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Why does he think he's hot shit?
Cute chocolate shota.
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What the heck?
Made for buck breaking.
Did someone say brat correction?
Because he stacks paper to the ceiling and rides on 24-inch chrome.
So I found out that Huey is named after Huey P. Newton and this is a photo of him.
With all due respect, this man looks like a total poseur jackass in this photo. I'm sure he was going for a badass African warlord look here but he totally failed at it. Setting aside the fact that he looks like Tobey Maguire with an Afro, he still fucked up here by getting the set-up wrong. The background is just a plain wall, which screams that this is staged just for this photo. The man is wearing clothes too big for him, making him look like a little boy playing dress up with stuff from daddy's closet. The throne is clearly worn out and seems like something salvaged out of the trash. He clearly should have gone with either the gun or the spear, because holding both of them like that just communicates insecurity and unfamiliarity with both object. It's clearly also the spear that should have been dropped, the thing doesn't even look real, seems more like a dollar store decoration.

In short, this photo is unintentional comedy.

And now I can't help but wonder if Huey P. Newton somehow inspired Huey Freeman's unreliable narrator thing?
Don't care, that's still an ass-kicking photo.
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The loudest nigga in the room is always compensating for being the shortest and brokest nigga in the room.
Nigga look based
Because he's 8 and an idiot
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Like with dogs?
You're next, Anne.
All seasoned americans think they are hot shit. Rap is basically the manifestation of their narcissistic, self worship, main character syndrome.
>the majority of people I've seen who like The Boondocks are racists who enjoy it because of how it's all about making fun of black culture
It's strange, isn't it?
Given that black Americans are basically the dregs the Africans enslaved and shipped off to the highest bidder, it's not surprising they can't live up to the status of African warlord.
indont thinknits strange at all. the show and the comic are just about smart blacks failing to elevate other blacks.
its him who says its because blacks are just dumb. all hiey ever wanted to do was push communism onto blacks. he never tried to unify blacks with family values or christianity. just his favorite thing that justifies terrorism.
This pic always looks cool I don't know what youre on about
It's cool.
The cutest and he knows it.
I'm not sure Anne is as cute a boy as Riley.
he has the kind of baseless, bottomless well ofconfidence that only comes from being young, stupid and full of testosterone
Nigga you gay
For him. Any day.
Because he didn't get his ass beat often enough by whitey.
What does he think of Wallace Fard Muhammad?
Who should he know about him. Isn't he like 10?
He "goes way back" with Quincy Jones and knew the details of that one BP guy on death row.
McGruder is a one trick Pony. All his works read exactly the same.
What other works has he done?
I liked the first season of black jesus.
Jazmine is so cute, bros.
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Looks like The Proud Family.
>Why does he think he's hot shit?
For starters: He's hot
It pretty much is. McGruder can only write a few key points he's just gotten lucky to be published
>White people bad
>Stereotypical black people bad
>Black Panther influenced voice reason good
>Black Panther influenced voice reason good
He makes fun of black panther cartoon in the BET episode.
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That entire episode was an attack on the owner of BET.
on the black figurehead of bet
not on the real jewish owner of bet
>jewish owner
not real jewish. only black hebrews are legit. everybody else is LARPing
Some muthafuckas always be tryna ice skate uphill.
Why did he dress like that?
It was a joke that most rappers are secretly gay pretending to be gangster. An that most of them trick young black boys into dressing and acting gay, you could say it's the femboy pipeline but instead you turn into a sussy weak gang femboy.

Look at diddy for a recent example of a big idol in the black rap space who then turned out to be gay as hell.
Oppai Jazmine
Very much so. And it's clear he knew and revealed in it.
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Puffy has never been anyone's idol in the rap community. He's always been called out for being a closet gay as far back as when he was interning for Uptown Records.
What kind of "gangsta" floats around town with his own personal manservant? Sound like some colonizer shit to me...

Gangstalicious was actually a knock at 50 Cent.
despite being a liberal production (especially the Boondocks comics) it doesn't shy away from the reality that blacks in America are just as much at fault for their current circumstances as whatever systematic racism is also at play currently
Jazmine or cindy reqs or ideas? I'll try one or two when I get home
> the reality that blacks in America are just as much at fault for their current circumstances as whatever systematic racism is also at play currently

Well the thing is that systematic racism is at the core of the behavior of those people. They are indoctrinated to view that way of life as an ideal and appropriate. Not to mention the generational insecurity that’s firmed through all of that.
oppai jazmine
And now you're doing the 3rd thing The Boondocks points out which is blaming others instead of yourself for chimping out and being weak
Ironic since 50 cent was one of the few people that apparently despised diddy. Also we can say he wasn't but why did so many not realize he was gay as shit, like remember how people actually defended him for beating his girlfriend and the first few allegations. So he was definitely a idol to many from when he first start in the black community. But anyone born after making the band knew something was weird about him.
>systematic racism
and stopped reading there
> blaming others instead of yourself for chimping out and being weak
Where have I “chimped out” out or been weak?
>remember how people actually defended him for beating his girlfriend and the first few allegations. So he was definitely a idol to many from when he first start in the black community.
Diddy's always been sus no matter how many defend him for beating women, getting people trampled to death at a college basketball event, getting Biggie Smalls killed, etc...
Black celebrities sucking Diddy's dick does not represent the will of the black community no matter how much they try to use the few to steer the many.
>falling for the bait
He was a fed, too.
You're choice of who but daisy dukes and teasing a peek. Jazmine I guess would do it accidentally and Cindy fully smug.
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Not Panzer but…
post cute Rileys

This cute little BRAT needs to be my boyfriend!
Ain’t that gay tho?
Not if you say no homo
Game changing idea
NEED him on a bikini
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He’s such a little hoe
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He just needs someone to put a ring on it and he’ll calm down

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