote directly from TVTropes here because I needed them to find this interview again) "the Catholic Church, mainline Protestant churches, and the Jewish people teamed up to erase aliens from the Bible". Like I said, the interview goes into some of his more… unique beliefs.
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im gonna keep watching for gabby no matter how steven universe it gets
She does not look like she fucks human men but she will
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The Greatest Adventure - fucking weird ass animated series put out by HB back in the day where an archaeologist couple and their nomad boy slave or whatever get sucked into a vortex and travel back in time to live out bible stories.
I'd have to see what she looks like in the Wylde Hare style to make a final call, but until such time as that should happen, Gabby is not for sexual.
Zag's secretary fucking needs it though.
I have one bit of theology that I never see depicted right, and it pisses me off every time.

Show me something telling the story of the Garden of Eden where the Serpent still has legs before the Fall from Grace.
Nearly everything I run across, even renaissance art, depicts him as a common snake with no limbs.
Holy shit, that is terrifying
> but if you go after the source materials
Citation please. I’ve never read anything describing Adam as some sort of alien and would actually enjoy doing so
> it's basically "why can't we all get along" the religion
Most religions don’t wear their bias and prejudice on their sleeves. In practice, it’s a very different thing. This goes for Christians too.
>Gabby is not for sexual
Then I shall make her for sexual
>Verification not required.
Bro what the shit is this fuck.
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God damn I forgot the dang image.
I remember he did an interview called The Galaxy Forum that was all aliens stuff. He seems like and interesting guy.
It's just Western Superbook and Flying House
Mormon Jesus vs Jehovah Jesus
who wins?
iirc JW's JC isn't a deity, right?
I occasionally remember my sunday school teacher showing me this. Apparently there are racial caricatures in it too? I can't really remember outside of this abomination
Mormon Jesus has an army of 17 million but they’re Mormons, Jehovah Jesus has only 144k perfect celestial supersoldiers. Jesus version of 1 billion lions vs 1 of each Pokemon.
>who wins?
Jesus Christ, obviously.

Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
Cults are small religions with a very authoritarian structure.
I really don't understand the tranny shit that Anons talk about in Angel Gabby. Where did it come from?
I think there was a brief scene of Gabby shown in the style of Wyld Hare. During the part where she is split between different screens.
Authoritarianism can relative, someay believe their church is too harsh others don't; cults are defined by a central figurehead / system that absolutely demands full control of your life or you aren't a true believer, no in-between.
don't forget secretiveness of cults
religions spread their dogma, cults try to keep some of their ideas hidden
genuinely there is no agreed upon definition. in most cases cult just means "religion (or any group really) that i don't like".
Excusing tranny shit because of waifus is peak retardation

