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getting older edition

Don't forget.
moomin papa isn't happy about PR16
>imagefx OP
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Why do they sit like that?
Dunno. It's either that or crisscrossed most of the time.
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Cass, get off the counter.
This one was quite wholesome
Your Cass and Steph are coming out so nicely.
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Pepe doesn't know how much more of PR16 he can take.
They really didn't need to make it faster, it was fine the length of time it was. In fact, the boost time and non boost time felt the same to me after awhile. Probably when the usage went down. Then again I should expect Microsoft to fuck things up, that explains Windows 11.
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>captcha 0pana
>Even more restrictions
>Downgraded image quality
>Brand logos
I wish I could do this prompt with old quality...
i know that feel.
>bondage anna and elsa and other ladies
wew lads
of course satan would put harley back with joker
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There's a feedback tab on Bing Create, set it to 'Dislike' and write a polite and honest feedback.
Worst that can happen is nothing.
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Anyway, Grok free is not up to par.
A "3D CGI Rapunzel" on the beach comes out as a weird lil girl.
I did that
I had to resist doing it TONS of times
(they might think I'm crazy and dismiss the comments lol)
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Well, at least it was fun while it lasted frens....

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at least the lewd filters seem relaxed a bit as I re-try-out old prompts
(to be fair, this roof goblin prompt tended to get nice results before)
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image_fx is better than Grok's
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I actually can't believe they think this looks better.
>get a nice gen
>immediately wonder how good it would have looked a few weeks ago.
True pain.
I actually got banned after leaving some feedback. Although, I did use some rather unpleasant words
Oh, yikes! Yeah, Grok needs some work lmao.
what is it I wanna try
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It doesn't like exotic camera angles. Oh well
it's pretty fucked fren.
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aw yeah.
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sometimes my autism looping brain gets tired of seeing other autism looping but than I see pics like this and my autism brain goes oh yeah thats part of why they are so popular. ariel is another one I think of and kim possible also. I think tinkerbell but she isnt exactly lewd'd though im not against cute tink butt view.

there's just some chicks in some pics you go aww yush over even if you do want to see more variety of pics at times.

the human brain is silly
couldn't have put it better myself.
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It sure is. I have plenty of old gens to post still, though!
I wish Ariel would look at me like this...
Those are two different posters THOUGH. It isnt an autism loop when two waifufags are spam posting or collaborating, it’s an autism spiral
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disney cg art, messy short hair cat-faced elsa with lime green skin and large pointed lime green ears, wearing a dirty white short silk robe, bare shoulders, shy smile, holding a glass of green wine, lying back on the roof of a suburban house at night gazing into the sky, leafless trees, starry sky, disney cg art

someone mentioned elsa and anna had "cat faces" so lol gave it a try, you might want to remove that. feel free to fiddle with other parts and make sure to post some result!
You're charming enough. It'll happen.
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posting some older stuff maybe.
can someone do realistic versions of Aurora? and also maybe sailor senshi would be cool.
she so cute
Another Civitai fish for you.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
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wonder what the limit for nsfw here is
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Your best friend found out that you like Carol
put it on catbox .Moe and share it. I just have them.
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I want to be as relaxed as Kim looks here.
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That would be nice ngl
i think those might pass as sfw besides one
if you got reported I could see a mod having a problem with them
but they are perfect thanks
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I am hoping!
nice, post more
Might aswell. Dall-E isn't looking great at the moment.
Much appreciated!
Limits were made to be pushed...Just saying!
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so like just out of curiosity which program are you using for those?
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The Mickey placement on her sweater...
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Novel AI got back into using it since bing's been poop
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As it says I am a fan of this Supergirl variant. neato
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Oh ty anon I thought it was like special software
I like this of the series (even from the previous threads) with the white shorts and the thigh-highs. Hope you can get some full-body shots if possible.
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A miniskirt is great too. Good stuff, anon!
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I'm up late. Like your Ariels. Football tomorrow.
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One day, Glen Keane will be asked to answer for this.
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Sorry for toxifying the thread with my OCs, but have a good night all!
My nose goes there
"Thicc Disney Princess angrily showing off their butt" is my new favorite thing.

