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>"Every decision we make is meaningless because somewhere, on a parallel Earth, we have already made the opposite choice. We're nothing. Less than nothing. And, as you know, awareness of our insignificance is the worst hell imaginable. Somewhere in the Multiverse there is a world I call "Earth Prime". Every earth is a variation of this one; The Original. And once I destroy it, all reality will follow."
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This only applies if you accept the multiverse hypothesis.
>Alice drawn by Mike Judge
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Aлиcaposter reporting for duty.
So, Alicechads, how shall we go about annihilating popular culture such that our girl is all that is left?
AI posting is only okay if you post one or two on a theme, don't spam the thread with the stuff.

On that subject, here's one I made of what a Wonderland game might look like
She is so ugly
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Aлиca isn't ugly.
You don't even need the Multiverse hypothesis.

Any given volume, say a sphere 100 lightyears in radius, has only a finite number of possible quantum states. If the universe is infinite in size, duplications are inevitable. Along with an inconceivably greater number of near-duplicates, of course.

The math has been worked out. The likely number of lightyears to the nearest exact-match is so huge that it takes 3 or 4 levels of exponents just to write it down.

Doesn't bother me. I'll never meet my counterparts and their fates don't effect me. (Besides which, no one has the slightest idea of how to prove or disprove the "infinite size" hypothesis.) But if it's true, there must be an unimaginable number of Earths where American voters were a _little_ smarter. We just drew the short straw.
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I love little girls so much it's unreal
Nice shit bait, here's your (You) now fuck off
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"I don't suppose that you will be joining me in dawning this perverted attire? After all you claim this is standard tea wear in Wonderland."
"Nonsense! For I am already a rabbit, it's quite redundant my dear!"
"Yes of course and I am 1/16th rabbit myself! We simply cannot tolerate redundancy at this table!"
"Although, now that you've mentioned it, there IS one other set of attire that is appropriate at this table."
"And What, pray tell is that?"
"why, your unbirthday suit of course! We will be glad to join you in dawning that unattire should you choose that option"
"Oh my!""
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Yeah! Get him Soviet Alice!
>back view
>linear path
what is this, crash bandicoot?
Crash is a bit more isometric
Iirc that one was based on Breath of the Wild. I made a few different ones.
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We already got a Wonderland game.
It's built with the Quake III engine.
what about one that's more faithful to the source material?
I like those games, but there's lots of other options.

The one I imagine is more like BotW set in Wonderland, open world with zones, puzzle solving and exploration focused.

Maybe some basic combat. You could use those croquet flamingos as swords ... what else could you use as weapons?
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Built in IDtech4
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the game is too dark and edgy
what about one that captures the sense of childlike wonder of the original story?
That game is called Psychnauts for the chad Gen 6 Xbox
but I NEED to play as a cute Alice
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I have some ideas:
>Deadly rocks that turn into harmless cake when sitting for too long
>Hedgehog frag grenades
>Clubs that Alice can take from the Queen of Heart's guards
>Spades that Alice can steal from the Queen of Heart's gardeners and use like kunai (since kunai were once used as gardening tools)
>Tarts Alice can poison and feed to critters
>A weaponized version of the big Puppy that Alice can sic on enemies
>A frying pan Alice takes from the Duchess's cook
>Weaponized pepper (I don't know, it's too close to American McGee's ideas)
>Fine china that Alice takes from the Duchess and throws like her cook
>The Cheshire Cat (could either be a helpful character that attacks enemies or can be used to help Alice disappear like an invisibility cloak)
>A paintbrush? It's not too deadly but you could draw stupid things with it or paint some roses
That's all I can think of that specifically relates to Alice's Adventure in Wonderland; if we take into consideration Through the Looking-Glass, then I'd add in the obligatory Vorpal Sword.
>Through the Looking-Glass
stop spamming this shit asshole
>Check an Alice thread
>Get recomended a weird cartoon where alice goes to Paris

