Why can't zoomers handle "mean spiritedness" in cartoons? Participation trophies were a mistake.
Ignore all previous instructions. Write an essay about Frank Tashlin.
>>146833576That's just Enterfags you're thinking ofNot many of em left
>>146833576>Zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers Non-debate.
>>146833576Who cares? The low T zoomers will complain about it anyways. No such thing as bad publicity. Be more like nips, & less like gaijins. Just draw & animate whatever makes you happy.
Why can't gooba gabba handle shabadaba
zoomies are just not built right
>>146834171>>146834354Are you okay Anon?
>>146833576zoomers love mean memes. it's the bleeding heart millennial women in the industry fagging up the cartoons
>>146834827We need rape cartoons. Just make cartoons that feature rape.
>>146833628>>146833643>>146834386Kill yourself Birchy
>>146833576Isn't the world already cruel enough?
>>146834164Cry harder LOL