Japanese characters in Western style and vice versa? Because that Mona the Vampire thread contains interesting Mona art drawn by a Japanese artist, so that inspired me to talk about that but with other characters.Also, alt-art in general.
Hoshino Fuuta frases a nice Penny Parker.
>>146790579>>146790595Nigga, that's so cute.
>>146790305That looks pretty good actually.
>>146790995Yeah, at first I hated it, but....
>>146791379Doremi is already a noodle-limb style.
>>146791423I guess that's why it works good.
>>146790305Not to hijack the thread, but, what happened with Sodabox anyway? His last upload on Baraag was a piece of Primos fanart around 5 months ago, and his Retrospring has been closed as well. Does anyone know if he's alright? Maybe he's just taking a break from the 2D coomersphere in order to touch grass and spend some quality time with family and friends. Regardless of the motive, I hope that it's nothing serious, and that he's in good health. He's the cream of the top when it comes to Western shota cartoon art, and it's always a pleasure to have the luck of stumbling upon one of his drawings. I also like how shitposty his sense of humor is.
>>146791527>Not to hijack the threadNo prob, as long as the question is interesting it's all good.
>>146790595Kek, reminds me of this comic
>>146790305Hi BrichyRemember to post those baby Hana images
The boys are back in town
TKG's a westaboo. I followed them for their Digimon art, but they've also drawn a bunch of KND and Avatar stuff, some in their own personal style, other's in the show's official style.
>>146790305you guys know where this come from.
we need to give westaboos a chance.
>>146792167imagine the sheer autism they'll unleash and awaken if it's mass spread.
>>146791527Got caught and killed
>>146792546>Got caughtCaught in what?
>>146792771A chinese fingertrap
>>146792167>>146792177That's good!
western weeaboo
Actually there's way to many for this series.
>>146791527nothing, hes completely fine, quit worryingalso >reddit spacing
>>146795661>What is a paragraph?Retarded faggot
>>146790579>>146790595I can already tell by the art style. Based.
>>146795684nigger thats not what that was, those are some short ass paragraphs then that werent necesarry when you could just made it one singular one
>>146793930Oh, I know this artist
>>146790305just say anime style
>>146797251Instead of what?
>>146790547Looks like he wanted to draw her pantsu but then chose not to.Doesn't he draw porn all the time?
I remember this artist used to draw the most epic styles on western toons, yet I could never find him/her again.
This came out two years before PPGZ.
>>146799875Fug, that's really nice.
They love Jenny.
>>146800210Cute cute cute cute cute!
>>146799302>ONLY OVER 18 YEARS OLD
>>146799302>>146799877>>146800357>they don't stay as the original chibi designs for the lewd segmentsMy disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
>>146800410There are doujin out there with on-model PPG characters if that's what you dig.I think this one is very fun, even though you didn't like it. I like how the artist mixes styles.
>>146800591>There are doujin out there with on-model PPG characters if that's what you dig.Oh I'm aware. I have quite a few of themI like how pretty much the entirety of PowerPuffGirl Z fits this thread's theme. Those cooky Japs LOVE PPG
>>146800591Bubbles looks like Chiyo here. >>146800604Interesting.
>>146800671Yeah, very interesting premise with the voodoo dolls.
>>146801742What other things do they do?
>>146802157After the second page they get into incest loli yuri, so there are pages that can't be shared here.
>>146792418You heard me, post that toddler with ridiculous huge forehead
>>146803090why are they so... thicc?!
>>146803090Why her head so fucking big?
>>146803144Big head for big petting
>>146803144Because Nobu demands it. She a lil weird but she's got the spirit.
AIs that the baby that transforms into another Doremi? The one with Pikachu's VA?I wonder how she would look in Western style.
>>146803312I admit that she's cute. As a baby she's also cute but looks like an alien.
Hellboy/Yugioh comes to mind
>>146803312>she was born from a flower >she is Doremi's daughter oh it's one of those shows, i might have to actually watch it
>>146803422Is this the guy who drew the John K tickle meme?
>>146803374>>146803437>>146803450They're cute (and they're anime but in a way they also kinda look cartoony, if that makes sense) but now you're just talking about your cute anime waifus. Do you have them in Western style?
>>146803576I have this.
