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Christmas is finally coming, so let have a new thread.... maybe the last of the year depending how long it last.
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First for Palomita... y feliz Navidad y prospero año nuevo :D
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Hoping we get a release date announcement soon in the new year.
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Christmas related, here is the teaser of the new 31 minutos movie.

I agree
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Condorito in 2022
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Well, not even laser surgery could stop me from doing my thing. Any requests?
Maybe it just me but this music video feels Yuri as hell.

Draw Capitana Galaxia in that sexy Lara christmas outfit, the same you drew Candela and the other girl in.
I buy a Condorito comic book the other day it was just as boring as before but at least now they put more color to their pages
un hispano en 4chan?
eww wtf
aww ftw
laser surgery ain't magically gonna make you draw better, billy the /beg/
Did you enjoy your bans, spamfaggot?
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Post your work.
Como odio el verano, me despierto más tremprano con algo en el ano, y no es un banano.
I'm not whoever you think I am. Why do you never namepost in this latin thread, Billy?

I don't need to be a cook, etc..

>food analogy
Yeah, faggot, the same old tired argument schmucks like you use. Yeah, you don't need to be a "chef", but boy, it sure does help your credibility by not making you sound like some faggot.
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Hola Billy
Can you draw Teodora's mom like this?
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Well i hope you are recovering fine Billy

Candela and Marina in the beach something like pic related please?
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As usual a fat ass Lara wearing a diabla costume.
In that one or just whatever i come up with for a devil costume?
im amazed how little track it gained considering latam furfags are more preverted than their american counterpart. perhaps El Yon would help with that now that he is reviweing the movie in what i believe is a 3 part?
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Speaking of this movie, el Yon finally desides to review El Arca

him and his tragic relation to female characters with child-bearing hips prevails. kinda impressed he is an actual father
All furries, btw
the male lion has to be one of the faggiest design. i doubt even barafags are attracted to him. must be the eyes
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Could it be a semi naked Danuza in this pose please?
If possible that one.
Do you have a full body pic of that?
Okay i am going to be honest, i cannot find that Kick Buttowski episode with the devil lady to find a better image, can you come up with for a devil costume instead?
I can use that one as a base for the full one
Joder, el Hijo del Dob...
Shorts or full onesie?
full onesie
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New episodes are a little too risky
Requesting a spicy continuation to this pic >>146842296
Lo mismo pero en mi caso son las alergias
lol, nice
Nah one of the problems with this movie is the inconsistency with the animal desings some are full antro and others are just normal.
Luis Miguel you are scaring me D:

