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fight comes out dec 8
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It's over...
3 - 0
…for the stains on Kyle’s Laundry
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Speaking of the TMNT, I really hope that this is Spidey's runback episode.
Could Sherlock Holmes solve the Jack the Ripper case?
I prefer this, personally.
Kamen Rider is for Cap
Also that idea doesn't offer as much clout as Spidey vs the TMNT would
Ryu vs Terry when?
Gimme fights between historical people.
Army Battle
Bowser vs Eggman style
Spidey vs KR1 is about as good thematically and much more even in terms of debate. It is the superior option.
Spidey vs TMNT is even better thematically and even closer in debate
>animalistic new york based vigilantes who got their powers from radiation and started their careers as teenagers
On top of offering more clout potential

Also Cap vs KR1 is basically already confirmed to happen as it was featured on DBC.
Pancho Villa vs Billy the Kid
Bruce Lee vs Muhammad Ali
Ashida Kim vs Count Dante (with a round 2 where their bullshido claims are taken seriously)
Compared to Napoleon, Washington was a hack. He had no major open-field victories, and his greatest achievement (the Siege of Yorktown) was more a triumph of logistics than of tactical thinking- he just got lucky. And it's no secret that Washington's biggest weakness was his piss-poor skill as a tactician. Good old Napoleon will have Gorgoe on his knees before suppertime.
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Ryu >= Akuma > Jin >= Kazuya >= Heihachi > Terry >= Geese
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At least street fighter finally gets another W
Speaking of Ryu and Jin, that was one of the thumbnails they updated
I wonder if they're going to go back and update all the thumbnails that just have the bland DB background template
Sun Tzu vs Niccolò Machiavelli
David Hume vs Immanuel Kant
Alexander the Great vs Genghis Khan
Oda Nobunaga vs Louis XIV
Ryu vs Liu Kang would make more sense and actually get some views.
In terms of theme, Gargoyles vs TMNT is even better. Spidey vs KR1 has
>Genius young man outside social norms without his consent gains insect based powers (spiders for Pete, grasshoppers for Hongo) and is pushed into heroism by the death of an older mentor, similar origin
>Powers are increased strength, agility, and durability consistent and thematically linked to insect donor, but are also extremely smart, similar powers and arsenal
>Are men with strong sense of heroism but are not above cracking jokes and strive to be friends and mentors to heroes of a similar motif (Spider family for Pete, other Kamen Riders for Hongo), similar goals and general character
>KR1's first villain was named "Man Spider"
Come on, how can you say that's not perfect? Also, DBC did Arceus vs Beerus and Guts vs Clare. It's not an infallible prediction method.
Mexicans love Pancho like they love Goku. Whoever has him job to a fucking Arizona twink is going to die.
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Who can fight the final boss of the Dark Souls Series?
>mexicans are children
We know, Jorge.
Shut up americunt.
Slave Knight Gael is for Laurence the First Vicar.
Gargoyles vs TMNT is just nighttime vigilante teams
Spidey vs the Ninja Turtles both have more in-depth connections that are quicker and to the point and offer more views since Spider-Man and the TMNT are noticeably more popular IPs than Gargoyles or Kamen Rider
That's why they're even doing Cap vs KR1 to introduce the normie audience to Kamen Rider as a franchise.
Anyone who can cheese him with poison and abusing the glitch that makes him not see you.
>instant outburst
>muh mutt
Not even close, Jose. Keep paying that rent, though lol
Liu Kang is for Jago
>they're even doing cap vs kr1
Oh yeah? When?
Yeah, sure. Let's throw away views. Why not?
No DIME King of Fighters
>Gargoyles vs TMNT is just nighttime vigilante teams
They're the monster men of the Big Apple, one group below and one above, bands of brothers with combat styles far from home spatially and temporally that struggle for acceptance of the humans they protect. You're completely wrong, and lying to be a troll.
>Spidey vs the Ninja Turtles both have more in-depth connections that are quicker and to the point and offer more views since Spider-Man and the TMNT are noticeably more popular IPs than Gargoyles or Kamen Rider
>That's why they're even doing Cap vs KR1 to introduce the normie audience to Kamen Rider as a franchise.
Then why do Cap vs KR1 at all? If Kamen Rider isn't popular enough? Wouldn't Spidey vs KR1 serve the same purpose, by using a more popular IP to help introduce a lesser known one? Same with Gargoyles vs TMNT? Can't you just be honest and say "I like this match better" and not lie about supposed better thematic connections? Wouldn't Hongo vs Tommy Lee Oliver be a better and more catchy way to introduce Kamen Rider, in any event?
Most of that is just stretching very simple connections and cherrypicking
Spidey and the Ninja Turtles are both heroic animal-inspired vigilantes of NYC who got their powers via radiation, are known for being very quippy in the midst of even the most terrifying enemies, started off their superhero careers in their teens and are notable for being among the very few to have done that first in their verse, and were inspired by the wisdom of an older familial mentor to use their abilities for good (Uncle Ben and Master Splinter).
It just has more in-depth connections that are true to the characters and their stories and again they're both more popular IPs compared to Kamen Rider or Gargoyles.
Spidey's web cartridges can also match up pretty well with Donnie's tech and smarts and his raw power and speed can be balanced out by the fact that he'll be up against an entire team who also have mutant physical stats.
>autistic paragraph of 'connections'
It's a retarded 4 on 1 joke match, Fuck off.
SF vs MK has been overdone to death and they don't even match up thematically
Give the much superior MK vs KI a chance to shine
No he's a Faux Harem Protagonist. He has only one girl, Issei and even Rex are legitimate harem protagonists so they're better connected on that front plus other stuff I mentioned.

