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Tropes you hate.

>Character finds out another character doesn't like them
>Character is told not to get upset over this

I wouldn't even have a problem with this trope if the character that dislikes the other character had a valid reason for not liking them, but usually it's either for no reason at all, or something the character can't control. The lesson in these episodes is supposed to be, "Not everyone will like you", but it's more like, "If someone just arbitrarily decides they don't like you, you're in the wrong for getting upset over this".
Well the only reason you'd need to get upset is if the person went out of their way to interact with you even though they already know they don't like you. Most people just wouldn't bother you once they realized they didn't like you. Also I hate heroes who kill henchmen but then spare the villain
When a character stands up to someone then the show thinks they are the asshole and they have to be the one to apologize because they are the main character they are suppose to be good.
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>Poor character gets money and this is a horrible thing
>New character shows up
>One character thinks they're shady or suspicious for completely valid reasons
>Their entire friend group immediately turns on them because they think their friend is just jealous because....?
>Character turns out to be right
>The entire friend group immediately goes back to him
>everyone's supposed to pretend nothing happened and that they didn't turn on their friend for basically no reason
>nerd character talks in technobabble
>Male character walks in a topless or naked female character
>Female screams and assaults him
>Everyone treats him like a pervert

Half the time he doesn't even have any reason to think someone is in the next room.
you were being annoying twilight
>Character is used to danger and risks in their job
>They fuck up ONE TIME and get someone hurt
>Character is ashamed and chooses to retire forever because of one mishap.
murder is the final solution to these types
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>depowering in general
It's such a shitty trope, it never works well at all.
>villain can somehow steal people's powers, even though the powers have different origins like alien biology, metahuman genes, magic, technology, etc.
>superhero is so powerful that they have to depower him every other episode instead of creating powerful villains

It also goes against what people want out of stories like that, which is to see cool superpowers.
I will Steven Universe credit for this.

Greg is paid bank for his song being used for a jingle and he still has most of it by the time of future.
That only villains can be bullies and sadistic towards the heroes and other. I wish there was a hero that was openly sadistic and enjoys bullies villains and evil-doers. Not a anti-hero, but a full on superhero, mind you.
There were times they did address that (thankfully) but it's likely that all writers these days have been replaced with Lisa slaves
>but usually it's either for no reason at all, or something the character can't control.
So it's true to life.
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>"God why are you so horrible and evil!!!"
>Says new character to established 1# good guy of the setting who's feeling immense guilt
No one is entitled to being liked.
This is called an 'apology character'.
>Sorry we only have one female cast member. But to make it up, we made her the best at everything.
>It also goes against what people want out of stories like that, which is to see cool superpowers
Tangential rant here: I hate it when superpowers are given to characters, but all they proceed to ever do is have fist fights.
Not the OP but boy am I fighting every urge to make this thread political/culture war shit right now.
Weird flex, but okay.
I could see how you might see it as a flex but I sorta meant it as a, "there's a joke I could make but boy is it hard to not go there." Apologies.
Having to wait 15 minutes to make a reply.
Makes me not want to even bother replying.

It's probably a blessing in disguise, I don't know.
>church bad
>jocks cheerleaders bad
>comedic beta nerd gets hot women
>girl acts like a bitch
>it’s because he likes him.

So it's OK for someone to hate you for no reason?
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as long as they're not a dick about it
>character gets rich
>becomes a jerk because "rich people bad"
>loses all their money at the end of the story
I think the only time I liked it was Kim Possible and even then just because the other jokes were good.
>muscles bad/dumb
I like how Family Guy and American Dad eventually stopped treating the wives as the voice of reason and made them more goofy/psycho.
Time travel resurrections
Revenge is bad and/or cycle of violence. It's very rarely done well, and in most cases the hero who has to break the cycle and forgo revenge has genuinely been wronged and is showing mercy to someone who is a a genuinely unrepentant monster.
>character A gets into situation that looks bad but has a completely logical explanation
>character B notices then and gets angry before character A can give the explanation
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>Character puts on snorkel
>They can now breath and move freely underwater at any depth and for any lenght of time
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>Entire story hinges on misunderstandings and only keeps going because none of the characters are smart enough to just talk to each-other for 1 minute or ask simple questions
Resurrections in any form. If the writer can bring back characters from the dead whenever they want, then don't expect me to care about any future "life or death" situation you put your characters through. Death's revolving door is one of the main reason I stopped giving a shit about the Big Two's capshit long ago.
I'm sure you probably will disagree, but I am fond of this, but only because I am of the opinion that the hero doesn't indulge in revenge because it's wrong, not necessarily because the villain does or doesn't deserve it.
But I'm a bit out of touch in that respect I suppose.
It's a fair reason, and you're allowed to like what you like.

There are some heroes that I think shouldn't indulge in revenge - paragons of virtue like Superman, for example.

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