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Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:
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>How does this work?

>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something when there's no thread:

Last time:

-More Ninjoe

-Dynamo League greentexts
-Crackdown Crossover Conversings
-Sharpshipper and Magenta: A match made in cosmic space???
-New pics
-Other stuff I didn't mention

Also, I'm not the usual guy as he's currently moving, so apologies if I missed anything.
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You had me worried coc.
Another Week Another Ninjoe!

The Adventures Of Ninjoe - Tenant!

>While Joe is away on Vacation, his landlord and building baron Fistolero enjoys a nice stroll eating O'Malley jerkey!

>But what's this, his other tenant appears to be injured

>he goes to ensure her health!
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nice rubber hose dude
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Most are meh
Which ones aren’t?
Time for the ladybug Drawpile! Instructions in the pic.


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Yeah, moving sucks. Not gonna be done for days.

Glad you stepped up making the thread.
More than glad to step up when you are occupied. Least we can do for you doing it for so long, rain or shine.

Hope it won't be too much longer.
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Tomorrow the final paperwork gets dealt with and I'm out of here. Then it's however long it takes to get to where I'm going and get re-situated.
Work's trying to fire me, so I'm probably going to have to start looking for a new job on top of all this.

The hero that I need, but not the one I'll get with how piss-poor my luck has been.
Jeez. Well, maybe get yourself something nice to eat after the papaerwork

or some blow. fuck it, why not?
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I haven't had a fully proper meal in like three days. All of my stuff to cook with, even my microwave is in storage now. Can't even go out to eat with all the shit I've had to do at the house. The literal shit with a broken sewer line in the front yard flooding in here. Fucking goddamn.

I have to subside on sandwiches and cereal and I've only got frozen bread and powdered milk left.
I bet The Glutton Lord is the way he is because he experienced starvation at least once.
Hope you can get a pizza to destroy at some point
Sorry to hear about that. Maybe some instant ramen diet would work, it did for me when I lost all my money from a fast-food worker.
Forgot to add I only did it for a week till I got paid again but that was like in the middle 2010s when necessities were affordable.
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The teen super team that never got off the ground, Riley Werben the flying brick, though she's adamant that her super name is number one, Tantrum the hulk analog who was one of the reasons work on the team stalled, and Anastasia Wright in her wisp form, the onlt one that actually went anywhere which is another reason work on the team stalled. Not pictured is Cobalt the fourth member who was an Iron man type, teenage girl with a suit of powered armor, the other reason work on the team stalled.

I just found an old hard drive full of a bunch of /coc/ stuff from around 2011-2016, and it reminded me how much I missed these goddamn threads.
If you’ve been away for a while you might have missed Tantrum getting a starring role in a pretty beefy short story about the Blueblood clan.

The World Of Ninjoe - Children's television

>Within GoGo City's sphere of influence, the largest tv channel network is P.E.A.K TV, comprising 4 main channels without cable and an additonal 8 (including HD channels) when one pays cable!

>One of these Channels is called P.E.A.K Kids, and one of it's most popular shows is the Contessa of Zapzap city's own Thordis Thunderfist's very own children's program!

>An educational show known as 'Half The Battle' is enjoyed by children through Gogo's territories, from the main city and it's surrounding neighbourhoods, to it's tributaries such as Smasher and Zapzap, and of course the mighty strongholds and fortresses used by it's nobles and retainers!

>The show's main catalogue being cartoon shorts, funny skits, puppet shows and live service lessons such as cooking, math, equipment cleaning and loyalty! Often taught by various P.E.A.K agents!

>And of course after every episode or mid episode break you'll find a valuable message or moral told to you by animated versions of famous figures from War heroes to The Contessa herself!

>Of course, these people are not always available so P.E.A.K makes use of soundalikes, Text To Speech devices and even old voice synthesizers!

>and of course, despite Thordis being the show's producer and creator her daily job as a stateswoman prevents her from directing the show full time, thus it is up to P.E.A.K to manage the show itself and make up the lessons!
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By the day's end, maybe I can finally have something nourishing.

Didn't she hang out with the guy from India who has armored skin? He also never took off. Should've gone full Bollywood with him.

He probably only remembers it from when it was a minor summary of the plot if that's the case.