We already know Megaman can kick his ass.
I accept your concession.
X vs Optimus Primal would be pretty neat
Why didn't we ever get latinokino?
>doesn't match up thematically
They're both the main characters of rival top fighting games. Youre fucking retarded, anon.
>much superior Mk vs KI
Would be embarrassingly inferior in views, the thing Death Battle needs to survive. They don't need this retarded match. Ryu vs Liu Kang is the MONEY, easily THE biggest fightan matchup they could possibly do.

They're also terrible characters that need their skulls caved in.
>no argument
OK, run away with your shit matchup, then, weak fag.
>still no argument
As expected. I'll see you whining back here when they finally feed Cap to KR1 btw.
Dimeless garbage. X is for Samus. Primal is for fucking forgetting.
>bland connection that could apply to anybody
>yapping about views when they're wasting people's time with a fall guys match
Love how you also overlooked how if they cared so much about Ryu vs Kang they would've done that instead of Ryu vs Scorpion
>schizo ideation
I'll see you shit yourself in every thread, just as before, bitchass.
I mean
That's better than this ig
146636340 seems obsessed ngl
entire fight depends on if they finally decide to consider the star from X8 as legitimate or not, if not then X still has the Mother Elf to fuck with Primal's spark but Primal has the speed advantage to avoid it
>>yapping about views when they're wasting people's time with a fall guys match
NTA but saying this when the AU preview is the highest viewed so far and the FG one is already approaching 200K is insane.
>wasting people's time
Amonguys is already doing mad views just in previews, you absolutely mongoloid. It's obviously something people want. Quite unlike yourself and your dreams, amirite?
>(You) but like a BITCH
LOL you lost and you know it LMAO
Because nobody wants to see that cringe lol
It's going to be another few weeks of slop
The only reason it even approached that many views in that amount of time is because of how well Bowser vs Eggman did, and it being announced as the very next episode after that
DB will do fine enough to survive long into the next year just off of the success of Bowser vs Eggman alone
>he's still sperging
I remember Deadliest Warrior actually making an episode on this.
It was either a 5 v 5 or 6 v 6 instead of full army, but Washington won because his troops had rifles while Napoleon's didn't, and he used irregular warfare. There were some other factors but I don't remember them all.
I don't really agree with their verdict. In a full army vs. army battle Napoleon would win without much contest.
>They mention all the dumb crossovers fall guys has when it comes to scaling
>Not one mention of Mogus in Vampire Survivors
>he wrote an entire paragraph to say 'n-no u'
The absolute COPE LMAO
>can't differentiate between a paragraph and a couple sentences
I feel sorry for you
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Does Sonic even win any of his matches?
Depends. Is it against a Mario character? Then no, never, that would go against the agenda.
>if I use semantics (incorrectly), I won't look like a bitch or butthurt retard or anything
>more yapping and misuse of the word "semantics"
Autism is a wide spread phenomenon
I'm surprised they did Metal Sonic vs Zero instead
Like wouldn't Bass fit more as Metal Sonic's archnemesis considering he's also supposed to be Wily's own Evil Megaman?
they're saving it like how they saved the sun disk
.....is for Seiya.
He can beat Goku's laundry.
>all these posts? In the SAME conversation? same person
No shit, BITCHlock Holmes. Any other amazing assblasted insights for us?
Chin up, aspie. *offers thumb*
>misreading the room and projecting
Don't they offer some sort of treatment for spergs like you?
...which Goku is wearing as Sonic DESTROYS him effortlessly and wipes the Dragon Ball verse utterly and completely.
>'I am the room'
You really got BTFO, didn't you? kek
>keeps being illiterate while also being smug as fuck about it
Pretty typical of an autist
We don't declare the contents of our posts here, anon.
Clearly not, otherwise you'd have been able to construct a coherent sentence by now.
Ah, winning. Sure feels good.
What is this cope?
>Actually the reason it outviewed Bowser and Omni-Man is cause of the previous fight!
Funny how this logic seems to only apply to this one specific fight and no other fight in the history of DB.
...'s laundry
Are Dragon Ball fags still seething or have they gotten over it
They're already seething over Sonic. You tell me.
The only thing they've gotten over is the hope of Goku ever kissing his own wife.
Honestly love you autistic retards so much.
> don't even mention the PINNACLE of powerscaling in a powerscaling thread or I'll cry
They should do composite Goku vs composite Sonic just to pit the 2 biggest groups of retards in the vs community against one another
>PINNACLE of powerscaling
But enough about SuperCHAD.
THIS 1,000,000x
A match to surpass KINGtos vs. BOUNDLESSslayer
A match to SURPASS FRAUDtos vs DoomJOB.
>Archie Sonic for the five billionth time Vs Goku in a diaper
Daima fucked comp Goku because now any magic user can just rape him.
Ah the Jailer, the character surely planned since before even Warcraft 1.
>they wasted korra to not offend people
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Who is Diego Brando for?
Ki is magic and so far Daipaku doesn’t have any way to defend against magical attacks.
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Yes, but not because we lost that MU.
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Which character could face the might of J'lor? Is there any other character that was so badly hamfisted into a setting that they completely destroyed it to the degree Shadowlands did for WoW? Keep in mind that J'lor has most certainly planned for their encounter as it was all part of his grand design.
>Archie Sonic for the five billionth time
Archie Sonic has appeared a grand total of one (1) times in Death Battle, anon. It's Goku and Dragon Ball in general who's been spammed.
Has Goku not defended against Ki before?
Perpetua, if you believe that one anon mindbroken over DC itt.
Korra's best alt
It's also dated as metal overlord resists chaos control in generations
One is already enough, and we had Archie used in the first Sonic Vs Mario, Silver Vs Trunks, and even the earlier Sonic fights I think.
Necron from FF9 is to this day the biggest out of nowhere final boss in the history of final bosses
X Drake from One Piece
>Secondary antagonists turned "allies" who served as a government insider and have the power to transform into a dinosaur
Sonic will BULLDOZE Goku and prove that he's stronger than SHITrio.
I forgot to reply to this, but I mean magic that goes beyond firing blasts. Not even Vegito could defend against transmutation and the only reason he could still fight was due to his unique trait of keeping his power the same regardless of size or state.
So it sounds like Archie Sonic needs at least two more to match Goku. Three, if one is vs Goku.
Meanwhile, Mario gets the number one contender slot vs Superman.
Archienic and just Archie in general is boring to use because it’s always the same handful of feats. With DB fights there are at least new scaling chains and whatnot being used, with Archie it’s always the same thing.
I'm not gonna argue with that, but story wise Necron was just a concept to do with the themes of 9's story. The Jailer from WoW on the other hand was forced retroactively into Warcraft's Story since before the Warcraft Universe even existed because the writer wanted his own version of Thanos. They made The Jailer responsible for EVERY SINGLE major event that happened in Warcraft's history. He was behind the scourge, the legion, the old gods, the titans, everything.
Nah, Dragon Ball is even more old and stuffy. It's always 'muh universal shakes' and 'muh hyperspace meteors'. We haven't even begun to plumb through the dpths of Archie Sonic.
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They went with the "respective ultimate creations" angle instead of the "protagonist's evil counterpart" one. Plus since Metal cleaned house in Wily vs. Eggman, a battle Bass was a part of, the outcome would have been too obvious.
Korra isn't a rough-around-the-edges delinquent like any of them or like Delsin for that matter
She's only really fits the mold of a "most important and most carried descendant in the story" like Rey or Boruto actually.
where's Master Shake?
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Beanfight prediction. I hope the next fight won't be such a snoozer. Anyone think they're going to make a Stonetoss joke?

