Why do all the bitches love Spider-Man /co/?
>>146444366because he was nice to them
>>146444366MC statusStan Lee was a fan of Archie
Women love a violent retard. It's just science.
>>146444366The more pressing question is why do you retards have to spam the internet with your emasculation fetish?
>>146444366He knows what to say
>>146444383based Spider-Man
>>146444565He's just like me.
>>146444383>because he was nice to themNah.
>>146444366spider pheromones
>>146444366Don't Call Them Bitches Bro!
>>146445869Look, a white knight!
>>146444366He's funny and he's got that lithe muscular body that women love.
>>146445815Chad Peter needs to come back.
>>146444366Why wouldn't bitches love a guy who is super strong, famous, and has a nice bod?
>>146444366Self insert
>>146444366Spidey is a funny guy
>>146444366>Funny>Smart>Brave>Responsible>Strong>Hard working>Caring>Muscular yet flexibleIt's just one of life's mysteries I guess.
>>146444366it's part of marvel's torture fetish for him
>>146444366All of them are sloppy seconds to other men and have been in other relationships and one nighters with males other than Peter, can you actually say ladies love him if they aren't pure only for him?
>>146448986>can you actually say ladies love him if they aren't pure only for him?..Yes. Retard. See, this is why you'll die a virgin. You think only virgin women (who don't exist) count, which is an unrealistic standard.
>>146446259Hes none of these, well not compared to other Marvel heroes. Specially Ironman and Thor>>146446626Then how come Batman and Wolverine get more porn than him?
>>146444366They love Paul, not Spidey.
>>146449003>Says it's unrealistic>in a fucking coming book of all things Theirs plenty of fucking examples where women are one man are enough for a woman in a relationship through out the comic world, the fact you bring up virginity as a source of fact checking me means you're projecting yourself, cry more.
>>146449073Your virginal tradwifes don't exist irl and they don't exist in comics either, sorry chuddie
>>146449024One: he is the goddamn BatmanTwo: Wolverine is the best there is at what he does
>>146444565But Gwen hates Spider-Man for killing her father.
Notice that Gwen and MJ are the only ones who are not usually super-types to make it in images like this, despite Spider-Man actually having a long list of "normal" romantic interests.
>>146448848one of the most annoying characters in the show her sultry act got tiresome real fast>listen, tiger, I'm like so cool and sexy, right? hehe. every guy wants to fuck me but I don't put outthat's MJ's personality in a nutshell
>>146444366Cause he spins a web any size.
Sigh I wish I could punch women sigh
>>146449024You draw porn of people you want to fuck, not necessarily the people you want to marry.
>>146450835You can, there's just consequences.
>>146444366>Why do all the bitches love Spider-Man /co/?Well, all except one.
>>146451036 Is that man ever going to pay for his actions in his own universe?
>>146444366Since when they started to give Felicia those udders?She was average in her first appearance.