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I had the weirdest fucking helluva boss dream that I.M.P. was in a high speed chase over a prematurely born baby and it ended with them getting mad at the intern for refusing to shower in a locker room with an obvious hole in the wall.
I been noticing a pattern in my dreams. Usually location I know, or think I know. Then while walking usually ends up in a bigger space/another location.

Also in my dream is a primary task I want to do. But everyone in my dreams is preventing me from doing my task. I think this might be my subconscious trying to force me not to wake up.
Great dream
Damn thats crazy
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>I.M.P. babysitting short
>baby dies anyway
Don't let vizzie steal this idea.
I've been having fucked dreams ever since eating a specific type of chocolate before I sleep.
The last weird one
>Started in a pixel snow fog world
>I make my way into a Apartment
>Fine a smg
>Make my way into a unit I was supposed to go
>The whole cast of Icarly was there
>Lights go out and some fucking shadow demons attack
>Run out and I trip and fall
>Awake up
>Run out and I trip and fall
>Awake up
Yeah I think a lot of dreams end up with a fall.the idea you going to hit the ground probably breaks you out of sleep paralysis.

A few times I was dreaming and I hear a crush. I rush forward wake up in my bed legs kicking as if I was actually running.
I don't dream about cartoons. Last night I dreamed I spent $28,000 on a mattress.
>go to sleep
>dream about enhancing sleep
had a dream about the moon was going to crash into the earth. the moon was red and it was completely dark outside. but somehow i could also notice that a satellite fell from earth, and i tried to get to it.

before i completely woke up, i was half asleep. i can kind of see my bedrom, so i try to get up but i couldn't move. guess i have sleep paralysis. then i start thinking of mickey mouse for some reason. and THEN, i see this big blue light shine into my eyes, and i hear this loud alarm noise. then i wake up. i think something like that is called exploding head syndrome.
Last night, I dreamt that I was back in high school and watching poorly-made furry brap animations with text-to-speech voices and characters based on vtuber models on a wall-mounted touchscreen in the hallway.
I had a dream a few weeks back while I was ill ill that there was a new episode with the A plot that every imp had a cherub equivalent and cherub Moxxie had become a "incel terrorist conspiracy theorist" because for some reason cherub Millie just didn't exist and he learned about imp Moxxie's life, and the B plot was a group of angels were plotting to dilate Blitzo's anus until it could fit three coke cans because God spoke to them through TempleOS and told them to.
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Kek what the fuck?
I'll keep it close to my chest bro
I had a dream that I was in a burger shop called "McChuddies" and they just sold normal burgers
The whole dream was just "Huh, It's kind of weird they made a whole restaurant themed around soijaks" and then I stood in line for a burger
What, lmao?
Cont from last time...

>You hover your finger over the send button, concerned about perhaps the way it may come off.
>You push it anyway, scared to death.
>A noise confirms the message is sent, "Hey, can we talk? I dunno if maybe I did something wrong, but I felt like we were having such a good time."
>"Read, 6:21"
>You wait patiently, to see a bubble or something.
>But there's nothing.
>You flick off your screen, dissapointed.
>You feel your phone vibrate, and eagerly pull it out of your pocket
>It opens before you can see your notifications, so you scroll down to check them.
>It's sinstigram...
>And It's not even her.
>You have to admit, the crushing weight of this wears you down.
>You're not.... weird or something are you?
>And It's just a girl... It shouldn't hurt this bad.
>But it does.
>And for once, hell feels like hell.
>You stare out your window, as a homeless man jumps off a building.
>"I get it man." you say, shutting the blinds.
>You flick on the TV in hopes of finding something good to watch....


>*Bzzt* your phone buzzes again,
>You wearily take it out, all hope being lost.
>New message from "Loona Buckzo"
>"I'm sorry I'm a fucking mess but I don't wanna feel like I'm holding you back you deserve better than me."
>Was she drunk? There was no punctuation in that text.
>"What are you talking about?" you say, "I was having a good time."
>"Yeah for now before you find out I'm a fuckin alcoholic who can't deal with her own shit."
>You sit back for a second, puzzled by this.
>"It's hell. I was addicted to coke." you type, "Listen Loona, I really had fun. I dunno what's going on, but do you want to talk about it?"
>"Yeah...." she replies.
>"Do you wanna get dinner and then go to the park or something?"
>"I'm sorry."
>"It's okay, but just don't do me like that again."
>"What day/time?"
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Anon better seal the deal. Poor Loona, she's her own worst enemy.
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What would you do if you found out your homie was a hellhound living on Earth this whole time?
Ask him if I can visit hell to get some demon pussy or wolf tail. Duh
>hot topic is selling Helluva Boss merch now
Ba ba ba sed
We did it reddit, we went mainstream!
I could use a hellhound wingman.
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so cherubs and imps became like fairies and anti-fairies

this reminds me that anti-wanda has a southern twang like millie
but moxxie doesn't have a posh accent like anti-cosmo so the comparison ends here
>so cherubs and imps became like fairies and anti-fairies
Could be funny if they don't milk the concept too much.
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Nick & Lever bumblefuck their way into Hell, what do they do?

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