I love you too.
Then that leaves us with Metal's second best match
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They should do Goku and Superman vs Mario and Sonic
In the runner-ups list vs Cartman
She’s closer to Delsin’s delinquency since, when push comes to shove, both of them start acting more mature and serious (after getting their asses handed to them by the baddie)
>ten seconds in - 'I am horribly out of touch'
Old man yelling at clouds, the powerscaling video.
Goku and Superman vs Mario and Sonic vs Batman and all of his Marvel opponents
BatGOD would solo, no fair.
Mario should fight Arale
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>Doooooood this matchup is so old and dated (it’s only like three or four years old) who is this for?? Boomer moment how do you do fellow kids!!
Holy cringe. The ironic part is that Ben and Chad are more in tune with what people want than you.
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>closer in debate
They don't stand a chance even with superior skill they have a hard time fighting someone without superpowers.
What the theme here? More powerful successor?
It's gonna be Kratosura
Byleth is for Ivy
No idea.
Why is everyone attacking Otto now? :/
Him fighting Mandy would be hilarious
Uh UH. Cell is for Shadow.
You know that the tech and the mystic shit that Leo got in him vs Jason would balance that out, right?
We're just enjoying the old fart moment he just blessed us with, anon.
X wouldn't stand a chance against Gorila De Fuego good thing that won't be used
Shadow is for Zero.
Mother Elf X bodies.
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Zero is for Meta Knight.
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Can't wait to see them do their absolute damndest to bullshit their way around that.
Meta Knight is for Vergil
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Vergil is for Sesshomaru.
It sucks that Smith's spread is super limited
I never got the reasoning for this matchup
Allies who study the blade, from childhood popular games involving taking your oponents' powers. Or I'd wager.
Rom is cool. Beanboys look like pet chew toys.

