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ITT: Christmas-related /co/ waifus.
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Couple goals.
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She's dressed as a ballerina in Nutcracker related day dream
What's she from?
Barefoot trad wife. This is the way.
Ghost of Christmas past from Real Ghostbusters
The baby isn’t her husband’s tho.
Trad women often come from backgrounds full of mistakes and immorality from their pre-trad days. Anyway, it's not her fault she was raped by a legionary stationed at Sepphoris. What's important now is to love her and give her foot rubs.
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I would fuck that creature
do you pop a fuckin chubster at the GRANDMA'S GONNA SUE THE PANTS OFFA SANTA bit?

Honest question
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I just watched this terrible Rankin-Bass special that randomly included this cat with a very fat ass. The main girl was hot too.
Do not insult the Mother of God.
I think that’s the little girl from Frosty the Snowman. I’m not a pedophile but I rewatched that special a few weeks ago and thought she was strangely hot for some reason. Didn’t bother trying to look anything up since I figured if there was any art it wouldn’t be aged up.
Awful as Cricket on the Hearth is, the triple kill made it a must watch every Christmas for me.
She is not a virgin and she isn't a Goddess or demigod. The Dormition (also called "Assumption"), the Immaculate Conception, the Theotokos, Perpetual Virginity, etc are all false doctrines. They are absolutely infernal lies and abominations. You are the one profaning her with these infernal doctrines. Not to mention you Goddamn creeps covered up her sexual assault and resultant pregnancy with stories of a " virgin birth" then proceeded to steal her agency again by claiming she and her husband didn't have normal relations or produce children. You Catholic cretans sicken me.
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Imagine not posting the superior waifu from Klaus.
I don't know what fuckass sect you're from, but I do know that it's wrong.
Is there a Christmas thread? Where's the Christmas thread? There's usually a Christmas thread...
Have some Jaga the Christmas elf, from the movie The Magic Crystal and the tv show Redcaps.
I wish /co/ was more aware of that show. Of all the animated series about Santa's elves, that was the Italian one.
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Last one got archived and no one has made a new one for some reason
Aged-up Karen from Frosty the Snowman.
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>her character arc is becoming a tradwife

How did they get away with it?
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my nigga
>Doesn't know what a tradwife is
She remains a teacher, she just stops thinking she needs to move away to do it. Because the shithole improves.
A schoolteacher wife is absolutely a tradwife. It’s literally one of the only tradwife jobs.
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Manger babies!
Alternatively, Lenore
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Check your old-timey literature. You could be a school marm until marriage, you could maybe go back to school marming when the kids leave the nest, but you sure as fuck don't school marm if you're married. That was a whole thing "Ms. So-and-so-just got hitched, so now all the boys and girls are sad because she's leaving!"
She’s not married there. Did you even watch the movie?
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How many actually watched her movie as a kid?
>Disney version
jovie a cute
Cats with fat asses? Those are a few of my favorite things.
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This one isn’t explicit but it’s even more horny.
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Funny Valentine is a cutie
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Your tongue should be cut for making such blasphemous statements about Mary. Leave your cult and come to Christ.
I don't have a "cult". You're the one in a cult, worshipping a literal Jewish man, spouting nonsense about a schizophrenic Trinitarian deity who uses sock puppets, and engaging in symbolic cannibalism with your Eucharist. Actually, because you cling to the "real presence" and transubstantiation, you engage in literal cannibalism. A fucking cannibal cult with a schizo Jewish godman who got his cock clipped. You deserve to boil in Tartarus.

The way you have stolen the historical Mary, Jesus (really his name is Joshua), and Joseph is unforgivable.
man, I don't agree with catholics on a lot of things, but nu-pagans like (you) are straight up retarded
I can't believe the octopus was the only survivor

That's a hag. :(
Filthy foot slut.
If Elastic Man, Mister Fantastic, Plastic Man, Thin Man, Elongated Man, and Stretch Armstrong had a stretching contest it would be less of a stretch than what you just said.
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Whew, I was starting to worry that you might have a point, but then you misspelled "cretins."
> from their pre-trad days.
Nobody wants delusional damaged goods.
Grandsanta's bantz to her are fucking hilarious.
Goddamn it Santa, just go along with it and maybe even upgrade from dusty ass Mrs. Claus.
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Minnie was very cute in Once Upon a Christmas.
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New elfu from "Mickey and the Many Christmases".
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It’s funny how she’s wearing such baggy clothes the whole movie that you think she’s still fat like in the flashback, but then at the end it turns out she’s been skinny the whole time.
I need to go watch it then.
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upa booty
it's been 10 long years
>unironic RETVRNposting
You are a Virgin
imagine cleaning off that white stuff from her hair
You're a pedo, Mr. Grinch. The child is not for sex. You've got all the warning signals of a kid molesting pest, Mr. Griii-inch.

