The Latin American thread is my favourite. I wish to do that, but for Eastern European shit. I know it will take a while until it catches on, but post comics and cartoons made in Eastern European that you like. Media made in Central Europe is fine due to the shared borders and the shared neighbours.
>>146659437>inb4 90% of this thread is Jucika
We used to have these threads more often.What happened?
Dig Squad
>>146659437The Tragedy of Man
Underwater Berets
cute bat
Kissing Kristza.
>>146660461>kissing girlsha gay
>>146659437about half of those is central and/or north europe.
>>146659437Not thread relevant but still technically is.I made an artwork of Lucina but in Serbian clothes since that’s her nationality.She’s a husky wolf mix andShe’s a Golemhound but also a grasvolf aka гpacвoлф in Serbian (graswolf)I made an artwork of her since she’s a pacifist but the only hohols and kebabs that she kills is the ones who harmed and frighten her peopleNow she’s going to have a Slava once the zone is occupied by Serbians.
>>146659437>Nonwest originOh, so it's offtopic and breaks the rul
I love this abomination of a cartoon about an emo guy, there's something beautiful in it
>>146659437>russiainto the trash it goes
>>146659437Since this is (not really but still) the thread can anyone remind me that old finnish cartoon about twin sun brothers cast out underworld cave by their oldman father>>146671322Based
>>146671889,tv_series,short,tv_miniseries,tv_special,tv_movie,tv_short,music_video,video_game,video&genres=animation&country_of_origin=FI&sort=num_votes,descWhich one looks familiar?
Where is yugoslavia?
>>146661096>central europeMade up term by the poles to feel superiority over other slavs
>>146671943Good question, Slávka a kouzelné světlo (2023)These threads always go for classic often pre-1989 stuff, so here are some recent contemporary recommendations.ši patří do nebe (2021)
>>146672544>I wonder if Easter Europe ever did Superman ripoffs.How about a James Bond/Danger Mouse homage?
Based, love me some Eastern European cartoons, especially the works by Kievnauchfilm that mix paper puppets with cel animation like Alice, Captain Wrongel, and Doctor Aybolit.
I mean, look at this baller ass crocodile. Literally exists just to eat up the sun and to fight other animals.
Poland Stronk!
>>146673883Polska gurom!
Egon & Dönci
>>146673633He's very bandito gangsterito
>>146674549David Cherkassky did the art for both cartoons (and Treasure Island) so I can see why.
>>146672544Based. 12-episode series with English subtitles
>>146675055Juicy Ka
>>146659437this is what I grew up on.
>>146659437>>146676165And this
When I found out at 11 that there could be " semi nude ladies" in comics. And that skin tight skuba suit in the colour of a human skin, looks as if you were snorkling nude. I miss the 70s-80s. So many talented people, so many cool comics creators, writers etc. But with a war state declared in the 80s most of them left to work in the US, France, Sweeden. A lot made it to hollywood and found fame and fortune there.
>>146666685Józek nie daruje ci tej nocy. by Tytus de Zoo. Papcio Chmiel (Littery Daddy Weed) was such a bad ass. Fought in the war as a kid, got a medal for burning down a few tanks as a kid. Comic writer and artists in a communist country. Survived as a an ex partisan (communist hated them, and hunted them down) the 50s, 60s, to start making comics for "the lols" and so kids don't get just weak ass communist stuff. At the same time a well known weed afficionado and gardner (death penality for making drugs throught out most communism). Respected and beloved by generations.
>>146676359My favourite partXXII
>>146676742Also this is kino
>>146659544lack of motivation
>>146669725She cute
>>146672544>I wonder if Easter Europe ever did Superman, but superheroes are based on a hungarian's book.
Exorcist boner on netflix
>>146672009And albania too, where is it?
If you want legit Ukrainian animation experience - look no further than for finely aged Cossacks series, my favourites are about UFO, wedding and Olympics:
>>146682318this one link broke:
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Az ember tragédiája. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Hungarian literature and philosophy, most of the ideas will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Madách's profound existential outlook, which is deftly woven into the narrative—his exploration of human history and the cyclical nature of human suffering is deeply influenced by German idealism and Hegelian dialectics, for instance. The intellectuals who engage with this text understand these layers; they have the mental capacity to truly appreciate the philosophical depths of the work, to realize that it's not just a play— it’s a commentary on LIFE itself. As a consequence, people who dislike Az ember tragédiája truly ARE philistines—of course they wouldn't appreciate, for example, the symbolic significance of the allegorical journey through history, or the way the play confronts the despair of human existence in each of its incarnations. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those intellectually limited simpletons staring blankly as Madách's genius unfolds itself in front of them. What fools... how I pity them. And yes, by the way, I DO have a Az ember tragédiája tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the discerning few—only those who can demonstrate that their grasp of philosophy and Hungarian history is within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>>146672766>kacap btfo
>>146684771Is this guy basically the country's go-to newspaper cartoonist?
