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Post redesigns of co characters. Either that you like, dislike or find interesting. I'd day fanmade but depends I guess.
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The peter design is the best of that set
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So cool.
may parker and uncle morales being her role model after peter died
No? Peter's still alive there, dude did a design.

Tho it is weird people do that when she's literally wearing ben's costume.
>has multiple eyes
God, these people are so fucking retarded. It's like they don't think at all. EVERYONE HAS MULTIPLE EYES? On top of that, we can already see how many eyes he has just by looking at the fucking image. I hate niggers so much, it's unreal.
These threads are always bad. Why keep making them?
I think it means more than two anon
They seem fine to me.
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I like designs with Batman's mouth not being exposed but the Batmanfags will be mad cause it's a key part of his design cause he needs to breathe for his fighting, blablabla etc.. etc..
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I like the bodysuit textures, cape going into the neck and the finger tubes. The great thing about Mysterio redesigns is I could see him wearing them all officially since he seems the type who's reinvent himself or tweak Mysterio's cinematic illusion theming for other movie genre's/styles.
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Not that much of a redesign as much as is the EMH Wasp with tweaks but I still really like it
I know exactly what he means, but it's an entirely pointless statement that just makes him look like a retard who can't even formulate basic sentences to convey his thoughts.
Prbly the best
love the realistic helmet
I love the idea that he wanted to make the Ant-face mask friendly looking but also his ant autism he still made it authentic so now if he saves a bus of children he has to spend 10 minutes settling them down after they burst into tears and are screaming at his mask.
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alas no clue, i saved it a long time ago. this was from the same thread though.
it looks friendly to me :3
children are easily filtered by the ant-mask, I figure the black mouth pieces probably either help with sound like communicating insects like his grey Ant-man helmet or projecting his voice better in Giant or small form. Oh I'm talking about the design so much since I'm the person who commissioned it also lmao
would the mouth pieces also move when he talks?
I could maybe see them lighting up slightly when he speaks or him pressing one for specific sound functions but probably not movement since it's mostly a pattern on his mask like the black arm lines. Though I'm surprised they never gave Hank Pym variant costumes with gimmicks based on other ant species like how Iron-man has his specialized suits for specific situations.
Nah I fucking hate the exposed mouth, it literally mandates 24/7 plot armor and means even villains whose entire gimmick is perfect accuracy/super speed/etc just become retarded because they never shoot him in the goddamn open mouth and chin.

If you're not bullet-proof, wear a fucking helmet. Having an exposed mouth and teeth is for people like Supes and Wondie and Martian Manhunter who can take even a haymaker from Darkseid on the chin.
It's not like covered head can't work, either. Batman Beyond is fucking pure sex. You're not tongue-fucking Catwoman THAT often to need a dedicated goddamn mouth window
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tbf they also didnt give him an obvious anteater themed villain
I don’t like the piercings but other than that it’s ok
it'd be so easy, you don't even have to make him silly since could just make him a threatening guy with a long mask, clawed gloves, a big furred coat and like kirby inhale powers. Course if didn't go that route no problem making him a career criminal with a tongue apparatus in a fuzzy costume or an Ant-Eater that hyper evolved into a confused supervillain that just causes problems by being an animal that's now the size of a bus.
i like your ideas
if its a hyper evolved anteater you could also have it be a lab accident by hank but then again that might be too similar to ultron
Could perhaps be Egghead trying to weaponize the animal but fucking up and just evolving it without any heightened aggression or lethality so it's less defeating Anteater and more so subduing and putting him where safe for him and others.
i like the idea of hyping up an anteater like its going to be hanks nemesis only for hank to help him out
would it be able to talk though?
depends what's funnier, it talking like a normal person, it only saying like a few words like Steve from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs or just making anteater noises
it barely talking would fit with it being the opposite of antman
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I don't think there needs to be a reason other than it's a pretty iconic and aesthetic element of his design and there's been several characters after him that sort of took the mouthless Batman look. So it's ironically a bit derivative of characters who are kind of copying him.
Honestly I wish they'd use Pym more/give him more villains since you could have some fun insect bad guys or have him fight Giant-monsters marvel neglects and maybe Dr Demonicus would be at home in his rogues gallery.
yeah a character like antman could allow for a rogues gallery on par with spidermans
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>alex Ross design
>wearing the glasses he wore as a kid
Why are you so angry over something so minute
name/ideas can come up with on top of my head for Ant-man villains
>Leafbug or Leafcutter
>Centipede and the Millipede
>Blind Snake
maybe even a man-ant
someone who tried to recreate the pym particles only to turn into a humanoid ant
mANT, Humanoptera and what not. Could imagine him interfering with Hank's ability to communicate with ants as it'd just pick up his screaming thoughts and just scramble the signal.
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MGS Batman is good, but not particularly creative
in the end hank defeats him by curing him and making sure he doesnt have the strength of an ant anymore
dont like the 8-boob window but the haircut suits her
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Fantasy Juggernaut
So if the symbiote comes off, is he just going to have his dick, balls, and ass out?
Miles is garbage as always.
She has an Uncle. His name was Ben Reilly.
Get rid of the red piping. It makes the suit too busy and detracts from the simplicity of the Ross Suit.