I hope not. I want something fun for the holidays, not Kratos flying through space and throwing planets.
Me neither.
>he doesn't want Kratos getting DOMM'd by Asura flying through space and throwing planets
>I’m out of touch but it’s not MY fault
Go back to your retirement home you old fart.
>I hope not. I want something fun for the holidays
Among Us vs Fall Guys is literally the last fight of this year
We're not getting another episode until after New Years wraps up
File deleted.
I mean, you are doing the same thing. You're stretching some thin connections and cherrypicking as well. Besides, doesn't it make more sense to pair lesser known IPs with more well known ones for more consistent views?
Meta Knight is for Riku
Yeah both the Ninja Turtles and Spider-Man have near identical origins that can't be conflated with any other characters. Plus it makes for a more interesting debate with better animation potential rather than just 2 acrobatic guys punching each other.
Riku is for fraudchecking sasugay
Never, I'm afraid. KoF only brings in pesos, not dimes.
MK vs SF is only relevant to Burgers who grew up in the 90s (ie Ben and Chad).
Ask reddit, they'll be happy to give you a 6 paragraph essay on why it's good.
Nah, they want views. Kingdom Hearts matchups are proven antidimes.
But he already got Fraud Checked by Hiei?
Ie Death Battle's audience.
>ignoring the very recent Heihachi vs Geese's existence
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Well let's fraudcheck him again
>Put Sora against a character literally even the most casual fans can tell he would stomp because Pit in no world does shit to Reflect other than killing himself
Sora is Hogan and Pit was Sycho Sid.
Also not me finding out Sycho Sid died this past August by checking if I spelled it right.
>are proven antidimes.
Based on? Cause Sora Vs Pit was dragged down by the latter and still did fine, and Mickey Vs Yoda was just a fight no one asked for but still did normal numbers.
>ignoring its lack of views
I would love to see Asura win, but I don't think he will. They gave Kratos the win on the podcast due to him shaking Hades and that supposably being multiversal.

Rom rides shiny and chrome. Beanboys look like Candyland characters.

Maybe? Sparkster would be fun, though Metaknight would curbstomp him.
>Is still doing Traveler vs Aang even though it hard stopped their Kickstarter like a train running into Superman
Lol LMAO even
>Debate is D-
>Not an F based purely on the fact that the first KH feat ever was universal and something that Riku directly scales to and above ten times over
I don’t even think Sasuage has any hax that could be effective. It’s a fine fight if you just really hate Sasuke though.
Yes. Because 2.5m is definitely "lacking in views"
Hogan actually might outlive everyone he's had a match with...
They're still doing that? Must be a passion project for them. I can respect that even if Genshin sucks.
Who can Getter Robo fight?
They had to cancel their documentary just so DJ can have his Genshin mu.
>It’s a fine fight if you just really hate Sasuke though.
Who doesn't hate that little faggot? He prolonged the whole naruto series way past what it should've been with his bitching over itachi.
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Hey, got any match-ups?
Those’re two different demographics. I think the fight is gonna do fine view wise because of how wide spread Genshin already is.
>the KS
The difference between the number of people who supported that and like Genshin in general is massive.
Pretty good MU but as a Kirbychad i dont want KH to get to 3-0 before Kirby.
Let’s be real here. EVERYONE knew that the documentary would’ve been a waste of time and just take away from people seeing more of the channel. I think they even outright say that.
I'm not sure about that. Most of the vocal DB fans I've seen seem to be in their 20s (people who grew up watching the show).
Getter vs Mazinger Z has some traction.
This is why they need to do Meta Knight vs Riku.
Mazinger Z is the "has to happen" match. But I think really interesting fights could be had with Shin vs Gunbuster and Ideon.