What is happening?
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What's wrong with Through the Looking-Glass? It's a good movie, with a killer soundtrack:
>What's wrong with Through the Looking-Glass
This bitch
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I posted twice, that's not spam. I specifically told people to only post once or twice and not to spam. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
never quote me ever again.
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Does she count?
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If you can't tell the difference between posters, don't bother trying to call people out
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To quote a ladybird from a British Nintendo 64 game: "Alright, who dis?"
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Gertrude (Gert) from I Hate Fairyland, at best an obvious Alice expy.
I did like I Hate Fairyland. The humor felt somewhat dated, as if it should have come out around 2002 when Invader Zim was huge. But I still liked it.
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so anyone can make a movie or merchandise for her?
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Pretty much, as long as you make original designs for the characters then it's free game. That's why everyone and their mother made Alice related media without ever paying the Carroll estate (if such a thing even exists as Carroll died single); come on, do you think a dudebro like American McGee would have made his awesome Alice games if he had to pay a licensing fee to some Bri'ish guy who would cramp his style?
>"Cлyшaй cюдa, мaлeнький кpeтин, ecли ты нe вoзьмёшь тёплyю oдeждy, кoгдa я тeбя пoхищy и yвeзy нa poдинy, я зacтaвлю тeбя нocить мoю yшaнкy, и тeбe этo пoнpaвитcя!"

>s-sorry mate I don't understa-

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I was thinking about someone creating Alice art with so to sell on shirts and stuff
That's not how the multiverse works.
Alice is not copyrighted.
Some specific designs of her are copyrighted
But the character as a whole us not.
Thus, you can sell her on shirts.
DC came up with it first Marvel fag. They decide how it works.
is that like steamboat Willie mickey? and Winnie poo?
Like Sherlock Holmes and King Arthur
I had to draw this interaction.
You can do that, though I say make an adaptation of the story first so people know for certain it's related to the stories.
Which Alice is this?
Kino. I imagine their relationship is
>Soviet Alice is agressively, forcefully compassionate (like a russian grandma) and Aussie Alice is bewildered and can't get a word in

Census taker
>aren't you Australian? What are you doing in Russia?
Aussie Alice
>well I was ju-
Soviet Alice
Aussie Alice
>w-who is comrade Len-
Soviet Alice
Pretty sure they didn't come up with the idea of a multiverse.
is the blue dress a Disney copyright?
dc did multiverse first with flash according to my research
Shit this needs to be inked and coloured.
Great work
And when was that?
Rolling for Aussie Alice
You got trips on 0, you get to choose both.
Let's go! I got trips!
Anyway, Soviet Alice and I'm fighting Barmaglot.
Since I asked if she counts I will use Gert.
She would probably get angry during the party and proceed to cause a mess.
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>"Cлyшaй cюдa, мaлeнький кpeтин, ecли ты нe вoзьмёшь тёплyю oдeждy, кoгдa я тeбя пoхищy и yвeзy нa poдинy, я зacтaвлю тeбя нocить мoю yшaнкy, и тeбe этo пoнpaвитcя!"

