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How the hell do you re-animate a scene this fucking fast? I'm still amazed by it. They must've fucking worked those artists to fucking dust to meet this sudden deadline.
Eight months is fast to reanimate some shots in one scene?

It made the movie worse btw
Because they just had to replace one 3D model with another, and then make a handful of new backgrounds, and a couple of seconds of new animation.
Most of the actual animation could still be used.
This post made 4chan worse btw
ur mum made the world worse
You don't get until the film's release to have a movie done. Typically, a movie is done a couple of months ahead of time. Realistically, their deadline was around March or April at the latest.
>a movie is done a couple of months ahead of time
Unless you're across the spider verse. Then you get time AFTER the movie is released to finish it.
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I don't think they ultimately had to *reanimate* much; the ship itself is a CGI model which could rather easily be swapped out, and none of the animation of the characters in the ship was changed; they just drew new backgrounds (same goes for the landscape). A non-insignificant part of the sequence ended up being cut entirely, including a bit in which they fly the plane across the curved exterior of a building.


Funnily enough, the only asset that seems to have been largely redone from scratch is the fat tourist losing his ice cream.
I would give anything to see the meeting that led to the removal of this scene. It's such a horrible coincidence
didn't they also completely reanimate and voice a scene in monsters inc because of 9/11
Eh. Stitch being able to hijack a fucking airliner never made any sense - Kauai is a small island and they have a barely municipal-sized airport.
That's less of a hand-wave than the Kevin McDonald alien having a spaceship parked behind a bush when he arrived with the lady president alien on a different spaceship that she left on specifically so Jumba would be standed on a primitive planet with no means of escape.

Literally nobody

"I-Is that an airplane? Noooooo!! I'm going insane!! Drumpf!! Save my fat mcdonalds greasy ass from the evil flying machine!!!
Had a quick look at Lihue Airport, and while it is big enough for 2 engine planes, a 4 engine one is way too big.
if it is "unreleased" then how do you even know it is true ?
Why would Gantu fly an Earth plane?
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kill yourself
You take that back
She provides an essential public service for free
Dick Cheney called Mike Eisner and told him what was gonna happen several months sooner.
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When the hour of reality approaches, the zero hour, wholeheartedly welcome death for the sake of Allah. Always be remembering Allah. Either end your life while praying, seconds before the target, or make your last words: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his messenger.
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This makes so much fucking sense holy shit.
I always felt the ship was sort of awkward for being a space ship but if they reanimated it from being a normal plane it makes so much fucking sense.
the scene where Jumba's gun blows up was also changed, from fiery explosion to the green one we see in the movie. They also had to add a little scene of jumba using the ship's keys to show where he had it hidden since it's no longer a hijacked plane. All these redrawn scenes, or newly drawn scenes have Jumba with a weirdly big head and tiny body.
I heard that when the station goes under lockdown and the orb is green or something originally everything was going to be bombed, which is why mike and sully's hair is moving when they look back, and why you later see that work bag charred. That was more unsettling to me than them remaking the plane in L&S because it's basically a cover-up of a more disasterous scene with remnants hinting at it you never saw

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