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How is Skibidi Toilet obliterating the animation industry?
Awesome robot and space battles and no bowing to faggot bank mafia agendas.

>haha Funny meme is actually """serious"""

>Short length episodes




>a few cute girls

It's really that simple
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spam thread
>malding industry tranny post
So if we baby bears was free they'd get 19 billion views?
We baby bears is better than the original. It's cute and wholesome without any of "muh society is le bad!!"
Words cannot express how happy I am that gay millennials are losing viewership over some ESL humor for kids
it's just care bears with iPhones and ADHD
God bless Russia and Source Engine
The very last thing pre-teen boys want is to be babied like what CN has been giving them since before they were born now. They want to explore the new frontier of action, explosions, and WAR. Skibidi is literally the only thing out there giving boys what boys want.
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Why can't they just make something that people want to watch? I'm sure they have all sorts of research and data and all that.
Same shitty bait thread.
Peridot's green anus is more worth that his.
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Because far too many cartoons are sanitized or pandering. Only autistic people who sensibilities are shot want to watch something that is constantly walking on eggshells while telling them they can be anything they want if they just have friends and BELIEEEVVEE (that's considered a fantasy world for autists).

There is a reason why Gumball and TTGo! ended up dominating kids attention. They're both hyperactive, raunchy at times, unapologetic, and don't shove morals in your face. Kids like shit that is raw. It's why they think they're "getting away" with something when they watch shit for teens or adults.

Think about it. When you were a kid and you had to pick between Doug or Invader ZIM, which would you have sat through? It was fine to have lowkey cartoons before because we had a healthy dose of them + crazy, absurd cartoons. Now it's wildly skewed and most of those "comfy cartoons" are going to be left in the dust while a handful rise to the top, like Craig of the Creek and Big City Greens.

A kid's not gonna use the family's Disney+ subscription so they can get lectured at by The Proud Family reboot, that's all I'm saying.
>Skibidi Toilet
I don't even know what that is
^Pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Modern cartoons aren't made for children. Owl House, Adventure Time after it got plot-heavy, that anime-knockoff Superman Show, SU, etc, It's made for late teens and 20somethings. These cartoons are made by the same archetype of people watching them

TTG and TAWOG are like the last bastions of children cartoons that actively try to entertain children.
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I'm not gonna watch beanmouth bear show anon.
>Not tied to movies or streaming
>Cultural momentum
>Unique premise
>Made by literal whos which don't have baggage/expectations
>Free >>146443697
>Relatively not very long waits between releases
>Specific demographic
>Immediate hook
Because google's algorithm told them too. Nobody knows why, not even the people who made it. The creator just got lucky that it was exactly what it was looking for.
This will forever determine the future of entertainment in general: because the algorithm says so.
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It gives kids the violence they crave but loser millennials/Gen Xers are too afraid to give them
We can understand that it promotes videos with high retention
How did the unknown guy get found in the first place? It fit what the algorithm liked on that day very well, and continued to coast off people watching. Same story for every single thing that becomes unexplainable popular. Especially with kids, they always let that autoplay force feed whatever the algorithm feels like showing them.
And since it's not a real person, nobody needs to take responsibility for why so many horrible and talentless people are now famous and rich influencers. Not saying the skibidi author is a bad guy, but it's part of a much bigger problem.
he already had a million subscribers
It's breddy gud.
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Ban this sick filth
>a few cute girls
Wait, they have girls there?
No because there's little action, ane only the veggie girl is good
Skibidi is good
Skibidi doesn’t espouse the teachings of John k
You’re dumb
how does we baby bears's mysticism fit with them being analogues for normal guys living in san francisco as adults
You're dumb
lmao of course a Steven Trooniverse fan would be seething about skibidi. What, not enough lectures about gender for you?
you may not like to hear it but the villains in skibidi toilet are more effective than anything in any cartoon made in the past 10 years
I don't understand why people act like Skibidi Toilet is some kind of insane brainrot when it's just a machinima of robots fighting other robots. People act like it's identical to Elsagate shit.

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