So what's stopping them from subtly shifting the propaganda machine to their own favor?

>So what's stopping them from subtly shifting the propaganda machine to their own favor?

Probably unrionically loyalty for now, i'm still wondering if i want the current leader of P.E.A.K to still be the other guy i wS think of who i will label the "Arch Praetor" or to actually be Hannibal Thunderfist, kind of going full autismo and cracking down on disloyalty because the last war was caused by them letting their guard down and giving so much power to the man who was Legion Legatus.
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I had other plans, such as Hannibal's presumed death remaining a mystery (it was Pazuzu who might be Donar's dad or uncle) but i think it would be cool for Hannibal to have gone missing all those years and just returning shortly before the war concluded, kicking down the doors and assuming command of P.E.A.K and what he was doing all those years ago was unknown.
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Afternoon bump
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Huh, would of though the doodle would've been posted by now.

Well, that's why I keep track of the session backups. This should be what the session ended with.
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What was this in reference too?
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I dropped off these threads a while before that. When I was around tantrum was still pretty bare bones, during the teen team plotting some people we’re pushing for him to be the insufferable kid genius type, and at least one person was pushing for his female thunderbolt Ross to have a different kind of obsession with him.

That came about afterwards I remember correctly. They kind of operated around the same area, Damandahl was the more seasoned of the two, a sikh who could turn his skin to armor, and Riley’s style was pretty much like throwing a wrecking ball at a house of twigs. Some people wanted to use them, but couldn’t really come up with a good enough hook that stuck. The teen team came about as a way to use Tantrum and Flying Brick, but the needed someone who wasn’t super strong so Anastasia was made, but then then it took so long to even agree on some things that she got moved over to the britainment stuff so at least she got to be in something. Then there’s cobalt, who was barely even a thing.
I see Recluse exchangeable limbs made the drawpile cut.

What's his theme song?
Cobalt has the potential to be something if paired with the right characters. She's one-half aping The Recluse's robo limbs gimmick, but it's possible Cobalt was made before The Recluse.
What is his cat reference to?
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Felix The Cat and Kit Cat Klocks
That's a possibility but I can't help but feel it's from some game
You mean that Bendy mascot horror thing?
It reminds me of Bendy I suppose but I don't think he's a cat.
Goodnight everyone.
>What's his theme song?
now that you mentioned it, i never thought about it before.
but unironically i find Major Man's theme song from PPF really Fitting for Marmot-Man (mostly because of the lyrics)

and with this video of Man of Steel with this same song, I can see it:
My friend, I am stuck in a job that does not pay me enough to live and keeps me from the threads.
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>I see Recluse exchangeable limbs made the drawpile cut.
It was a fun idea!

Poor Joe is going to be banned from rock-dropping claws now.

Who doesn't love a little propaganda?
Idea for next pile. Have a character Answer on what's best on the turkey, breast or thighs?
GG likes Breast, it's a safe bet.
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An age old question.
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I need a few suggestions for insects or animals that are rarely used for heroes. The grasshopper feels to japanes? when I want to put my current stuff into rhode island
Rhode Island's official state animals:
Bird is the Rhode Island Red Chicken
Fish is the Striped Bass
Bug is the American Burying Beetle
Also, the Quahaug and Northern Star Coral, apparently. Those are definitely unusual animal themes.
Merge into turkey-shiva.
Stick Bugs (Phasmatodea) are rarely used, if at all. They are masters of disguise, but being a more tropical kind of bug I doubt it fits on Rodhe Island...

Fish can be interesting to use if you avoid the obvious water-themed shtick. Something more like "the courage of a salmon", "tenacity of a shark", etc. Or you can go the deep ocean freaks route, lots of cool animals down there.

Dinosaurs are cool, but most of the time are seem as childish. Extinct animals could be a good source of inspiration - like the over-used sabertooth cats.
Cockroaches are everywhere.
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Not sure if I'm gonna able be to gjve an answer to this during next drawpile, so I guess I might as well do it right now.
Arthur isn't exactly a finicky eater, for him meat is meat. He usually picks whatever bones are on his plate completely clean (not even marrow around the bone is safe most of the time) since that's what he remembers his grandpa doing.
But I guess he'd lean a bit towards the breast after all.
Night bump
Good night.
I concur.
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It's finally her time to gets some real art, not finished yet
Justice for short and fluffy girls.
Blueblood's chest size seems to fluctuate a lot. Maybe it's based on how much blood she's sucked recently.
Wait lustbane is a girl?
Neither is Venus. They're both femboy characters.
Huh weird well in lust case seems like a bit of a bulge to the chest and the bindings.
Ah. Tekken rules.
He is under a curse that is slowly feminizing him. Theoretically he could keep moving up the chart in bust size.

