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Daniel Craig to play Sgt. Rock in the DCU.
More like Sgt.Rock bottom.
Should have gotten The Rock instead
Unrelated but I'm kinda surprised DC has never made some legacy character of Sgt. Rock that's his descendant and has actual rock powers.
luca guadagnino directing??
He'll do a great job depicting the sublimated homosexuality that's key to military fellowship, I'm not even being sarcastic.
i know im just surprised they managed to pull him
>not getting a red blooded American
Oy oy oy Mr Gunn
Maybe he read war comics in Italy as a kid.
may be or maybe the studio pitched it to him
>bong hired for stereotypically American character
its so tiring
who the fuck is sgt rock and why is an old man playing what looks like a soldier?
Sgt. Franklin John Rock is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Sgt. Rock first appeared in Our Army at War #83 (June 1959), and was created by Robert Kanigher and Joe Kubert. The character is a World War II soldier who served as an infantry non-commissioned officer.
Nobody knows who that is
ok why is he an old man? Soldiers are young. Do most of his adventures in the comics take place decades later? Perhaps with frequent flashbacks to his young days in the war?
is he meant to be 60
people just need to know its a film by the director of challengers and surpira 2018
Could be, but I kinda wish they'd adapt his death by the last bullet shot in WW2.
Sgt. Fag
Which is a damn shame.
You fuckers will read New 52 garbage but not soulful Joe Kubert work
I am now interested in watching a DCU liveaction movie that isn't Superman.
>oh god white guys aren't signing up for the military anymore
>quick let's make some military propaganda starring this old gay dude!
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>>oh god white guys aren't signing up for the military anymore
>military propaganda
I hate this website so much.
>some panel from a million years ago is what this new slop will be about
He's one of those old timey Nazi haters.
on brand for Craig
I still have a Sgt Rock comic, it's about them in the Middle East and Rock is killing nazis with a flaming scimitar
Cool. I’m sure it’ll come out the same year as Steven Speilberg’s Blackhawk and Ava Duverney’s New Gods.
All of these “greenlit” projects remind me of when Geoff Johns was constantly announcing new movies around 2016/2017.
>Black Hawks
>Teen Titans
>New Gods
>Mad Love
>Man of Steel 2
>Plastic Man/Woman
>The Trench
The last bullet shot in WW2 was in 1974.
Yeah but in-universe that was the one that killed him.
What was he doing in the Phillipines in the mid 70s?
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>all the James Bond cash ran out already
Damn, Daniel!
Modern Americans are insufficiently bong-ish to portray midcentury Americans
Siring Josh Luna's Grandfather
Recommend me some Sgt Rock /co/. My only exposure to him is that episode of Justice League where they get sent to the past
Actually casting puts it a bit ahead of stuff like Blackhawks
I hate the British
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A bit of a newfag rec, but Between Hell and a Hard Place is a very good classic war story with beautiful art.
Thanks anon
Weird choice considering his age, not that Rock's a young guy but is there no one younger who will take the role. In the 80s Schwarzenegger was set to play him in a movie that never materialized.
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>anon's face when actors...act
Craig isn't cast yet, just in talks
They could call him… Admiral Air, because that’s his rank and he flings people in the air with his rock powers.
They’ve tried to make Sgt. Rock movie for nearly forty years. At one point in the 80s/90s Schwarzenegger was attached to the project as Rock.
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Far to tall and buff to play an WWII grunt.
Let's hope Craig can pull of the accent.
In American movies, people 25 and up play teens and people 40 and up play soldiers.

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