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What do you think about Emmet Otter?
I used to hate this when it would come on tv when I was a kid
I always turned the channel. I guess “hate” is too strong a word but …it was kind of boring
Not very fuckable, are they?
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Watch it every year for the last while. Even have the Riverbottom Nightmare Band song on my year round playlist
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It's comfy but as I got older I began to realize just how fucking irresponsible Emmett and his Mom were for pawning the toolbox and destroying the washtub which were their two sources of income on a gamble.

Yeah I get that it's the 'gift of the magi' with Muppets but still...
The riverbottom band were the best part for sure. i wish they had their own special or even show.
Too schmaltzy (and not the fun type of schmaltzy that Muppet Family Christmas had)
>Not wanting to make sweet tender love to Alice Otter and be Emmet's caring step father
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Anyone have the philfog 30th anniversary fan edit?
>Who are they Ma?
classic. Very sweet
i know how this is. when I was a kid, I wasn't as into the gushy emotional simple children's story stuff. it had to have some edge. Muppet Frog Prince had edge.
But I think this one did too! Riverbottom Nightmare Band kicked ass.
well, they do appear to be sea otters despite being in a freshwater setting.
Riverbottom vs Electric Mayhem when?
should have kept Oz's voice.
The outtakes are funny. "All she needs is a bottle of Ripple." https://youtu.be/OGVsyQXAF6U
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>Golly! It's a talent contest, at the town hall, on Christmas Eve!
Poor Emmet's never gonna keep his wife
how's that
i am very confused
they cut this part out of some releases, right
They did that 'because Pa would've', and Pa was a horrible businessman who gambled his fortune on snake oil and struck out.
you ever watch that sequence and ask yourself how the puppetry worked? several of them look impossible, and you get so many angles that would logically expose the puppeteer's arm
You people are just nasty so you hate good and kind things.
Everytime. I wish there was a behind the scenes making of.
I think the bloober reel is some of the funniest muppets material ever produced.
Yeah, that's the stuff!
they need to always release that shit
dassa cute otter
the lizard and snake guys were regular felt muppets but with scales made of hot glue then painted
oh it's based on a book?
Yes, the authors were literally credited at the start.
ohhh yeah
>Lepidopter's Bug Band Christmas
i looked it up, interesting that they were originally from "Riverbend" and their SONG contained the words "River bottom"
aww he gave her top billing in this publishing
For some reason hippies had an ironic thing for this jug band music that people don't really talk about today
henson and especially nelson were definitely way into folksy music in a hippie kinda way. i like that.
what's this improve on? kinda cleanup n stuff?
>Using the HBO, ABC and the official DVD version, this is the longest, most complete version of this memorable Muppet Christmas special. So, if you like your dancing rabbits, but miss “fall off the dock”, then this is for you.
>Philfrog is proud to present this classic Jim Henson TV special in its most complete form ever, using all of the bits unique to each of the two officially-released edits (and all the different releases and recuts of each one). As a bonus, one scene has been cleverly extended to include the complete “Bathing Suit” song, with verses previously unused in the two official versions of this special. With every line, lyric, and Kermit the Frog segment intact, this is “Emmet Otter” as it deserves to be seen for generations to come.
i had no idea it was this compricated.
how do you actually watch it
Is this the one on Tubi? It's 53 minutes
if it's fanmade, how can it be on anything
While Kermit is in the current official upload cuts, it's just his framing segments but not the narration that goes on over the whole story.
so nobody knows the place to find the good version
it's not on wcostream or anything
did they make figures of the Nightmare?
There's an Emmet Otter in The Goon's universe. Neat!
Now do The Goon in Emmet Otter's universe!
We get it. She can't draw. Let us enjoy it anyway.
Sometimes I’ll just blurt out to myself, “Riverbottom Nightmare Band.” It’s just the way the wolf says it.
What is wrong with the illustrations? They look exactly as I what would expect they would look from a book illustrated in '71.
>Hey fellas! Chuck's hungry!
I'm not hungry. I'm HUUUNGREEEE!
She draws better than many children's book illustrators. Is it really worse than Beatrix Potter or Uncle Remus artwork?
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Look at how they massacred my boy Chuck.
I thought he was a bear

okay i've checked, he's a stoat. which is kind of hilarious
also makes me nostalgic for Achewood
safe to say there was some inspiration there?
whoa, the first time he's actually been drawn as a RIVER otter.
nice. though technically the band's name is just The Nightmare, right
>Weeeee're travelin' musicians
wait that's a different one
this is not the fanmade perfect one, right
not that it matters since watching shit on archive.org is like watching videos on dialup
that's the best they could do posing his legs?
Those rabbits at the talent show are sort of hot.
This special is to wholesome for 4chan.
Ma had a beautiful voice and that's all I need to want to breed.
she's a little old for that, but might have a few pups left in her
I think she was funnier as Frank Oz but the serious moments might have been spoiled.
I saw part of this on NBC back when I was a kid in the 80's and I remember something really sad about one part...but I can't remember it. Guess I'll watch.
i wish we could find that one version everyone says is the best one, fan-edited-together from the best versions
i'm amazed not one person has a mega or anything for that.
the forum is like "just make an account and PM someone" fuck that noise.
I remember watching this when it first came out. I found it rather somber and slightly depressing throughout until the end. But my take away was that Good prevails in the end.
the lesson's clear to me
>Don't take stupid risks that rely on a lot of luck to pay back the person you stole from
>being the protagonist doesn't mean you're going to win. Firstly, what if there's two protagonists and only one of you can win? Secondly, there will always be someone bigger and better from out of town.
you'd think someone would have figured out by now how to make a standup bass without using a washtub
i love how Stan is just an oldtimey sock puppet. fuckin Hush Puppy.
The setting is REALLY rural, and it's the early 70's. Possibly earlier. Nobody there is trying to re-design the wheel. They use what they know. If it was good enough for their grandparents, it's good enough for them
I'm REALLY surprised it isn't on Archive.org.
necessity is the mother of invention, and not ruining his mom's livelihood was a powerful motivator to find another way to attach a heavy resonant metal object to a pole.
i guess archiving a fan edit doesn't make a lot of sense and they're being attacked hard enough as-is
Thanks for whoever made this thread. It makes me happy to know other people remember this film. It was a family tradition to watch Emmet Otter's Jug Band every Christmas.

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