>>146672544>pic relatedNow you just ruin it.*unzip pants
>>146676742>>146676359i hope they'll refurbish that monument into something more tasteful.
"Eneida" (1991)
>>146691039Oh shit I just watched that after forgetting about it for years! What a fun little cartoon. So I don't get it: are the boy and girl enemies or friends?
>>146672544>>146675055Haven't visited /co/ in a while.Is this a thing now? Why are you like this?
>>146691039>>146691295what is this called?
>>146692730kino musical about Blue Beard fella was desperate to get a wife as he is over 30 already but all he got was modern feminist bitch, crazy women obsessed with healthy lifestyle shit (no sex included) and a perfect owman that aнгcлyв his frens on the side. Cartoons teaches us important morale such us it is ok to kill your wife if she makes you unhappy.
I really like how most of zagreb films at the time looked and most have no dialogue to make things easier.
>>146683034mat and pat
>>146659437>>146692987I guess eastern european animation isn't dead after alll
>>146659437What are some cartoons made in pottyslvania?
>>146693581>Cartoons teaches us important morale such us it is ok to kill your wife if she makes you unhappy.Based
>>146693442"On the back bench">>146691295>are the boy and girl enemies or friends?Anon...
Any of y'all expecting a letter from someone special?
>>146697690wholesome activities for two boys and an unrelated man
>>146684100I used to have an old 2000s PC game with this guy. It had a memory matching minigame and I swear, the hardest CPU opponent was Cristopher Robin level of unfair.
>>146697702>tfw the authors had to introduce a female protagonist/love interest to make sure you know Bolek and Lolek are NOT gay.
>>146697150Aw, that's cute.
>>146671322Russia has been a shithole for a long time. Not even the Russian diaspora, or people of Russian decent, like Russia
ok so let me outline the problem with these threads:the latin american threads might thrive because they have comparatively few cartoons/comics (or so i believe) and a more generally shared knowledge and interest in them, they also have common languages with spanish and portuguese (which i guess is very similar to spanish anyway).these threads don't have cartoons/comics common to the whole group circumscribed by the thread theme, or even a common language that more than one country's residents could understand.and so the thread ends up with posters spamming things they believe others should or could care about, but the only attention they get is from people already knowing the thing in question, especially since most of them are posted without a translation in a common language (like english) or even any description as to why it should be of interest.with this in mind, the only logical solution is for everyone to watch the dino extinction game show with english subs.>>146682318 >>146682332 watched and enjoyed these things, you weren't exaggerating with "finely aged" because these are very quality. although it's a bit weird that the main characters are drawn slightly differently in all three.
>>146704347I have an entire Alice thread posted and the OP is her Soviet version.Really do wish more people knew about the other cartoons by Kievnauchfilm aside from Treasure Island.
>>146659437Why don't we just do a European thread but exclude France?
>>146705516why exclude France specifically?
>>146662328>Hates Turks>Is one.Brutal
>>146706186Like all everything else, Turks stole wanting to fuck wolves from the white man.
Any thoughts on Gene Deitch cartoons?
Hey guys I was walking around a non-descript part of ukraine, and I saw this thing. The fuck is it?
has russia done anything interesting after the soviet union fell apart
>>146715816 original used to be on Netflix.Avoid those sequels and CGI shit.
>>146715535That's fre𝓪kurashka.
>>146715535>>146717105He's addicted to krokodiliykwim
>>146715535It's sad to see how his life went down the gutter while his contemporaries continued their media careers
What do you east fellas usually eat?
>>146719105the good stuff
>>146719477What stuff
>>146719105I know for sure Russians (and maybe Ukrainians) eat a type of fruity bread called sukhary.Here's a British girl eating sukhary (she died as a result).
>>146710173It really needs a translation for foreigners
>>146659437Watched this one today, I liked it
>>146720581Apples, for example
>>146707386My man, I don't live in Poland but I used to watch this shit as a kid because my mom would buy the VHS tapes from Polish church.
Western Europe but DEI
>>146659807oh this is some great stuff
posting kino from my country
>>146730792Asterix ripoff
>>146729008Jucika lost
pic related is a very popular youtube series in romaniaunfortunately, not all episodes are translated, but heres one
>>146660461Gross i guess
>>146668988This looks cool. Hope it's not just the poster. Downloading.