does spider man get paid for people making merch with his design? does cap for that matter?
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Not sure on the white spiders
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Compromise? The red piping can stay if it's the extended legs of a tiny red spider on his back wrapping around him.
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>does spider man get paid for people making merch with his design?
>titfuck shirt holes
>dyke cut
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Short hair is kino
im laughing at you right now
Is jean's MG costume the least modernizable costume in comics?
carrie kelly
genuinely awful
I mean, technically the Venom Symbiote can see all over it's body anyway so it doesn't even need extra eyes at all.
>attached to wrists
Ok. Just because that works for Storm doesn't mean it works for someone who has to fight with his fists
I never am. I hate adding extra colors to his suits. Red and Cobalt or Black and White.
why are you so negative?
I like these Shocker and Mysterio designs
this is a quality Shocker, makes it look like he managed to get his hands on some good high-tech gear and tools to upgrade himself while not loosing the important parts of his design and the I made this myself with what's available vibe Shocker requires.
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Why did they change his name from peter to breathe?
>chastity cage with chains
lol, he will never be muscular, he will always look like a skinny bum.
which makes me suspect that he really is his uncle's son.
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>Villains go through their own home-made versions of their costume and equipment, getting more advanced over time like Spidey
I dig it
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Miles will never be an adult. Most hell be is college aged.

Also this is the first time I heard of that.
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I like the unused stuff from Spider-Verse 2.
These threads are mostly just shit we've seen a million times already.
>Short hair is kino
If you're into guys sure
i guess the symbiote enhanced all parts
>Spider-verse Green Goblin is huge monster
>Dpider-Verse Hobgoblin is dude in ghost and usual powers
Did that Norman go overboard with goblin serum over time and just started out as normal? Would explain the irrational hatred for Blonde Peter.
This is a cool Shocker,the kind who can show up in a fighting game

She-Hulk punishment becausw of the scandal.
He looks straight out of Red Alert 3
It's not. I don't think that many people have tried to redesign it. Same goes for all the O5's post-graduation costumes.
i thought this was electro at first
I like Pink Living Laser and Armored Adventures Arthur Parks the most design wise.
why do all milesfags act like shameik?
The artist blocked me on Twitter without even responding when I gave extremely mild and objective criticism on one of his concepts.
They’re all blackcels and cuckolds.
Probably not the best example, but like I said, there's so few redesigns that actually hearken back to the Marvel Girl costume rather than Phoenix or the Jim Lee design.
I really like the implied skullface in the helmet here.
They always look like shit. Artists need to ditch the red/blue or red/black suit if they want a white spider so bad.
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I honestly hate the full beard, let him have some facial hair, but not that much.
Like, I know it's an easy way to show he's old, but I don't like it, older men still shave.
very low test of you
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Hate the ballet shoes.
Rest is decent enuff.
Ok but I hate brown in Shocker, it's RED
Blonde Peter's villains are just to differentiate him from the assumed more classic Peter B.
>Ultimate Goblin with 616 aspects
>Female Ock
>Half robot Scorpion
Looks tight...
Microverse creature that feeds on Pym particles, basically a microscopic black hole that hunts size shifters, turns into a dragonfly kaiju in the regular world once fully fed.
>that Robin
My manlet king.
I like that Wally too even if it's pretty basic.
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>no cleavage on kory
The fat sleeves on Bea feel really weird.
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>The nigga hair
This design is trash.
the boots/socks on raven looks like an afterthought. just not what a goth would wear
I like this one
>obsessing over testosterone
Sounds pretty gay of you
The design would be better if it was Black and Red but its not bad.
Bad proportions
Orange doesn't gel very well for me. Red pops much nicer, red crested robins are far superior
its so bad
>yellow band on the neck
Thanks for showing thebad guys where to shoot. Plus it just looks retarded. Like he's got on a turtle neck
this is fucking cool. would definitely try to get a splash of yellow on Batman though
Go for a blood red and it's gold.
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Just make it an actual anteater. Not a guy in a suit, not even anthropomorphized, just a really big superpowered anteater that just kind of shows up and tries to wreck his shit. It never appears when anyone else is around.
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Looks like shit
I want to fuck this Daphne.
reminds me of a certain doctor who monster

