Still gotta read this.
The first two arcs of LoEG were pretty good, but everything after that is just Moore furiously shitting his angry old man opinions and fetishes onto the pages. He's one of the GOAT comic writers in the business when he's actually trying, but all too often his stories devolve into low-effort, self-obsessed masturbation sessions.
>>146442882Century is enjoyable enough if you can get over the Harry Potter stuff
>>146443058I disagree. It's not nearly as bad as Black Dossier in that it actually attempts to tell a coherent story, but it's still a lot worse than the first two arcs and extremely self-indulgent. None of the main characters are compelling or develop in interesting ways. FemNemo has the most development and it's basically just "she got raped (can't have a Moore story without a rape scene) and now she's mad", it heavily relies on "do you recognize this reference?" instead of actually making the characters interesting within the story itself. Also, despite often being portrayed as some kind of dark wizard, Moore writing about the occult is almost always derivative garbage built out of a loose collection of trite references (part of the reason I can't fucking stand Promethea either, despite the promising first half)
League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen v3 - The Black Dossier (2007) (treebeard).cbr
>>146443292Also I should mention that femNemo's story is literally just the plot to Dogville.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is an interesting series as inspect a anglocentric viewpoint of what fiction is.
>>146443337Dogville is based on Pirate Jenny from The Threepenny Opera.
>>146442549>>146442882>>146443292I can't wait to read the entire series. I already love the first two volumes, and the snippets I've seen if the later books look very interesting. It's a shame Hyde isn't there for most of the run, but we'll see how it goes.
>>146445062Spoiler for the very end: Hyde gets cloned.
>>146445091Yeah, I heard about that.
>>146444325What are some other viewpoints from other places?
>>146442017>What Ho, Elder Gods?Seems fun.
Based TCJ poster.
>>146442017What a pussy-ass footnote.