>>146659437Back in the days we had the Rainbow magazine in Bulgaria. A bunch of episodic comics I grew up with. Sadly, we didn't have any notable cartoons of our own. It was mostly the russian Nu, Pogodi, Tom&Jerry and some Disney's stuff.
>>146736932Turned out surprisingly good. Good story, likeable characters, nice music. If the animation was better it could be a masterpiece, not even joking.
>>146659437Here's a collection of a complination of obscure eastern bloc toonsaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci95T1lUVGI2QSNkQll0M2lMR3pVY0taYjJoNTVSZFlRaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9NQ0VUMEs3YiNTYmM1ZXgzei1EeHdBVHJ3cEU3NFlBaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9ySWdWWExKRCN2UDZfbmN3cWwyV0Q3Yk81akFaNzlRaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9RaFpRQ1k0WiNkb0w5ZExndVZPaU1sTXk1cHNveDFn
>>146673883the asterix and obelix artstyle and its consequences has been a disaster to the European peoples.
>>146740571I like how the wizard looks tho
>>146659544We just had a thread about the tragedy of a man
>>146676223>funky koval mentionedbasedI actually have book 1(Bez oddechu) 2(Sam preciw wszystkim) and 4 (wrogie prezejęcie) on my shelf
What's with all of the Polish stuff?
>>146720975Alice in wonderland (1981 film) was a film
>>146741192i got the wolf senpai, nice to sleep with, we shuold make a cartoon with them
>>146661096Or southern
Any thoughts?>>146754185
>>146754115What cartoon name?
>>146756783>Pohádky z mechu a kapradíThanks
are eastern europeans any happy? they all give to me vibes of very unhappy and miserable people that would give anything to move to western Europe or North America
>>146696517I wonder if Rocky and Bullwinkle lived long enough to parody soviet or similar eastern bloc cartoons?
any czech porn comics? want to coom
>>146761898Who is she?
>>146768327the absolute GOAT
>>146766294Can’t stand this rabbit
>>146762776That was Reksio
>>146663473As long as its not japanese
>>146775122kriszta from mezga csalad
>>146695327The ones made in yugoslavia seems to be inspired from UPA
>>146758880That is because youre a retarded westcuck and larping happiness by consooming on social media is your entire personality now.
Any thoughts on Gene Deitch?
>>146713512>>146779727Is he your dad or something? Why do you need your opinion validated here?
>>146780003Not his dad, just think his cartoons are interesting...
>>146781058I just watched this on metv toons recently.
>>146684100The Reksio adventure games were better than the actual TV series.
>>146781488where to play it?
>>146719105Pasta, rice, buckwheat, potatoes, cabbage, dumplings, farina, etc.
>>146785177Not from eastern europe
>>146786414I picked the wrong file.
>>146785940>furbait cartoon where some fox slut shakes her ass in front of the screen
>>146785940Genuine pleasant movie. Comfy, and enthralling.
>>146792066From the show Vila Amalka
>>146789028The what?
>>146659437>Eastern EuropeanAre there anything such as Western European or South North European?
>>146673312I mourn the loss of Pannónia Filmstúdió every day, people had fuck all under socialism but we somehow had better animation than anything else since then.
>>146659437Why were they so weird?
>>146789784Hungarian wife material.
already told you all the way to salvage the thread, but i guess it's easier to just spam random images, so ok let's.
Somewhat late reply, but I was curious about something related to this. Pic related is a screenshot from this video (2:04 to be exact) and is from a 1970s era propaganda film “Songs of the Years of Fire”. When I first saw it it reminded me of Gennedy Taratovsky and something from line powerpuff girls and what not and he was a kid in the USSR in the 70s and likely would have seen this on TV. What are the odds you think this influenced his style?
>>146796273Genndy didn't define the Powerpuff Girls style, he was just director and producer of some episodes of it.but yeah he might have been influenced by eastern-bloc stuff.
>>146659544What the hell was that?
>>146796863Neat theory
>>146800014>>146796152>>146794950>>146793791>>146792786>>146798947Amalka was pretty cute, thanks
>>146782935Jucika should have won over Frankie but I like them both.
>>146739153>>146732606>>146742528>>146745923>>146749294From bolek and lolek
>>146793224Why did they went to bankruptcy?
>>146802030Lack of funding
>>146785940Next year....