They made one of the angels a nonbinary tranny to try and expand the consumer base making them no better than those mega churches that try to court fag shit
Japan and anime is more fertile ground for that stuff, they have so many little cults that some commissioned their own anime short or manga short to attract someone who might be interested.
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>Find youtube movie with dragon in title
>It's actually about a town regaining its legally distinct fantasy Christian faith
It's so strange, not just because it isn't half bad handling the religion aspect, but it feels like an extended cartoon pilot for a show that never materialized. I wish I knew more about the behind the scenes stuff and if there were greater plans for it
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"Cult" shares the same root as the word "culture" and in academic usage is interchangeable with "sect" so yes religion is by the literal definition of the word a cult. It never carried any negative connotations until the media started referring to The Peoples' Temple as a cult, which it was, but in the same way that any specific branches of Christianity/Islam/Buddhism/whatever are cults ie sects. However the unlearned masses didn't know what "cult" actually meant and started to only associate it with the fiascos at Jonestown and Waco.
Shame about her longer stuff being behind a paywall now
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>Sunday school teachers put on old timey cartoon about David and Goliath
>pretty standard, mid-tier budget 80s cartoon adaptation of the story
>get to the climatic titular fight, David flings his stone
>instead of a simple hit and falling dead, they vividly and graphically depict Goliath's skull splitting open and torrents of blood gushing out, all while he screams in agony
>this goes on for roughly thirty brutal, horrifying seconds
>i freak out and look around at the teachers, they're all looking at each other like "what the fuck is this?"
The aforementioned
It being a musical is unfortunate though
This one? https://youtu.be/R4g3EHaWr8E?feature=shared
It was only 10 seconds by my estimate.
They also made a video on Jehovites, a dreaded cult very active in Eastern Europe.
Tbh never got that Xtian obsession with Michael, to even equate him with Jesus lmao. There are over 9000 other angels and Metatron is the highest one.
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say what you say about them but their afterlife is at least thought out than just heaven or hell, I do wish there were more fictional media on the LDS world with the "worlds without numbers" ordeal
can we get some non-abrahamic cartoons in here? just for variety's sake?
Pretty sure heaven and hell aren't "thought out" besides the bible says you can't imagine them but Smith's American bible trumps the old bible.
mormons also believe that the rewards of heaven are beyond mortal comprehension. of all the ways the lds afterlife differs from the mainstream christian afterlife, this is not one of them.
That's the one, guess I remember it being longer from when I was a kid. Still kinda fucked they show such gruesome sights in the name of "family" entertainment
it's probably a realistic amount of blood at the very least. probably not a realistic amount of screaming though.
I thought it was funny. I’m showing that specific scene to my kids and telling them “that’s what happens to unrepentant bullies.”

Must be because he beats Satan in the end and Michael Scott?
Catholic Doctrine is that the church is splintered and wants to bring everyone back and under it's fold. Protestants are for the most part mislead lambs. Anglicans and Episcopalians even with the sectarianism in the former get special passes though.
>They made one of the angels a nonbinary tranny
What? Which one was that?
Non-Nicean Christians are still Christians.
All angels have been non-binary since the start.
camael i think. a real obscure one.
Just watched this about a kid's puppet show by Christian sex cult Children of God. They also had comic books.
Don't pull your tranny revisionism here, angels don't use human tranny terms as they are ethereal beings
The newest one uses tranny they/them pronoun shit and only the dedicated coomers and unironic trannies have been okay with it
Here's 2 hours of the puppet show, the channel seems to have a lot of other propaganda put out by the group.
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I'll post some random pages I found from comics the cult produced. Anyone know where we can download the full issues?
Joaquin Phoenix and Rose McGowan were both raised in the Children of God cult as kids.

Child Brides 1/8
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This to be honest. A lot of inter-denominational problems just stem back to Protestant autism.
Does Life with Grandpa count?
I think I found a site with most of their documents including comics etc.
I guess from this page gay male stuff was one of the few exceptions to their free love dogma? Although it seems like there was some wiggle room on that.
Antichrist looks like Silver Surfer.. or maybe an Oscar statue
Aum Shinrikyo (Japanese sarin gas attack terrorist cult) full anime
So I looked into the writer/producer of this thing and apparently the last movie he was involved with was a documentary about how the American founding fathers were a bunch of Freemasons who pretended to be Christians to fool the masses.
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The great comic artist Basil Wolverton, known for his detailed and grotesque art for Mad magazine, Marvel horror, etc. was a member of Herbert W. Armstrong's Church of God, which is sort of a legalist British-Israelite group. He did various apocalyptic doomsday art for them. There's a book called the Wolverton Bible collecting it.
Tranny shit and a shitty furry waifu, what an awful combo
Aum Shinrikyo manga, published a year before the sarin attacks. She shows the interior and explains the story. Idk if there's an english translation around.
I watched this series but maybe that nb part hadn't been released yet cause i don't remember it. Arguably angels are sexless anyway but you could portray it in a biblical way or a modern tranny-placating way.
never watched a single second of the show, but i just read the wiki and it says that angel was manifesting as all the characters in a game, like male and female and etc. doesn't the pronoun have to do with that, rather than tranny shit?
They entire problem is that they did it in a modern they/them tranny pronoun way
The creators on their discord confirmed it was modern inclusive tranny shit and they referred to him outside of the game where he is just an individual with tranny pronouns
nope. at the end of the season they just talk to the angel by himself outside of the context of the game as a singular being, and still use they/them. they also use they/them before learning that he's playing every character in the game.
I mean, if ANYTHING on God's green earth wouldn't have a distinct gender, I'd wager it'd be the entities that existed eons before gender was even a thing
>Why is the sky blue? The forrest green?
>......what in the actual fuck is blue and green, Adam?
Here’s an animation written by the founder of the Dahn Yoga cult.
So why would we use modern tranny pronouns when referring to them?
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Because that's how language works.....?
Would you rather we refer to them as Haggis/Cucumbers?

