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Pamela Hayden is retiring from The Simpsons.

Can this show just be put to rest already?
no but it can be meme now
They'll just get Grey to do her voices
>it's real
Weird that they'd announce this out of nowhere for a quick "catch this week's episode!" Good on her for getting out of that fucking show and it not taking her dying or throat exploding like what'll probably happen to Marge's VA.
It’s Milhover…
Is he finally a meme?
I’m surprised she didn’t leave at the end of the season.
If they want to recast they could do a puberty episode where his voice changes.
What happens to Milhouse now? Is he retired as a character?

I just fucking realized; they CAN keep it going after everyone leaves/dies. They will just brazenly replace the voices with other younger voices, and that'll be it.
For that, they'd have to drastically change his voice, and I doubt they'd do that, they'll probably try to get someone that can make the Milhouse voice as close as possible.

If only we were so lucky.
He'll just get recasted like the other characters.
Thrill house bros....
I don't think their standards are very high for that sort of thing. Carl got a new VA a few years ago and from the few clips I've seen he sounds terrible.
What the fuck is thrill house
The Simpsons is still going? I haven't watched it for like the last 15 years.
bruh, it's cheaper to just use AI for the voices.
We need to get Milhouse and Comic Book Guy removed from the show because they promote harmful stereotypes and bullying against nerds
Cheaper, maybe, but with *lots* of backlash. Fox wouldn't want to deal with it when it's simpler to just go the "Nu-Mario" route and just find some goober that can do a great Homer impression and call it a night.
>this voice is funny because it's a woman imitating a boy
>this voice is funny because it's white guy imitating a black guy
carl was never going to be allowed to have a good replacement, milhouse could.
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AI voice acting.
AI animation.
AI script writing.
The 24/7 Simpsons channel will launch very soon.
>The 24/7 Simpsons channel will launch very soon.
Simpsons is probably the only show that could have an entire channel and get good ratings. Even when the later episodes get bad, people will still keep watching if they've been enjoying the ones that came on before.
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Family Guy did it.
Just end the goddamn show already.

It can't still be that fucking sacred to aging gen Xers any longer.
>white man can't voice actors an Indian or black dude
>old lady can voice actors young boy
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family guy managed to get an actual impersonator to voice cleveland
Because he was always a meme.
I'm surprised Fox hasn't made a 24/7 livestreaming channel of Simpsons or Family Guy considering how popular those bootleg full episode compilations are on Youtube.
Disney+ needs the views.
>tfw most of the Simpson's cast will probably die in the next 20 years
How long is this going to go on? Does Disney have a backup plan?
Hell, they could still make money from it ending via streaming/syndication like Seinfeld and The Office. Those shows are still popular despite ending decades ago
Yeah but Carl was recasted for a different reason, that being that he was a black character voiced by a white man, and we can't have that in current year, so the new voice actor was allowed to give him a different voice.
With Milhouse, a far less controversial character, they'll probably try to keep him with his usual voice, just by a different VA, like they did with the character voiced by Russi Taylor.
>the "Nu-Mario" route
I mean, I would've gone with Mickey Mouse considering how many recasts that classic character has already had.
I bet the main Simpsons family cast is next.
I can't wait until all the voices are done with AI.
They should give them a deal to bow out and be replaced honestly, I think hearing just how old the VAs are is very distracting to general audiences.
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It's Milhouse gamer tag, in the episode bart stole the mortal Kombat game
Millhouse was voiced by a woman?
Bart is playing by a woman too.

All the kids are played by women.
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very smart of her to leave the show before she loses her voice to it. have you HEARD marge or mr. burns in the latest episodes? sheesh.
think fox and the main voices should strike a deal and gently warn the gen pop that if the show continues (and clearly fox isn't showing any signs of closing up shop) that eventually they will have to find a suitable replacements
They basically did for a while with FX.

Still do, sorta. Every day theres a minimum of three hours or more on.
That's implying kevin afghanistans impression of Mario is "great".
It isn't.
Good ol' Pam, nobody even thinks about her because she's the consummate professional who's just done her job for decades without any drama or egomania.
yeah he sounds like mickey mouse at occasions
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well she's 71, i think she's earned her retirement
If more actors drop out they might not keep it going
Not until the rest of the main cast retires or dies.
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It's time to retire the Milhouse character and introduce Bart's black best friend who was there from the start.
FXX was basically the simpsons channel up until the disney merger enabled them to nab cable rights to most of the 20th Century toons (Family Guy, King of the Hill, Futurama, etc). all they need now is American Dad once TBS is done with that.
Probably retired at the end of the production season
Pam was also the voice of Jimbo, Todd Flanders and Mrs. Wiggum
This episode legit fucked me up as a kid
Milhouse will move away. They don't want Bart to have any joy, so taking his only friend away will give them an excuse to ruin his life more.
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It was an extremely brutal segment
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>Well, I'm flunking math, and the other day I was a little attracted to Milhouse.
What did Bart mean by this
Next is Marge's VA, I don't know how she prefers risking her health for just a few millions.
>name is lewis, it's even in your filename
>but if you search louis simpsons in google, he appears several times even as the first image
Happened to Mario, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny... it was never a realistic reason to end, just a hope
Shut up and post your favorite Milhouse moment.

>"I'm telling you, I didn't do anything!"
>"I don't care."
Skyscraper cleaners risk their health for thousands at best, she's got it easy
>"Behold gravity, in all its glory!"
No! Grey has become more mediocre and non-stop bad joking piece of shit country liberal. Her impressions are getting all rusty and shitter.
Fuck Her!! She stinks!!
sad, apparently they've already just planned to replace her even though she voices jimbo, rodd and todd, and others maybe i didnt watch the full video. since she bowed out in the middle of a season it's not like they really had time to write millhouse out though. i wonder if she really gave them much of a notice
I wonder if she did this to test their reactions to someone leaving abruptly of their own volition
It's crazy. This isn't the same as a VA dying and retiring their character. This is a VA voluntarily leaving the show. It's the end of an era.
Even Maggie?
Or maybe they'll get Tara Strong and cause more wankbait, as if the Scientologist wasn't enough.
Milhouse? More like Milfhouse, am I right fellows?
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I don't care about this
Yes, but it is different. None of your examples is a television series.

Those are company mascots and most of their content is shorts or movies.
The Simpsins
I want to see what would they do once Marge VA dies, she can barely speak in the current season
I knew that but Millhouse and Jimbo cought me off guard.
With Donald at least, his voice is so inhuman that anyone can replicate it. I've heard women who can do spot on impressions, kids too. And there's a reason why most modern Looney Tunes videos aren't held in such high esteem.
Dope, now they can replace him with his hotter older cousin.
If you weren’t there, FXX literally had the simpsons on for like 6 hours a day, and they would advertise the hell out of it. It was that and always sunny why I even bothered with that channel.
Bart wants Milhouse's BMC.
Who the fuck are they going to replace Milhouse's voice actress with?

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