It's a shame how little a presence mecha has in death battle. There are some matches they could do that would look really, really cool. Shin and Ideon going giant axe vs giant sword and chopping up an entire solar system as they fight for instance.
Pretty good MU and as a KHchad I want KH to get to 3-0 before Kirby (and Godzilla and Invincible)
Just do Palpatine Vs Xehanort and Meta Knight Vs Sasuke. Everyone wins.
After five years, anon? The average is three (3) times that.
The average is more like 3-4M
MK and susgay have fuck all in common though
Gunbuster might be a bit one sided against Shin without the Final Getter Tomahawk, it's got the size advantage and Super Inazuma Kick was capable of fucking up an entire fleet of space monsters that are a fair deal larger than what Getter usually fights.
I like this one.
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When is it gonna be his turn
They're good feed him to Valentine for more JoJo wank. He should fight the protag from Metal Wolf Chaos.
I think this would be kind of cool
Nah he should fight Stryker to complete the thematicy of Wolverine vs Raiden
I’m 99% certain that Moro is the guy who was saying that Infinite was above Solaris last thread.
Senator Armstrong is for President Wilson in a true testosterone fueled man-clash. Keep your fairy weebshit far away where it won't get burned by the sheer masculinity, fag.
>infinite is above [TOWN LEVEL SQUEEGEE]
>Senator Armstrong is for (literal who #9383739)
No thanks, troon. Armstrong deserves dimes, not pesos.
Exactly, so keep your literal who troon picks the fuck away. Senator Armstrong and President Wilson need the space for their epic clash with an immense audience.
G has some potential
The Boss would be worth it just for the back and forth
Haggar has better run backs iirc
Handsome Jack is for the RWBY character in B tier.
Stryker is a more literally who than the black chick they brought up that made Wolverine lose.
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How is this a fair fight
I know Kirby needs a loss but Jesus
>mexiSHIT projection
How much more obvious can it be, denying a TITANIC matchup between two PATRIOTIC and TRUE MEN, quite unlike the twinks you browns love so much and are trying to insert into a matchup for MEN and MEN ALONE, Senator Armstrong vs President Wilson is the ONLY matchup acceptable.
No lol he was popular in the first 2 X-Men movies and in Origins. Again idk who tf Pussydent Whoson is.
>capeshitter cuckold doesn't want another Marvel match despite that being one of his own western saving graces
I’m pretty sure the consensus is that Vergil gets stomped hard.
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Funny only works in db if he fights another person who also uses their multiversal variants to fight.
Oh look, you just conceded. I accept your concession. Senator Armstrong vs President Wilson will be and is the ONLY acceptable matchup. Period.
>Badmouthing a match as epic as Armstrong vs Wilson
Has /co/ really fallen down this hard from the Tumblr invasion?
Virgil is faster and Meta Knight has no counter to Yamato
Metal Gear and Metal Wolf are weebshit though
>pushing Armstrong vs some literal who faggot
I think I'd actually rather take Funny vs Armstrong over that shit.
MK can fly across star systems. In no world is Vergil faster than that, and they’ve already scaled MK to that reality destroying black hole in the DDD fight, which itself is tougher than anything V can dish out. That’s all on top of the fact that, at the very least, you can scale MK to the numerous planetary Kirby feats.
Wilson is even more racist than Armstrong it's no contest.
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Metal Wolf? More like Maggot Wimps. What a bunch of faggot troon cuck cringe. xD
Lmfaooooo right?
Revengeance is gay and doesn't deserve any more matches tbqh
Also Armstrong looks like moviebob on roids
I don't know why you guys argue about Armstrong's fight when DB already said the next Jojo Episode will likely be Funny Valentine Vs Senator Armstrong.

Hope you like seeing the Nanomachines guy lose against the gayest Jojo antagonist
>mexiSHIT melty
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This? Based.

Because SF sucks troon dick and KI is based.
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Pretty sure MK has waaaaaay more trans/genderswapped characters than SF.
How is Valentine gay when he has an underaged wife.
He looks like a fag
>gayest JoJo antagonist
"You called?"
>muh microsoft fightan with no playerbase is le based
Microsoft muppet fingers typed this.
>Gayest Jojo antagonist
>Toru out of NOWHERE
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He wins the war for gay marriage! Support him in the battle for the future of trans kids!

Ah yes, that devilish Mario agenda.
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Have Emet or Depression Bird fight him
>how is my troonish groomer a homo
HRT fingers typed this.
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>gayest Jojo antagonist
>Diavolo out of fucking nowhere
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>Because SF sucks troon dick and KI is based.
MK literally trooned up sektor and cyrax in the recent flop of a game while SF hasn't made any unnecessary changes to any beloved characters thus far lol. I do agree that Liu is for getting fraudchecked by Jago though.
>trans MK characters:

>trans SF characters:
M. Bison

>appeal to the masses
I accept your concession, capKEK.
>gayest Jojo antagonist
Dio won't be fighting Armstrong though
>How is [literal pedophile] gay
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Pick an opponent for Kurumu.
Diavolo is for Overhaul
>asshole gangster dads who abuse their daughters and fight against the main dude (who lost in DB lol - Deku and Giorno) to keep abusing them
Dubcuck fingers typed this post.
The gayest Jojo antagonist
His wife (the First Lady) isn’t underage, what’re you talking about. Lucy isn’t his wife, she was just the vessel for the Corpse.
>alternate universe is le troon
>Seth? Poison? Bison's main goal being putting his brain in a girl body? D-d-doesn't count!