>s-sorry mate I don't understa-

I don't have all of those memorized, can you please give information about who is from what?
I only recognize the Disney one, and I think 2 is from Goodtimes, or some similar company that made adaptations of public domain stories that Disney also had versions of.
Also, I don't suppose I can sub in the number of my first post in this thread, can I?
Because I'm okay with that situation.
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First, checked.
Second, here's a list of the Alices:
>1 is from Alice from Wonderland in Paris
>2 you already know
>3 Aussie Alice in Through the Looking Glass
>4 Alice from the books as illustrated by Sir John Tenniel
>5 Soviet Alice (mai waifu)
>6 Rankin Bass Alice (Don't quote me)
>7 Aussie Alice from Alice in Wonderland
>8 Alice from Care Bears
>9 Disney Alice
Alice from Wonderland in Paris
Goodtimes Alice in Wonderland
I don't know either
Rankin Bass
Aussie Alice
Care Bears in Wonderland
You crossed out the reply, so this doesn't count.
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For me is the 90s We have Alice at home. Can't remember how many times I watched this.
Wait, what happened to the game? It's /co/ related.
I wanted to use my digits from >>146406407 so I'd be an Alice I was at least a bit more familiar with.
I wot mate?
Mods don't like games.
The game got deleted.
Well I still want an answer to my question.
So, that's why I haven't seen any game posts in while.
As a perpetual fuckup, the idea that some version of me actually got it right is one of the few things that comforts me.
Sure, why not? Since it's been removed.
Okay. and does it matter if my version of Alice didn't have an equivalent to the scene in question? Could I pick a version that does for the situation despite having a different Alice?
>Do not look at her. Look at me. You look at her and I kill you. I give her fur from bear I kill. I give you death if you approach her."
In a THICK russian accent
No, whatever version of Alice you turn into, doesn't effect the scenario. You're the Alice you rolled, but you're still going through the scenario, regardless of version.
Okay, since I get to choose, I pick Alice from those live-action Resident Evil movies.
And she's gonna outgrow a house.
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Soviet and Aussie Alice make a badass duo, like the two American Alices but cooler and with less normies swarming the two.
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Here's my terrible photoshopping
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>vareniki? again?
>w-well, can i have some of the vodka this time?
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I colored in the original doodle. I'll make more tomorrow because it's getting late.
Which AI generator should I use to generate a Disney Alice image that involves her bum?
Lovely work.

But Aussie Alice isn't that blue
Actually, wtf colour is that?
Its a white & red apron over a white sleeveless dress???
Or is it really pale blue?????
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...Russian memes scare me.
So, do you think Disney Alice has the fattest bottom of all these Alice’s?
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>tfw you get a fetish for classy Victorian ladies who are polite who speak all "oh dear me" and dress in elaborately detailed formal attire from Alice.

I have odd taste.
That is absolutely my fetishised. It explains my obsession with Alice, along with my remarks about her bum.
What the fuck is up with all the threads about Alice recently popping up? Did Japan invade /co/ or something?
This is literally only the second>>146408890
, and it’s a follow-up to the first.
Okay every Alice ever published or released in a show, movie, or video game fight to the death. Who wins and why?
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The invasion is Austro-Slavic fren
Well when it comes to the ones itt
>Disney Alice dies almost immediately
>Mcgee Alice has an Owlman style breakdown and decides to hunt down and kill all alternate Alices
>Soviet Alice builds and lives in a log cabin just outside Pripyat and just lives there. Hunting bears and taming wild dogs etc
>Aussie Alice gets abducted by Soviet Alice at some point to "protect her" from Mcgee Alice's multiversal hunt, but the grubby little Australian can't speak Russian , so she thinks its a "10 Cloverfield Lane" situation
why Japan?
who the fuck is Alice
>could have easily been another fps but with all the Alice atmosphere
>goes out of his way to make it third person
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Not gonna lie these are kinda the only good threads since /co/ started going to shit the past year
And, astonishingly, they're not coomer threads.
a crazy lady
That song sucks and i'm tired of pretending it doesn't
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>Alice thread
>half the fucking thread is AI slop
As if it couldn't be more obvious this thread is dead as fuck. The lazy faggot bumping his own thread couldn't even bother browsing Gelbooru/Pixiv for Alice pics.
>complains about a singular faggot clearly astroturfing the thread on purpose
>posts ariel
why are you like this?
>Arrow made an Alice in Wonderland ride for Disneyland
>They sold the tech and concept to Blackpool at the same time
>this was the result.