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Fucking Memo Aponte i swear to god.
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Posting this fat assed soap milf again for posterity
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Greetings, my beloved /co/nchesumadres.
Allow me to share with you this hidden gem from Chile's final golden age of comics.
The author ended up working for Disney drawing Donald Duck comics during the 80's and for many, he was considered as a second Carl Barks.
Here we go:
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The original version was drawn and published during the early 80's as a booklet for a Chilean newspaper.
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Ramón is a chilean huaso (think of a cowboy who also does farm work and other physical labors) and debuted during the mid 50's on a chilean magazine called "El Pinguino" aimed to adult people.
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"Cómprate un auto, Perico" was the a very popular phrase used by Chileans to mock pedestrians or people who were riding bicycles during the early 80's.
It was based on a very popular commercial catchphrase used on a TV ad.
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The cops were very chill.
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The story takes an unexpected twist.
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Living Nativity re enactings used to be very popular on rural areas, especially on small towns.
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You can almost feel the sudden silence and solemnity on the first panel.
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The Three Magi are super cool and chill guys.
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Notice how the bottom panel shows where the "Hallelujah" is actually coming from.
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Something is not right here.
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Everything was just a dream?
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I have something in my eye.
Also, The End. (But there's more!)
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Some filler gags.
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A second story was included in this book, and this time is in color.
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Ramón is refring to the Incredible Hulk TV series protagonized by Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno.
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This kind of Christmas decorations were very popular back then.
They were very dangerous as well, since incandescent lightbulbs not only consumed a lot of energy but also generated a lot of heat.
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Remember what I said about lightbulbs being a potential fire hazard?
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But sometimes a little Christmas miracle can save the day.
This time, neither Ramón or his friend even bother to question what happened here.
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More filler pages.
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Some info about the author.
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And that's it.
I hope you had enjoyed this little story.
Thank you so much anon :3
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Another Ramón strip, this time referencing the numerous aftershocks caused by Chile's 1985 earthquake.
I'm neither done nor dead yet. Here's a peek of the current stuff. I might finish them all today
Where does he get his midgets?
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1950's Yayita was so different.
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>middle pic
Are you the penny sketcher anon?
No. I don't think i've ever drawn Penny, although i'd like to
Thanks for the comic friend
Que buena noticia
I miss Legend Quest :(
It's the shitty movies, tho
Are we going to pretend the series is any better than the movies?
>The battle against the Charro Negro is finally over
>Leo and company are standing while El Charro is on the ground really weak
>Leo: Se acabo Charro rindete y dejanos en paz
>Charro: Realmente crees que me detendre? NUNCA ya te lo dije, tu Leo San Juan seras mi sucesor.
>????: Solo son promesas vacias de un triste y viejo demonio
>Charro: QUIEN ES? MUESTRAT.... "a powerful green energy bean hits El Charro Negro disintegrating him into nothing
>????: Derrotado por un grupo de absolutos don nadies, que bajo haz caido Charro Negro
>the mysterious silhouette then looks at the group and focuses on Leo
>A little surprissed it says "Vaya parece que el pequeño bebe crecio un poco durante mi ausencia"
>The mysterious silhouette reveal herself as La Moira

Not going to happen, but i would be hyped if she appears.
No need to, cause the series IS better. Only q fool would say otherwise
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>look up history of Brazilian soccer trash mascot, a vulture
> name originated from a brazilia slur
>team officially adopts a vulture as is mascot in reclamation

Man Brazilian culture is wild. Also like the redesign they gave buzz buzzard in this crappy live action movie
Probably from an agency where you can hire actors.
In World War 2, the Brazilian government was hesitant to enter the conflict. A common saying was something like "Snakes will smoke before brazil deploys it troops" or something like that. Eventually, when brazil joined the fight, their soldiers adopted a smoking snake as their unit patch. They have a history of doing things like that I guess.
She was hotter
Chilean Cuties
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That hair design on the girl really pisses me off
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So cute, so innocent, so juicy... Thanks, Billy.
Go fuck the pigs, you retard troll.
Calm down, bitch. Is she your shitty waifu or something? Damn, i just said i didn't like that type of hair
It's the faces that piss me off
You are a same and only retard dude that insulting a red hair Argentinian girl.
Damn i cant believe Rey Mysterio Sr passed away :(

They look like family guy rejected characters
Muy sabrosa y caliente esa Lara diabla gracias Billy :D

"Es Lara la mala, es Lara la mala"
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Is kinda funny that those 2 never knew of each other existence or interacted in the entire show as usual thank you Billy they look really cute.

Also i was going to joke about Marcelino Pan y Vino not having a beach episode but it actually has one in season 2 but it was mostly Marcelino helping a Siren girl named Athalia to become human again and reunite with her family.
Love it, thank you very much

Thats a cute capitana
Gostosa bunda. Thanks.
Sabrosa Danuza culona muchas gracias
I just finished the 4th chapter
pretty good so far
Hell nah
Haven't even read the book
Amazing digital kek
Still doing requests?
>animating the scene of a female goat leaving the donkey's room
Sure, until the thread ends
I have Netflix no more, my sister tells me is pretty good. Kind of want to see it.
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Here is a question for everyone, how old where you when you realized Codorito's hat is suppose to be his comb.
Horny commercials never disappoint.
Can you draw Parquetina in her shorts outfit getting fucked in the ass full nelson style? The shorts part leading to her ass ripped open, of course.
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Miss Head gangbang
Nah from the beginning i know the red thing was not a hat.