I'm unfamiliar.
Brianna is the biggest natural.
>genetically enhanced supersoldier test tube baby
Tekken 7 had this one character, Eliza, that was a narcoleptic vampire. Normally flat, she's got unlockable alt skins that give her a pretty substantial bust enhancement. But because of the way the trailer for her was shot, people theorized at the time that her sudden ballooning was related to some kind of blood drinking mechanic
Feminization oc why isn't their more?
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Ah, I see. That's a funny bit of congruency there.

Well some people have proposed doing that with Ladybug but it seems like one forced feminization character has been enough for most people so far.
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Girl needs to use her power of explosions to grill some steak, a growing girl needs MEAT
Even without the super soldier enhancement but she still be natural?
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Sorry typo, I meant
Even without the super soldier enhancement would she still be natural?
Would her boobs still be that naturally big is what I'm saying.
I'm sure they definitely be the same but she'd have a harder time carrying them.
Nice digits. I'm not sure anyone has written that scenario.
Actually now that I say that I think Magi has a /coc/verse version of Brianna who's an enforcer for Diego's mob. She looks much like she does in the boob chart.
ladybug feminization not a bad idea
Goodnight bump.
Good night.
> Dynamo League: Quiet Before The Storm XVII

>Dr. Invisi-bling blinked at Joe's revelation, the weight of his words still settling in her mind. She adjusted her glasses, her sharp gaze now softened by a hint of concern. “Have you told Liza about this? She deserves to know, Joe.”
>Joe shook his head, avoiding her eyes. “No. I didn’t want to worry her,” he admitted, his voice low. He stayed silent for a moment, the room heavy with his thoughts, before continuing, “I’ll figure it out myself. Maybe… maybe I’ll need to leave Trunktown for a while to find answers.”
>Dr. Invisi-bling tilted her head, her brow furrowing. “Leave Trunktown? Joe, with everything happening right now, that’s… a risky decision.”
>Joe didn’t respond immediately, so she pressed on, her tone shifting to the calm, analytical cadence that came naturally to her. “Think about it, Joe. With Willow missing, your absence would further strain our team. Captain Undersocks isn’t himself lately; we’ve all noticed it. If you leave, Dynamo League will lose a significant part of its influence and strength. And with potential dangers looming—Saint Neal, the Inquiry, or whoever else might see this as an opportunity to strike—it’s not just risky. It’s potentially catastrophic.”
>Joe nodded slowly, her words sinking in. “You’re right,” he admitted. “The timing couldn’t be worse.”
>Dr. Invisi-bling’s shoulders relaxed slightly at his acknowledgment, but Joe wasn’t done. “But I can’t ignore this either,” he continued. “I’ll make sure the town is safe before I leave. And I won’t be gone long—I promise. There’s too much at stake for me to just walk away.”
>A rare smile crept across Joe’s face, softening his typically tense expression. “Besides,” he added, “Willow’s going to visit us in the next few days. So, I’m not leaving just yet.”
>Dr. Invisi-bling’s lips curved into a warm smile at the mention of Willow. “Willow?” she said, her tone brighter. “I’ve missed her being part of the team. It’ll be good to have her back, even if it’s just for a visit.”
>Before Joe could respond, his communicator buzzed. Liza’s familiar voice came through, light and teasing. “Joe, are you and The professor solving the secrets of the universe or something? You’re taking so long, I’m starting to get suspicious.”
>Joe chuckled, the sound carrying a rare warmth. He reached for his mask, securing it back over his face. “Duty calls,” he said, nodding to Dr. Invisi-bling. “Thanks for the advice. I mean it.”
>Dr. Invisi-bling gave him a small smile, tilting her head. “You know I’m always here to help, Joe. We all are.”
> Marmot-man straightened, his usual determined demeanor settling back into place. “We still have a job to do,” he said, his voice firm again. With one last nod of thanks, he turned and headed back toward the team, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.
>On the other side of Trunktown, Captain Undersocks held his closed meeting with the superpowered former small offenders.
>The small meeting room was quieter than usual. Captain Undersocks sat at the head of the table, his usual warm demeanor dulled, his eyes distant. Normally, these gatherings were filled with laughter and positivity as he guided former offenders on their path to redemption. But tonight, he struggled to summon the energy. His thoughts swirled with guilt and regret, the weight of his past decisions pressing on his chest like an anchor.
