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Just a little sodium chloride.
No dude, you said sodium chloride. Yes it's the same as salt, but you could've just said salt instead. Everyone in this town knows you're a boy genius dude, you don't need to say overly large words to sound more intelligent. The fact of the matter is that nobody cares how smart you are. If anything, calling simplistic objects by their scientific name ironically makes you seem less intelligent and more pompous. I know you're smart enough to be better than this.
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>Okay, dude, I'm gonna level with you: I didn't even think I was coming into fuckin' work today. I got through half a dimebag before the regional manager called and told me Emily went into labor and I had to come right away. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or why you're calling it that, but it isn't my problem. Just wipe up the shit in the men's room so we can go home.
This post gave me Nam flashbacks to when I worked at Rally's and half of my diet was just the shit that UberEats never picked up.
I'm not playing your game Jimmy.
>Bait used to be believable, Jimmy.
Why use 5 syllables when 1 would work better?
Free food. and you complain.
Jimmy does chemistry every single day, so he's used to using the scientific terms. It's like if you were Spanish and you slipped up and called water "Agua." Because in your head, that's what it is.

No bro you don't get it. Sure, it was nice to have, kept my wallet light. But I gained like 20 pounds and after a while, it stops being a treat and starts being depressing. Especially when it's always lukewarm or stale.
That's salt
jimmy neutron still holds up over all but damn it's crazy how much you can see it's age when you really zoom in and look at things
Sodium chloride and table salt aren't the same thing though, so it's not even accurate.
Sodium chloride is a salt, it's not the only salt. It's not even the only salt you use in cooking.
The power of good script writing.
Was Jimmy being an autist or a show off?
the latter
hes not autistic more narcissistic
I know none of you zoomers never even saw the episode, you just want to seem like the cool crowd by repeating memes from yesteryear, but the climax to the episode always bugged me. Somehow Jimmy accidentally engineered the restaurant to fly and destroy other restaurants in order to claim a monopoly by force. You'd think making the restaurant completely automated would be enough of a conflict seeing as everyone would lose their job, including him.
I watched Jimmy all the time yet I never seen this episode
Presumably Jimmy would have job security as the one able to maintain and oversee the restaurant's operations, but yeah he did kind of throw everyone else under the bus.
Jimmy is incredibly socially inept and pretty egotistical, never considering whether he should simply because he can. A lot of times an episode's conflict is caused because he fails to consider the repercussions of his actions, tries to fix a problem that only seems like one because of a very narrow world-view, or just blatantly acts in his own self-interests, damn everyone else.
God did the animation on jimmy neutron really look that bad?
It's amazing it even turned out in the quality it did, considering the working conditions.
The factory of the future will have two employees. A man and a dog. The man's job is to feed the dog. The dog job is to make sure the man never touches anything.
Yeah, that sounds like a good setup for a cartoon about a boy genius. But what it needs after that is for the character to learn a lesson at the end of each episode, and I’m guessing this show didn’t do that a lot.
He does get the odd lesson here or there, but most conclusions are eaten up by him trying to undo his own catastrophic fuck-up.
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Is this real?
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Do how exactly would Jimmy disprove that it says salt on the package?
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Actually most table salt is iodized, meaning it's a mixture of sodium chloride and potassium iodide to serve as an iodine supplement, and frequently contains an anti-caking agent as well. Not sure what dextrose is doing there but I'm sure it's very important.
just a little potassium chloride.
Really? I never bothered watching. It's so extremely ugly back then
Off topic but which celebrity were they referencing when they did the cool guy voice "Get Ready for the Neutron Style!"?
>free food and gaining weight
you complain about good things.
if you're getting fat, workout bitch-tits.
Hugh running through the city trying to go anywhere but McSpanky's was always funny. Carl and Hugh were my favourite characters with Sheen as a close third.
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which is a fair life lesson. Fix the shit you fucked up. Life isn't about being a weepy bitch whos always trying to apologize and make amends or learn lessons. Fuck shit up, fix shit up, move on. If jimmy fucked shit up and didnt care he'd be like that bitch-ass Professor Calamitous who cant finish anything or even please women
Most authentic working class American in the 21st century experience I could possibly conceive of bravo
If Professor Calamitous couldn't finish anything in his life how did he have a daughter?
Does anyone remember that copypasta that was spanky calling out Jimmy for his egotistical behavior and how he could be making the world a better place, especially for his family, but doesn’t do so?
Oh that episode fucking traumatized me as a kid. Seeing all the buildings melt down while Hugh was wailing on about the Taco Shack - horrifying
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Inseminating a woman and actually pleasuring a woman are two very different things.
But to you're credit I can understand why that might be a difficult concept for you grasp seeing as this 4chan and all.
dude same
I used to work at taco bell and did the same and I was getting fatter than I already was and I insisted my coworker who would close shop with me to take them instead but even he eventually got sick of them so I started giving it away to some homeless people who were prowling about at 1am
The dextrose is there to keep the iodide from oxidizing.
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>Americans unironically put road sealant in their salt
We also put salt on our roads, what a wacky country
He looks like Morrissey
It adds to the flavor.
R*ssians don't seazon dey roads
ngmi Vatnik
it was foreshadowing AI and innovation replacing low skill workers which we are shifting into slowly.
He's too autistic to realize that nobody is impressed by the big words.
God I feel that.

>One morning try to get into work
>The fucking idiot shift lead forgot his key
>We're waiting for an hour with my dad (my ride) on standby to just take me home if things don't progress.
>Finally store manager comes by and we can start the day.

She was a nice manager at least. Cute arabian too.
We have industrialized the killing of animals so we don't have to "Eat ze bugs" and tear down acres of forestry so we can have a fancy dinner table.

Boo fucking ho, Humans do wacky shit, get over it.
Yeah and it doesn't help that The Annoying Orange is going to accelerate the process by letting streetshitters into our tech sec soon.
Give the nerd a swirlie
Post tits or GTFO

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