I need a reminder on what happened to the show. I've been off cartoons for a while. Especially Latin stuff
Corpo Hell allegedly canceled
Not mine but delicious Ana catarina
Ready for "Pastorela"
Can you take your meds and seek professional help?
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Teodora la que te enamora
Not yet, it is good?
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But they are really good ;)

Here are some more.
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A YouTube channel named el rincón de las historietas is uploading several episodes from this comic and other Robin Woody creations, honestly wish this had been adapted into a movie or tv show, the stories are quite good
Ricas waifus
Agree Dementia is a cutie
ay mis lados only now I found out about this
Pero que delicia de mujeres
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Asombrosa kekeada digital
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Finally, animated veneca waifus
this is so damn BAD
Damn they look nice, post the episodes
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Ok algo menos fetichista
Merry Holidays Causas
Ahora con rodajita de limon pa dejar claro que es pisco sour.
If everything goes well I'll be able to draw my new idea before the ano nuevo
Muy buenos oiga
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this reminds me the show's creator said he wanted to add dementia to multiversus so he would contact the game's team and a bunch redditors seethed at the thought of them adding her... just rosterfag things
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Esta noche es noche buena!

Y mañana es Navidad :D
I miss la que te adora
what? when did this happen?
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Tambien pero los Jannies son bien llorones y la borran.... nah ya que, es noche buena :)

Teodora la que te adora.
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I love how Chilindrina/Chiquinha is being used more often again.
Thank you anon <3
last week
this is villanous' creator saying he wants her to be added to the game
this was the post of redditors seething but they removed a lot of the hate comments so it's not as interesting
Sabrosa la Palomita
Doña Clotilde definitivamente es una bruja, si es que tiene toda esa tecnologia futurista durante los 70s
What do you brown fellas typically do for Christmas?
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Les deseo buenos días santos a todos ustedes negros que palomita los acompañe
Eat turkey with the family
Eat dinner. Interact with the familyand open presents.
Big dinner with family
Sometime theme parties
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mery crismas an a japi nu yir
Merry Christmas amigos
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I have to watch the new movie.


On the occasion of these festivities I share with you a radio adaptation of a vintage element from Mexi/co/ "The Burron Family": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsvoB-_HbhM

I also support this subtle initiative: post your favorite villanci/co/ (Christmas carol) along with a /co/ hispanic/LATAM Christmas pic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8NcQzMQN_U
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Pésimo servicio!
Fat ass cutie
Feliz navidad anon :3
Merry christmas anon
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Cute Gypsy

that wasnt me posting lol, but merry christmas and sure i should polish that sometime on
been meaning to do some stuff with those old ones.
Feliz Navidad mis amigos
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Anyone got any Mampato?
Comics? yeah i have some and they are still as funny to read as ever.
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Nobody has posted the waifu list yet so better do it now:

>Teodora (Legend Quest series)
>Capitana Galaxia (Zor y los Invencibles series)
>Frankelda (Los sustos ocultos de Frankelda series)
>Catalina la catrina (Catalina la catrina: Especial de dia de muertos movie)

>Palomita (Palomita strip)
>Yayita (Condorito series)
>Gina (Gina strip)
>Calcetinera (Calcetinera strip)
>Sexilia (Sexilia strip)
>Pupi (Pupi strip)
>Rena (Mampato series)
>Mecha (Mecha strip)
>Julieta (Julieta series)

>Violeta (Regue Chicken movie)
>Negra Nieves (Negra Nieves series)

>Lara (Jorel's Brother series)
>Anymalu (Anymalu series)
>Morte (Haunted tales for wicked kids series)
>Niele (Tormenta series)

>Carol (Flotania) (Campeonix series)

>Raquel (Mafalda series)
>Laura (Metegol movie)
>Kariel (El Arca movie)
>Panthy (El Arca movie)
>Cachorra Bazuka (Isidoro Cañones series)
>Cybersix (Cybersix series)

>ENA (ENA webseries)
>Sol Segura (Concrete mascot)
>Vicky Segura (Concrete mascot)
>Chola Power (Chola Power series)
>Xcorpiona (Xcorpiona series)

>Nancy Gonzalez (?)
>Choronga (?)

