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>Tim Burtons Batman isn't good.....because BATMAN DOESN'T KILL, it betrays the comics
>Now the MCU is amazing, 10/10, because they are exactly like the comics
Yeah because the Mandarin is a British guy acting as a Middle Eastern terrorist on TV, and Spider-Man is Iron Man's sidekick and wears robotic suits in the original comics

Is he just a shill or does he simply truly only have autism for Batman and no actual knowledge of anything else in comics?
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In the 2000s lots of people worshipped him for some unexplainable reason
kevin smith is the only kind of cool nerd normies will tolerate
Hes’s a comic book nerd who became famous. The people accepting his perspective don’t know any better, and the people who do know better aren’t famous enough to have a platform anyone will actually pay attention to.
He went from making a hit indie film to making a string of hit mainstream comedies. For awhile he had a golden touch.
He’s had a higher success rate than M. Night Shyamalan and it took almost two decades for people to finally realize that he was a hack who got lucky with his first film.

Kevin Smith was good at his specific brand of humor which fit very well in the late 90’s/early 00’s. He’s aged out a bit since and his ideas are a bit more questionable now, but I don’t think his work on he-man should take away from his work on films like Dogma.
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>your dad named you after a comicbook character he wanted to fuck
>your dad wont stop posting pictures of himself crying on social media
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would have loved him to bring back the clerks animated series but i'm glad he didn't because it would have ended up using that shitty art style he uses since the jay and silent bob cartoon movie
reasserted himself as a nerd icon at the right time, rode the wave of the podcast craze before everyone got sick of every retard having a podcast, and weaseled his way into some jobs he was never qualified for through connections and the illusion of fame.

Also, he actually destroyed his brain with too much weed and then starved himself to a gaunt weight level and now he's an emotionally incontinent corpse who hates himself, but is too much of a whimpering faggot to kill himself.
>the Tim Burton feud
Hard to imagine there was once a time Smith would do something like that.
>The people accepting his perspective don’t know any better, and the people who do know better aren’t famous enough to have a platform anyone will actually pay attention to.
You just summed up every influencer ever basically, damn
People like you are the reason people like him are in power. You're to blame
is this board so underage that they forgot he actually wrote comics?

he brought green arrow back from the dead for DC. he has bullseye kill karen in daredevil

he definitely knows his shit, even if one disagrees with his takes
>remember that iconic moment from Year One? Lol actually Bruce pissed himself during it!!

No-one has forgotten that.
not canon
>>your dad named you after a CASUAL BAIT comicbook character he wanted to fuck
>Is he just a shill
"I'm not a shill. I WISH I got payed to say good things about Marvel, but they don't pay me anything."
Kevin, people are calling you a shill figuratively, not literally.

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