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>I'm a fiery redhead!
I'm not afraid to admit that if the Ppg were my kids, Blossom would be my favorite. Like I wouldn't even hide it. I know that's dark but c'mon. How do you hide how much you love this perfect princess!
That immediately makes me think of you know what.
Yes, I mean that.
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>I'm happy! I'm driving! I'm happy and I'm driving!
>blossom is not the boring one.jpeg
I agree.
I genuinely don't get why everyone thinks "straight man" characters are boring. Blossom does and says funny stuff, has a personality, and is just as good as Buttercup.
Bubbles is the best one though, and neither will ever stack up to her perfection.
I actually don't know what...
My favorite would be Bubbles because I would recognize her as the one who needs me the most. Blossom is team-dependant so I wouldn't have to give her a lot of attention and Buttercup is independent so she wouldn't want a lot of attention but Bubbles is a co-dependant princess and must be protected (even if she is high invulnerable and full of super-human abilities.)
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>Blossom is team dependent
Not even a little bit. The first few seasons of the show were literally the Blossom is Awesome show. It felt like she did everything herself. Then she soloed Morbucks after the other two couldn't leave a scratch on her. She solved all of Him's riddles, etc.
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>Bubbles lovers
On my thread? Preposterous.
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My favorite Powerpuff.
>The only way to get rid of your vegetables is to eat them all up.
Though I'm actually surprised Blossom doesn't like her vegetables. It seems right up her alley.
Blossom is the brains, Buttercup is the hands, Bubbles is the heart. And yeah, Blossom is fairly OP. But Bubbles es mi corazón.
For all of her hard work, Bubbles should be the leader.
just posting in this thread to say Blossom has always been my favorite, keep fighting the good fight Blossomchads
>Blossom is team-dependant
So team-dependent she gets her own episode where she develops her own unique super-powers. Meanwhile the other two just gain them offscreen.
She looks like she likes Aku, Shapeshifting Master of Darkness.
Based as hell.
Are you implying that tongue curling is an actual power?
>I genuinely don't get why everyone thinks "straight man" characters are boring. Blossom does and says funny stuff, has a personality, and is just as good
Because what you said about Blossom pretty much never applies to straight man characters. They're buzzkills with more interest in squashing jokes than making them, and that's pretty much their whole personality.
Blossom would be my favorite because she's such a teacher's pet that she'd kill her sisters if she wasn't my favorite.
Honestly her sisters kind of deserve to get beat up sometimes. How DARE Buttercup be insubordinate to her commander?
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She likes everybody
she has thinner lines than the other two
Her outlines are thinner in this shot for some reason
looks like craig had a thing for redhead, I wonder why
What do you want me to do?
There’s nothing you or anyone else could possibly do. You can’t fix autism
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Blossom was always my favorite, her bow looked like she had Bunny ears which is what I adored.
So did Alex Hirsch.
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Sex with Blossom
I want to be smothered with her giant hands and feet.
hello jared, I mean jake, are you working in animation again or you are in 7-11?
Why did you say that name?
young cocky
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Actual screencap from PPGZ
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Any word on the revival?
Know it all
I personally would have sex with Bubbles
Finally, a thread for true patricians.
I adore that her hair looks like a cape.
Not based.
Also aren't you the guy who hates your country?
How lewd.
Imagine if they didn't have their panties on
Buttercup completely got robbed in this scene. Why does she always get btfo if she's supposed to be the toughest fighter?
What fantasy would you guys act out with them if you could?
Literally me
Not attracted to children, so not sure
I meant the reboot's showrunner.
Because the song is wrong? I thought that was obvious to anyone who had seen the show.
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The world may never know.
Blossom is objectively the leader and smartes
He's one too?
I had serious problems with momko, I had a crush with her even if she was nothing like blosom, fuck japaneses and their love for dumb MC's
Puffy pussy
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I don't know
this but in reverse.
She is the toughest fighter but she charges headlong into battle without a plan. Blossom isn't the toughest, she's the calmest.

It's like those Chris Claremont X-Men comics. Wolverine is constantly getting beaten up. Why? Because he's the tough guy and when someone kicks his ass, they must be a tough guy too. So Buttercup getting beaten up shows either A) she was outsmarted or B) the opponent is tough.
Actually no, Blossom is just tougher. She's also more joyous and laughtery. Bubbles is kind of a crybaby...
But it makes sense though. Blossom's element is everything nice, which includes sugar and spice, and an infinite number of other things.
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It would be way too /d/egenerate for /co/.
And everything else too.
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Blossom is a top, so that is likely
Can every faggot STOP being coomers in this little girl thread please?
I had something else in mind but your idea is a lot more sensible.
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It's very based.
Also what? I never said that.
i just want you to know i get that reference anon, and i really wish I didnt.
What was the country that you hated then? You used to constantly post about how much you hated where you were and called it boring. In the ai threads.
I don't remember desu.
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What was your idea?
What would a giant Blossom even do with you?
Put peepe in vago
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Long hair= Perfection
SHE FUCKING reads self help books and uses them to help others!!!!!
Imagine the hairjobs...

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