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File: babby armor.jpg (123 KB, 1080x802)
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Could you, /co/, a cartoon watching NEET with no worthwhile skills or resources, find a way to stop him without the babies being harmed?
Fast headshot
Cant, the brains destruction would cause his knees to immediately buckle and harm the babies on his legs. Unless you're fast enough to shoot him, then immediately catch his corpse in a way that the babies are unharmed
Does harm mean physical only? Crying babies would probably disorient him enough to disarm and disbaby.
You could say he is a terrorist so is ok for collateral damage
I kick him in the nuts.

His mistake for not making a crotch-baby.
Want a hug?
why would I want the babies unharmed?
Stop him?
Shoot the babies first. Then he's got nothing.
You insult me and then expect an answer to your stupid fucking question? I'd shoot you in the head instead you worthless faggot.
What if we freeze him into a big ice cube and then defrost the babies one by one? When he himself is unfrozen he will be babyless.
Yeah but I would dodge the bullet by teleporting into your mom's bedroom and railing her Minecraft-style
Forgo caring about the harm to the babies, and push forward a policy of rendering hostage taking pointless by tearing through them if need be to get at the bad guys.
Nuke 'im
Attempting to protect the hostage would only inspire more people to take hostages. I shoot him and the babies.
Yeah, I loop a rope over anything higher than him, then put the noose around his neck and pull.
Also this. Hostages are only effective if you let them be effective. If you headshot him two, maybe three babies would get hurt and probably survive to forget about it.
...I don't think shooting the babies is needed, though.
fuck them kids
the babies must be shot to assert dominance
I calmly present a logical argument as to why killing babies is wrong, convincing him to stop.
>then immediately catch his corpse in a way that the babies are unharmed
Yeah, I was thinking that. The true problem would be the sound, which could maybe harm the babbys
Give into whatever demands I can get away with and then knife him in the throat as soon as he's out of 'armor', rolling back everything I promised him. He can't get into a car wearing that, how is he supposed to leave?
Also, kill whatever minion he has that dressed him up in that absurd shit.
I know the solution in story was to hang him, but I'm assuming it's just me and I don't have any backup.
If so, I don't give a fuck about honor, I'll kill him in his sleep two years from now if I have to.
This is absurd upon absurd anyway.
Just give him what he wants. He went through the effort of strapping all those babbies to him and it would be a shame for him to leave empty handed.
Who helped him strap those babies to his body? If its a hospital was a doctor hostage? Or maybe a partner in crime?
>then immediately catch his corpse in a way that the babies are unharmed
Not possible. Have you seen videos of people getting shot dead in the head? They crumble instantly. It's like their bodies implode. It's not like in the movies where they dramatically fall over. Go to Budd Dwyer live suicide.mp4
on Motherless. You couldn't catch that.
>implying the babies aren't the masterminds behind the whole thing and don't merit killing
>Take the hostages out of the equation
Always the best option
shoot him in the head. some babies will die when his dead body falls on them, but the other babies will live on.
Shoot the gun out of his hand
What do I care about some babies? I'm not a woman.
From a standing position, you would have to shoot him in the head, then move fast enough to stop the babies from being harmed, somehow. That is not possible.

However, it might be possible to shoot him while moving forward (assuming you dont miss/accidentally hit the babies. Lets also assume he's disoriented from the crying babies and/or their weight throws off his aim so he can't shoot you). That way you can intercept his limp body, as its falling. Assuming -a lot of assumptions here- you are close enough to do so. However, we now run into another problem. He's leaned back, with slighlty bent knees, so I imagine he'll fall straight down, fast. Meaning the Leg babies hitting the ground first, not good. So you'd have to catch his collar, immediately after shooting him, while running straight at him, your arm already prepped to grab him, and lets just assume you start at...7 or 6 feet from him to be generous. Is it possible? Perhaps. Is it probable? No.

Baby armor is truly impenetrable.
He's wearing 63 pounds of screaming poop and piss machines. I wait an hour or two until he gives up.
If you can get behind him in close range you don't need to do any of that, you can just kill and catch him. Shoot him in the head, stab him, cut his throat - in melee range you just have to kill or KO him using his head and you can catch him under his arms easily and safely.
I shoot his exoposed hand, preferably the one with the gun in it, when he holds it away from his body like in the picture.
Once he starts bleeding like a pig he will BEG for help.
Fucking PWNED
>Can't taze me
Says who? What would be the downside to just bear hugging this faggot and tazing him so he doesn't fall? He has exposed space under his arms and none of the babies' heads are where they would be in danger if you squeezed somewhat. Just grab him around the torso and taze him it's not that hard
I always found this scene to be really weird.

>The monsters aren't doing anything wrong, so I didn't shoot them.
>The girl is carrying a science book that's too advanced for a child, so she deserves to die.
>durr, me not know how electricity workses
Congratulations, you are dumber that a retarded comic book panel.

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