Wtf Merrivius made these?
Hey, Who Turned off the lights? The Vashta Nerada possessing the space suits or are you thinking of another Who monster?
that was exactly what i was thinking of
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There are others
is he actually a scarecrow or is it just a hallucination?
The text implies he's drenched in fear toxin.
Got one for Penguin? Or Clayface?
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No clayface apparently
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All my dreams in two pics, thanks
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Oh shit I forgot
Oh boy
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Peter B also had a giant Norman tho
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might as well be the Galactus cloud from F4: rise of the silver surfer
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Absolute trash. Miles doesn't belong anywhere near Spider-girl or the Mc2. Fuck whoever made this.
Do any of you have the female Miles redesign fanart? I think it was a yellow costume
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You can't recover from ugly
Me when I opened my Nintendo switch
Ayyy nice to be on same wavelength
to me, my heckin herald
I feel this got posted here already today
It's because the design doesn't make it that clear. The smaller white spots and the large one in the middle are presumably the extra eyes, but the small ones look like eyebrows or random markings more than eyes.
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I'm not a fan of the cape connecting to the wrists, which is a shame because the rest of the design is really cool. Especially that helmet
I kinda like it.
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Now, THIS is good.
Andrew Huerta
This one is quite good
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those lips ruin the whole thing, so silly looking
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Don't be racist, anon.
look me in the eyes and tell me the lips on the Cyclops design aren't way to overdone. Blade has the opposite problem where he looks fine structure wise but has a pretty lacking outfit that kinda looks a bit to much like Jetstream Sam to be honest and losing most of his unique design from the neck down.
What do you think is it like inside galactus?
First off lmao to that suit design, and secondly I know the artist for the miles/mc2 shit

He made some anime stuff and some webcomic that’s just digimon with power rangers iirc
I like it, could be an evil alternate universe DD who never stopped Shadowland or something
He mostly does dc designs first and foremost.
I like that Batman's face is completely covered, but that mouth makes him look like a zesty jack-o-lantern
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Dick is red robin and tim nightwing.
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any christmas themed redesigns?
Nice art style, I think I like the peter design a bit more than spiderman.
She cute
Solid designs.
God damn how tall is Barda supposed to be here? She looks like an actual giant.
I'm not a fan of Kryptonian Braniac as a concept, but the design is good.
Really like the colors on both characters.
I really like this modock.
I like the design itself but it doesn't feel very "Gean Gray" to me. I wouldn't know it was her if it wasn't for her name being written in bold pink latters.
Low tier god?
>any christmas themed redesigns?
I got a Grinch.
They're too shiney, they look like DSL not like actual black man lips you know?
yeah that's essentially it, looks like porn mouth and has no dignity that any version of Cyclops no matter what race you make him has
A foul one.
Meant to respond to: >>146869335
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It's a better style than design
Kino mask.
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Made my own design for batman. Planning on making a batman comic once he hits public domain. Not really taking much from the publicly available story of batman at that point besides the concept of a Bat man and eventually of a Robin. They're more hunters of the supernatural than super heroes (Batman chooses a bat theme to invoke the idea amongst vampires that he's one of them, or at least deserve the same fear and respect that they afford each other).

