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>>146436813Let's go, more Kaare Kino
>>146436818>The gas will smell like wet dew....is there a dry dew?
>>146436826I love Norman carrying around an IV drip with himProbably full of Goblin Formula
>>146436848>>146436855>Venom was Peter's one true soulmate all along>>146436883The whole thing was kinda nonsense, but I enjoyed it. Enjoyed the art most of all, I find Kaare's work really appealing these days.DEFINITELY still better than whatever the fuck's been going on in ASM
>>146437389It has a lot of Studio Trigger chaotic charm in it, not gonna lie
>>146436813well i read all the other issues might as well read this one as well
>>146436878why does Captain America have no mouth?
>>146436882>gwen hag with highlights Oof
>>146437389What are the odds that Mary Jane is alive now because of peter and venom's shenanigans since he changed everything here and the "radiation" was obviously Fisk whom poisoned her?
>>146436837Oh Hi Rogue!
>>146436883I kinda enjoyed it up until this issue. I like that they just went kinda nutty with it and just kept rolling. The only way Reign 2 was gonna have any merit is if it wasn't anything you'd expect while still nailing a similar grimy vibe as the first, which it did for the most part. This ending, it feels like they got choke chained by editorial. Can't have Peter fully sacrifice himself, can't have the world end or have the last vestiges of humanity reclaim an empty world, we gotta set things up for Reign 3
>>146436809You forgot STORYTIME OF PAIN in the title.
>>146436809Did anyone think the peg was thr fat guy's shlong
>>146437956Its a mask apparently >>146436882
Is this comic meant to be bad on purpose?
>>146436874>>146436878>>146436882Now, there's one last question left: How is Miles going to pay his child support and Alimony if/since Kitty Kat is his biological kid and He's still technically married to Gwen?>>146436848>>146436855>Peter needed to reconcile with symbiote ex Based.Venom symbiote's oneitis is horrible tho.
>>146436882kek, miles is a step-cuck.
>>146436878Wait, Miles' sperm is not radioactive?
>>146436827This feels quite meta
>>146436883Doesn't hit as hard like in the first Reign
To think things have gotten so dire for Spider-Man that Reign of all things refuses to be misery porn.
>>146445125>bumping the thread on page 10just let it die
The first Reign had some good moments and isn't that bad despite all the memeing, this is just retarded
>>146441520No, he wasn't bit by a radioactive spider. Just a genetically altered one.
Did nobody storytime Chasm: Curse of Kaine? not surprised if so but it goes to show that no one cares about the concept anymore (which makes it all the more baffling that they threatened us with a sequel at the end)
>>146436883Man I was excited when this was first revealed but man what a wet fart, Reign should have stayed a singular cult classic
>>146437389Should have been Peter and MJ, both inside Venom's body, fucking continuously and forever.
Now to be remember mainly for the latex muscle loli.
>>146447021>Reign should have stayed a singular cult classicIt kinda sucked.