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New audio log. Not listening to it because unfortunately it genuinely makes me feel too much second hand cringe to continue through it. Also does anyone else prefer the old headbox format for audio logs? They felt expressive and versatile while the VN-like look they are doing now feels incredibly awkward and stiff
>Is the first person to actually break the code in pub audiolog and says "vampire" outloud with confidence
>admits to spying in on secret meetings while in the vents
>Argument with kitten can easily be seen as her using euphemisms for being bloodbonded
"You haven't had to conduct any {research} under some {weaser geaser} like remold!"
"sure it's on your own bob but you don't have any bloody {oversight}... *You should be happy!*"
>When argument ends she runs off to security room, VENTILATED ROOM, could probably head into the secret room where Occam was and straggle him
Little evidence but I think she also influenced Spit to randomly enter hers, Marcuse's and kittens conversation, even Marcus brought up how weird it was for him to suddenly come up to them
He's made of rubber!

How did that happen?!

Yo ho ho he took a bite of [Vampire]
HtP fucking sucks
The really did nail that eleven year old cringe. Also, more Door death flags. I hope Boy can save him
A simple bump will do if you have nothing to say. No need to start false drama
What the fuck is horse?
Probably some manner of spirit. Can't be a Bane since he's not radiating corruption out the wazoo and given what D said in the last audio log about the thing Markus summoned as a kid which was either a Bane, Grandma, or a full-blown head of the Triatic Wyrm itself then D would KNOW if Horse was something that foul.

My best guess is that he's one of the Fallen.
Boy making a cool mentor figure be (Not) Markus in his story was cute
Clearly not an bigger badder alien species heading for global domination of the world and Aku city.
Because those aliens don't vomit blood and tell scary prophecies.
Kid loves his uncles.
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I Miss TTS, has GW pulled that stupid bullshit yet?
>Not listening to it because unfortunately it genuinely makes me feel too much second hand cringe to continue through it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY9hL1LBm10 all I know is what they said in the update video 2 years ago that there's rumours they are going to appeal it but they're only going to go back to TTS if it's official and is around for more than like 4 months and doesn't end up getting the rug pulled out from under them
Really? Does this possibly mean that TTS dorn really was gonna stay dead after episode 30? I thoughtd he'd just stay burnt looking
This family truly is completely insane. How do they even function.
Or do they?
So, do we think this is going to lead up to something akin to the Horus (Horse) Heresy or do you think they'll go in another direction?
I don't think Horse will do much aside from be a vaguely threatening presence and ominous oracle. But I don't think Horse has any ill will towards the family and therefore is unlikely to become a threat towards them.
Different route. Despite the spookiness, Horse seemed cool with Boy and the others. Door might be in trouble though
I know people are off-put by the second hand cringe, but i personally find it charming. It reminds me of the Christian Humber Reloaded reading Nostalgia did on her own channel, alongside the other bad fanfiction reading she's done.

Plus pretty cute how Boy is so comfortable sharing his story and his family is all so encouraging of him.
Shame they don't know about Kevin yet because it would have been a fun nod during the economics bit
Patreon post image dump incoming
Full image too large for /co/ :(
https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-04-19-and-102649156 [full image size]
5 second clip of a short they haven't released yet
full image too large for /co/ :(
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>>146487436 see what I fucking mean? Grimal's flows through her teeth just like blood would a vampire!!!
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Despite the filename, this isn't actually a screenshot by me, I think this means its a screenshot from episode 5
I guess in the 2 next to the man's child's dad are the ones aren't sabbatical and the reasons they aren't allowed to use any d words besides his dad himself.
I haven't had time to watch the new video uploaded yesterday yet but are we still going to have any new episode of the fat guy and his alien friends?
they seem to switch between the two between arc endings so after the end of the Whodunit arc it'll switch back to HL
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Has Big D truly met Gilgamesh?
I doubt Horse is going to be an actual antagonist, a harbinger of doom at most.
It seems that beyond names, appearances and to a lesser degree personalities they're not going to make it directly equivalent to TTS.
Either that or Boy is just writing based on what Big D told him whether its true or not
What's wrong with Andre the Giant?
Horse doesn't seem to be actually villainous, just very ominous. Which makes sense - the time period of the show is IIRC VERY close to the Week of Nightmares where everything goes to shit.
Oh fuck
He just needed a big guy that's famous
>The Week of Nightmares
I'm only vaguely aware of a bit more than what I've picked up from HtP, the fuck is that?
Someone more familiar with the setting can confirm but I think its the time when one of the antedulivians wake up and things go fucking bonkers with a lot of major players scrambling to deal with it.
A time where the Antediluvian of one of the vampire clans woke up and had to be stopped by a buncha mages doing a super magic hammer of dawn on em. His awakening was a huge thing in the supernatural world and vampires viewed it as the true start to The Final Nights which will lead to Gehenna; ie all the antedulivians waking up and bringing about the vampiric equivalent of the apocalypse.