The biggest thing I'm adding is that Batman CAN fly, at least in the way that OG airplanes can fly. More long hops than outright hovering.
and the point of the ant ass is...?
Kenshiro Superman is kinda cool
Cute! He looks like a Oreo one now
So they can lay eggs clearly.
So 99% of people that push this have never actually read Spider-Girl right?
Usually. Dunno if the artist has. He's drawn ben and kaine and done designs for them.
Probably knows of the characters but hasn't actually read much that involves them
>the way that og airplanes can fly
Genuine question, how hard is it living with below average iq? Nobody is stopping you from making this comic today (especially with that art). Unless you genuinely want to burn money by printing and attempting to sell it, which in that case I have a bridge to sell you.
Stop trying to give WW pants.It doesn't work.

The battle skirt is acceptable, though.
It kind of makes me wish there was a more action oriented Superman cartoon in the vein of 2004 Batman.
>The battle skirt is acceptable, though.
Preferable if you ask me.
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Where were these saved from? They seem to be from one of the old Kryptcom DCU Animated website's create-a-character contests, but the Internet Archive's archives of the page don't have the images: https://web.archive.org/web/20010128014300/http://users.ev1.net/~kryptcom/cac_contest3.html

The others are from the medieval-themed contest, which does have the images: https://web.archive.org/web/20040624072044/http://users.ev1.net/%7Ekryptcom/cac_contest7.html
Such a strange design.
Sometimes weird designs are the most fun.
Blade with a durag and likely waves underneath goes hard as fuck ngl.
Bonus points if he takes the durag off for climactic shit, like fighting some dangerous vampire coven leader.
>”check these waves motherfucker, they’ll be the last thing your punk-ass will ever see”
How come no one ever redesigns characters that ever need it? These artists just keep making gimmicky Batmans instead of like, making the Serpent Society look cool.
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>Serpent Society
Interesting choice since they were in the new Cap. America movie until they chose to cut their scenes, but what we got show them looking even worse than normal.
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Are you still there? They have a facebook page now with all of the models. That's where I scrapped those from from.
facebook DOT com SLASH DCUAnimated
Still here--I remembered there was a Facebook page archiving the website, but the one I found ("Cory's DCU Galleries") didn't have them. Thanks for the correct link.
Favorite jester?
First is cute
The Edgy Jester.
There's never a single good design in these threads. At least they're trying.
Which one has the biggest hat? The second.
Redesign of what if Mothman is the new Batman
>crime immediately goes down to 0%
>Implying the Serpent Society aren't already perfect designs
That aside kinda get what you mean since I love seeing people's takes on the U-Foes except when they make Vector just a guy.
Yeah, i just think it gives off an ancient style warrior look more
EMH had a top tier design for the U-Foes.
Apparently they all got re-shot to be less stupid and lame and led by that black guy from Breaking Bad that's everywhere now. Maybe they'll be more snakey.
I don't know, first guy from BB was a solo mercenary but last I heard they changed that and he is supposed to be Sidewinder and Diamondback got her pink hair (it was her in my previous pics with the braided blonde hair)

This movie is a fucking mess
Ears too big, looks like Darkclaw. Everything else is fine.
aye I love when they make X-Ray more skeletal to make him distinct from Living Laser, Vector having more distinct cosmic patterns on him looks great and I think it's a cardinal rule that he should have no nose. Vapor I think always looks good in any adaption/run but have a soft spot for her Incredible Hulk game design and Ironclad looking a bit more monstrous here but still smooth/human enough is great. Funny enough finished this show while back and every redesign/interpretation of a character was just so fucking good.
I genuinely don't get why they shy from these fun comic designs in a post 2024 year where The Suicide Squad had everyone be mostly costume accurate over in DC, Groot/Rocket Racoon existing in the setting and it wouldn't even be that hard to make the costumes film suitable.
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Me neither. If the source material is lame, why bother? Adapt something cool instead then, or at least go crazy like they did with Green Goblin in the first Spiderman movie. I hated that design at the time but at least is cool on it's own, this
is just generic shit, they endup looking like CW villains.
admittedly I'm biased since I think the Serpent Society are cool designs and I think cowarding away from that is pathetic since if cartoons can use them no issue then a multimillion film can especially when they've done MODOK who they made look much dumber then any version.
Giving the U-Foes matching uniforms is a great touch and this is easily the best Vector has ever looked besides his first ever besides his anytime he's been drawn before 2000's. Ironclad also looks top notch and ever a bit more Thing like but in his own unique flair, I think X-Ray could look a bit better since I think his video game design is the best he's looked though it has the wrong colours but Vapor is perfectly done here ever if it's not the all time prettiest she's been.
Oh I didn't expressed myself properly, what I meant is if the producers think the source material is lame, then don't adapt. Fans like us will always appreciate fidelity to the source material, but I think they got cold feet with normies going "oh this is ridiculous". And yeah, they made MODOK worse which was really something. I can accept turning him into a comic relief but he was just one bad joke stretched for 30 minutes.
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Yeah - no wonder they're shit.
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You think these idiots look cool?
MODOK is so easy to make creepy or threatening since his concept is so grotesque, like Ironman Armored Adventures had a pretty great rendition of him also even if it was different in some respects and knew he was worth building up, though that show did great with the entire rogues gallery like Cosmonaut Crimson Dynamo and the best Whiplash and Mandarin, fuck even the Square Enix game had a better MODOK lmao. Also yeah it is frustrating how these movies have either total insecurity with what material they have been given or just wasting great characters like how they utterly fumbled Kang who's become a real fave of mine recently.
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yes, Snake's are rad
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They need to ditch the comic book Batman design and use this one.
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>Doesn't think that's cool
Out. Out with you, tourist!

