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Ten out of ten!
So are these the logo brothers, or the logo brother and sister? Because since they're all mutants there's a good chance that they brought Carlos back on krakoa.
And that's it. If you liked these, support your LCS or whatever.
Whoever drew this book is definitely a shotafucker.
Respect the fact that she made sure to keep her tits even though she turned herself into a dino woman.
Bailey is so CUTE...
continues to be a fine series
I'm enjoying this fever dream.
it's been a while since Yost wrote a comic
/co/ told me this was shit, so why did I enjoy it
Because it’s fun, not everything has to be fine art for it to be enjoyable.
oh no... he's ___________
this was very cute
I like the reminders that Spider-Boy is horrifying abomination of science
Daredevil's the worst father ever
One aspect of Bailey's goofy retcon set up is you can just pull this "oh right, that time that thing happened" out of your ass like this and it works pretty well. At least for cutting past the cruft of character intros.
>the one and only
>person who's power is copying powers through eye contact gets fucked up when the power she copies grows extra eyeballs
Yost still got it, that was great.
>gee, Bailey, two girls who want to kill you?
>usually takes the Spider-people awhile to get to that level
Wow, everyone's saying what I'm thinking!
Oh jeez
Honestly, a great plot idea, can't believe no one's done this idea before. Perhaps they're afraid of the furry mafia?
That was a lot, and not half bad. Thanks OP. Also, was Slott taking pot shots at Dogfucker? Is he in any position to do that? I guess he didn't write a weirdo, hah-hah-maybe-serious bestiality comic
>Mom endorsing the girls
Hummina Hummina!
Please tell me his mom is single.
probably Slott won't pass up the opportunity to do a Villian trying to marry her plot at some point
why every spider man sidekick needs to call themselves Spider-something?
why not make their own themes like.
beetle-man, tarantula.
I mean looks at Batman, imagine if instead of Robin we had bat-boy, it sounds stupid
kek I thought the monkey was going to be a mutant.
>Mom goes on a bunch of dates
>The moment she gets serious and introduces him to her son it gets revealed to be that Red Heron putz
Slott isn't as good a writer as Steve Gerber was when he was alive to do that
I think it is better for it to be an actual animal. I'm tired of mutants. They are so overused.
>Jester themed costume
I kind of like it.
How do we feel about Bailey's harem?
>Bailey has met Stegron
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Said the man who lose to Hit Monkey
>Big Titty Dino Mommy GF
Stergon is the true winner of this comic
Anyone I'm missing from previous issues?
There was a Spiderverse teamup where Bailey was making heart eyes at Sakura Spider, but she wasn't looking back so I don't think that one counts.
That's kinda messed up. Does Marvel usually take kid on kid violence this far? I know some people believe you can just "replace" teeth but you really can't.
So if the Stone Sisters and Bengal and Cub both made it to the second round, that means there should be 2 more duos who we just didn't see right?
I thought the Bailey was just a meme, but seems like he's actually building one.
Is that a Humphries reference??
No one tried introducing her to Sauron when Stegron rejected her?
Because people who aren't spiders have better things to do than hang out with Spider-Man. Hell, most spider-whatevers have better things to do than hang out with him.
I know this is a hell if a nit pick, but when is this supposed to have happened? Kamala didn’t join the x-men until after Bailey was retconned back
She should marry sauron
Or stegron
Sauron has too much mutant taint.
Black Cat wanted to do a little more than holding hands, Peter.
what a nice christmas present.
Is Deadpools wanting to fuck Spiders a constant?
>Kidpool using Hulk hands
She’s asking the important questions here
This is madripoor, you can probably get some procedure done whether it be magic or super science that will grow your teeth back good as new.
Looking good. So far we have:
>Christina Xu
>Squirrel Girl
>Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew
>Sakura Spider
>Unnamed female classmate
Isn't sauron a guy who turned himself into a dinosaur?
who will win bailey bowl?
Archon said our love is real before she passed out so yes
And apparently he's been lifting.
This is the best character Marvel has ever created. EVAR.
Wait shit I got Sauron and Stegron confused.
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He's gonna claim more soon.
Wait, aren't the Lobos dead?
Dammit, I'm going to have to post this out of context someday.
> People actually thanking Peter for his help
What sorcery is that?
>implying that means anything in comic books
There was a mutant mass-resurrection event long ago. They aren't real werewolves.
Deadpool is laughing as fuck in some place, by now!
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Game level: Over 9000

How does he do it? Anyway, have an Exploitable.