Sorry capKEK, MK and KI both dab on your astroturfed weeb troonslop- but then, what doesn't?
>mexiSHITTER REVEALS himself
That was EZzzz
Bison never trooned out.
>acknowledges that the character is officially trans in at least one reason
>does not contest the others
Ah, another conclusive capBITCH concession.
>he's melting down over CapCHAD's obvious superiority now
He was okay with using Cammy's body though.
>KI and MK
>Not astroturfed
>Seth, the already no-sex being, getting a female looking body makes them trans somehow
>Trying to point to Poison at all
>Bison body swapping into a chick makes him trans somehow
I remember a couple of days, might've been a week, how sonic could hypothetically beat time stopper from mega man. But I forgot to ask but how could sonic beat full screen attacks like tornado blow, astro crush, and gravity hold? Also Megaman can make black holes in megaman GB 5 and from what I've seen sonic can't outrun black holes without assistance, even if the black hole sonic couldn't outrun was bigger.
Only because he's such a failure he can't even manage to put his brain in Cammy like he fully intends to.
Who wouldn't be? RrrrrAAAAWWWWRRrr
Cool MU... But could this actually work as a fight?
This is just "the faster guy wins"
Diavolo can't survive Kisaki's quirk but Kisaki can't do shit against Diavolo's time skip.
So if Kisaki is faster he insta wins, if Diavolo is faster he can't possibly lose.
Mindbroken little BITCH.
Even they were given more build up than Jailer was.
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>CapKEK, after having been blown out conclusively and conceding, is now vagueposting like a BITCH
MK11 also had some pretty cringe stuff and Poison's English VA is still a biological female. Bison & Rose are 2 separate characters that never had gender changes to either of their characters like what happened in the case of Sektor, Cyrax, and a couple others. And "Seth" is a biorganic weapon so it doesn't really need to be a man or a woman.
A duo's match with these 2 mite b cool, who could they fight?
>Seth is a brave and stunning they/them!
Oh no no no, Capsisters, we outed ourselves!
You're the type of anons that would miss a joke even after it bashed you on the head.
>The artificial being is genderless
Yeah no shit retard.
I don't know about all that but MK devs are cucks who censored their women's outfits to appeal to Twitter troons.
Who should she fight?
True that. The last genuinely good MK game was X.
>b-b-but the VA-
lol, all the alternate universe gender-swaps in MK1 are voiced by females too, not that that's relevant.
So yeah, MK troons: 0
SF troons: 3+
See >>146638314
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>two ultra troon companies fighting
>The literal gay fightan is trying to say something
The last genuinely good MK game was [doesn't exist].
The last good MK was MK11 it was also the game that Mogged the entire fighting game industry at it's peak, not like M1K who's SF6's and Tekken's little sissy bitch
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Also Lei Wulong
>blue-clad chink cops who investigate le bad organization and help a blonde with lost memories (Cammy & Steve)
This place is not better than Reddit, stop acting like Reddit is some kind of evil site when people here can get worse
G, post Lee's Tekken 5 ending.
The fact of the matter is that they made sektor and cyrax the once male characters troon out for no reason (which really doesn't help their argument either since they kept noob, scorpion, and sub-zero the same) vs completely different characters and a creature made in a lab in Street Fighter.
So yeah
MK - 2 troops
SF - none
At least KI also hasn't stooped down to Neatherretard's level.
...he said, as he answered shitposts in all earnestness.
All the retards and the snowflakes from plebbit migrated here. They've already infested several boards with their rampant brain-yeast. All we can do is just migrate to another site that they're currently too scared to touch. Any suggestions?
Why are we even bringing up troons? Why are they living rent free in that brown anon's head?
R63 isn't trooning out since it doesn't involve genital mutilation
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>capeshitter is still seething about it even after 4 years
As you wish my lord.
Anons yearn for the Bridget Vs Astolfo episode
Troons ruin everything they touch.
That place does have some pretty based memes sometimes
>They put the face of their game series in a fucking speedo
>some kind of histrionics I guess?
Who hurt you, Jorge?
We should all go to meet in person to talk about death battle.
I suggest we go to Poland for that
Anon, the entire concept of R63 is trooning out. Not to mention neatherretards made all the characters fuglier with their retarded unreal engine "weeawistic" shit. That game is a joke that's only hard carried by its DLC.
I'd be down.
There's a huge difference between genderbent shit and troon shit. The only people that say otherwise are troons themselves trying to make everything about them.
Yes, lets meet up in Auschwitz.
>doesn't understand what a gif is
Last time a big group of Death Battle fans met in person we got like 3 different fights breaking out independently over Bardock Vs Omniman, Makima Vs Gojo, and Green lantern vs Ben 10
>appeal to fallacy
That's where R63 came from is from the idea of trooning out and being something that you're not, tranny. You of all pedophiles should know that.
>admits he's mexican and seething
Blaze from Streets of Rage, or a Mai rematch.
How does Mother Elf work?
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Fuck pleb babble
The world will be better off without that goyslop
That's what you get for inviting mexicans
>Got rid of DB
>Now the show is thriving while his company is dying