4/10 got me to reply.
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The headlight/laser cape is a great idea since he could weaponise it or use it for his antics. I like to think this getup is him on a sci-fi film mood and changing up from his fantasy film imagery. Also yeah you could hold a gun to me and I'd without hesitation say the Serpent Society are cool.
I like when artists/fans lean in Max being a piece of shit or villainous presence as it makes him more interesting since he already was an awful person by accident so just leaning into it on purpose just works plus the moustache is pretty cool here.
I like this Antoine,it's probably the best attempt to make him fit into the game cast and Lupe looks sexo.
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I drew this. I wish this was the MCU Spidey. Better than the Raimiverse suit and the current MCU one put together.
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Someone from the HYW with a vendetta.

What's stopping me from making this comic today? IDK, copyright law? I've seen fan projects get obliterated before (pokemon nuclear version or whatever it was called, that one total drama fan series, there's been quite a few), and actually yeah I do want to try to sell it. Because batman is a name people reocgnize.

also retard, the full phrase is "I got a bridge to sell you in arizona" because it's a desert without the need for such things. just saying "I got a bridge" isn't really clever.
All of them. Fookable.
I hate this with all my heart. This right here perfectly explains what I hate about superhero movies nowadays. They're ashamed of what they are, they take all the soul out of designs and characters.
Oni18096 or whatever his numbers were, he made a cool idea of Superman being blonde, what with sun colors and what not, using a ring to keep him depowered without a problem, and idk what else
Pal, that Pokemon project was actually quality stuff, what you've shown looks like something I would've shit out during middle school on deviant art. Nobody is going to sue you because you aren't some financial threat (You might damage the name but DC is already doing a fine job of that). Using the name "because it's recognizable" is hilarious when thousands of more competent artists and story tellers will be riding that same public domain money train. Also no idea what an HYW is but keep acting schizo with your delusions of grandeur. Keep me posted, cutie.
me too anon. me too. Call it Action Cartoon. Or something.
Nah see part of Kelly's charm is her wonky futuristic glasses. Find a way to bring that back
imagine the smell
Stinky nylon footjob from velma after 8+ hours in her shoes
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It would make for a better parallel if she was called Helen, after Gwen's mother.
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>dat logo position
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I remember this one from another thred, S-tier design. Wish we could find it in hi-res
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Fuck me I just found it, it's @MikkuSushi on Xwitter
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Carnage got the gurren Lagann vibe for sure
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I made this a couple years back. Tried to give him that extraterrestrial look.
Why is Peter being beefier so rare but nearly all older Miles designs have him ripped as fuck like in here or Reign II >>146844761 ? Always bothers me.
You know why.
This peter is pretty beefy desu.
I absolutely love when fans/redesigns make Marvel characters look more alien, I think just making the design more smooth would work but the overall shape and concept looks great and the Galactus logo on the forehead is a nice idea like it's a marker of being a herald.
I think it's more Witch than goth.
I like this a lot but I feel like it needs more red. Maybe red boots up to the knee or thigh?
Ayo ayyyylmao
Did the artist do anymore of these? I like how these designs are I spired by Yu-Gi-Oh, but Archangel's got too many wings.
This would obviously be an alternate version retard, go back
Is that batman Tim drake with spoiler inspired colors?
Studio Trigger if they make a Venom anime.
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It would be a shitty alternate version made by someone who doesn't read comics.
I forgot that Silver Surfer is an alien. LOL
he's one of them space humans, an alien that is to cowardly to look like an alien.
Gonna take a guess:
>Galactus brand
That's a cool touch
i like this moonknight a lot.