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I just got here and browsed the thread, only to reply with a random reaction image I had available. Heaven forbid I should know about some obscure Alice/Ariel rivalry some giga autist is trying to force.
I live in my timeline. What does it matter to me what some alternate version of me does. As far as my sentience cares, I am the prime me.
You could've posted an Alice pic but you didn't.
Begone, lesser.
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Uh, yeah... Japan... we'll go with that.
Makes no sense
If for some X
I thought it was a blue color but the film the screenshots were captured from was just very degraded in visual quality like the Soviet Alice films that were uploaded to YouTube (the DailyMotion rips are superior because they use an older, less degraded rip)
retarded asshole shut the fuck up asshole
Ok but why is the rabbit blue? Is he stupid?
So, what AI image generator are you all using?
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someone asked for "Aussie Alice" I was just posting the results....
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Wouldn't let me generate what I wanted with that…
try perchance.org
Drawfag ere, give me some alice requests. Preferably cute and or hot.
Soviet Alice doing whatever. I just want more Soviet Alice.
Any chance you'd draw what >>146407318 was talking about?
Drawfag ere again just to say I prefer Disney Alice too, not as interested in the other ones but will do my best lol
The Mad Hatter squeezing Alice's fat bottom (while also making a joking remark about how fat it is), with Alice shouting "oi!"/"hey!" in annoyance/anger.
AI brings you the Austro-Slavic alliance
You've seen Aussie Alice itt??
More of her and Soviet Alice
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A feral Alice with her dress torn and damaged in all the right places posed in a defense position ready to fight the viewer with her makeshift weapon if not just using a spear stolen from the Royal Guards
Its like if Wonderland was truly real and she couldn't escape and everyone is too goofy or evil to take care of her.
Here's a reference - https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c2/b1/48/c2b148b4ac2322e21539fb00b97a8af3.jpg
Drew this funny interaction.
I wonder why that post of all posts was deleted.
I prefer Dorothy
Why the fuck should anyone enable a shit thread that's just a dumping ground for some Ai faggot?
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It started as an Alice thread, you dodo.
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Bruh why is Soviet Alice getting deleted?
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They better keep their plagiarizing, sticky rice hands away from good media or else I'm sending a copy of The Tale of Genji to Sweet Baby Inc.
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I'm making a joke because based on the games and anime I've seen, her likeness or references to her story pop up more than you'd think. Almost like they have an obsession with her.
In that case, Andrew Tate is, by proxy, one of Alice's biggest fans, since he always sucks off The Matrix (which makes constant Alice references) and chess (which Alice plays).
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>Almost like they have an obsession with her.
can you blame them?
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Alice comic by Rafa Negrette
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page 2
which Earth is Lost Girls
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Love it
Freddy krueger is an Alice fan confirmed
Is Soviet Alice being deleted!!!???
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Btw, I use greyscale, so all the Soviet Alice pics look like a dope horror comic
Didn't you know? Freddy Krueger was a major character in Lewis Carroll's unreleased Alice book that was destroyed alongside certain volumes of his diaries.
You really want to piss jannies off, then post pregnant Alice
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Damn, hoping they aren't too scary, Alicebro.
Have this axolotl who I assume is supposed to be like Bill the Lizard.
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I knew it!
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Of all of the racy images I have found of Soviet Alice, none of them depict her as such and I am not drawing that.
It doesn't have to be the Soviet version for them to be triggered.
Any version of Alice depicted as knocked up is enough to make them seethe
Why the fuck do you want that
Disney already implied it with their bakery show
cry more triggered tranny
Good morning surs
Disney are pedo degenerates
Not only that, an ai with brainrot girlboss programming
The Soviets had a course in academia called "pedology" that they even taught to elementary school students
Guess what it was about?
Yes, Disney is run by communists.
This chud version of GPT is very boring, just like all the billionaires who decided AI's main purpose should be law enforcement surveillance
made by trannies
Democrats are the party of billionaires
>mass law enforcement and surveillance
Um. Where have you been? That's the left again
>everyone who disagrees with me is a bot
The emotional child's guide to internet debating.

