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Its time to make fun of boomers! Water edits, pokemon edits! It doesn't matter post em ALL
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>pets instead of children
I wonder who could be behind this drawing
I interpreted it as being critical of globohomo, not approving.
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I feel like Hong Kong probably has enough people that this shouldn't be a problem
I am genuinely confused.
>girls with bouquets in the background
who are they chasing?
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I want a comic about a blind klansman yesterday.
>His twin sons, Dan Jr. and James "Jim" DeCarlo (born January 27, 1948)[19][20] were also prolific Archie artists, penciling and inking respectively.[21] The two predeceased their father. Dan Jr. died in October 1990[21] of stomach cancer,[22] and James died in August 1991[21] from complications from a stroke.[22] Josie DeCarlo, the inspiration for the Archie character Josie, died in her sleep on March 14, 2012.[23]
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That one's pretty good!
This one is good as well!
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Unironically lol
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I have not seen the original in a long time.
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finally holy shit
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You will be a boomer one day too
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Thought she was offering that guy a bj
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>more people are smiling in the new one
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Who drew this?
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It bothered me too
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I'm really confused by that too.
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why is she whispering at his crotch?
i smiled at this. i must admit.
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No I won't. I'm young, and completely in with what's fresh. Sorry you're so mad you missed out on all the best things modern life has to offer. Sucks to suck.
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the bones of this joke are good, but im not laughing or even smiling.
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wife.... BAD!
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im retarded, is the joke that shes just coming home?
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The joke is that she fucked a lot of dudes and drank and did a lot of drugs when they were in a frat long ago
Probably: Back in the old days boys were chasing girls, but today the girls are chasing boys!
is that grandpa longing for the meat grinder? does he wish his grandkid went to some beach to get shot at?
I think you just outed yourself, faggot.
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This one always cracks me up.
>today the girls are chasing boys
There's no boys there.
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Off screen
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They're gay, anon. they're all gay.
That's literally a kid wtf
It's ok, anon. He's just going to give that child a wholesome motorboat.
This is illegal, and even worse, unethical and immoral.
What is the joke?
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>the year 2024
It's not 2011. Please, wake up.
>that shirt
We have to go back
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I like positive boomer comics.
Are you in luck
>girls are chasing boys
>in china
This is funny
>Well, your son keeps staring at my breasts instead of studying...

I think i'm slowly gonna become one, especially seeing shit like tiktok become ever more popular, maybe once i'm past 40 i'll start acting like this
Josie was inspired by his wife? Aw man, that's so dang sweet.
Thankfully, the TikTok generation will stay young forever. They'll never get old like *those* bomers, hah!
I'm guessing it must be a dig at people obsessed with healthy eating. But low key the joke seems to be that the writer doesn't even seem to know how food works. Curried cauliflower could be a thing, but it's a very old-fashioned way to put it. Goat cheese marmalade literally can not exist. And, of course, actual marmalade contains buckets of sugar, given how it's a fruit preserve. In short, it's just another one of those where the boomer author has heard a few words here and there and decided he hates them without understanding what they mean.
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law is meant to be broken, requires it to be broken: if no one broke the law they'd arrest people anyway and frame them, it's a self serving institution beyond the concept of right and wrong or good and evil
Yes. A child has limited autonomy in the current culture. It's an unequal relationship extremely vulnerable to abuse. Ethics is a threshold (from an extreme interpretation being alive at all is complicit with all possible atrocity so it's unethical to not suicide immediately) and that requires culture (the consequences for behaviors, the taboo) where having adult consensual sex with a woman in the ancient middle east means their own parents will stone her to death when they find out she's pregnant outside of ritual marriage, thus even consensual casual sex is 'unethical'. Or being born with the wrong ancestry, or being born blind (demons cursed you because you are evil) and so forth. Ethics can never be perfect, only more developed toward some sense of fairness over time as culture strives or abandons the concept.
"Good", "Bad", and "Evil" are just stupid stories monkeys tell themselves. There is no karma, or supernatural punishment, the universe does not care what monkeys to do other monkeys.
TLDR: Morals are delusions, ethics are important for utilitarian group survival, law is a tool which can easily be abused and compromised.
>extremely vulnerable to abuse
So you agree this is bad then!
If we say 'bad' is unethical, but 'bad' is just a story we tell ourselves after-the-fact (I got bit by a bug! That's bad or the bug is bad or the universe is bad because it has bugs that bite in it! --this is just a story). Bad also means negative or non-ideal, or problematic, or unwanted, or something to avoid. Culture has it's taboos, unspoken rules which allow for group cohesion at all, breaking them deliberately when you don't need to (you don't need to have sex with a child who is on the cultural taboo list for 'not for sex' if this rule is reasonable or not) is anti-social which makes you an enemy of the group. Discovered or part of a pattern of anti-social behavior the group exiles or uses the tool of law to punish (or reform, but that idea is a kind of joke in modern culture, it's always exclusively to punish) if it has to to keep the group cohesive and useful.
So I would say it's bad in a mechanical sense, like throwing a monkey wrench into a machine. It's a sin in the original sense (the word means 'mistake') which the group you're violating with breaking taboos has their own procedures for.
By law, if a child is fucked by an adult it's expected that they are arrested and prosecuted but more often groups internally avoid this by whatever means they have in habit: famously with religious groups they bury it completely and try to convince victims and parents that it was a 'one time' lapse that will never happen again, appealing to some supernatural power of forgiveness. But most groups do something similar: kids who get diddled might have their fathers gang up and beat up the molester, drive them out of town but never go to the cops (someone else's problem) or ignore the problem if the molester begs and claims they'll never do it again and use all kinds of sophistry to make excuses. People are dumb and fall for it until the next time.