Should I even watch this? reading your posts it feels like I'm gonna get cursed watching it.
Tranny language isn't real language, you should never indulge it
Nigga no language is a real language. We quite literally made all of it up
>I guess from this page gay male stuff was one of the few exceptions to their free love dogma?
I mean the main reason for the free love thing was so David Berg could fuck any female (or watch) he wanted regardless of marital status or age. Makes sense he would try to discourage his male followers from fucking other dudes.
>Although it seems like there was some wiggle room on that.
I don’t remember there being being any wiggle but if there was then I bet it was only assist the fucking of women in some way. Like not to get too TMI, but I have a thing for submissive women in leather or latex outfits but I hate seeing sub men in those outfits UNLESS they’re being “forced” to fuck sub women as part of a breeding program, humiliation ritual, or whatever. That doesn’t really mean I have any appreciation for leather men, just that I’m willing to look pass it on occasion to add some spice for my main fetish I’m willing to bet he was the same way. He wasn’t saying that “Man-on-man is valid in these specific situations” but rather “I’ll say it’s cool for you two dudes to fuck for a bit because then that’ll make you guys double teaming this 7 yr old girl that much hotter because I am the most horrible degenerate ever”
Well I'm not going to reinforce the language pushed by trannies but you do you if you're so eager to get on HRT
Jeez that really was graphic huh.

I swear these schizos need to learn better graphic design.
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Found a new reaction
Yeah I don't know that he ever approved of gay sex but apparently he said some ambiguous things at times about it, but the main sort of gay sounding thing he promoted was for believers to imagine having sex with Jesus while praying, but the men doing this were supposed to be imagining themselves as women at the time, ostensibly making it straight.
>it's what skies and forests are, dumb woman.
>is it odd that we're speaking in a language that won't exist for several thousand years?
>shut up and eat this apple already
It's also the only abrahamic doctrine that I know of that explicitly mentions the existence of aliens, like with other "Adams" in different worlds
do they not talk at all in the Bible though? or is it in a paradise language that existed right after humans were made?
Whatever they spoke, it sure as fuck wasn't anything we speak today
There’s this other illustrated version of the Plan of Salvation by an artist named Godwin on twitter, which I personally find fascinating.
Both Adam and Eve have spoken lines in the text of Genesis. Chapter 11 of Genesis describes all of humanity having spoken a common language until God confused their tongues during the construction of the Tower of Babel. The Bible does not indicate what the original language was or sounded like, but I think it would have been totally different than Biblical Hebrew.
go watch the only completed episode of his Bible adaptation by the way:
I’ll bet we speak it when we’re reunited with Christ.
Quite possibly. It seems that the spiritual gift of tongues, especially as depicted in Acts 2, is a taste of the power of Christ undoing the confusion of languages.
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The reformation and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
it's actually relatively mild up until the part with the robot with tits. most of the fucked-up aspects come from knowledge of the cult itself and realizing all of the
in it.
What is this about?
Captain Planet.
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The JW cartoon Caleb and Sophia, i feel bad for the main characters, the mom is a bitch, the dad is a himbo, really meh propagandist show overall.

The Bully girl is best girl.
Here’s a Hare Krishna puppet show:
Bump as I research a cartoon I remember from my childhood, just can't pinpoint the name to share yet.
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Wow, can't find much to share, doesn't seem like its fondly remembered, but there was a Swedish Chistmas Special series in 1987 called "Marias Barn" (Mary's Child) about Jesus. 24 episodes up to Christmas.