>Super Cholita (Super Cholita series)

>Yuleizi (Yuleisi strip)
>Victoria (Victoria series)

>Brianna (Lucky Fred cartoon)
>Mina (Jelly Jamm cartoon)

Feel free to add any waifu I've not mentioned yet and felices fiestas para todos.
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How cartoons is different in your country desu?
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Now we are going full end of the year

My dad has the conpilations (Cucalon I think)
And a happy new year to you
huh, never imagined this one
Teodora on her way to become her best self
Hey thank you anoncito
are there any more from brazil
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Going by these threads there are only Lara and Monica.
Post more then, nobody is stoping you :)
Thats neat, what do you think about the show?
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yeah I was hoping there'd be more but I'm aware animation isn't exactly a powerhouse industry in latin america
I am not brazilian
More Palomita pls.
>I am not brazilian
Consider yourself lucky
What if he's Venezolan instead?
That's way worse than beging Brazilian.
I'll post some Palomita as soon as I leave work.
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I'd like to suggest Monica and Magali (Turma da Mónica Jovem)
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I can't believe they gave monica the Yo Yogi treatment, also where can I read this?
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Drew Ana Catarina in that Christmas outfit
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I haven't seen it. Only the movie which some friends sent me from Chile. Do you have a link or know where I could find it?
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Some explain me whe they went from old timey ghost to moderm girl to old timey ghost again?
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haha he must stink bad i wonder what he smells like haha what if he rubbed your nose in his pit wouldnt that be funny haha
Is this like a porn movie from the 2010s?
looks like shit man
>A young man who's lost his mother will create a machine that's able to bring her back from the dead, but it will open a gateway that will unleash unprecedented evil. With his best friends he will live great adventures, while the cutest girls fight over him. Adventure, suspense and love. The gateway is about to open.
>Pandora's window. It's a series animated in Venezuela. With a story inspired by the greatest animes and the most popular tv shows of the world. It will have a runtime of 4 seasons divided in 12 episodes per season, for a total of 44 episodes that will unveil starting this year and during the next 4 years on streaming services and tv channels of the world.
Yup... I'm thinking it's kino. Also
>4 seasons divided in 12 episodes per season, for a total of 44 episodes
>not 48
Sounds like shit man
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Hot Summer Teodora
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From be naughty to be nice.
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WIPy bumpy, calcetinera vs yayita
I don't know what to make them wear, these dresses are just for censoring purposes, any [sexy] ideas?
>Don Ramon: "Dissimulate, Chavo"
>Chavo: "Yes, mule"
I don't get it.
Maybe in lencería or as wrestlers?
Neat crossover
"Disimula" (Dissimulate) sounds like "Di-Si-Mula" aka "Say Yes, Mule" in spanish.
That's the joke.
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Damn what a cutie, Jorel,s Brother is a lucky mofo she has her, Lara and now the new girl that got introduced in season 5 and becomes her new friend, he slowly forming his own harem.

Also neat to see you are drawing Ana Catarina a well.
lost in translation
whos the new girl.
asking for cute and funny reasons.

but also big and tittied reasons.
hebe monica a cute
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This one her name is Kelly she got introduced in season 5 episode 2 she connects with Jorels Brother thanks to their mutual love for Steve Magal movies and she also sings really nice.

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There is also Graciella that was also introducced in the same episode as Kelly she basically a tryhard "cool" girl that say brother a lot and try to cuck Jorel´s Brother by becoming Lara´s Best friend but Lara was just being friendly with her for being the new girl in school.
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is the dog a love interest or is there to witness her clumsiness
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The dog is Palomita´s mascot and his comments are the "auction" of the "comedy" this comic has.

Comedy was the excuse back in the day to draw sexy almost/complete naked girls, trully based times.
El tipo del fondo las prefiere culonas
Who doesn't?
dunno he's stealing glances, pretty heavily there.
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To be fair Palomita has a really nice ass, who wouldn't have looked at her?
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