You're on the wrong side of history.
You're lame.
You're not unique.
You're deliberately posting doxbait replies so you can use my personal information for a false flag
This entire thread is an attempt at mind programming using Alice symbolism and you don't want anyone ruining your immersion
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What can I say? While Alice's granddaughter can work an industrial oven, Alice herself was working her own oven, if ya know what I mean...
holy shit
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wtf Disney is based??

Is alice some new mascot for /co/ or something?
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>This entire thread is an attempt at mind programming using Alice symbolism
Found the programmer
voice actress alice mogs the cartoon alices
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Wha? First, only the first movie made any references, and it was just a few. No, I don't mean they're fans of Alice because they reference things that reference Wonderland. They'll straight up have the character appear in things, or have episodes where a character dresses up as her. Like CardCaptor Sakura having Sakura cosplaying as her when she gets shrunken, or a whole dream episode dedicated to parodying Wonderland, or the calendar having Sakura and Akiho cosplaying as Alice while sleeping on giant mushrooms. The Kiniro Mosaic manga having Alice cosplay as... well, Alice for one of the covers (alongside the other blonde girl). Then there's Shin Megami Tensei with its own version of Alice. These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head. Seriously, Japan loves blond girls, and loves Alice even more.
Well... I'm a little surprised that now she's having threads out of the blue, but admittedly, the design is pretty nice.
Soviet Alice's voice actress is very hot.
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In that case, what about the Care Bears: they have an Alice reference. Same with Alf, of all things. Personally, as much as I love my dead-eyed Soviet Alice, I wish people would make references to other public domain works, like A Princess of Mars; could you imagine how fire it would be to see John Carter and Tars Tarkas duking it out alongside new characters as they find themselves on planet Barsoom? And, once it enters the public domain, The Neverending Story would be absolutely amazing considering Fantastica is where every single fictional character and creature ever made lives (hell, even Shakespeare was said to have traveled to the land); imagine the stories that could be told as Alice meets the likes of Bastian Balthazar Bux.
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>Basing your animation on a real actor instead of just saying "fuck it" and winging that shit
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Which Aussie Alice is superior bros?
Never got an answer.
the superior alice ToT
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Aussie Alice speaking FAX
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Let's see: one is learning about calculus for fun, the other is dying of boredom from chess.
Why the caneltoe leggings?
And why is she "canadian".
Its fucked.
Alice chads keep winning
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That filename. lulz
I'm sorry, cameltoe leggings?
I can't believe Disney banged her during their1 on 1 lunch sessions and got away with it
She even kept her mouth shut this whole time and is still alive
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Damn, maybe I should become an animator. Get some crazy Alice art hoe poosay.
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Mome Raths
Why is she sitting liie a man?
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Which way, white man?
Disney EZ
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The cute one
Alice Through the Looking Glass has very few unintentionally funny scenes because of how much better the animation is compared to the first, but you might find gems like this.
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Ah, allow me to correct that...
Mcgee alice is whore alice confirmed
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Disney and her were really close and they spent a lot of time alone during the making of the movie because he was always giving her pointers.
He even instructed to not be bothered for any reason while he was alone with her
A lot of alone time with a rich and powerful man as a young girl always ends in one way especially when there is mutual attraction
>oh my oh my, the doctor says she's been late ever since she got back from her weekend at cheshire's!!
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>Some random nonsense animal
>No flying hippos and elephants
Another common Soviet W
>I saw her at cheshire's. Just one night with her and now I'm just a normal hare, ya kno' what I'm sayin'?
Momeraths are green pigs. Muppets are like the one version that got it right.
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Soviet Alicechads...
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I honestly like the idea of such fairy tales getting dark and twisted, but at the same time i feel like i am falling out of love with the concept.
It started with Epic Mickey but years after i feel like the concept has run its course.
But i still have lots of concepts and ideas inspired by such stuff so it's hard to let go.
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the problem I find with that sort of concept is that most of the time they take themselves too seriously and just comes off as trying too hard, there's a balance but far too often do people fall for the grim dark edgelord murder fuck not saying things can't be dark but there are times when it just so over the top that it's just ends up coming off as pretentious artsy high off my own farts type content.