I can't find a single proper clip but here at 02:05 you can catch a quick glimpse of the "quality" of it.


Apparently you can watch it on the Swedish Television website but not outside of Sweden unfortunately.
The Hindu deity, Krishna, in his formative years apparently.

Denisovan eve
Nah, I’ve seen enough combat footage and liveleak tier shit to know at a certain point people go into shock. Saw a guy get his arm severed to the point it was literally hanging by a tendril a d gushing blood and he was remarkably quiet.
Love Gabs
I wanna be her lollipop.
So I've been looking for this one David and Goliath cartoon for a long time. One where when David slings the rock at Goliath, his head damn near explodes into a ridiculous amount of blood for a kid's show. I remember watching it at a religious friend's house, and that memory stuck with me to this day, since I was so used to kiddy versions of D&G where the rock would just sorta bounce off Goliath's head and then Goliath lays down to take a nap. But I can't seem to find that cartoon.
Someone should make a gif/webm of David slinging a (You) at Goliath.
or, as of now, mp4
I want to see her destroy the JW cult with facts and logic as I would anyone.
Yeah I have no doubts that she could destroy a JW's worldview with dat mouth, all right.
admittedly clever wordplay
Any truth can destroy it.
Shit like this makes me sad, it's the same energy as fanfic tumblr shit but actually gets taken seriously and spawned a multibillion dollar church
Why couldn't that have been me?
Well, as my pastor put it, "The Good News is that God has forgiven all of your sins. The bad news is that He's forgiven everyone else's, too."
It’s wild how it’s put into perspective. Decades of suffering under a tyrant is like 3 seconds compared to the kingdom of Heaven, and that’s too weak a comparison. So from a Christian perspective, there really should be no reason to hold a grudge against a bully who ruins your mortal life. And yet, they say the son’s sacrifice is not a license to sin although we are prone to sinning.
All the more reason why these cults are so fucking evil: they rob you of an eternity of Christ for momentary pleasure.

This anti-mormon cartoon was banned because it went too hard on Mormonism? I say it didn’t go hard enough, and Trey Parker making light of how sinister Mormonism really is doesn’t help much either
Similarly, Adam and Eve are never shown fully naked before the apple. The nudity not being in kid's shows I get but paintings and sculptures for adults never have fully nude Adam or Eve pre-apple.

I love Jesus
Or, from another perspective, devotion to the idea of an eternity with Christ robs you of meaningful experiences while alive.
I'd care more about all the interfaith distinctions if they didn't all share the same problems
What about Yakub?
You just did.
>Being a trad christian is when you larp as a muzzie
Thats modern day americans for ya
Is there like a garden of Eden fetish?

You know two people stuck in a garden naked?
>literally making stuff up with the express purpose of making lds faith seem as offensive to protestant christians as possible in order to make those christians hate mormons isn't going far enough
That's just public nudity
look-up the adamites.
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Naturism kino. It's even hotter when the girl starts the story tightly buttoned up and until she comes around to nudity.
They aren't male. They aren't female.
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Honestly that would be a really good idea to fuck with Sophia, steal one of her books, read it (well only the redhead nerd would do it) and then, they would start bothering her with umcomfortable questions about her religion that she cant answer or that she respond it would make her religion look bad to her classmates.