>>146729008I miss swimming
>>146716445I disagree, the movies although shit are fun to sit around especially smeshariki the beginning, the cgi series "new adventure" sucks ass and is legit just made so china can sponsor it, Pin code is a phenomenal spin off series that I recommend (and if possible watch it while high) in every episode they are either on the verge of dying, something crazy is happening or Losiash is about to fuck an alien again. Oh yeah and when it comes back to 2d and the "smeshariki are filming a movie" is also fun
>>146684771I don't get it
>>146805811>Alice (1988, Jan Švankmajer)Thanks
>>146789784Jucika is cute
>>146659495Not really
>>146808590>>146809307>Jan Smellfartjanker Alice nutriders when they see an Eastern European or Alice thread (they must let everyone know about that weird film with the living cum socks)
>>146809495>Jan Smellfartjanker>Alice nutridersDon't quit your day job.
>>146810392I want to kiss her.
>>146810703Cute cute cute cute!
>>146810486I like this cartoon. It was not only funny but actually very educational.It taught me to pull on girls’ hair.
>>146785177Cute but off topic
>half of this thread is Augie pedo spamSad.
>>146663370From pat and mat
>>146811733you were free to post other things, i gave ideas too and noone cared, so you might want to include yourself in the blame.
Can we exclude russia from the eastern cartoons threads? They are more asian than anything
>>146812915also, it would solve the pedo spam, as russians are notorious pedophiles (the number 1 in the world)
>>146812915Eh not really
>>146663673Movie name?
>>146671288I know how you feel.
>>146815172Russians have very lax laws in regards to pedophilia. Their cops also don't care. It's common for russian kids to prostitute themselves for krokodil (something like meth, only worse)
Can't believe nobody posted Pyza yet
>>146812915We should exclude all of the crap that uses Latin script to write out Slavic words.
>>146818674They also have very lax laws on piracy too, I see alot of videos with copyright being posted on russian sites.
>>146819503That too
>>146819287Then you would exclude every slavic country and leave russia, which is asian
It's pretty obvious that he's a boy, I dunno why westerners are confused.
>>146819947he was designed by russians, therefore they designed him, basing him of their recent male victim of rape. In russia there is a tradition that shotas are to be raped to correct them
>>146819947That cartoon was nu pogodi right?
This youtube series is good for discovering a lot of slavshit
>>146820839I know not series, the youtube channel.
>>146793224>but we somehow had better animation than anything else since then.sure
>>146822070????You don't have to talk like you're an esl slav just because this is a slave thread!
Opinion on stop-motion?
>>146826777The most soulful animated medium.
>>146827238Treasure island was a movie
>>146818674where did you get the source for that?
>>146828790Basically if parents, the kid and authorities agree, then the adult lover have a choice: go to jail, or to "take responsibility" (be wed). Of course, that's only for straight relationships, fir gay/lesbians it's straight yo jail.Don't be excited, tho, that basically almost never happens.
>>146828890Most russian parents have standards even with law?
>>146659495Not actually true
>>146824204Slave or slav?
>>146673633Cartoon name?
>>146659807We have a thread about it
>>146832759Doctor AybolitThe Crocodile and the Sun
>>146830328Augie why do you keep posting her?
>>146833122I do not know about it now stop asking.
>>146807902>>146811693>>146830129you wanted to copy the latam thread and 90% of that thread is 3 girls from coombait comics posted ad eternum
I found some rare cartoons...
>>146833862I dont get it
>>146776841I know that and what happened
>>146833808>>146833996>>146834066>>146834979>>146835503>>146836151>>146836703>>146836726>>146837752>>146838025Kind of a crazy thought here but what if you still posted eastern euro screencaps but without little girls in them? I know I know a WILD thought.Or maybe you were never actually into eastern euro cartoons at all.
>>146838092This. Let's post some Eastern-European MILFs!
>>146659495Jucika sucks
>>146838839my cock?
>>146839082Snow Queen was a film
>>146831135is this from 1991 or 1961?
>>146713512How come Gene disown the cartoons late in his life?
>>146706154Because France produces a disproportionate amount of such media to which they can have their own thread for it and would otherwise dominate the discussion if not excluded
We had this
>>146842034pretty sure Hungary has the most cartoons in Europe, and even the first feature-length cartoons in both France and Britain were made by Hungarians, but i don't blame you when France is one of about 4 countries an average person can name from Europe.
>>146843714>pretty sureSource?
