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T'was the nightmare before Christmas edition
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Christmas Carolbump
Yh now is the appropriate time to make a Genderbender thread, the others were too early desu. Any artists taking requests?
Why does that really fucking work? Jack(ie)'s curious showsman like personality would translate well as a woman and Sally(Saul) would really suit being a slightly creepy Edgar Allan Poe Style Romantic. You could even make the dog a poodle and make Oogie Boogie almost like a figure reminiscent of Ursula.

Check out this vid i found days ago
Im sort of surprised female Thor was that long ago and that was mainstream enough to get in that song.
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So is Frosty the Snow or the Hat?
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10 again
If it keeps going to 10, then let it die. Clearly people are busy because of the holidays. Remake this thread in January when peoples schedules clear up
Frosty is the snow that is given life by the hat.
Real GearFae?
I'm bumping so I can post something once I finish it.
Personally I really like this version of Danielle. Though I like the idea of the wish being more of a retcon than pure transformation
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Posted this last thread before it got unceremoniously purged. Which list does someone who's both Hero and Villain belong on? Naughty? Or Nice?
Yes, just forgot to put the name
Depends if her list is chronologically or alphabetically of the bad things she did from stuff that puma loco wants her to do
Oh lol I thought it was someone using your art or something
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Requesting Jenny Test like the image reference
Gotta be Christmas theme or anything?
Did this for another thread. Here is a fun question, how would you rename them /co/?
Bob -> Bobbi
Helen -> Harry
Violet -> Victor
Dash -> Dasha
I think a good question is what happens with Jak Jak? Or was he maybe responsible for the swap to begin with?
Girl Wirt from over the garden wall in that christmas getup dipper is wearing
Jak Jak being responsible sounds kind of fun, I was thinking of a villain being responsible but the baby being responsible makes it more random and fun.
Nah, do as you wish

I think it depends on how many times she has been a villain or a hero that year.
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Requesting aged up adult Devlin dressed as Raven and Ken as Future Gwen or both of them in Christmas wrapped
Already added my contribution (Jasolyn Fox from Foxtrot and Lars Loud from the Loud House)
Woulda coloured it, but meh.
Happy Christmas.
I'll say the Nice always overwrites the Naughty as long as its the last thing you do before Christmas.

Bobby and Dasha aren't real names
There are some girls who go by Bobbi, although you could always just do Roberta instead of Robert.

Agreed on for Dash, though. Are there any girl names that could mean running or is related to speed?

Also, for Violet, her name is supposed to be a pun on ultraviolet light, so shouldn't her name also be a pun on light? Like Ray (as in X-ray or radiation) or Luke?
Do the kids have code names? I think only Bob and Helen have them because they where Superheroes before having a family.
I don't think they do, which is why their real names infer their powers
>Violet -> Ultraviolet radiation, turns invisible (like ultraviolet rays)
>Dash -> Runs really fast
>Jak Jak -> Jack of all trades (Has a multitude of powers)
Dasha is a fairly popular eastern european girl’s name.
Bobbi is a nickname for Roberta or Barbara. It’s old fashioned but not unheard of. It’d be fitting of a teen girl in the 50’s or 60’s, the time period the movie is based on.
Well some guys are called Red and Infrared is also a invisible spectrum of light.

>Dasha is a fairly popular eastern european girl’s name.
I can picture the family trying to pass as a different family and Dash has to make a name in the spot. And they nervously says is Eastern European while speaking in a fake accent.

Maybe is because I've been watching King of the Hill but I can only Picture Hank's son when reading the name Bobby. How about Berta.
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Happy Holidays fellow anons, Made a postcard for you hope you like corny Christmas sweaters.

And for all drawfriends out there thank you very much for all your efforts in every thread, have a happy new year.
Np, the detail on this image is wonderful.
Happy Christmas and new year! ^^
Pretty Nice
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How about something with David?
Post more
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these books are 12 years apart, and the way how they tell the story really shows the 12 year difference

Merry Xx'mas
Can you explain?
>What if we made Scrooge a victorian hag?
>Genius! We'll be sure to get the audience of chronic masturbators on the internet.
the newer 2020's one is more gender politics than the one that is from 2012 scrooge but a woman
Ok. I tjought it was a sequel book with a time skip. Also why two gender bent Christmas Carols? Why?
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I don't know why you thought we could infer that just by looking at the cover.

I would like to propose something different for this thread.

What if we quote characters, and say which VAs could voice them?