"Mutant powers" has been said too often, with nobody scientifically confirming it. I'm predicting it's a red herring and she's not a mutant at all.
Maybe to avoid getting involved in mutant affairs, but what kind of alternative origin would be useful for her?
>The insane dino-lover really did it
I don't think I've ever read a comic with so many of mai waifus in it.
Some women know how to keep it real.
/co/ got off on the wrong foot with Bailey, his intro was awkward as fuck. Things go smoother when you realize the book is meant to be in the same genre as Power Pack. Dumb cute kid heroics.
I can't remember the last time I've enjoyed every page of a comic this much.
Stay pure for Christina though, Bay-bay!
Why do you think he looks so weird while saying it? Dude's totally projecting.
>Bailey once expressed an odd fascination when Spider-Man webbed up a female villain
>this is why he doesn't give Bailey webshooters
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>Anyone I'm missing from previous issues?
Just the one he almost said "I love you" to.
Seriously anon this is like going "Yeah, I know Spider-Man's love interests! There's Black Cat, Gwen Stacey, Liz Allen... anyone I'm leaving out?"
Sauron's a definite last-option, he killed his first wife because he's not just a dino-person, he's a dino-person with a death touch.
When you see something like that, time travel was involved.
Abandoned skrull project, maybe? Some genetic creation of a scientist other than the High Evolutionary?
What villain? I don't remember that being the reason why Peter didn't give web shooters to him.
>Everything about you, Bailey Briggs, came flooding into my...
Funhouse indeed
>Things go smoother when you realize the book is meant to be in the same genre as Power Pack. Dumb cute kid heroics.
Yeah, that's not the original Power Pack from the 80s. That was a direct market-only title where you had cutesy-looking kid superheroes getting utterly traumatized. An edgy and subversive take on Saturday morning cartoons.
High Evolutionary is the only one really worth shit, and then next guy down would not be convincing for "not a mutant".
That person never actually said 80s, so probably wasn't talking about that.
>High Evolutionary is the only one really worth shit, and then next guy down would not be convincing for "not a mutant".
1. AIM creation. When AIM put their heads together you get some impressive shit.
2. Hydra creation. A whole shitload of these young kid heroes in New Champions are already established as being secretly Hydra creations intended to be sleeper agents that will flip sides when Hydra pushes a button.
3. Forgotten OsCorp Project, forgotten Roxxon Project, Forgotten Jackal Project, etc.

Really the only reason High Evolutionary wouldn't work well is the role he already played in Bailey's story.
I meant /co/'s beloved Marvel Adventures.
And while I only have the dimmest memories of OG PP, it felt more like standard 80s than going out of its way to subvert saturday morning. There was the standard "Crack Kills, Kids!" story and everything.
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It was a joke, anon. You remember jokes, right?
>battle damage
Hulkette is much shorter and lolier that I was expecting.
Green tomboy loli. Bailey you lucky so-and-so.
They made her younger. In the last issue she looked more like a teenager.
Years later it turns out Peter was always ok and Fisk Poisoned Mary Jane because he wanted Peter to suffer until he worked for him, which worked.
Reminder that this garbage of Reign 1 came during the days of Quesada hating the marriage and wanting Mary Jane DEAD, and here we are years and a decade later where her death was retconned as assassination's as all of reign 1's plot.
If we ever get Reign 3, it will be Mary Jane as Spider Woman/Venom.
First Christina, now Hulkette, artists keep messing up by making the girls look older than they're meant to be.
Drawfags do your fucking job and draw Bailey fucking and sucking that thing.
Havent seen the dogs since Kaine fucked them up.
Why are they pushing Bailey onto girls instead of other boys? Shotabros…