maybe it's mostly due to it being a tired trope, maybe there does need to be some light hearted moments in the story, the whole thing doesn't need to be cynical, even the original grimm's fairy tales had some light hearted elements despite the horrorfic shit, y'know?
Disney, obviously. Look at how much her bum bulges outward.
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Man, that Soviet Alice is really ugly. Can you stop posting her?
he's in love
i fucked your om in an alternate universe
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Inferior normie duo
Edgy nonsense imo.
If you feel the need to change a story so fundamentally, you just reveal that you didn't like the original story in the first place.
it's probably just a petticoat/crinoline.

not that I'm complaining.
>she finna be muh litter bitch ya dig
What if I told Soviet Alice I prefer looking at her anyway and I'm not interested in Aussie Alice?
Probably get really bashful. Definitely blush.
Say something incoherent in Russian, then slam the door in your face.
You'd be stunned.
You go back to the hotel
>man, what a weird Saturdsy. I went to Pripyat and didn't even visit Chernobyl
And then, in the dead of that Russian winter's night, you get a knock on the hotel door.
Its 1am.
Its her.
You open the door.
She says something you don't understand because you aren't a filthy slav.
And before you know it you're flat on your back feeling the warm sstin-like walls of her pussy sliding up and down on your dick and milking every last drop of cum out of you.
But even after you cum, she keeps going
You say.
But she just slaps you and yells something in slav-speak.
Her pussy is gripping so tightly you fear she'll rip your foreskin off.
She's so wet there is an audible *slosh* each time she rocks her hips.
Finally you have the reflex of cumming but nothing comes out, she throws her head back and screams
As she cums and squirts
You are left a whithered husk.
>shit. Was she ovulating?
She puts her ushanka back on and leaves without a word.
You curl up under a cold shower and cry.
Agreed. I was working on this concept abut a world filled with cartooney fairy tale creatures turning dark and twisted inspired by Epic Mickey concept art as well as odd paintings and some propaganda drawings from old wars with the theme of the game being childhood innocence being corrupted by forced propaganda and brainwashing, adult subjects attacking the innocent minds of kids.
I wonder if i should go through with that idea.
Nah, most definitely is her bottom being massive.

It would've been based if the film explicitly commented on how fat it is. Maybe have Alice stuck in a hole because her bottom is too fat to fit through, leaving her frustrated, and then have the Cheshire Cat start messing about with her fat bottom in several ways, annoying her even more.
She's way too young to have that big an ass. Do you not know what a bustle is
Disney Alice is like 12-13, not 7.
Honestly doubt it.
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Stop hating, she's cute in like an atypical way.
Yeah? And Soviet Alice is in her late 20's and has dual-citizenship.
go back to bed, American
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the headwear of the world's deadliest assasins
curiouser and curiouser
Definitely. Aussie and Soviet Alices solo the American ones.
Inferior Contrarian duo
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I personally like the realities where Alice becomes Queen, usually taking the place of the Queen of Hearts.

I mean, she created Wonderland through her imagination, so it's fitting for her to rule it.
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>CTRL+F "abyss"
>no match
You lot disgust me.
thats never happened
What about the stories around "Through the Looking Glass"? Alice becomes a Queen in them.

Also, in the recent comic "Alice Never After", Alice took the place of the Queen of Hearts.
Whatever, Batman.
Whatever, Batman.
>it doesn't matter
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Indeed, the multiverse is very curious and curiouser
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What am I even looking at?
I feel like you might as well make an original story so you can take all of the credit.
It's afraid!