Why else would we get together? Also, post these epic combatants for research purposes.
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>brings up latins out of nowhere
I remember when the Guy who supported Omniman knocked out the DragonTard out could in the venue
>is a crying taco out of nowhere
Why? So 2 shitskins dressed as Goku and naruto can play dress up and pretend to fight each other? The world doesn't need any of that gay cringe anymore.
Art imitates life, after all.
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>knocked out the DragonTard out could
White boys are becoming ESLs themselves
Such is the result of letting us into your doomed country
I remember the Makimasimp trying to stab a guy who said Gojo beats her
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Actually I'm Argentinian
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I remember when the Kratostard and the Asuratard fought each other when the Kratostard said his character is multiversal and could beat the shit out of Asura.
Im convinced that the Asuratard is just falseflagging. It's been 14 years since that shitty game came out. It sold like shit and didn't even come out on PC outside of Jewtube.
>he's mindbroken by a 14 year old console locked game
let's him fuck with robot souls and dna which is how he purged the Maverick Virus, could probably effect Sparks but Sparks in Transformers are weird
Sonic does beat Goku tho
>he thinks I even give a shit about Ashitra SHITth
See? It's that easy.
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What a shit character
>couldn't keep colours separate
Damn, Simon even jobs doing Kyle's laundry...
What? I didn't say anything.
>"I-is that a- A FAT PLUMBER, AAAAAACK-"
>replying to NOBODY
yup yup!
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Snake vs Sam's TN also got updated
And I gotta say I really like this version a lot more
Does it only work on robots, or can it extend to machines/technology in general?
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It seems like they're updating the thumbnails for a lot of classic episodes.
I think it's mainly for the episodes that just had the standard db background in the thumbnail
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>mindbroken spamming hours
Ho hum. Did a mexican get BTFO itt? Must be a day ending in 'y'.
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"No Grand Stars?"
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dragonspic bro can you post the superman panel where he's gay for jimmy with the pink kryptonite, please.
Why didn't Eggman have the Master Emerald anyway
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Here it is buddy
Considering the Sigma Virus has found it's way into computers and X completely cleaned it, it should.
MMZ didn't go THAT much into detail, but it's definitely within the realms of possibility and would feel weird X can alter the bodies of advanced humanoid robots, but not say a gun
>Wasting Cell on SHITnic
Cell v Destroyah is clearly the peak Cell match.
This is a coughing baby vs nuke fight, Napoleon is, statistically speaking, the single greatest general in history
If you wanted to put him up against an American, Ulysses S. Grant would be a better matchup
Look guys, a Sonigger!!!
After my latest powerup I just reached wall level bros! I'm so proud of myself
Don't bully KWABzilla like that.
>It's "American wall" level
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>Realize that insane filler speed scaling Goku did got applied to Bardock, and now applies to ever DB character that is stronger
Oh no.
Destroyah is for Iris
I’m pretty sure the universe waves are faster. All it really applies to are the weaker characters who can’t scale to the waves.
Kenny? For Augus.
No 13D dimensional scaling?
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Yeah we know.
bhat bunch? bultiversal
Koga...you have "Arrived"
Feats with said 'scaling'?
iirc bowser can scale to at least 12D with string theory soup (he tanked a verse reset), what does godzilla have that makes him 13D
Kenny vs Battle Beast would have been fire but DB's bias had to give us Sun Disk scaling now it's fucking ruined.
Could Superman or Goku get past Mario's Resurrection via 1-up mushrooms?
>Implying death battle would let anyone beat a Mario character
>still seething
They have lost before, faggot
>Superman uses Heat Vision to cook it
>Now it's just +10 HP instead of a revive like in Paper Mario
>Mario gives Sonic a pair of his bottomless gloves
>Both Star Mario and Super Sonic have infinite time/rings vs Superman and Goku
Wouldn't that make him Hyperverse level?
They've lost before retardBITCH.
>Gets defeated by Potara fused Goku and Superman gathering the energy of every sun in the Universe via Genki Dama, absorbing it for Sun Dip+Genki Dama Absorbed Amp
>Gets one shot by a punch that shatters existence.
Both of them have way better than that lol
Genuinely shocked Ichigo is even there, I thought they all liked captain shota.
>weebs are zesty faggots
>"okie dokie sonic, time to rev it up"
>White tanooki Mario with 2 out of 24 Grand Stars (1 grand star erases verse/dimensions existence ) and Hyper Sonic with the Super emeralds.
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>sonigger delusions
Bleach fans aren't fags like narutards? Yeah we know.
Also that's not as relevant considering there have been other outcomes for that particular topic this year.
Probably because he's the confident jock stereotype that girls like
>Bleach fans aren't fags like narutards?
>He hasn't seen the pixiv yaoi
None of you are real Kratos power scalers. I knew someone who was—they proved Kratos is conceptually beyond complex multiverse level. But they saw these threads, all the hate for Kratos, and left crying.Now You will never know how strong Kratos really is.
