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>meanwhile, at the local /co/mic book store . . .
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Got any grapes?
I remember back in the day, when comic stores were the hot spot of nerd/geek activity, the only place for discussions, social interaction beyond a screen, it was great.
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Well shit
Reminds me of our local video rental stores when they had to rely on selling CBD oil in order to stay afloat.
Where do you guys keep your Comicsgate section?
Just taking a second to remind you guys to not use or let your family use cbd. Its literally made of demon shit and used to make people lazy and apathetic
Psh, for me it's THC.
You'll need to pay $100 to get access to them.
>Sir, im going to have to ask you to leave. Stop yelling at us for us to stock Loud House graphic novels or I will have to permanently eject you from the shop.
*reads books without paying*

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>Buys new manga vol and leaves.
>Thanks for at least pretending to care.
>Thank you and come again. Your patronize is appreciated.
>*Jots down to slowly increase manga stock over the next few months.*
No, all we sell is lemonade.

we just sold the last one
So THC is god shit and CBD is demon shit, so my 50/50 cart is....?
Don't listen to that nigga he don't know what he talkin bout
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>clerk keeps yelling at you stop touching the merchandise if you're not going to buy it
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Where do you keep the Jim Benton or Babymouse stuff? Any Stone Rabbit?
I stopped going to my local comic shop because the old man kept screwing up my pull list. Now I buy comics online which is way cheaper and more convenient.
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This pic is transphobic. Trans women are women and comic shops are full of them.
I remember seeing a pair of them. Very obviously men in spaghetti straps and miniskirts. I was trying not to stare at them like Taxi Driver but I probably was. They're just so repulsive.
All the shops I've been to have literally had families in them shopping.

I sometimes think this stereotyping is ultimately just a form of bigotry. Sure, a few spergs exist but it has never been as bad as people make out.
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>Turn the page
>Wash your hands
>Woe-Man with shit comic tastes and le heckin-quinn shirt scared off
this is true gatekeeping in action. you may not like it, but it fucking works.
Hi, can you point me to the comics shelf? All I see is chinese comic books!
You’ll never be satisfied with a mortal woman... because the elf wenches are so BEAUTIFUL... you’ll spend the rest of your life searching for that same beauty again.
>Walks in
>Browses products with intense purpose
>Lingers around on phone for a few minutes
>Doesn't interact with a member of staff
>Visit local comic shop one time ever
>Guy in his 70's talking to cashier
>Has a box of old comics he's trying to sell
"We sell comics here we don't buy other peoples"
>Old man leaves with his box of rare treasures
>Hear clerk loudly calling him a stupid dumbass
>Purchase Futurama comic for $10
>Never return

They're going out of business, bad mannered rude cunts who also sell funko pops & not-rare latest Pokemon boosters
Had a conversation with an old lady who checked out my book once. It was an X-man comic and she told me her son is an artist who works from home and how he works on modern X-men as well as Deadpool and Cable. I live in a podunk so it's strange to think someone who lives here works for one of the big two
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>got any figures?
>"yeah we have funko pops"
Limbo Shit.
I mean Napoleon was born on Corsica to minor nobility.
My LCS also screw up my list
This is anecdotal evidence but at my LCS it's always dudes. Never seen a single female customer in there unless it's free comic book day and some of those are just there because theyre tagging along with their boyfriend. There have been female employees but they usually don't stick around for long although I don't know why that is I've never heard the reason so idk if it's because of male customers or if they just got a different job and left
I have a friend with an easily 8/10 gf, he brought her to Friday Night Magic once and she told him she felt uncomfortable because everyone was staring at her the entire time.
My LCS got a new owner after the last one retired. The interior looks more modern, but I don’t like how he’s slowly phasing out loose cards and turning them all into mystery packs. Also, they don’t buy old sports cards anymore even though that’s the main reason older gentlemen come to that store.
as if you would need them to tell you they have funko pops like there wouldn't be a gigantic wall of them in plain sight
It's literally just good ol' nerd-bashing. It's the author imagining a world he can hate, so he can feel like a better person for hating it and not being like that himself.
This is from before nerd culture became fully mainstream and it was probably more common to walk into a nerd store and only find autists and spergs.
Because many have a 80s mindset. Since the 90s they added Mangas to their product range and with that female customers increased!
modern day comic stores are just manga and manhwas

I would like to buy a pack of Marlboro along with this used copy of Sailor Moon. Here's my ID.
I live in the UK. All the LCSs I have been in have had mixed staff and plenty of different people of different ages, skewed towards men but still.
Sometimes I feel like the stereotype is a self fulfilling prophecy.

