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>My name is Caine, I'm your-
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What do you guys think Episode 5 will be about? It will be Ragatha's spotlight episode! Any predictions?
Skibidi Toilet won.
What is your endgame?
Jax serves up deepfried Ragatha and the group cannibalizes her deepfried chicken body. The lesson being that, cannibals are a persecuted minority and cannibalism should be normalized. Hell, people were doing it before prostitution (supposedly the oldest job, except no it wasn't). Deepfried Ragatha will bring cannibalism to the mainstream, we just need to wait for it to marinate in the culture and for a Supreme Court decision to legalize it.
I don't think a deepfried rag doll would taste that good.
Caine is the Architect of their Matrix they reside it, he can program the reality so that Ragatha will taste like country fried chicken.

Wait but would Caine approve of cannibalism?
Ragatha tries to get over ger addiction to stupid sauce and descends into a more and more awful person the longer she goes without it until Jax goes too far and causes her to abstract.
Ragatha is dead, cooked by Jax himself. She was cookec long enough so all the poison of the "Stupid Sauce" will no longer be harmful. If you truly loved Ragatha, you'll honor her with this Eucharistic meal. Christianity normalized cannibalism, Ragatha is our Jesus.
This show ruined Raggedy Ann for me.
Like actually ruined her for you or made her seem sexy to you?
If the second one, just remember the real Annabelle doll is a Ragedy Ann doll too.
>"Someone is absolutely going to abstract next episode!"
>nobody abstracts
>"Okay but next episode it will actually happen for real this time!"
In an unusual turn of events, Jax decides to help get her off the sauce because it makes her boring to him.
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>sexy to you
What is wrong with you?

>the real Annabelle doll is a Ragedy Ann doll too
I live a town over from that museum.
>What is wrong with you?
Dude on this site I automatically assume everyone wants to fuck whatever it is.
>I live a town over from that museum.
Have you ever been? I've always wanted to go.
Okay but we went from nobody being close to abstracting to Gangle being half an hour away from abstracting in this episode. It's not as big of a leap as you're assuming.
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Would Kinger like Caine's insect drawings?
It's gonna be a baseball episode focusing on Ragatha.
[[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]]
This is very gay. Pls kill yourself
End :D
Bitch ass motherfucker
I'd say something about the writer's barely disguised fetish but this is glowing more than that Saudi guy who drove over the people during that Christmas parade in the name of atheism.
Wait that's adorable yeah he would like them, also why does Caine love to draw bees to pass the time apparently? It's random but not so much as to be insignificant
The bee thing has been bugging me (heh) for awhile now because it does seem somewhat important. I've seen all kinds of theories but I'm not sure any of them are on the right track.
Weight gain sequence Inshallah
There's one theory that it's referencing the "bee scene" from the radio play version of I Have No Mouth. Caine is kind of an inverted AM in some ways. That's not really a satisfying answer though.
She's going to abstract. There's little hints that she's the one closest to snapping and her enthusiasm for the adventures is her trying to ward it off.
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Is Caine so small because he was going to be the Ringmaster for kids? He's the smallest of all the cast except for Bubble.
Plausible. It could have something to do with Caine and Pomni being the first two characters to be designed. Well I'm assuming that but they're the flagship characters. Maybe it was a choice to not have him tower over Pomni when he's dragging her around and doing those teaser skits.
I don't think height translates 1-1 in the circus. Like I don't think Pomni was 3 ft tall in real life.
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If we didn't get a weight gain sequence in the fucking fast food episode, what hope do we have for the fucking sports episode?
It's gonna be a sports episode?
I didn't mean in real life I just meant in the circus.
>There was a teaser video that hinted that one of the future episodes would take place in a stadium
>Episode 4 started with Ragatha playing a sport
>A lot in Episode 4 felt like set ups to things that will come into play in future episodes
Post Ragatha abuse
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>look at that apron and creepy smile
albert spudsy was the cannibal butcher from caine's original adventure for the day wasn't he and caine just recycled him since he had to make the new adventure on the spot
probably why all the customers were older reused npcs too
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Episodes are getting shorter, the budget is being cut more and more everyday, the views are decreasing every episode.
This show is a slow burner, it's going to be over soon.
It's exactly 9 episodes and no more, creator already explained that and that they've already boarded til the last episode, things are going fine.
baseball. she's shown teaching gangle how to throw a ball and i think it's in the trailer?
>cannibals are a persecuted minority
Can't wait for that episode of You Can't Ask That. In case you're unfamiliar, it's a talk show where the producers pool questions from the Internet to ask people from marginalised communities. Some of the groups are quite interesting (schizophrenics, people living with a terminal illness, people who've killed someone) and some less so (gay men, former politicians, porn stars) and some just straight up bizarre (white trash/bogans, nudists, fatties). Cannibals would be right up there one day.
If you look it up, the Aussie version is better than the Canadian one but they're both good.
who would be having sex in the freezer
Nah, he's just the Spudsy's brand knockoff of Jared Fogle.
Murder drones manages on a far, far tighter budget. This sorta rhetoric doesn't really work when you're trying to dunk on the most viewed indie show on YouTube. Also the views on YouTube are probably a lot lesser on episodes 3 and 4 than they were on 1 and 2 because 3 and 4 were also released on Netflix at the same time.
Would the show have worked as a 90s anime, like a lot of people seem to think?
too fucking expensive and slow

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