...Although "Thicc Disney Princess wrapped up in ribbon" is a very close second.
>l..lewd and hot
What is that art style you use?

Also, someone posted a link to a 2D Frozen animation on /co/ a while back and I decided I would check it out later but I never did. Does anyone have that?
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Wow, this one looks pretty authentic.
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Hey I like that. What is the art style?
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Yoo, this is good. Is this still Bing? I'm seriously out of loop.
It was photograph..idk why did a 3d render lol.
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Tell me more about them? Looks like age gap kino.
the name says image fx from Google sweety
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Gosh I love blossom so much. She's my princess. I want her to boss me around and stuff. Don't let me adopt the PPG because if I do I wouldn't be able to stop myself from playing favorites, and that's not healthy for kids y'know?
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image fx but what art style for that face?
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90's or 80's anime cel animated screenshot.
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did anyone else here read "Redwall" as a kid?
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aw yeah. "I am that is!". loved those books. sweet urthstripe.
I actually got to meet Brian Jacques once and had him sign one of my books but it was sadly lost a few years later. Still one of my biggest regrets in life.

He was such a nice guy in person too.
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What is the prompt you used for the suit? It looks kind of cool.
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the suit right......you want that Junk Junk !
>human real photo Superman wearing blue suit. red boxers outside suit. red cape.
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No, I'm heterosexual and also I'm not attracted to Nblack people.
Oh so it just automatically makes it look like that? Cool.
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wow. i'm jealous. sorry to hear your signed book was lost. it's pretty cool that you met one of your heroes and he didn't disappoint.
yeah. He was just a really cool dude overall and even though I only got to be face to face with him for like two minutes it was still really cool.
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Frick Batman.

Hi /coai/, it's me brain trauma anon. How are you all doing today?
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I can't seem to get what I want. It always wants to gen him the same way. It wasn't like that when I was making girl Robins.

In case anyone is wondering, he's supposed to have bright neon red and blue, with a plain black cape and R logo, black tights, short spiky hair with shaved sides and no gloves.
And there's supposed to be zero yellow.
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Btw I don't have anything against Batman. I just think that the scene where Robin says "fuck Batman" is funny.
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This is with Vidu Studio (another online image to video), as Hailuo had like 15K people in the queue already.
Free version is too short and small unfortunately
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Servers are still borked. Goofing around a bit more with prompts since any attempt at Kim or most other human characters get fried to hell.

Gonna go to a christmas market and got some chocolates and things here in a minute
tim Burton Disney princesses lol
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This town ain't big enough for the both of us
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But Allah's Heavenly Kingdom is endless, so there will be enough space for the both of us there.

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Still not what I wanted but what does /co/ think about this design?

The look I'm going for is more carefree and shows more skin, but I still think this one looked cool.
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Closest one so far.
So it is now a lot less likely to Keyword warn you, it'll just ignore everything in the prompt after the bit it takes issue with.
is this new? shar
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Yeah it's new stuff based on an old prompt, somehow the dog and the content warning ignore it as long as you don't stray far enough from some of the words used.

Sorry but I'll share it once I get bored of it, I know it will die soon after it's out there.
Quality in lighting has definitely dipped
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Good morning /co/, how's it going today? Less than 5 days until Christmas, I hope you're all ready!

Love Nami.
Nice comfy gen.
Thicc Ariel...
Very pretty Ariel's.
collars and leashes are underrated
please do not forget to share it eventually, I'll be waiting, is very pretty
gorgeous work
>2d hand drawn frozen movie art

>Also, someone posted a link to a 2D Frozen animation on /co/ a while back and I decided I would check it out later but I never did. Does anyone have that?
It's more of a LOL tier slideshow than an animation though. You'll see what I mean
Also happy bday Elsa
oops also forgot to mention it's imagefx not dall-e

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