The letters that best relate to you are as follows and I quote: KYS.
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This worries me.
>Original story makes the spirit "young yet with some features of an older figure", androgynous, and difficult to describe
>Character designer probably intended a male character
>Female VA
>Dodgy notes use female pronouns
Never look a gift oddly-sinister reverse-trap in the mouth.
It's been so long since I've seen it, used to rewatch it on DVD even when it wasn't Christmas.
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I thought she was hotter in her early appearance look.
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is CG considered /co/?
In Australia, our Subway has this little elf cutie selling us cookies for Christmas. I love her.
Pure perfection
you did managed to leave a plate of cookies for her, right?
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she is indeed a babe
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glazed to perfection.
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Can it jew
You are the one using the Talmudic story about Christ. Confirming the old adage, EVERYONE who rejects Christ is a Jew
I understand why Jack Frost simped for her
What is this? Looks cheap like that one animated Pinocchio movie with the gay voice acting.
She is really cute.
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I always thought that those characters would look better without the Joker mouth.
Surprised no one posted Belle yet, since she had a whole Christmas themed straight to video sequel
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Kinda cute. Any shots underneath her dress?
She wants the Disney
Yeah but it sucked.
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Anna is so adorable in Olaf's Frozen Adventure
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Astrid is also adorable in Homecoming
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TDP didn't have any Christmas specials but this picture is adorable
The Star, a CG nativity movie from Sony and the Jim Henson Company for some reason.
It's sucks what they did to her for the live action adaptation.
Snowtime (2015)
She generally is.
Does anyone have a Klaus Mega please?
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Does Jean Gray getting pissed at Gambit for being a Cajun Nigger who wants to ruin her Christmas ham count?
charming girl, in spite of the weird face they decided to give her, and all the other elves.
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Hey you have a point the original movie takes place during the Christmas holidays, so they count.

The lanky air head blonde girl was adorable as well.
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Holly is really cute too
Not a waifu, also shit movie that is unwatchable at best.
Bait used to be believable.
>>her character arc is becoming a tradwife
Not everything is about roles, anon.
What an ugly‐ass haircut
got ya, senpai
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cute CUTE
The fucking squirrel gets more attention.
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I like the sequel more, mostly for Charlie, she is a real cutie.
Thicc thighs
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It's definitely /co/.
Doll from Baskup/Basketeers:

Almost makes me forget that the short is fucking garbage.
Thank you, anon.
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Lol! jeesus christ, man. Take it easy, eh. Let's tone it down a bit. That's a little more retarded than 4chan is used to seeing.
Proud Family?

Uh who?
Just imagine, this poster could be a cute girl. Cute prottie autist
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>time passes
>seeing him age
>Klaus fades away
>"all i know is, one night a year"
>"i get to see my friend again"
Fuck the goddamn academy, this should have won.
Nope. The Sideshow Christmas.

Their from a Spanish movie, Holy Night! Can't remember the elf's name but the other is self-explanatory
Nobody cares
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Cute butt.
she's from hoops & yoyo ruin christmas
I have no clue who this is but you’re a filthy god damn furry so yiff in hell you fucking piece of shit
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all I wanted for Christmas was you, my beloved~
Cute reindeer
raises her arm and shows her armpit?
what a bitch
>lust provoking image
Camp Lazlo or Chowder?
Did Bigdad make this? Great ass.
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For all Xadia's troubles, it is free of the scourge of Christianity.
What does this have to do with /co/?
Alice from MLP:FiM
>what does the DCU guy have to do with /co/
>the board for media of western origin
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Recently discovered in cheer streams
Hard agree. Don't get me wrong, she's still very cute with her hair all done up but there's just something about the way her loose hair falls and she sweeps it out of the way just for it to fall back down that really gets me going.
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Not quite the same, but we're still during the days of Hannukah.
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A new guilty pleasure

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