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Cassandra Cain walks autistically smug into your room and tells you to help her get changed into her tight Batgirl costume.
How do you react?
I help her, of course.
Bust out the baby powder.
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>thanks. you have a boner.
I remember the posts about "Darksied sitting on your couch" and I damn well make sure she gets into her tight batgirl costume. I watch my hands, too. And hold my opinion on Babs being the better Batgirl. Really, anything I do would get me turned into a Two-Face minion. By punches.
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I fucking love this costume, looks like a mix of Batman and Catwoman from Batman Returns
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Will she allowed me to watch her striping up naked? and would she allowed me touch her her muscular body along with her abs? Of course I would.
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Yes, provided this is the costume.
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Would I
>Autistic girls
I don’t know why /co/ fantasizes about autistic girls so much. In reality they’re annoying as shit
Cass is not autistic, she’s an extrovert with poor social skills.
X23 is the better asian autist legacy charactev and even she is SHIT. I regret NOTHING.
Reminder that she is canonically a peeping Jane.
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In a Batgirls issue she said she liked seeing people in their homes doing normal things. Even she realized that was kinda weird.
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>spies you masturbating to pictures of herself
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Only if she'll flex for me before getting dressed.
Cute bat shorts
She has to the count of three to leave my house. If not, I'll use nova kaiser.
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Ironic, considering she was, knocked out, stripped off those clothes and put in fetish prison gear to get assaulted by monster amazons. Not so smug there, uh, Cass?
How big are her tits?
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Not too big, but perky, with highly sensitive chestnut nipples.
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Wow new cass thread already? That was fast.
I mean in canon she basically did that with kon..need to get it as a comm.
It is cool.
Laura isnt asian? And idk.
She did it with kon.
She also did it prior, more than once.
Not huge but big for her frame.
So she watched as he masturbated? Based cass.
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In the issue she didnt, but fun concept.
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>naked cass with thicc bush
Ah yes, what I like the most about Cassandra Cain, freaking Superboy.
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Sry, but hey other people seem to like the comms on some level. Dunno, its fun getting them.
It does fit her, either that or fully clean.
Also hey neat another of mine :)
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Bushbros, we are so back!
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Bush and abs, my favorite...
Ill probs get more bushy casses going foward! I feel it fits her well.
Hehe nice. Man people really like this.
We do. She's Asian, has abs, bush, and has sick looking bat suit design. Can you blame us?
She looks like she's into extreme bdsm and sensory deprivation.
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>She's Asian, has abs, bush, and has sick looking bat suit design.
Wife material.
Yellow eyes work for her.
Kon / Caitlin Fairchild is the superior ship. There's precedent too.
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>There's precedent too.
Damn, I hadn't realized. Plus the mousier, more responsible Fairchild with the fun-loving, kinda slacker Superboy combo works so well!
Who's the redhead?
Here ya go anon. https://x.com/LORDKILLERGHOST/status/1852262361463222336
Knockout, Superboy's first time. She's a Female Fury from Apokolips.
>He's a muscle Chad
Based desu
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what will he think of big cass
Never thought I'd miss the StephCass shippers.
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i love stephcass
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As a threesome enjoyer, I agree
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I'm starting to suspect there's a LOT of samefgging in these threads.
I'm listening...
You mean the stephcass comment being a false flag
I dont.
Also the fact that the CassKon autists all clock in at roughly the same time.
Nah. Cavegirl or now roid cass do the size difference thing.
Helena designed the costume not her.
I feel that's too much like cassie? But i guess that would be the appeal. Still think the cass one has the most potential for both characters by far.
He does seem to have a type, being women who can kick his ass.
I need to get an art, he'd probably like it lol.
Meant the specific piece, ofc in a cass thread people like cass (tho perosnally cass being asian has never been a factor for me, the short hair tho)
Dunno, i went out for myself (late christmas shopping), all i did was post an art, seems one really caught on. If you want i can share pics showing its not me?
Hah, this one was very much the artist's idea.
Cass has two hands
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Kon would respond pretty much like this kid.
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Can she go tighter
That or the guy who goes "jackpot", right?
Hadnt seen this one before i think.
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Don't post AI slop
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I support ConFair.
I help her and commit the sight to memory.

I tell her I find her body desirable and ask her if she wants to have sex with me when she has some free time.
Nta but what choice do we have when we can't draw and the drawfags want their cocks sucked but won't deliver?
>inb4 learn to draw
I am taking a break from drawing practice rn. I have some kind of brain handicap that is severely hindering me.
They both would look so much better with the full face mask and big white eyes. Steph looks good with the blonde hair coming out from under her hood but the half mask just doesn’t work like the full face
Cass is a cutie so it’s based when Kon, who gets all the ladies, likes her the most over all those other bimbos
>Nta but what choice do we have when we can't draw and the drawfags want their cocks sucked but won't deliver?
post more of the countless existing art that's out there. The AI isn't a substitute for drawfags since you're just prompting the most basic, standing at attention poses like
Usually when people ask for drawfags it's more elaborate scenarios. If you can prompt those, go ahead.
Commission actual artists like based TOCA instead of expecting drawfags to give you art for free
>Cass is a cutie so it’s based when Kon, who gets all the ladies, likes her the most over all those other bimbos
He really doesn't though.
It's sort of amazing how the Cass Cain threads have been so thoroughly derailed that the derailment itself has become part of its scenery. You just know before clicking in how Superboy is gonna dominate the thread.
It's a Cass ship anon. How is it derailing
At least it's not as bad as Robins or Batfamily threads which just become Jasonfaggotry threads.
Have you tried comms? There's plenty of good artists that are fairly inexpensive if you're willing to search for them.
Hah nice logic :)
I mean, his type does actually seem to lean more there given cassie and cass (and tana).
Never my intent to derrail, but desu how is talking about a ship with the character derrailing? Like its still relating to the main topic? If you're talking about the unrelated posts that's not me sorry (and there's only four with no relation to cass other than one to go against it)?
The boots look so cute in this panel
this cover is so cool
Great ass.
Great abs!

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