There was a study where women were given a facial scar via make up before an interview. Just before the interview the women would have the make up "touched up" only the make up artists would actually be removing the scar. The women in the test reported feelings of inadequacy, being stared at and even discrimination despite the scar being removed. It was psychology affect of feelings like it was there.

I'm not saying that discrimination doesn't happen but I am saying that our perceptions to sometimes influence how we feel.

I do feel like the nerd bashing is still high school bullying by a different name.

Proportionally there are more spergs in nerd shops than other places but sometimes it is overblown especially in online circles.

I went to a store regularly in the late 80s and early 90s with plenty of alt women (goths etc) far before the shops were filled with manga.
>I live in the UK
>>146437781 here. I live in Brooklyn. I will say that I've been to the Midtown Comics locations a few times which are all in Manhattan and I've seen women customers there sometimes but it also can be often mostly dudes. I've seen a single female employee there once too. St Mark's comics in Brooklyn isn't my LCS and in fact it's far from me but the last time I was there like a month ago there were two female employees
>I do feel like the nerd bashing is still high school bullying by a different name.
The sad truth is, people never stop bullying. Nerds have always been acceptable targets, and it's easy for people in nerd territory to point to bigger nerds and say "at least I'm not like that" all the way until you're pointing at people with clear, but undiagnosed, mental issues.
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>the dragon dildo aisle is empty again
I was too late again
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>all the buttplugs are preowned
Great S/co/tt! You have to listen to me! I'm from the future, we have to kill Brian Michael Bendis, Dan Didio, Joe Quesada, Scott Snyder, Donny Cates and Avi Arad!
>Stone Rabbit
holy shit anon you just unlocked something DEEP within my memory
You guys sell any autographed smut prints?
Hey man can you add some more books to my pull list? I know I haven't picked up the last few months worth, works been cutting hours heh.
my man. i don't even like wax pens or dabs, just give me green and im serene. I like my smoke acoustic.
shit-shit. thc is less because of the cbd, cbd doesnt do its job because of the thc. Its like drinking a coffee with your NyQuil, just do one thing and do it right.
>Wide open space with fold out tables to play magic, pokemon, or yugioh
>barely any comics
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my comic shop doesn't have dollar bins anymore, but they do sell "collection stuffers" of dusty comics, something like 7 issues for $4. It's a better deal than dollar comics but i still want a dollar comics bin. I understand why the half-pounder wendys burger did worse than the mcdonalds quarter-pounder now.
Dollar comics and a quarter-pounder sound awesome, but a stack of comics for $4 and a half-pounder doesnt activate my almonds. pic unrel
What do you MEAN the new mini version of Watchmen is temporary out of print!

You just missed out on $10
You'll never be satisfied with a mortal woman because the Elf Wenches are so beautiful, you'll spend the rest of your life searching for that same beauty again.
The gloryholes keep mine in business. As well as attract for female customers.
mahnwa is such a retarded word and i refuse to say it. Even manga was a stretch, just say comics from korea/japan respectively. Nothing pisses me off more than some uncultured faggot stumbling through a word from a language they could never grasp just to sound enlightened. The worst example of this was a simpsons episode with Bart talking about Korean gangsters and in the middle of conversation says the korean word for gangster and even corrects himself instead of saying gang, to say the korean word for gangster and that made me wanna strangle the fuck out of him
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Y'all got any of them Jack Katzes
This store fucking suck.
*throws molotov*
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Just got back from my LCS. Rate my haul fags
it was a dud
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We have unsold issues of America for a reason Anon. Use your fuckin' head.
That happened to my local Family Video. It was a sad sight to see really.
I got rapes
All garbage.
I recommend DCBS. I felt a little bad about not supporting a local business anymore, but it's his own fault for messing up so often.
But i have chronic pain. (Emotional/mental abuse and trauma pile set off into chronic pain by car accident) And why would demon corpo wanna make their wageslave cattle lazy and clumsy?
Is that supposed to be an attractive face? I've seen Joker victims with more normal expressions.
>This pic is transphobic
no it's not
>Trans women are women
no they're not
>comic shops are full of them
Women? No. Trannies? Yes

Several of my local gaming shops are fucking lousy with them. They make everyone uncomfortable, which is saying something when the usual clientele are autists with poor hygiene. The trannies ARE those spergs with BO and fucked up teeth, wearing wigs, makeup, and bras. It's so fucking pathetic. Why couldn't they have just stayed in tumblr and etsy? They're spilling out into real life places where normal people like going and it's already gone too far
where are your TCG stuff?
Ooh, I got a bite!!

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