I say 'good, bad and evil' are myths or delusions because evaluating anything so reductively is unjustified.
Don’t be so smug modern entertainment does the same joke but with men bed unless they’re extra daring and white men bad.
>best things
Every one is angry all the time and no one has a sense of humor anymore?
What? Care to elaborate?
I like this one.wgjr2u
Hey, not my fault you're so bitter. And old. I guess you missed out on your own youth, huh? Well that's not happening to me! I'm hanging out with my friends every week, and going to a house party Friday night. What are YOU doing?
See, this is why you're so angry. Sorry, pops.
I'm too retarded for this one, what's the joke?
Sexy carrot. *audience roars in laughter*
He's just reminiscing on all the gay sex he had with his soldier buddies.
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fucking zoomers, read a fucking history book
boomer ahh post
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This is true though
Are you 16 years old or something? How do you not know this.
In China they see their education system as a failure because kids end up with high test scores but no real world skills and especially no social skills.
I know the history of the Vietnam conflict. I'm asking you to explain what that post is supposed to mean, because it sounds like you don't know the history.
you see, the joke is that the hat is a participation trophy because the united states did literally nothing useful in vietnam
> b-but ..
murder does not benefit people
So you don't know the history. Ok then.
america lost the vietnam war
vietnam veterans wear hats displaying they participated in the war
the same generation also complains about youths today getting particpation trophies to not hurt their feefees
they have cognitive dissonance that prevents them from understanding they are the generation that created participation trophies to give out

let me know if you require additional help on adding 2 + 2
>*sigh* oh yeah, that...
That sort of person is the reason why we're in this mess.
What does being a whore have to do with generational gap?>>146435861
Oh shit lol
No, there was no Vietnam War. War was never declared. It was an assistance to south Vietnam to try and keep out the chinese backed north. Also America never lost a battle or skirmish while over there. The only reason things went to shit was because of politics.
"It's not your fault, grandpa, I chose to enlist. You have to let me go."
"Men shouldn't die so young."
That edit was better than all the rest.
Dogs don't count.
the children they replaced weren't smiling
back in the early 2010s being obsessive over organic farm-sourced food was seen as hippie millennial libtard nonsense and not based andrew tate sigma nonsense
I would love if
>*SIGH* oh yeah, that
Became a reactionary meme
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>pic is digital
I laughed way more than I should have.
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I'm starting to realize the next evolution of content farm accounts/sites is to slap a deep fried "AI" filter on stuff and call it a day. That first one is from some Indian editorial cartoonist named Satish Acharya and has been posted in 2019. It's similar to what's happening with other stuff like people putting up a free version of 12 Angry Men on amazon prime but with some shitty AI rendering filter so they can game the system. Boomer "really makes you think" comics are yet another vector for third world content farmers to exploit.
Enjoy being rated in prison, loser creep
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I can't believe they turned veteran corpses into sausages
this nigga lives in fantasy world
I vaguely recall being taught cursive in elementary school
By high school every assignment had to be typed.
basedsage green
Other anon linked you the Dave Chappelle sketch but here's a Swedish one about a blind nazi. I checked the auto translate and it seems to be doing an OK job from Swedish to English