>>146843714I think the soviet union has more cartoons imo
>>146843769you want me to list every Hungarian cartoon? i can try:movies:Johnny Corncob (1973)Mattie the Goose-boy (1977)Bubble Bath (1980)Son of the White Mare (1981)Vuk / The Little Fox (1981)Waterspider-Wonderspider (1982)Háry János (1983)No-White (1984)Heroic Times (1984)The Treasure of Swamp Castle (1985)Cat City (1986)Gréti...! (1986)Captain of the Forest (1988)Willie the Sparrow (1989)Dragon and Slipper (1989)The Seventh Brother (1991)Tiny Heroes (1997)Song of the Miraculous Hind (2001)The District (2004)Cat City 2 (2007)Egon & Dönci (2007)Kis Vuk / A Fox's Tale (2008)The Tragedy of Man (2011)Egy Akatsukis Élete - A Film (2012) [web-movie]Manieggs (2014)Ruben Brandt, Collector (2018)Pozsonyi Csata (2020)Four Souls of Coyote (2023)White Plastic Sky (2023)Pelikan Blue (2023)didn't list co-productions like Hugo the Hippo, Felix the Cat: The Movie etc.
>>146843714>>146843769series:Peti (1961-1967)Gustavus (1961-1977)Mazsola (1963-1966)Legacy from the Future - Fantastic Adventures of Family Mézga (1968-1969)Vili & Bütyök (1968-1969)Mazsola & Tádé (1969–1973)Kukori & Kotkoda (1970-1971)Mézga Aladár's bizarre adventures (1972–1973)Frakk, the terror of cats (1972–1987)Mikrobi (1973-1975)Next, please! (1973.1983)The Rabbit with the Checkered Ears (1974-1976)Waterspider-Wonderspider (1976-1985) [there was a show and a movie too]Süsü (1977)Hungarian Folk Tales (1977-)Mézga Family on Holiday (1978-1980)Pom Pom's tales (1978-1981)Sergeant Pityke (1979)Tales about Matthias Corvinus (1981-1982)The Big Fi-fi-fi-fisherman (1982-1988)Sebaj Tóbiás (1983)Leo & Fred (1984-1993)Kíváncsi Fáncsi (1984-1989)Adventures of Tinti (1987-1988)Fables (1987-1989)Trombi and the Fire Goblin (1988-1990) [i dont actually know the english name]Süsüke (2001)Szerencsi, fel! (2003)Hungarikum (2005-2006) Ez kész! Pénz! (2006)Modern Képmesék (2008)Egy akatsukis élete (2008-2012) [web series]Berry and Dolly (2010-)DumaRagu (2011-2015) [web series]Rockfater (2012-) [web series]Contemporary children's poems and songs (2013-)(JustVidman (2013-) [web series])KerekMese (2013-) [web series]Hoppi Tales (2015-?)Gypsy Tales (2015-?)Lengemesék (2015-?)Adventures of Candide (2018)Csokis Répa (2018-)Pangea TV (2021-) [web series]Where are you, Kajla? (2021-) [both a TV show and tons of shorts]Toldi (2021)again i didnt list co-productions like Mr. Bean cartoon, or things made in other countries, like Klasky-Csupó or Halas&Batchelor stuff.
>>146844150forgot this thing:Puskás Öcsi & friends (2020-2023)and probably some others.also Csokis Répa is a web series too. i don't know how many France or Soviet Union made, but now we have some basis to compare.
>>146844216>even Hungary makes beanslop nowWestern animation is truly dead.
>>146844233that's just one show. this is what Toldi looks like for example: >>146822831
>>146752508From Czarny kapturek
>>146820839I have noticed that one anon a year ago that thinks romanian animation is subpar and was dissapointed when deaf crocodile restores them, wonder why?
>>146685998Was Poland's Studio Filmów Rysunkowych basically the eastern bloc Hanna-Barbera, stamping out several similar looking series with choppy animation?
>>146844063And this is more than French shows?
>>146846151we will know if you list all French cartoons.
Work by Rumen Petkov
Any news on that Bulgarian series about a girl with blue cloud on her head?
That’s it. All from 80s Bulgaria.
>>146818720reminds me of my grandmother
>>146750207Kerfuś, my beloved>>146746695I used to read those Duck comics.>>146759315A magazine based on a kids' tv channel, I'm pretty familiar with that kind of magazines.
>>146847298[citation needed]
>>146844063>>146844150from the movies i left out Egérút (1999)from the series i left out It's Only Fashion (1976) and Krisztofóró (1989-1996)also i should mention some unfishied series that already had episodes finished:Mézga Family 4th series (2005): 2 episodes were made and available onlineCat Tales: spinoff of Cat City with 2 episodes made, but only 1 is onlineBible: Jankovics's Bible adaptation that had 13 episodes planned, and 1 was made and available online
David Cherkassky - Treasure Island
>>146851139Apparently I'm not allowed to name it according to janny.
>>146851163just use cyrillic words so mods would not know
>>146851186The Golden Apple / Злaтнaтa ябълкa
>>146851274>Zlatnata Yabalka