That or sharing the information with the class so they are the ones making the questions and they only have relax and watch.
When the world "cult" is used, in common usage it means "abusive cult."
>What marks an abusive cult?
Many things, a lot of which revolve around the physical, sexual, financial and emotional control of members and the manipulative tactics of the leader.
/g/ here
0 != null
That usage of them was referring to a group of individuals, then used for an individual is tranny shit
>that totally justifies the use of tranny pronouns!
You aren't fooling anyone troon apologist
It does in C and C++.
>tranny pronouns
Singular "they" was good enough for Shakespeare.
you seem nervous
NULL is a pointer, 0 is a value
and \0 terminates strings but let us just ignore it
NULL is defined as 0. Assigning 0 to a pointer and it will equal NULL. At least this was the case last time I read the spec.
>literally making stuff up
What depiction of Joseph Smith’s divine revelation wasn’t accurate in that cartoon? Or are you claiming his stuff is made up?
>literally the only people that don't consider mormons christian are protestants. catholics don't care, orthodoxes don't care
That’s some advanced LDS conversion. Catholics and Ortodoxes don’t care about the blatantly heretical "church"?
>What depiction of Joseph Smith’s divine revelation wasn’t accurate in that cartoon?
unironically too much to mention. literally the whole thing is "sky daddy" tier ridicule.
how often do you see catholics and orthodoxes make entire cartoons dedicsted to bashing mormons, or just people of different faiths in general?
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>a billion Israel wifes
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>how often do you see catholics and orthodoxes make entire cartoons dedicsted to bashing mormons, or just people of different faiths in general?
I can post some really interesting examples from Russia
NTA but go ahead
You sound like those trannies that try to push obviously fake historical revisionism like two spirit bullshit to try and make trannies and pronoun faggotry appear less like the modern invention it all is.
The revelation is pretty accurate, although mormon apologists deny it. There are hidden cams of the temple ceremony on youtube too, and it boils down to watching a film where Peter, James and John instruct Adam and repeating secret handshakes. This is an accurate description.
>threads about cartoons get deleted
>thread that's 90% arguing about religion gets to stay up
just behead very janny for /co/ already.
meant every
you say that like it's a good thing while bumping an off-topic thread. you are the problem with this website.
I thought Mormons believed that there was only a limited amount of spots for godhood? Like 200,000 total for all Mormons who will ever exist.
I was just in Austria and spent a bunch of time in art museums and found some paintings with naked Adam and Eve. I remember a relief sculpture in the Beldevere and at least one painting in the Kunsthistorisches museum.

Wouldn't recommend the Beldevere unless you really like Gustav Klimt, but the Kunsthistorisches museum is great and you should totally go if you're in Vienna. Also features a surprising amount of Lot and his daughters and Susanna.
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No you didnt
no, that's jehova's witnesses.
Yeah it’s the JW and it’s 144,000 EXACTLY who will entire heaven, no more, no less (incidentally, there are 8.6 million Witnesses according to the main organization as of 2023). I also remember being told the Calvinists had a similar number thing but actually they believed in predetermined salvation, which means that you are either already chosen to go to Heaven or it’s not going to fucking happen and there’s literally nothing you can do about it.
The problem was he was forced into the back once his spot was taken, wouldn't want to steal anyone else's, and couldn't even properly enjoy the sermon. He couldn't hear her past the coughers to the point he had to yell out "what?" in front of everyone, he was being blinded by the sun, etc. It was a pretty frustrating experience that ruined the whole point of being there when you're not even hearing the sermon.
I'm surprised there isn't any discussion of VeggieTales.
this thread isn't about cartoons, but you already knew that.
Phil Vischer sold the fuck out. Wonder if he’s saved?
NTA but no one is going anywhere in this discussion. Anon is embedded in his argument about Christianity, you have your own argument.
Too obvious.
Nah dude, he didn’t sell out. He went bankrupt because because he spent too much on Jonah and his choices were either let the franchise die (which he couldn’t do because it was his way to witness to kids) or hook up with a bigger company and maybe buy it back later (spoiler: never happen). He tried to make the best of a shitty situation and it didn’t work out. Sometimes shit just happens.
Also did you know he was the voice of Snap from Rice Krispies in the 90s?
Snap is the one in the chef’s hat if you didn’t know.
>So in the end is less the philosophical or spiritual concept of religion and more the religious experience from the POV of an average person.
You see something similar in the episode where the Buddhists think Bobby is the Dali Lama. Hank tells Bobby that they're Methodists, yet when Bobby asks him what Methodism is, he can't explain it.
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>the mom is a bitch

She’s a Super Jehova’s Witness. An SJW, if you will

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