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File: asami sato.jpg (21 KB, 333x250)
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Asami Sato is actually one of the few characters in the Legend of Korra with agency and a character arc. People just hate her because she's a coerced half of a (arguably successful!) hail mary last minute lesbians plot
Asami is better liked than Korra and Mako.
I mean that bar's so low I'd give you a dollar if you could limbo underneath it
She had potential in S1 but gets no development and does nothing until suddenly lesbians in S4. S2-3 Asami is a literal nothing burger character who doesn't have to be there
I wanted to like her more. It was nice when they actually did stuff with her
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Anyone who caught the first season's audio commentaries originally could probably figure out WAY ahead of time how much Asami was going to prominently feature more and more in the show thanks to Janet Varney falling in love with the character design and becoming quick friends with Seychelle Gabriel.
Legend of Korra was a cartoon, I can definitely say that
Seychelle was a huge, huge ATLA fan who thought she grabbed the brass ring getting to play Yue in TLA, only to find everyone hated the movie and she was devastated. Bryke literally created the character of Asami and cast her as an apology.
I miss when we used to write greentexts about Varrick becoming Asami's abusive husband and her complete misery because it felt like there was no purpose to her character in the first 2 seasons.
Her and korra becoming a couple actually had buildup to it and decent enough chemistry to feel organic. you're acting as if it's arcane slop or something.
You mean them mentioning some letter in between? Because prior to that they were just friends. At most what they had was they both dated Mako and broke up for retarded reason.
better than magically overcoming a decade of wrongful imprisonment for literally no reason. also a bunch of other problems but that would take way too long to list.
The showrunners literally admitted the wrote them as friends and didn't even bother to ask if they could make them lesbians until after production wrapped, which is why they were announced as a couple in a tweet after show ended.
You're just seeing them through a hetero-normative lens
I think you are just making shit up
She literally has nothing to do after season 1 and no reason to stay in the group after season 1.
I mean, her group of friends after season 1 is made up of her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her, the girl who stole from her ex-boyfriend and her ex-boyfriend's brother (I know Bolin didn't do anything to Asami, but It would be uncomfortable to continue being friends with him)
Not to mention that he just inherited his father's entire company early and his father's arrest must suck for the company's public relations.
She has no reason to stay on the team after season 1!
Also, it's weird that no one mentions that the company is in favor of the arms race and that everyone is fine with it.
People don't hate her she just isn't very compelling. Her role in the group is like Bulma from DB and Frank from ASIP but she is far less interesting than either of them.
She had no actual character in the story. She was pretty shallow and just followed around Mako and the Korra. They should have gone with their original idea and had her be a traitor in season 1 to give her some kind of character arc over the series.

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