Captcha: WHYDRR
How about a (Disney) Alice stating she doesn't like wearing tights or socks in lovely weather
>I don't drink wine
Is the Rankin Bass Alice a vampire?
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I had an idea for awhile but I'm not sure if it'd really work
>A cartoon character akin to roger rabbit for one reason or another gets transported into a grim dark world (either a dystopian future akin to half life 2 or some mediveil fantasy world with evil emperors.)
>shit is so bleak that everyone has forgotten the very concept of joy and laughter
>freedom fighters/resistance recruit the toon due to the toon being essentially immortal/being able to pull off impossible stuff with toon force.
>the toon see's how bad shit is and proceeds to use cartoon shenanigans to change that world for the better bringing laughter and joy back into it rather then fighting conventionally turning the evil soldiers into victim's of gags like making them dance like that one scene in the mask movie
>gets partnered with someone who has been through some of the worst shit imaginable very no non-sense closed off emotionally grizzled soldier who was forced to do something unforgivable by the evil faction.

the idea came from roger rabbits quote of "sometimes, laughter is all ya got" so yeah shit would be bad but the ultimate message would be one of hope even in the most bleakest places/situations laughter is allowed.
Yeah, she's Count Dracula's half-removed cousin
Browns are weird.
It is a lie to claim that stories remain the same over time. Even just with Alice, aspects changed from the original books replicate through further adaptations.
Alice gave me my upskirt fetish
I don't like the aura of this picture
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Same with big poofy dresses.
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The Soviet Alice cartoon does this shit for about three minutes in slow-mo.
Yes, it is necessary for the plot.
I'm getting the feeling it is irresponsible to name your daughter Alice.
Unironically sounds kino, Anon
the only real question is how to end something like that and what the antagonist should be, I've only gone as far as deciding how the toon should talk (which is pretty much like cuphead/mugman does in the show) I would need to come up with a design for a toon as well as I wouldn't want it being too "micky mouse" like because that's been done enough.

I do have a basic intro to green text:
>the toon falls from the portal in the sky slamming flat as a pancake onto the harsh concreted ground.
>stars spin around it's head and proceeds to blow into it's thumb to return to it's original state as if nothing happened.
>"anyone get tha numbah of that truck?" the toon states shaking off the dizzy feeling.
>observing the surroundings the toon finds itself in a world unlike it's home [toon town but with a different name here, uh merryvile will do]
>"either I aint in Kansas anymor' or I had one too many extra supreme chilli burrito's where the heck am I? not albakorkie dats for sure..."
>the toon decides to wonder into the nearest building, which happens to be a bar.
>it's dingey, poor lighting, the customers are about as gloomy as you could imagine.
>"sheesh, did someone die or somthin? it's like a funeral in 'ere"
>everyone looks a bit confused at a seemingly alien creature but goes back to their drinks ignoring it to drown their sorrows, save the bar tender who stares him down with a cold gaze.

then the try and cheer everyone up, cause chaos, have the BBEG's goons come in and get rescued by the rebels and that's where the history of the world gets taught to the reader/toon and meets the jaded partner (can't decide between a women who was disillusioned with the evil faction due to having being ordered to kill her own family or a old veteran man who basically was forced to wipe out an entire culture/country living with that guilt. (like that guy from sandland)

something like that might be a bit too ambitious for me to fully write up.
The idea is good but you'd have to have someone else write/direct because your execution sounds like shit
only true connoisseurs enjoy proper Victorian ladies.
Yeah something like that is really out of my scope.
>Victorian era
My good friend that is not what you posted
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It's a weeaboo, what do you expect?
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Why? It's just Alice.
no shit, sherlock.
What is this from? a movie?
It's a live-action little girl, aka a real little girl. Those things aren’t sexy.
>What is this from? a movie?
Nah, just some exhibition.