>>146803599That's good!Finally Usagi looks as retarded as she is.
>>146803576There isn't much of Doremi sadly.. would love to see Lolwutburger draw them. >>146803599Beautiful.
>>146795690you can't say the "n" word
>>146803706hey, i remember that circus anime movie with the hot mummy dude with no arms!
>>146804239I love finding these kind of autists. They're so wholesome.
>>146804239Wow, so that baby IS Pikachu!WHat does she do? SHe's magical too, right?
>>146804281Yep, she's extremely overpowered.
>>146804287The baby with the giant head is OP at magic? OK, that has a lot of fun potential.
>>146800591You can tell this is an old ass doujin.
>>146790305Are we really that Western?
>>146790305This guy's WHOLE DEAL is just the Western style
>>146790305I hate this artstyle
>>146807300My brain doesn't like seeing Doremi drawn in the Loud House style.
>>146791509>>146792418>>146803090>>146803120>>146803214>>146803312>>146803374>>146803437>>146803450>>146803866Only pedophiles watch and enjoy this dogcrap.
>>146807539Shut up trannie
>>146807539You're the only one thinking of dirty thoughts Anon. Which is worse because you're probably imaging some dark depraved shit. Leave poor Hana alone.
>>146807633anon would it kill you to at least give the show a chance? you might actually like it
>>146807690Too hawd ^_^.
>>146807604This looks really cool.
>>146806834To be fair Fleischer and Disney did inspire people like Tezuka and Shigeru Miyamoto. Mario was supposed to be a Popeye game but Nintendo lost the rights and they created Mario.
>>146808571googoo gaga
>>146790595>>146790579Does this artist even still do anything?
>>146790958>He went from this to the sheep Panty & Stocking characters and STILL didn't make anything.Goddamnit Tiarawhy WHY can't you just like make stuff ON TIME?
>>146791898Wait.. Who drew this?
>>146807300>>146807507This>>146807496Kill yourself
>>146809685Don't think about it Aiko.
>>146806834i love his stuff i wish it was used in more games/anime, its only a small handful that have his designs
>>146809814I know the guy who created Gregory Horror Show and Pecola made that one Pingu reboot.
Speaking of adaptations, wasn't there a failed idea of making Gundam in America, with smaller robots and a diverse group of kids? Seemed very early 90s and I can't find info now.
>>146810286One of them was named wheels and they even have his robot form wheels too. Feels like something that was made now.
>>146810286>>146810366>>146810393https://youtu.be/xy8b04PF_fkDoozy Bots.
>>146808571If I wanna watch this anime, do I have to watch it in order? I wanna see the baby because she looks funny, and so far I haven't even gotten to the girl with purple hair and the roundest head.Years ago I watched some episodes and now I started watching again from the begining.
>>146810428If you want to start with Sharp and see Hana go ahead. But at least watch the last few episodes of the first season to get context.
>>146810412>Doozy Bots.Even the name is tarded.
>>146808632He's still out there, though since 2020 he's been obsessively working on some kind of enigmatic project called "Project 360" which seems to be some massive multiplayer crossover lewd thing, maybe some kind of visual novel. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/398819?q=project+360You can see stuff about it here.
>>146803599know the artist?
This kinda thing (I've heard it called "cartoonime") which is the solid intersection of anime and western cartoons is probably one of my favorite aesthetics. It's sad you can really only see it in fanart, cuz a full series utilizing this kind of perfect in-between classic cartoon style and anime artstyle would be really fun.
>>146811673I specially like that Akko. Good style.Anything else drawn as "cartoonime"?
>>146811853There were two /c/ threads about it.https://desuarchive.org/c/thread/3519872/#3519872https://desuarchive.org/c/thread/3526358/#3526358I wish there were more repositories for it. Best way to find any art like this right now is digging through Deviantart and finding artists who aren't total degenerates.
>>146811595I really can't imagine him putting so much time into this project paying off anywhere near as well as the random animations and pinups or comics he used to to. But hell, it's his time. Guess this is something to keep an eye on. I thought I remembered people on his Patreon getting pissy at him when they rediscovered his old Gravity Falls and other animations and it got him to stop for a while.
This thread is cute.