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Doom needs a modernization, period. The short tunic over the medieval armour is undignified at this point. You don't even need to change much, just literally make the tunic longer at the very least. I don't get how in 60 years nobody's done that. Doom 2099 works because the tunic becomes part of the armour and the legs and arms take on the look of "skin", leaving the gauntlets and boots to act as the "armour". So basically he evokes a futuristic take on an Antiquity get-up. 616 Doom however is stuck between an Antiquity tunic with no armour on top, and then a bare Medieval armour, which makes him come off as a nude robot with a cloak. All they need to do is just add one or two touch ups and it'll be perfect, but Doom's outfit will never change for some retarded reason.
these are pretty fun. I like that they went classic for a few, then really went wild on others.
Yeah, but point is, most Peter designs aren't despite him originally being a beefcake.
The nonstop young, teen Spider-Man has been awful for his body type. I've seen 135lb dudes around his height absolutely jacked.
No offense, but it's trying a little too hard. It seems more robotic than alien. The tattoo is a nice touch though.
Nah, Doom is perfect. Shit like his mini skirt is just his autism.
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Black and Brown characters are inherently bad characters because there is a lot that you can't do with them as characters.
Just say you hate nigs.
Who doesn't?
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According to the artist it's Bruce Wayne, so it's likely playing off the purple gloves of the Golden Age look and the purple cape of the Rebirth suit.

Ultron has hijacked Batman?!?!? Ok that aside this is a cool as hell design and the colouting, talons and the mask look cool as hell
great minds think alike
>teehee le autism le silly comiz xD UwU
Oh, bugger off, you disingenuous faggot. Do you have a single personal and original thought in your head? Did you even comprehend my point, or did your barely literate eyes just glance over the text and responded to a general idea you built up in your own head, with its spacious halls of nothingness?
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That is dire
>you know what superhero comics REALLY need?!
>characters that are literally me the quirky chungus woman walking on the boardwalk during the Summer to go smoke weed at Chad's house
I hate the 10s. I don't hate tacticool, but I hate
>costume but it's literally shit clothes from the GAP
with a fiery passion. If I met one of these "artists" I'd break their hands and shove them in their mouth.
The shorts and boots combo on Robin look hilarious. Like he's going camping but it's his first time.
The Wanda on the right just took a shit in my yard while her boyfriend (who is 30 years older than her) is blasting indecipherable music from the stolen radio on his 1995 Datsun pickup.
I thought he had a huge ass for a split second
I bet the white woman who drew this thought she was being SO authentic and respectful.
i would say that non-cybernetic characters don't need cybernetic armor. it's a mismatch.
That looks super cool
I'm saving this. It radiates copypasta energy. Thank you seething fag!
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Not very apoc-y
Right. I thought this was the Maxx at first glance
Yeah just not Apoc
I really like redesigns as an exercise in ideas than as a solution or replacement
Anytime a redesign, whether official or fanmade, is presented as a solution to the original, the expectations become higher in my opinion
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I've saved loads of redesigns in the last give or take 12 years, and as I've gotten older I've made peace with the fact that these are just fan interpretations. I know which ones I like, and which ones I hate. But rather than giving attentions to the ones I hate, I wanna give attention to the ones I love
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Lat thing, I like superhero redesigns done by people who aren't knee deep in comics because they're more willing to take risks in ways capeshit fans aren't. for better and for worse
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>barefooter female Scorpion, thats a choice but i approve. also i kinda love that Rhino looks like he's in a robot suit but he looks like he fucks probably one of the best Rhino redesigns i've seen.
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Bored now, gonna do other stuff now. Hope this thread goes good
Sam Hyde without his beanie

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