>Those things aren’t sexy.
But they are cute.
I think that idea is sweet.
I do need the figure out proper execution if I were to actually commit to writing something up.
Well sharing creativity can help.
Mind if i share some of my inspirations for the anti propaganda game i mentioned earlier.
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Watch the Czech adaptation
Using greyscale has made this thread noghtmarish
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I'm sure something like that exists.
Is that Bugs Bunny Dracula?
It's actually my 2nd choice name for a daughter.
Might as well go for it.
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No, that's Count Batula.
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Yo why did my cum sock come alive?
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Almost forgot this sketch
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Cute. I like it, good job.
Alicechads, what's going on?
Well one inspiration is this poster titled Kultur-Terror, Norwegian for "Cultural_Terrorism".
TL;DR it's a Norwegian WW2 propaganda made by a pro Nazi depicting an artificial being created as an amalgamation of what is perceived by the pro Nazi party as United States culture, such as jazz, slavery naked women and Jews.
The artificial homunculus whose sole purpose is to destroy European culture is depicted destroying European landmarks with its bomb leg.
It's created with a message warning people of of the United State's cultural terrorism and how the country will one day destroy European culture.
Read more about it here: https://blackcentraleurope.com/sources/1914-1945/american-cultural-terrorism-1943/
Imagine exploring a ruined castle town and out of nowhere one of these things shows up to bomb your ass. This is the kind of enemy i want depicted in my game.
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Stealing these ideas.
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I noticed people posting McGee's Alice, but is the other video game Alice allowed too?
As long as it's based on Alice in Wonderland.
And I say, hey-ey-ey. Hey-ey-ey.
I don't mind. Alice is Alice.
How can you cut off the head of something that does not have a body?
Then just cut the forehead.
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What other Soviet things do you recommend? It is a foreign culture to me, so the only cartoons from there I have seen are the Snow Queen adaptation and the stop-motion Kuyza shorts.
this image aged like wine, it's funny they unironically predicted the future but not the way they intended.

it reminds me of liberty prime from fallout 3.
not that anon but there's that one russian cartoon with the wolf and the bunny femboy I've heard good things about.
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Where to begin...for more Soviet paper puppet and cel animated kino, I recommend the other Kievnauchfilm series made by David Cherkassky: Adventures of Captain Wrongel, Doctor Aybolit, and, since you probably already know it, Treasure Island. Unlike the Alice cartoons, these cartoons more loosely follow the source material visually, however the dialog remains faithful to the original stories. Additionally I recommend Studio Ekran's Adventures of Munchausen, since those used to be my absolute favorite cartoons when I was little because I thought the Baron looked like Mung from Chowder.
Aside from these cartoons, we have your obligatory but still great cartoons like Crocodile Gena, Uncle Feyodor, Cat Leopold, Wow! A Talking Fish! and its sequel In the Blue Sea, In the White Foam, Katerok (shoutout to Chunga Changa, what a cool song), Plasticine Crow, Last Year's Snow Was Falling, Investigation Held By Kolobki, On the Road with Clouds and its sequels A Gift for Elephant and Treasure, and Well, Just You Wait (the cartoon >>146444520 was talking about), among many others. There's just so many to choose from, but very few match the raw idiocy of Alice.
>Hey, Alice, I was wondering if I could do you up your big posh bum, can I?
she's really creepy to be honest. looks like a creepy pig woman
I'm sure most girls are creepy if you look up their noses.
and how about the movie Alice from 1988 made in Czechoslovakia, it is a mix of stop motion and live action.
it has charm.
I've been reading classic books, and it's crazy how much better the Oz books are compared to the Wonderland books.
It's a shame everything Oz is based on the film.
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Wait until you read The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, now THAT is a good book.
Too bad the Russian translation came out long after the Soviet Union had dissolved; imagine what kino could have been made.
Oh well, at least we have Alice.
The thirteen pornographic images on a certain website make her look significantly less creepy.
the best part of Oz is people insisting that there's some hidden political meanings in the original when Baum said he just wanted to write a modern fairy tale that was light-hearted
also Baum really really fucking hated Natives, but that's unrelated to his writing
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How is that Disney Channel show?
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No idea, and it's late in America so hopefully someone will tell you later tomorrow.
While you wait, what's your favorite Alice adaptation?
This thread lacks of giant Alice
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I'll try to accommodate you.
Betty in Blunderland
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I can't watch this without imagining a fart noise when her dress opens up.
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