Why the HELL is Sarah & Duck more popular than Peg + Cat, the former is clearly a rip off of the ladder!
It's quite literally british Peg + Cat with worse episodes but it's fanbase is way larger?! Makes no sense.
I think CBeebies has a greater reach globally than PBS. hey are both cute in my eyes
>>146758869They should kiss!
>>146758869They do have pretty similar episodes, to be expected for kid's shows I guess
Peg + Cat came out a few months after Sarah and Duck
>>146758634Peg and cat feels more weird than sarah and duck if that makes sense. Though what is the diff of popularity anyway?
Explain in more detail, OP.
>>146758634Girl+cat has been played out
>>146758634I like the designs of S&D better
>>146759913I was baiting, never even watched Sarah & Duck, Peg + Cat is peak though
>>146759703Sarah & Duck has more images on paheal
>>146760523Pencil Sketch art style is better executed in Peg + Cat imo
What if I kiss the girls?
>>146758634Sarah is kind of cuter
>female president Lmao https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e_mXwLFFXog&pp=ygUVUHJnIGFuZCBjYXQgcHJlc2lkZW55
>>146758634>the ladder
>>146761767Peg desperately needs some art.
>>146761743Both shows are kino. If you like one, you'd like the other.
>>146763315Well, she's also depicted as incompetent and useless throughout the entire episode she appears in, so at least it's accurate.
>>146760469They should!
>>146758634British voices are just more charming and comfy.
>>146758869Got any more art?
>>146771147I know
I dunno but Peg + Cat is kino
>>146771623Yeah, it comes from nuclearlala
>that one porn comic of sarah and duck lives rent free in my head
>>146774447Very cute
>>146758869>>146774447Imagine the sex
>>146758869>>146774447Why does this artstyle make them look like Pucca with her hair down and genderbent Meowth
>>146778743Just search it up
>>146781249Does Sarah have bad teeth because she's a kid or because she's British?