>>146790305curious case, early concept of Scooby Doo gang was done by Iwao Takamoto
>>146812935That’s actually a forgery
>>146813010by whom and for what purpose?
>>146810393I wouldn't watch this. Who would?
>>146812936The B on his cap stands for based.
>>146811673whatever happened to ryan storm? is he still around?
>>146814127This one I love.
>>146802127I used to save so much Japanese Disney fanart back in the day, when blogs/bss' and personal sites were a thing.Tell me /co/, why is it that so many times when I look at western series fanart drawn by the japanese, I can tell its japanese before I even confirm it? It's like something in the style, or the high quality. It's hard to put into words.
>>146814680Is it because they write in kanji which influences the minute short cuts that are taken in drawing.
Anyone has the full thing GORGEOUS Takarada drew of Mona the Vampire?I know some of it is posted in the Mona thread.
A classic.
Anyone know where I can go to watch Japanese dubs of western cartoons? I imagine there's got to be a wco/kimcartoon-esque site for that sorta thing.
Almost forgot about Spacecoyote and Gashi Gashi's art.
>>146792177>>146792177I can plap to this.
I mean... What if this actually happened?
What exactly is it that the Japanese like Jenny so much?Are they known for enjoying robots or teens?
>>146821237then we would've had a semi-cannon black sailor jupiter
>>146822136Cute cute cute cute cute!
>>146821319They simply love their robutt girls., like Disney's Drossel.
>>146821319Well, yes actually. They like both teens and robots very much, if popular anime is anything to go by
>>146804060Jesus ChristThis looks completely abysmalHere, look at something that doesn't make you gouge out your eyes
>>146823022I can't even look at that without the charming piano playing in my head.
>>146823078>>146823114>>146823128What name would they have given to an American version of Azumanga?
You'd better be thankful for this.
>>146823200'Cause I had to go though serious sick shit on some booru
>>146823209Are there forbidden booru galleries or something?
>>146823036Bizarre. Was this an actual thing or just an edit?
>>146823255It was realhttps://youtu.be/8IpP41RrN58
>>146823163>>146823171>>146823179Those are so good!
>>146811595you'd think he'd have learned his lesson after he gave up working on that 3d adventure time game
>>146823128Good referencia in the background.
>>146821827I have illegal thoughts every time I see Momoko's belly
>>146823078>>146823114>>146823128Lolwutburger is a good fat artist. >>146825011Beautiful.
>>146823128>>146824543Based Wallaby reader
>>146825065I wonder why Azuma dropped it.
>>146826018Couldn't take it anywhere else? There are only two characters (could you even add any more?) and he probably played out her exploiting him, him abortivly trying to take advantage of living in a girl's bedroom, and them actually being friends.
Danganronpa Girls in Matt's monsters or Gawayn Style?
>>146825011Was this really drawn by a Japanese?
>>146814788Youre not the first one to say this, oddly enough.
>>146827328best girl
>>146825052>Lolwutburger is a good fat artist.I miss him
>>146825011Bless this artist and Splooge, the only two Japs based enough to draw so much good /co/ content and stick around for a long time.
>>146828385Marukois certainly tasty, but her li'l friend Tama-chan is the tastiest.I wish I had more alt-art of Tama-chan, but since I don't, here's that weird guy with glasses.
>>146803320post it
>>146827826What show is this?
>>146829715I like Lol's Tomoko art. It's always pretty good.
>>146831020It's several.
>>146831020I recognize Masanya, Maruko's mother, and the girl on the right looks very familiar.
>>146832260Idk Anon, you posted a lot of Maruko on /a/. Kinda weird how you have so many images of her saved. Also what's with the low-key abuse and poop stuff? Kinda weird.
>>146832321>Another anti gets exposed for being just as degenerate as the people they hate Many such cases and also lol
>>146823078>>146823114>>146823128Who's the artist
>>146832467He should kiss her!
>>146832614Who's that?
>>146817801There's a surprising lack of Tinkerbell art that's not fetish stuff.
Would have love to this become a tv series...
>>146821319More like jenny wokeman!
>>146827328"I saw a guy do this in a toothpaste ad once."
>>146832849Where? For research reasons obviously.
>>146832321>>146832467>>146832568Gross samefag.
>>146834096he's really starting to piss me off.
