now that the dust has settled what did /co/ think of it?
It was fine until the last few moments, because such a twist would be pretty bullshit at this point.
they already confirm that the Princess is Clayface?
>>146760932unlikely after the last episode
>>146761125I guess the plot will beCirce will show them the futureThey will go do a circle and discuss what they are doing next Go after the princess to prevent the future
>>146761143None of that would excuse Circe's behavior thus far. It would be information she could have shared from the start with an unlimited number of capable authorities.
>>146760147what is this art style called
>>146761748whatever it is its better than the original teaser
Its ep 3 of 8 how is the fuck has the dust settled?Stop thinking in memes and templates, youre not sheep are you?
>>146760147It's furry isn't it
>>146760147Hope the Weasel turns out to be a guy in a costume
weasel is cute
Reddit: The Cartoon
>>146760147I just know the backstories are gonna be a drag, when the main plot already seems kind of boring.I want to see the characters banter with one another more, and there's only a couple episodes left with several characters to go.
It’s ok probably gunn’s weakest work. Still worth a watch just not great.
>>1467630723 out of 7 actually
>>146760147it not subtle or nuanced. it tasteless and lukewarm. but it alright.
>>146760147I wasn't into it the first episode but it's got better as it's gone along. Nothing amazing but I don't feel like I'm wasting my time
>>146761346>None of that would excuse Circe's behavior thus far.Circe is still a villain anon
>>146764475>I just know the backstories are gonna be a drag,Robots was kino
>>146761748Boondocks/Black dynamite
>>146763192I don't like the idea that this jackass wouldn't take the torch to Imperial Japanese thugs who were just as bad and largely got away with it.
Watching for her
>>146760147>now that the dust>2nd week since the premiere>many weeks to go>"the dust has settled"grim
>>146769208Why the Black Dynamite cartoon was not desing like a old Hanna-Barbera cartoon?That's the joke of the movie.
>>146769777That's an idea you have made up. Robot has said Nazis and his allies. He probably would Gunn down some Japs
>>146760147It's not good. On par with Peacemaker. The Suicide Squad was good, but Gunn needs to come up with a new shtick.
>>146772738peacemaker was good though
>>146766913It's not about villainy. It's about how suddenly she acts like she's been trying to save the world.
>>146772755Fuck no it wasn't. Especially with that fat ugly bitch.
>>146760147Is there a mega for this? do all the piracy andys refuse to watch this show?
>>146760179It wasn't, it was shit from the get go.
Why did they make the tall black guy want to rape the Princess? Wokebros I tought Gunn was one of us?