>Kids prefer to watch cartoons from the 1940sHow did this happen?
>>146446558Because they're timeless, I'm 21 and me and my big brother used to watch 1940s Tom and Jerry reruns on Boomerang, it was so much fun.
>>146446558I watched the shit out of them as a kid when they aired on CN. Shit was great.All forms of media are pretty much at a place now where the back catalogs are so big that there's no real need to watch new shit anymore. Old music sells more than new music. Novels have more classics than you could ever read. And now the same has happened with animation.
They don't do visual gags anymore because it costs too much to animate.Cheaper to go "BLAHBLAHBLAH" then play a laugh track, that way you only need to animate the characters' lips.
for reference
That stuff was premium quality, they showed the shorts before movies, the TV stuff that came later was lower budget.The kids are ok
>>146446558yeah i did this tooog tom and jerry/looney toons is just kino
Kids? You mean third worlders and the Japanese.
>why does one of the most popular cartoons worldwide nearly 100 years running get so many views?
>>146446558>>Kids preferThey don't "prefer" anything, that's just the autoplayer doing all of the heavy work
>>146446695>looney toons
>>146446558Tom and Jerry is pure slapstick, negro. for the most part tom and jerry don’t speak. It’s popular with thirdys because they don’t have to understand English to get the humor.
>>146446726could be
>>146446854That one's probably 50/50 kids and adults. Either way, looking at YouTube views is a mug's game because it's a third world site.
>>146446558Because of minimal amount of dialogue from the main characters so foreigners and babies can understand.
>>146446558Because most modern cartoons are shit with cheap animation and very simplistic character designs to cut costs.
>>146446638Hey now, give a little respect to modern cartoon's reliance on wacky, close up faces.
>>146446558Tom and Jerry barely has talking, which means the whole world can enjoy it without needing a translation.Plus, parents probably already watched it so they feel safe letting their kids watch it on the phone knowing it isn't elsagate shit.
>>146446558Cause Tom & Jerry is classic and universally funny. You can show that shit to a fucking Buddhist Temple who only gets to use the internet 1 hour a week and they monks will laugh their ass off at Tom's hubris.It's the perfect cartoon visually, narratively, and audibly. The gunshot sound effects when someone gets hit is so iconic. The animation is some of the best cartooning we've ever had. The visual gags are amazing. If you ever want a prime example of what a cartoon is, I wouldn't immediately go to Disney or Warner Bros-- I'd go to MGM's Tom & Jerry.
>>146446558Maybe their favorite YouTuber called these "kino"
>>146446558Anybody who's anybody likes Tom & Jerry, simple as.
>>146446604I agree sometimes the OG cartoons hit the spot
>>146446558Do kids even know they're that old? I had no idea when I watched this stuff in the 80s and 90.
>>146446558Do you have any proof only kids are watching those? What's stopping boomers from watching those?
>>146446558Always how it’s been
>>146446558Wasn't the tom scream a was memed to hell and kids would just look it all up.
>>146449956really young kids might think milk delivered in bottles is just "cartoony" stuff and not "old-timey" stuffbut there are other giveaways: the fact that everyone in tom and jerry smokes tobacco and drinks booze, the prevalence of firearms, and of course the phones and the radios
>>146446558Because they filter out 90% of the garbage episodes
>>146446558It's not called the golden age of animation for nothing.
>>146446558No they fucking don't.
>>146446644>>146446558>5 months to a year compared to 3 to 6 yearsOP is so fucking stupid
>>146446558Tom and Jerry has almost no English dialogue. You can literally be a Chinese peasant watch the show and 100% get the humor.
>>146446604>>146446614They're one of the few things you can genuinely call "timeless" and not be exaggerating in the slightest.
>>146450870Yeah dude I'm sure they will catch up on those hundreds of millions of views in no time. Retard
>>146450870Given 4-5 more years, those videos will not amass 100mil more views.
>>146450905They won't even get to 15mil
I've always hated old cartoons like these. I hate slapstick. I hate mickey mousing. Never once found them funny. Not as a kid. Not as an adult.