>>146832822The fuk
>>146790305i'm reading a shoujo manga from the 80s and at the end the author sometimes likes to doodle the characters as if they're in Peanuts or Betty Boop or Alice in Wonderland
>>1468346600>>146834665>>146834676That's pretty awesome.
I wonder how this scene would look as an American cartoon. Specially an 80s one.
>>146835378It would look the same. Like shit.
>>146817240im also been interested, its interesting to think about how certaing things would be localized or translated
>>146829715>a redraw of a dan vs shot, using tomoko, in a 2000's cartoon stylehuh
>>146835580How daré you.
>>146834579That's cute.
>>146829228This is cute.
Im trying to find one of Doremi dressed as one of the Monarch's minions.
More of a fighting game thing, but Psylocke and Storm are there.
>>146838936Pocket Fighters?
>>146838936This is more /v/ territory.
Alt art?Alt art.
Cheetara drawn by the Plus-Sized Elf artist.
>>146840074I want this! More of this!I love her, in any form she's drawn.
I just thought they looked cool
>>146842648That IS cool!
>>146843612dick nuts
I went to Pixiv and this is the very first pic I see, under "latest works for you" no less.
森の妖精もう先週の話になりますが、アマールカ上映会観に行ってきました。アマ ールカの動き一つ一つの可愛さに癒されるばかり。ただかわいいだけでな く、お話の流れが全体的にどことなくシュールでそこも凄くクセになりま す。チェコアニメにドンドコ手を出していきたい今日この頃。
>>146847653Looks chubby and sexual. I love it!Who's the artist?
>>146848052I miss Amalka.
>>146849613her show has been over for decades
>>146850132still miss her
somebody did these a while back.i will say that despite the CN logo, it kinda looks more like something that would be on Nick.
>>146790305Why is it so appealing when Japanese artists draw Western characters? Sure, sometimes they put an “anime style” spin to it, but even when they draw a cartoon completely on model it STILL looks better than if a western artist drew it. I’m not even a weeb, I’ve only watched like, 10 animes. Is there a science behind this? Or is it merely the novelty?
>>146804060I like it
>Here's your new WarioWare character bro
>>146852970serious answer: it's because anatomy and composition are generally stressed more as fundamentals, really drafting as a whole. the mechanical/technical side of art is really drilled into the Japanese with artists being likely to have some background in drawing outside of comics or pop art. Meanwhile in America, people tend to get too obsessed with drawing facsimiles/simulacra of cartoons rather than draw from life or take inspiration from mediums outside of animation and cartoons. It's also been noted how there's a lack of talent being able to teach anatomy and composition. And of course, tracing/copying as a learning tool is valued more in Japan while in America it's seen as evil.
>>146852970there actually is a science to it: language! English is low context and Japanese is high context. English has more syllable types while Japanese is limited. Japan has more three writing scripts, English has one. Japan has levels of formality while English really doesn't. English has dynamic stress, Japanese doesn't. These differences in communication are reflected in artwork and writing structure. Consider the three act western structure vs kishotenketsu. America values A vs B conflict while Japan values tension without needing a VS of opposing forces.
They make little tiny characters with stumpy armS and legs (when they have legs)and the key is they make tons of them, so they are collectible. Part of the fun is that they look like little funny crips.
>>146852712>it kinda looks more like something that would be on NickIt reminds me a lot of Powerpuff Girls, especially Kenjaku.
>>146854461is this ai
>>146854668no im just autistic
>>146854618>>146854675Dogshit art. Fuck off Famicom.
>>146852970those pants look really cute on Reagan
>>146852970In addition to these two->>146854461>>146854326Consider also that Japanese culture is simply more accepting of drawing and cartooning as a daily thing. Even people who wouldn't think of themselves as "artists" likely keep interacting with cute drawings or doodling simple symbol drawings into adulthood. If you ask a random person in the street in Japan or in the US to draw a dog, the person in Japan is more likely to give you a better, even if stock symbolic, drawing of a dog.What this means is that the baseline level of, let's call it "illustrative literacy" is higher than most other countries. Meaning that in the instances where someone actually does invest in learning it properly, they're starting at an advantage point, most times.
>>146852970And that Marty pose of Brent. Japs know what they're doing
>>146847653Nice and chubby.