If you showed this to someone who didn’t read the comic and told them “this was drawn by a shota porn artist,” they’d believe it.
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Someone edit out the word baloons.
I've no idea what you're talking about, the interior art made it clear she's a kid. There was maybe one shitty alt-cover artist that confused people, and honestly I mistook that for bad fanart at first.
>Why are they pushing Bailey onto girls instead of other boys? Shotabros…
Because Tigra's kid is just too young.
Can't believe I almost missed the bailey harem thread
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She did it. She actually pulled if off. Oh, well done Jillian!
What does this expression convey?
>Why are they pushing Bailey onto girls instead of other boys?
Because he is a chad.
I demand a stegron/aarchon wedding special
>"That's it? It can't get bigger than that?"
Honestly we have enough gay boys let us have a cool kid again.
For those guys that didn't liked how she wore pants in her Spider-Girl costume they can now see her crotch in full glory
Knowing not to go get her asswhooped too.
I demand a Stegron/Aarchon honeymoon special.

What's with the name Aarchon, by the way? I get the feeling this is a taxonomy thing that's going over my head.

"My Sensei just fucked around and found out. I will not be following his lead."
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Which outfit do you guys think is better

>While funhouse is original the spider girl/ninjja vibe just looks cuter and cooler.
>"Please put that dirty thing away."
You're not bailey
I like the Funhouse costume because when it is combined with the ability of other supers it really makes her look freakish and cool. It's like if Pennywise from It was a super instead of an eldritch horror.
Calling it. Funhouse goes to attack Bailey, only for Hulkette to get in her way. Funhouse goes "pssh, I'll copy your powers too," BUT she hasn't been "building up a Hulk Charge" so Hulkette just one-punches her into a crater or something.

>Please tell me his mom is single.
Hope you like cats, because there's no way in hell she's not getting turned back into a cat-person by Boy Spider. The plot-thread of her abandoning him has gone on way too long for it to be resolved any way except "everyone loses" tragically.

I sort-of like this, but don't like that only 1 of the girls is someone he's even met. And she's very off model.

Not as bad as it could've been, but they would've had better sales if they let a furry design her, and everyone in this thread knows it.

That aside, as bizarre as this is I kinda feel like it's what Stegron needs? He's been a joke since practically his first appearance, but "dinosaur man" is an idea solid enough that he keeps coming back. Agent Stegron was just a SHIELD dude who had to rely on Connors for science expertise though, if he can't kidnap a scientist he's got nothing. May as well team him up with a one twue wuv that actually has the SCIENCE knowhow needed to be a threat.
>but "dinosaur man" is an idea solid enough that he keeps coming back
hell he showed up twice in this storytime in separate unrelated issues
Stegron chads, we won.
True but since she didn't absorb hulkette's power and mentions bailey runied her. I think they are soft capping her power to be that she's stuck replicating bailey's power.

I guess the web of destiny and psychic aspect of bailey's powers mind broke her powers.
Makes sense they've already spoiled hulkette being good or at least anti hero. So yeah she'll probably forgive bailey or be his rival plus she's been in to many panels to not be a reoccurring character.

She kind of did it to herself she sure did drop a kid that actually needed her immediately lol
>Bailey has finally met Stegron and Deadpool
Nice. Now when does Bailey get to meet Peni or Spider-Rex?
It is like Jack o' Lantern->Hobgoblin or Araña->Spider-Girl, but you get introduced to the less unique new identity first.
Guess he is making the ladies wet one way or another.
Indeed. I like it when villains find love.
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Tigriss. Girl, or boy with a very unfortunate name?
Huh true I suppose so I'm bias
I just love that she's just a weird human in love with dinosaurs. Also the rage I feel in that "NOT THE WAY I DO!"
So she looks down on Reptil as a fucking casual, right?
Actually this was a good extra issue, also shocked bailey started to like kidpool. I mean he was still wary of her but it's definitely interesting, also this isn't good for Christian seems bailey is open to other girls.
Yeah she's the only true scaly
How much do you want to bet she had tons of big weird dino-themed dildos in her room throughout her adolescence up til she became a reptile?
Funhouse. Like >>146895970 said it looks cool when the other powers are added to it. Otherwise the spider outfit was just to get people to guess who she was, and she's really not doing much that Bailey does anyway. Makes her an accurate Spider-Woman though.
He realized he'd be making a monster. low-key thinking on it bailey is perfect for heroine/villianess in distress or bondage and hentai plots

>360 vision
>Webs that have different levels of longevity and strength
>Venom bite that can knock out regenerative people and hulks put you to sleep or paralysis you
>Psychic intuition and spider sense
>Specializes in stealth
>Can crawl and walk up anything
>Super strength
>Super speed