>The group, sensing his mood, remained silent out of respect, stealing occasional glances at one another. They all admired Captain Undersocks—his unwavering belief in second chances had transformed their lives. Seeing him this way unsettled them.
>Finally, Kyle, one of the older members of the group and a former minor offender, broke the silence. His voice was cautious but tinged with excitement. "I... I have some news," he said, standing up and adjusting the sleeves of his jacket. He looked down for a moment, then met the eyes of the group. "I got my old job back. After everything, after all the changes I’ve made… they gave me another chance. I can’t tell you how much this means to me."
>A ripple of applause and congratulations passed through the room. Captain Undersocks managed a small smile, but his heart felt heavy. He should have been overjoyed, but his own doubts kept him in a fog.
>Then another member spoke up. A man named Derek, who had once been estranged from his family, cleared his throat and stood. "I… I finally reconnected with my wife and kids," he said, his voice breaking. He rubbed at his eyes, trying to contain his emotions. "I didn’t think they’d ever forgive me, but they did. I—I’m finally having dinner with them tomorrow night." His lips quivered, and a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Captain, if it weren’t for you… for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself... I wouldn’t have had this chance. Thank you.”
>The room grew emotional as more members began to share their victories. Small triumphs, big milestones—they all poured out their gratitude toward Captain Undersocks. "You saw something in me when no one else did," one woman said. "You reminded me that I could change." Another nodded and added, "You gave us hope. And you never gave up on us, even when we wanted to give up on ourselves."
>Then, Ori, the petite anthro orange cat-girl with vibrant energy, stood up. Her eyes gleamed with determination as she pulled up her sleeve, revealing her bare arm. "I did it," she said proudly. "I got rid of my Nexus tattoo. It doesn’t define me anymore. I’m not who I was. I’m someone better now."
>The room erupted into applause, the sound echoing in the small space. Tears welled in Captain Undersocks’ eyes as he looked around at the people he had helped transform. Their gratitude, their progress—it hit him like a tidal wave, breaking through the fog of doubt that had clouded his mind.
>Gathering his courage, he stood. The room fell silent as he looked at them, his voice trembling at first but growing stronger with each word. "I don’t have the words to tell you how proud I am of all of you. Seeing how far you’ve come… it reminds me why I do this. Why I fight so hard for this town, for people like you. You’ve proven something that everyone else was too blind to see: that your past doesn’t define you. It’s just a part of your story. And you can take those pages and turn them into something new. Something better."
>His voice grew firmer, filled with emotion. "Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re less than what you are now. You’ve worked for this, earned it. And it’s not just about making up for the past—it’s about building a brighter future. For yourselves, for your families, for this town. I believe in you, and I’ll keep fighting for you, just like you’ve fought for yourselves."
>The room burst into cheers and applause again, louder this time, and Captain Undersocks let their energy fuel him. As they celebrated, his resolve solidified.
>As the meeting ended and the group dispersed, Captain Undersocks lingered for a moment, looking at the empty chairs. A quiet determination settled in his chest. "I’ve spent so long trapped by my own mistakes," he thought. "But they’re right. The past doesn’t define me—it shapes me. And I’ve shaped something good here, something that matters."
>He clenched his fists, his confidence renewed. I don’t have to prove anything to Jesse or even High Authority."I just need to prove it to myself. That I’m not the man I used to be. I’m more than my mistakes. I’m the protector of Trunktown, a member of Dynamo League, and someone who fights for second chances and Justice."
>A small smile crept onto his face as he turned and left the room. For the first time in weeks, he felt like himself again. And he was ready to face whatever came next.
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I found Marley!
She at least got some fresh white meat with her to bite on

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