Fem David gets Mae Whitman and Kaisa can keep her VA, but making a masculine impresison
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>they look better than their genderbent counterparts.
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why not?
What kind of wish did Chloe make to get a body like that?
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>vonlutary transformation
Faggot garbage tier
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What do you mean? You are serioudly telling me you rather have a stretchy boy instead of a wide hip milf?
Wait are there two books or the second is the movie of the first?
Two separate books by two different authors with the same premise of genderswapping A Christmas Carol
I'd image boy characters already voiced by women would keep their VAs.
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>Chloe's extended family from California show up and call the place a backward town full of hicks.
>Chloe being a diet Lisa Simpson makes a wish so the town would be more progressive
>Dimsdale gets gentrified and Chloe and Timmy become the obligatory resident lesbian couple
>When Timmy protest whey he turns into a woman, Cosmo and Wanda says lesbians are more marketable and making him black would get the show cancelled for racism.

>Two separate books by two different authors with the same premise of genderswapping A Christmas Carol
Haven't read them but I feel there is a key flaw on making Scrooge a woman, making it more progressive but keeping the setting the same. The whole point of Scrooge is that he is responsible for his own misery and the misery of others, sure his past had some tragedy but it was is avarice that screwed him over and made him loose the love of his life and to become strained with his family. lf you make Scrooge a woman it sort of makes her an underdog which is not something you want.
How do you quote a character that doesn't really exist?
I'm actually surprised the concept hasn't been done more.
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You quote the person that posted the character you silly
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More Girl Wirt?
How about, Bunnie, Harry, Vincent and Tash?
Post em
>Make Scrooge a woman
>She's attractive in a refined Londoner way

I can't pinpoint what is it I'm feeling, but I want to know her more by her looks.
Fellow anons and drawfriends and everyone in between. As the year comes to a close I've been wondering about things to come. I've been playing with those image to video sites for a while and while the results aren't good by any measure they are getting better every time a new tool gets popular.

Have any of you wonder where this tools could take us? I think there is a future where making animations of this would be like those old flash cartoons, everyone with the time and effort to do it could make something cool.

What do you think? could there be a future where we make our own gb episodes of our favorite cartoons?
Of course.
Read the 2012 one
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Between Jen 10 and Chaketrix, it became clear to me the generation that grew up with Ben 10 in their formative years finally is old enough to drawn porn in the internet.
The chaquetrix thing didn’t work out in /aco/. Believe me I checked and they were short lived. Wish the topic would be discussed more on /co/
There used to be a lot of /co/ chaquetrix threads, it's just that the discussion got repetitive, and the only thing left to "discuss" is waiting for porn of the aliens. It also didn't help that a lot of the fanart comes from latin america, which means it's mostly spanish.
There is the Reddit but is mostly getting more fan art while some porn on rule 34
Latin america is the last bastion of unadulterated unapologetic horny art, if the language is such a turn of then maybe they don't need the porn that badly.
Still wish the chaquetrix thread were back and running again
Not gunna lie, the can't i take all three at once bit takes on a whole different meaning.
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Fem Mac and Frank pls?
I'll try to draw something later.
Maybe it's too much, but has any drawfriend ever thought to do something specifically with the Nicktoons Unite team?
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i hope the original artist isnt gonna feel bothered by this
Which site?
the first one wasn't, for sure
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I hope not, and if they do I apologize, I just used it as an experiment, Cartoon are way harder for this AI to get right, toons are very minimalist so every imperfection is much more noticeable, the movement is also very limited and janky, But is not completely terrible. If there was a way to make sure it was kept consistent or maybe an artist drawing key poses with the AI just animating the inbetweens I could see an artist or a handful of them making an animation in a relatively short period of time.

But right now it falls short, here is an example (don't worry I made this one), you can't even ask for a simple wave of the hand without it fucking up the faces, but it does a nice snowy effect and give some movement to the characters, which is why I wonder if this will become the next big tool for designers and artist, I don't think AI is really going to replace artist but I think eventually is going to become a something necessary to learn like Photoshop.

Hailuoai is the name of the site.
Timmy and Danny show up a lot in these threads, but we don't see much of Bob or Jimmy.
Someone mentioned Jimmy Neutron weird as head that keep from drawing him. I have to agree a chick with a peanut head and icecream hair wouldn't look good.
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I think in show it would look okay, add eyelashes, give him cindy or another girl's body model, change the clothes so that they fit said new body model, and it probably would look fine enough, its just a matter of trying to translate that to 2D, (now that i think about it since the models from the movie got leaked maybe thats feasible to do in 3D), idk if anyone would want to change his hair since idk how you can really make it more female without it still looking like jimmy
Here is a tip: Change the gairstyle to a ponytail, make the iconic shape be the end of the ponytail OR twintails.

Anyway, its not like looking like a girl = making the charater hot. Jimmy Neutron in general doesn't have much porn, apart from maybe Jimmy's mom (and even then not much).