He has all the skills to defeat and bind up quite a few lolis and supers. Him taking a interest is quite worrisome plus him being pubescent boy
True also honestly I think they'll stick to spider girl to many covers and has whole official art drop. Funhouse is called a con to get people to drop there guards and is only mentioned here. Odds are it'll sadly only cameo once or twice in flashbacks and maybe if she loses her suit.
Her plan is kind of dumb, bailey is nice to hulkette but he still is ready to fight her. She also should know he has the pre cog power and spider sense, so he will probably see it coming. He's also a spider man they tend to kid around and mess with their enemies because they don't take it to personally.

>The ending spider girl deserves
Imagine how much money she spent at Bad Dragon
Pei and Sparrow were in the tournament too remember?>>146896138

So I guess they got eliminated off panel
She's a mega platinum member
One brother, Eduardo Lobo, was killed ages ago, then the remaining brother, Carlos Lobo, started showing up with one of his sister, Esme Lobo, taking the dead brother's place, then he got killed for failing to take out Kaine, so it was just the sister, but the Ben Reilly as the jackal brought Eduardo back during clone conspiracy. And maybe the krakoans brought back Carlos, either way Esme and their other unnamed sister are still alive and kicking. So it's four siblings, three of which have the same mutant werewolf power, and maybe the fourth one too because I think that when Carlos was being threatened with death it was mentioned that he could be replaced by the other lobo sibling.
Maybe she'll try to get them to eiffel tower her?
Bailey truly gets it all so unfair

>Cute aloha loli mutant
>Cute asian bro loli
>Cute angry green tomboy loli
Seems they fuck it up constantly in the first one then fix it in post. In the cover her age felt a bit teen ish, in her first appearance she was obviously taller and bulkier than bailey. Now she's the same height as bailey in fact bailey might be taller as they sometimes forget to account for hair, so she just has bigger arms. I hope we get a model sheet of her like we did spider girl.
Gonna do some bailey request again would like to stick with the main stuff spider girl hulkette my current faves also refs appreciated
Maybe her size also changes with her charge level
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I mean knowing how christian went I'd assume just error but not a bad idea. I thought that up last thread but never did much else with it.

I did like the idea she was like she hulk where she had a bit more control over herself. I do know her charge will be a checkov gun and will probably save bailey and daredevil. She's mentioned it like 4 times in just two issues so yeah it's happening.
From the jump, the idea of 'spider boy' is retarded. It's the same "swap the gender, swap the age, make a new character out of it" idea that leads to the existence of characters like she-hulk and spider-woman or supergirl. Superboy is the only time I've seen something like this even close to being done well and that's cause he's superman's son and not some cousin or someone with an equivalent backstory for no reason.

Literally why does this character exist? Peter parker in most spider man stories starts out in highschool. If they want a 'kid' spider-man, just make peter younger in a story.

How can anyone take superhero stories seriously when stuff like this exists? Absolute capeshit.
The one on the right looks way more fun and unique. The one on the left looks like she's some deadpool variant.
My dude we need the chad sitting in a throne with his harem pic. And stick to Canon harem of Christina, Hulkette, and Funhouse.
Peter Parker starts older than him. Also Bailey's a lot more fucked up.
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Snagging an idea stolen from the drawthread, but I think we need Christina as a cat-variant. Maybe teasing Bailey.
Damn but I can see it, sadly though we aren't getting the funhouse design much. I do prefer her spider girl design myself but uniqueness is king sometimes.
Actually someone pitched this last time, too I feel I need do it where someone can add in more if they feel like it and as they interact with bailey.