Though presumably that happened in 1999 while HtP takes place around 2006. Though that can still fit that sorta time where "shit is volatile and who knows what's gonna happen" especially with the other stuff going on and Big D's family potentially having come into contact with one of the biggest entities in the entire setting
Unfortunately, one of their Patreon posts said that Zero Viscosity has been put on the back burner because viewership was too low.
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Shame but not too bad. I much prefer HtP
Alfabusa has been running a lot of Werewolf the Apocalypse recently, so expect some stories about furry eco-terrorists fighting evil corporations with demonic CEOs in the near future.
As do I. And honestly I thought episode 2 of ZV was a pretty big step down from the pilot.
Wonder if they'll go with the obvious werewolf suspect Matilda or someone else
Yes, they fought in the last Holy Grail War where Big D was summoned as a Saber and Gil and Archer. They weren't able to complete their duel before Berserker Andre the Giant, Caster Pollock and Rider Florence Henderson blind sided them.
Animation (when it happens) it's pretty good but the characters are all cringe and the jokes simply don't land. It's always feels like they are talking too much. It reminds me of that Guilliman/Emperor's joke remake where they put a lot of words on Big E's mouth while in the original he just says "Always thought Guilliman was a faggot".
Honestly I feel like episode 2 suffered from an issue that >>146495648 partially touched on (tho I disagree with on most of what he said) which is that it feels like especially after TTS ended, they go WAY TOO FAR into "unhinged" non sequitur humour, largely with Big D but massively in almost every joke with Half-life:ZV episode 2, ESPECIALLY with MubMub and partially Pitdrone (less so with him because that his entire character and I think it works more). It gets tiring and honestly some of their best jokes are from more dry humour, like Dorn in TTS just bothering the shit out of everyone and especially his Water discussion with Big E
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRuWCgyDBQo (3:50)
The unhinged humor worked on TTS because we already knew and cared about the characters and the lore, in HtP not only they went too far but they expect us to know and love these nobodies, there is no build up.
This is why Keven is the fan favorite
Shame to everyone too weak to sit through the cringe, I'd unironically watch an entire series of Boy's deranged anime fanfic
but I do still really like the HtP gang
I would be fine with the fanfic itself, but combining it with color commentary from the rest of the cast hits just bit to hard.
>I Miss TTS
So do I but at this point I think it's better to forget. Even if they went back you bet all the weakness of HtP will slip into TTS, their humor changed too much and they won't have the right mindset to properly finish the series. Also the whole Starchild arc was going a bit too long to my tastes, everything was stretching too much, it was just one step from popping.
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>Zapathasura, Antediluvian of the Ravnos clan
Picrel it's him. Probably looks better after feeding.
Could Big D have saved Jack the Ripper?
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Man, y'all are haters (in my opinion). Only thing I can really say is that the series works much better when you treat it as its own thing. I did that starting by episode 2 and now in some aspects I vastly prefer it over TTS despite loving both
Ditto. I've come to enjoy it more than TTS.
I like both as well but your usage of "y'all" automatically invalidates your opinion. Avoid using it in the future (this isn't a request btw).
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Markus' friends make every scene they're in significantly worse
Wonder if we'll get something when Boy and Door go to the eatery

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