Some of you niggas keep asking yourselves why there isn't much art of X character - when the real question should be: WHY you want that to begin with?
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>make the iconic shape be the end of the ponytail OR twintails.
I guess, i just figure itd look quite a bit like cindy's hairstyles, maybe with just a slight bit more curvature, we'd have to see it in practice to know for sure
>its not like looking like a girl = making the charater hot.
just looking cute would be fine, not everything needs to be coomerbait
>WHY you want that to begin with?
cause i like thing
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I think there is one pokemon character with Jimmy Neutron hair, one of the scientist that give you pokemon I think. Does anyone know anything about it?

>the real question should be: WHY you want that to begin with?
A mix of wanting variety and autism.
That is some nice Christmas cake right there, good job!
>pokemon character with Jimmy Neutron hair, one of the scientist that give you pokemon I think
I think you're talking about Professor Juniper? But for her it's a ponytail/bun that's done up, not like Jimmy's Ice cream soft serve hair

Its kind of Icecream like, how does she look in the official art?
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A recommendation regarding your new art pieces, go easy on the chins. For a cartoon style small and pointy chins are good, as well as a round head without chin. A round proeminent chin looks masculine.
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To ilustrate my point.
Obviously you can just ignore me if its not the aestethic you want to go.
OR here thank you for the Christmas cake
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A lot of the best r63 designs take a lot of artistic liberties while still being faithful in some way.

Here's dumb little take, with an adult version for the gents. She does look more like an OC than Jimmy, but as it stands I'd still prefer it over a genderbend using Jimmy's regular Donkey Kong hair.
Damn, that is cute.

>Donkey Kong hair.
nice rendition anon, yeah theres a middle ground sweet spot thats prefered where you dont want to go too far in either direction, i think you did a good job making the hair feminine but still having it resemble the original, maybe keeping the original head shape would keep it from looking so oc-ish, dunno how well you can make it work though
1. Whose the artist
2. What’s up with Kevin and why does the middle parting hair look good?
Noted, here i is with a little fix https://files.catbox.moe/4isack.png

Haven't really thought about it desu

Exactly the same outfit or would you rather give a different one?
What's wrong with some Handsome features? Also, who are those two? Fiona and Ice Queen?
On second thought, have her in a sexy christmas elf costume
>1. Whose the artist
The name is in the bottom right panel in the bottom left corner.
>2. What’s up with Kevin and why does the middle parting hair look good?
I think he got Genderbend by absorving the Chaketrix power.
Her hair looks good because biker chicks are sexy.
Chaketix is a Ben 10 AU, where some villains are female and Ben summon alien waifuls instead of turning into aliens. This is that AU version of an episodes that happened in Omniverse.
Rule 63 Dipper Pines being sexually harassed and on a bus and getting off on it. Groping and catcalling and stuff.
Milf Timantha Turner doing Christmas shopping
Dexter Starts a genius, becomes a bimbo
Timmy starts a moron, becomes a genius.
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Used to be fun, but the new strains of autism combined with the larger cultural climate have made it something harder to enjoy. I'm glad some of you found r63 scenarios that slotted into place for the kind of mental illness you've got, but I can't help but be disgusted by anyone jacking off to anything coming from a Butch Hartman cartoon.
So is Jack still a man or is he a woman.
Im sure there's worse disturbing things than this.
Female skeletal structure
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It's not really disturbing. I just don't care for it. I find Butch's artstyle repulsive and unpleasant and can't separate those terrible, unfunny cartoons from the fetish material. Especially with people drawing on-model heads on porn'd up bodies.

At least someone like Chochi had the decency to completely stylize the designs.
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genderbend threads on here are unpleasant these days. It's fun when the r63 art is experimenting with character designs in respect to the source material, instead of whatever nonsensical crap these current threads spew out is it's a result of /co/'s overall quality going down, especially with its userbase, but you didn't hear that from me
So is an artstyle issue? I get it, how off model are we talking about? or is it the FoP verse in general because in that case I get it, I hate Simpson porn on model and off model.
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I'm curious what you mean, because there is a lot of art these days with different designs, I do wish there was more dialogue and ideas thrown around, a lot of times this threads are dreadfully slow.
>or is it the FoP verse in general because in that case I get it, I hate Simpson porn on model and off model.
I think we understand each other then. I don't like the characters, the shows, or anything else about them enough to not be repulsed by porn of them, Simpsons included.
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Anyone saved that 6-panel comic sequence of Anon turning into a snow woman? I remember it was oc from those shortstack snowlem threads
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This comic page is the best way to describe how I feel about this fetish of mine
I think a lot of the content here is what dictate the draw anons, most of them seem to be more cartoon guys that comic guys, so the request tend to lean in that direction.
Too bad flick never parodied kraven's eye beams
I thought you meant about other fetishes
>Especially with people drawing on-model heads on porn'd up bodies.
That i wholly agree on with you
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I guess that begs the question: Which would you prefer for these threads, more stylized r63 that fits more with the draw anon's styles, or r63 fanart that fits more in line with the original source?
Im sure there can be a good mix of both
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imagine that though
Night bump

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