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Thicc, sexy, japanese DC milf.
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For me is thicc, sexy, japanese DC tummy girl
Thick Japanese High Schooler?
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Forgot Pic
I'll take the three, thank you.
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That tummy just won't quit.
Is she ticklish?
How sensitive are her nipples?
>she belongs to me reeeeee
Nyah nyah
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>Is she ticklish?
In and around her navel.
>How sensitive are her nipples?
A gentle and constant caress turns them into diamonds.
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Threesome NOW
Nice bit of art
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Karen Fukuhara is so cute and hot.
Tremendous butt.
>TFW Tatsu & Halo decorate the bookstore for the holidays.
Nice ass on her
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Tatsu for fisting
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Tinier Tatsu would have to convince milf Tatsu to do what your filename suggests.
>multiverse/ghost/timetravel shenanigans bring both of them to Maseo
>tinier Tatsu wants to bang him because she never got the chance to
>but needs experienced help not to fumble it
>one thing leads to another
Is he the Luckiest Maseo?
That is sticc
But she's very cute regardless
Would ghost sex be as fulfilling as normal sex?
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Pat Katana's tummy, rub her tummy, caress her tummy, massage her tummy, kiss her tummy, lick her tummy, rest my head on her tummy, feel her tummy slightly rise when breathing, marry her tummy, pull down her panties and place them on her tummy then tongue her navel.
I always liked that she hard countered the Black Lantern ring attempts to feed off of her despair during Blackest Night.
I mean, I doubt there’s anything more soul crushing than having your children killed. If you can weather that, snide zombies seem quaint in comparison.
The rings possess her dead family, but their souls come out from her katana and put the bodies to rest. She didn't play a major part in the overall event IIRC, but it was a nice little moment.
Jeez, more trauma
Actually the opposite, her husband and son were able to hug her and tell her they loved her and would always watch over her before disappearing.
Weird, considering that by that point her husband wasn’t there anymore and her children had never been in the first place. Let me no-prize my way out of this glaring continuity mistake: as a magic weapon, the Soultaker is also a conduit to the spiritual realm, and Tatsu’s love for her family called them forth from their their eternal rest to aid her.
The tie-ins were full of continuity errors like that. The rings were shown to act like regular lantern rings and seek out potential wielders on their own, but the Superman tie-in was based around Earth 2 Superman needing to physically put the ring on Pa Kent to bring him back.
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All you need is to get Maseo and Tatsu goes immediately weak in the knees. Tinier Tatsu can join.
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>Maseo's girth, my only weakness!
Now no-prize the fact Tatsu had twin girls.
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Damn, Tatsu, keep your panties on.
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>8 Inches.
>Excuse Me?
>And girthy!
>Uh, just how I like my sausages, Kimi! Heh.
>......Agreed. Especially when you take your time to enjoy them.
Perfect ready position
>the rest of the League and the Outsiders watched awkwardly as Tatsu an Kimiyo got progressively drunk at their Christmas party. Tatsu sobered up fairly quickly after realizing she had made a double entendre in front of Halo, while Kimi kept on fondling Red Tornado in the hopes of using him as a karaoke machine. It got really awkward when she reached for his microphone
>Butter Knife, it ain't that deep.
>Besides, if we're rating, you don't even rank. I mean look at Green Arrow for God's sake. The man is slinging chili hotter than a supernova, trying to get laid while on a soapbox. It's a party!
>I suppose but I just want Gabrielle to not pick up bad habits from the likes of you--I mean Ollie, I--
>Don't worry, I get it all the time. But it's fucking Christmas, let's have a good time and watch our teammates make asses out of themselves!
>Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, why don't we head to the supply closet and see if I can blow you away.
>I am married with a kid.
>So am I! We have so much in common. Well, three kids. And I'm divorced because a certain someone, Arthur!, decided he'd rather commit felonies and pal around with a bunch of jailbait sidekick sluts like Wonder Girl and Aqualad!
>I don't thi-
>He knew what he was doing, walking around in that speedo like a...like a fish whore!
>C'mon Reddy. I've seen the blueprints, I know Tee O'Morrow made you fully functional where it counts, let me handle your microphone, or should I say macrophone tee hee. What a freak. Morrow, not you. You're really kind and decent and that humming your body does is really getting me going. Oh God, what am I doing I'm such a crap mom
>Doctor, I'm convinced you are a good mother to your children, just-
>Kimiyo starts singing Total Eclipse of the Heart to Red Tornado's crotch, at the top of her lungs
>Beetle, Is she?
>Yes. Yes, she is Rex.
>Should we?
>Nah, besides the hilarity, she's actually has a good singing voice.
>Who'd thunk Red Tornado could get redder?
>hey Tatsu, this party is neat! That Green Lantern is actually quite nice once you get to know him. He told me about this vacation planet- hey what's dr. Hoshi doing on her knees in front of the red robot?
>Gabrielle, it's time to leave. Rex, you take Kimi back home.
>See I told you he was nice, he gave me this present, a two-piece bikini plus an invitation to go check planet Restoria!
>Burn it.
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>A drunken Kimiyo, Geo Force, Guy & Metamorpho end up doing pic related
Very melancholy
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I hate that I recognize the design but cannot pinpoint from where.
Linn Kurosawa from the Alien v. Predator game.
Thanks, anon.
I wish I had time to write it, I totally would.
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I need this story completed.
Is taht Silver Banshee? i haven't watched Dc superhero girls.
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It would be the opposite: milf tatsu would be the one helping tinier tatsu to get some sort of release.
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I want to suck on her titsus.
That's a noble goal!
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>m-my Maseo wasn't so... big
>...I think
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One every red-blooded man should aspire to
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The nip slipped.
God what I wouldn't give to see the lovely Karen Fukuhara stripping off her Katana costume.
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She takes off her mask

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