No it wasn't you dumb bitch. A semicolon linked a dependent with independent clause OR was used to itemize more complex items on a list (where, for example, some of the items would have commas in them). To separate complete sentences you would either use end punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation mark) or a coordinating conjunction.
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Men literally only want one thing
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gave me a chuckle
This one is actually kind of interesting because you can't tell for sure which zoomer is talking. It's like an unintentional commentary on trans issues.
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It's honest work.
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In the original the baby is white. Still a sucky comic though. A man shouldn't have to let himself be neutered to have a loving relationship.
times like these i'm reminded 70% of the site is under 16 these days. Don't you have some basic algebra to be learning?
man, rent free
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lol boomers. algebra? nigga we got computers. you still wash your clothes with a fuckin washboard or something? need some stamps and a bottle of cranberry juice?
In every country farmers have the highest rate of depression and suicide. Humans are social creatures, that's why the majority of us live in cities.
I want to fuck that megaman
At least we get to fuck our animals to relieve the stress.
>drive fifteen minutes
>camp for a week
>come home and eat venison
>tell friends about it
>hustle/bustle continues unabated
rolling on the floor laughing copter
At least we get to fuck our homeless to relieve the stress.
last panel should be a meme
>Highest rate of depression/suicide
Try veterinarian.
I hate my wife!

Father, I cannot click the book
Audible kek at this one
>cities are so great that his idea of a good time is leaving the city
You live in the suburb with your mom and have never left it K E K
nigga you live in a city, there is zero sense of community in a city, everybody hates each other, and the first thing anyone does when they come into money is move out of the city so that they don't have to live in the city (around black "people")
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Hatchet was a good book I agree
>gifting a football game after the Super Bowl
I don't get it. Facebook turns people into judges? Is it saying it makes you judgemental on everyone?
Is it not cannibalism if you only eat the fish half?
It's sarcastically saying people who go on Facebook become experts on all matters of law and legality.
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The 4th ape was "do no evil" and he covered his crotch.
If you want to be stupid be stupid.
me likey
Marian Kamensky!
I can't stand assholes who insert an apostrophe into EVERY word that ends with a letter s.

Congrats, dipshit, you've just made the word possessive. So, what belongs to the pencil?
>laughs in brain eating amoeba on slug
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Based. Although I wouldn't mind adding some wind turbines to the picture.
>farmers have the highest rate of depression and suicide
It's because of the economic pressure from big agro.
Humans are social creatures, yes, but tailored for smaller communities. Typically: villages.
Cities create too much competition, which in turn creates a behavioural sink, making their inhabitants asocial and leading to a demographic crash. See James Calhoun's Universe 25 experiment.

The cartoonist wrote "happy farmers" as opposed to the current state of agriculture
legit funny
Looks like a custody trial.
The baby is also supposed to be his blonde British bimvw4n2gbo character.
>A man shouldn't have to
A man shouldn't act like a child.
That's great timmy, but who's government controlled the country by the end?
It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks
Stalin you dog
Where's the joke?
t. investor

Wind turbines are horrible for nature.
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You fucking pseudo intellectuals always have to come in and stink up the joint. Who do you think you are talking like you understand the cosmos or some shit like? "Rules were meant to be broken" according to who? Some faggot on 4chan that goons to cartoons all day?
Not all of them will be like Boxdog, Scrim.
Relatable because I'd always talk about penises with my grandma too.
I goon to cereal mascots too.
Technically (and maybe mentally too) but the joke is that she is "jailbait", a girl with the body of a woman.
>pseudo intellectual
The word is pretentious. "Pseudo intellectual" is a pretentious buzzword invented by someone who didn't know what pretentious meant.
I like "pseudo intellectual" because it's a very descriptive insult. Its describes someone who wants to be smart, but isn't. Pretentious people can be smart, but they're annoying in the way they present things. I'll call you pretentious when you're pretentious, and I'll call you a pseudo intellectual when you act like one.
I can call you Betty and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.

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