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Avengers Academy #26
Avengers United #61
Ultraman X Avengers #3
Avengers Academy #27
Avengers United #62
Timeslide #1

Last week's thread: >>146794922
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>captain marvel
eww. captain ocean is way better.
Hope she's having a good time at KFC
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>Even Blackheart is now a handsome and horny young gay
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>My grandpa used to say that Ebenezer Scrooge was a cuck.
JfC Norman.
I can't believe Justin lost his virginity to the power bottoming son of the Devil on Christmas.
Happens to everyone in college.
>Normie, your mother's a Karen and your brother's a mutt and once you accept that you'll be one step closer to becoming a based and redpilled chad like me.
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>Carol loses the kids and then shows up after they've dealt with everything without her
My favorite running gag.
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>Beware the Spider-Woman
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>Rise of the New Champions
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>[laugh track, applause]
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Who is Carol most likely to fuck of the current Avengers team?
The Impossible City.
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>new students are a younger version of her father-in-law and an ex's son
Unironically Storm followed by Tony
This feels like Blackheart is taking the piss out of them. He spent a lot of time observing humans before. Although I want to see a story that has him hanging out with his far less popular older sister. They actually haven't appeared together.
Devil Dinosaur is the only true Christian among them, despite being from B.C.
>Jeff stamps
This fucking shark is bigger than Steve in universe at this point
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Jeff hasn't gotten involved in public hero vs hero fights or been turned evil.
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Jeff R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn, or Civil War III with Jeff killing Lockheed?
>It's The Superior Jeff! (bodyswap with Tiger Shark)
>I'd say it's been a pretty good year
>Carol, they fought Swarm, a new Sinister Six, Sin, Emplate, and Mephisto and Blackheart, and you weren't present for any of it
>I'm an advocate for hands off, students teach themselves and each other education
>nobody's died so I get my Not As Much of a Fuckup as Hank Pym award
Could have put some clothes on him
So little Jugs and Bloodline are Christians? Who's the last one
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>Carol they give those to everybody
Young Kang.
Anytime I read these I frown why do I do this to myself.
Why is Kamala at a Christmas party
A bit funny. Usually when he appears as a human, has very pale skin despite his name and true form, but this time is a medium. Still has a different hairstyle than expected.
Was the previous issue actually posted?
No I skipped to get to the Christmas issue because it's Christmas
Who is this guy some son of a demon?
This series sucks anyways or at least it's not for me and I might actually fall into the target demo so that says a lot.
Blackheart is going to become Born Again, develop angelic powers, and rechristen himself Goldheart.
Mephisto's son made from the evil that seeped over a hill over a long period.
For the presents.
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Carol pressured her into attending She-Hulk's Christmas party that one year and broke the seal
So if Blackheart was made in 1989, by Marvel Time, he's like 7 years old?
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Depending how time moves in Hell.
>How to succeed at teaching despite doing nothing
So moon girl is fine seeing this guy's dick
Doesn't marvelle and that Howard the duck prove the Christian God is real in marvel? I'm being rhetorical those storylines probably didn't happen.
Just because something exists doesn't mean you are forced to pray to it. Thor exists and is doing active superheroing, but the religion that honors him is nearly extinct.
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They solve everything.
Jesstime in WCW #2
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What'd you get for Christmas, Carol /co/rps?
>Age of Revelation
We better get another all-timer Carol costume
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Who are these dweebs in #25
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“All I want to Christmas is for someone to eat my ass.” -Carol
>Carol ruins the Christmas karaoke night
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I recognize Madcap and Oubliette, one of them might be a cleaned up Mr. Hyde.
Odd group if they're supposed to be threatening.
Madcap is pretty much unkillable and drives people crazy, and Oubliette is upwardly compatible on someone who was treated as a threat for some reason. Depending on two goes up against them, might work.
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Depends on what One World Under Doom does with the team too
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Not beating the kid in a grown woman's body allegations.
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Also not beating the desperate for another son allegations
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I think somebody did a late storytime thread for #2 last time but whatever it's Christmas
>Ultraman X Avengers #3
>have Janet as one of the MCs in an Ultraman crossover
>she doesn't turn into a giantess at any point
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Still one issue left!
I'm assuming shit just got real.
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How do you know that?
Jessica told him.
Mhhh yummy ass
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*holds a mistletoe over her own ass*

No, Carol. Just no.
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Pillow talk blabbermouth.
Bit of a poor showing, Dan/Seven.
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I don't think either Kamala fans or Mutant fans like Kamala being a Mutant.
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>new timeline where Scott marries, impregnates and abandons Kamala instead of Maddie
Jess stop accumulating sons
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I'll have to take your word for it.
Good that Carol's putting in some kaiju practice before the Godzilla crossover
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Avengers preview soon.
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Say something nice about Carol and Mystique's great^150 granddaughte
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>also we were lovers
>(they weren't)
Who's powers is she going to use

blue milky little mutant supremacist boy peepee touch powers
The students are more heretical than the Strange Academy's, most of whom are empowered by terrifying pagan gods.
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Is she weak to anal too?
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Swole Vision.
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>Vision is just diamonds
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>"no, we can't unleash Ultraseven, he's too dangerous and uncontrollable!"
>gets one-shotted and knocked into a coma by flamethrower dinosaur chicken... thing
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Everybody's got bad days
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They fixed Carol's gloves but are still struggling with Tony's armor.
>we never learned why Carol was shooting that Final Fantasy octopus in the butt
It was Thursday.
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>no Carol teases at all in the book
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just gotta accept it's over, bro. we had a good run. now it's back to being padding on team books.
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Sexy danger
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At least she's the chairwoman
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Captain Marvel? Why are your cheeks so fat?
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Born like that
Kree genetics hard at work
>The Kree stereotype pinks as having huge asses
I love Kree women so fucking much bros
Minn-Erva taunting Carol about her fat ass when
>Carol complains about the crotch being too loose
>Bri, the M'kraan Crystal cookies keep looking like vaginas
>most of the others are gay or underage, I'm sure they won't notice, Shela
that's Verokron you pleb
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holy shit kill me, how did I get the name mixed up, jesus my Ultrafanboy knowledge is rusty since fixating on my other interests, fucking kill me. May as well call Seabozu here fucking Stegon
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Will Carol join the club?
I feel like calling bullshit on Miles webbing and pulling both of Verokron's arms with just one hand each but still reeling on my knowledge fumble.
.......I did it again........
Yes, when she fucks Godzilla.
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Don't tell D.D.
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Damn, there’s a timeline where it was Jason Todd and Jubilee.

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