>CHADvel stomps fodDerC
Yeah we know.
>narutards think about bleach hentai all the time
Pretty weird ngl
No shit, anon.
Kingtos solos
>blechfag can't stop thinking and posting about narutards
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>all narutards think about is bleach
Well let's give em what they really want.
So is it true that they didn't give Aizen hogyoku for no reason just so madara could win
JoJobros, explain this.....
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who should he fight?
I dunno but I think a crossover where they team up with Daredevil to fight Kingpin would be dope
He beats Goku
Idk how that hasn't happened yet since even the TMNT's own creators said that they were inspired by Daredevil
Nope. He gets clobbered in all of them, including Goku.
Harry died twice.
That and they for some reason didn't use TYBW Aizen who is directly stated to be more powerful
Aizen vs. Madara is one of the few actually totally bullshit episodes
They also ignored the fact that the same pre timeskip Aizen that they used in the match, without the hogyoku, already tanked and evolved past something that has the exact same function as the TSOs in the form of Gin's bankai.
So even if you don't use TYBW Arc Aizen, Aizen still wins.
What a terrible logic.
Garbage match
>Evil incel professor who torments children
>Better make him Black
>no argument
As expected.
NTA, but saying that “well soul destruction/annihilation won’t work on me because I haven’t been killed yet!” I’d like saying that someone’s bulletproof because they haven’t been shot in the head before.
*is like
And Bleach characters get killed all the time too.
They are food so Goku might just eat them all.
Could your favorite character escape this situation?
>fall in love with a white woman
>gets cucked by a white man
>join a group of terrorists
Why do black people want the worst people to be their representation?
He's never actually done anything of note with it. He uses it for a laser but after that mech gets destroyed he just tries to escape with it.
Soul Destruction was always attempted on him before with Gin's Bankai when he didn't have the hogyoku and he still didn't die
If they actually bothered to watch or even just read Bleach they'd know this.
The rules for Superman's flight are so inconsistent.
Aizen was sealed in Muken for 20K years because there was not a single method of executing him that the entire Soul Society could come up with that would work, including the rebuilt Sokyoku which is said to erase souls
Also most people don't actually understand how impressive Aizen's unstated feat against Yhwach in the final battle is. Yhwach basically concedes that even with the power of the Soul King and the Almighty, as long as Kyouka Suigetsu is active he doesn't have a way to beat Aizen
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>Actor: I would like to act in this role
>Recruiter: Okay.
The normal response would be "this guy's auditioning to play a fictional character", because the entire point of acting is pretending to be something.
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The thing is they tend to set up these blacks with the most unfavorable and negative roles possible, either by circumstance or on purpose.
>Playing the main villain in a movie
>This is unfavorable and negative because...he's bad
So is this the part where we ignore decades worth of movies that have people still loving the villains both because of who they are and how well the actor plays them? Unfavorable would be playing a random side character who has ten seconds of exposure and then dies.
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I dunno anon, casting a race you're trying to prove aren't criminals in the role of a criminal sounds counter intuitive
Would be funny since (Not) Red Guy would stomp Vivzie Satan
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Hmm, maybe no one's trying to prove that since your average Joe doesn't care and he's being cast for the role due to being a favorable choice?
It's almost like anyone can play any role in a movie as long as they're good at it.
How busted is Anton's verse?
Pretty busted if you know what I mean
Did anyone else notice this new tripfag?
Liu Kang is just a hard character to get into an episode now because everyone agrees he kinda stomps all his old fights with his Titan buff.
This arguably applies to the entire MK series
Batman has 38 pages worth of low multiverse level feats. Why do DeathBattle And the power scaling community ignores them ?
They're made by japs for Americans, and practically worship American political and military hegemony. It's as far from weebshit as you can get, from japs.
>the rules for [made up thing] are [made up]
Why do we keep having to go over this with you powerlevel retards?
>worship American political and military hegemony
As all should. America has been made great again. The West has risen. Billions must bow.
Japan has the weirdest beauty standards
I think Ryu still takes him.
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>Batkek has [NLF AND WANK]
Yeah I know.
MK11 was a pandering pile of shit
>new tripfag

>he thinks Doc is new here
Read the trip, illiterate.
No, on the lower ends you have the Black Hole thing.
On the high ends, God Liu Kang gets to multiversal/ifinite/outversal/whateverthefuckversal.
Its pretty Courage the Cowardly Dog esque with violent toony style things like Anton piledriving a dragon into Brazil
Both the Power of Nothingness and the Satsui no Hado can bypass durability and kill instantly and siphon power from Liu Kang. Kang has no defense. Ryu would take him.
>gokunigger projection
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>he doesn't know

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