I'm contemplating how to pose the girls, are they in slave outfits, or more defeated heroines for hulkette and funhouse(though I feel spider girl is funnier to say) or just more normal designs
Any teasing ideas or pose, but can try also black cat or like cat girl like those animal house kids?
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Suggesting a "Many Loves" pic similar to the one they did for Peter.
As others have pointed out, in his own book this is very much in line with the Marvel Adventures books. He exists to be a fun little kid with spider-powers that doesn't deal with the serious adult business that Parker does, and has to worry about homework and his mom getting on his case (and disappointing Spider-Man by accidentally having a crush on KidPool). It's along the lines of the old Young Justice book, with Super Boy who did have Superman's powers but was just a kid.
Kidpool giving Bailey head, but literal
A random person head or someone specific?
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Her own
Bailey can't use spider sense for himself only for others by touching something they touched last
I thought he also had spider sense just also had a precog one?
No. It will only work for telling if other people are in danger

Spider-Sense limitation: Spider-Boy's Spider-Sense did not automatically warning him to potential danger or potential attack around him. Therefore, he must rely solely on his superhuman reflexes and instincts to avoid attacks.[
Maybe https://i.pinimg.com/736x/28/28/d1/2828d10ee35c667332f15050cfd97ca4.jpg
Or honestly google a Black Cat pose for her you like
>suit or furry
Don't know what to tell you, tripfag. It's a very different book from any of Peter's, and pretty much entirely built around the fact that Bailey is a preteen kid facing off mainly against other preteen kids, with occasional dips into sillier stuff with adults. This issue featured him facing off with a woman that has loved dinosaurs all her life to the point of mutating herself into a human-dinosaur woman so she can get married to a dinosaur man. You might get the occasional silly story like that in Peter's books, but it's standard in Bailey's. If you don't like silly kid-hero books this is not for you. It's still a niche that has an audience, and one Marvel/DC have been neglecting for frankly too long.
I'm starting to think Sott is doing the pheromone thing again but not saying it out loud like he did with Silk
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UOH Gamma Cunny
I was going to call shenanigans on a woman like that not knowing who Stegron is, but I suppose he's such a loser by 616 standards he wasn't even headline material.
I give it a pass because it's funny to have this crazy woman obsessed with dinosaurs and making dinosaur furries so she can "marry" one, and not knowing about the ones that already exist.
It actually helps that they're both kids. Kidpool eventually "realizes" she's just in love with herself and Bailey never really meant anything to her. Meanwhile Bailey realizes she does a lot of shit little boys think is cool. It keeps things amusing and has that classic "Pepe Le Pew" set up of it always being one sided while remaining completely chaste because they're both so young their interest is entirely in silly shit that has nothing to do with physical attraction or desire.
>that's not the original Power Pack from the 80s
There's a reason why no one cares about them.
This happens so often that the museum probably has some kind of anti-Stegron system in place.
Chad Pheromone bailey kek
Yeah wonder if they'll use her again, could be a recurring joke as well she has not much else going for her as a pool clone.

I did like that though her whole love herself thing, though think it was more a joke about ADHD and her desires and hyper fixation changing every five seconds. I assumed it was going to be a running joke on deadpool x spider man but straight so can be marketed to younger fans lol
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Bailey might be a lucky boy
>Holy crap, why are so many super-geniuses insane?
I feel you, Miriam. I feel you.
They should have used the Ultimate X-men chick in this book. What a waste
No one likes x men anon
Stegron is more predictable than most villains. At least Sauron spends most of his time dicking around in the savage land, but Stegron always has to go and break into museums, and it's not like he needs dino dna he can get fresh samples of it in the savage land, he's just obsessed.
>flyer anting anything to do with a groundling
>not much else going for her as a pool clone.
They can always make her to be Wade's other daughter
>B-but she is too young
Just make her live in the a Limbo when she was young, that how Magik work
But dinosaurs are now considered warm blooded.
Didn't Sauron try to fuck sharkgirl?
Shut up nerd, next thing you'll want them to have feathers and shit.

While it's true there was too much resistance to the concept of feathered dinosaurs initially, people took that too far and overswung the pendulum in the opposite direction. We have evidence of scale patterns in fossils. They were a mix, and we're being generous in calling what they had "feathers."

He'll make an exception for the aquatic and amphibious.

She needs correction
>they're still trying to make spiderboy happen
I am reading it right now and the series is pretty fun. I like how he has his own rooster and they are all campy as fuck. A very refreshing breath of new air
I'm looking through the previous issue and there doesn't seem to be any shot that makes her look a different height - it's just that she was always either standing next to Sensei Fuckhuge McSumo, which skews perception of her height, or else the shot was from an angle that made it hard to tell her height, or lacked any clear markers. I'd say the INTERIOR artist was consistent... but the COVER artist that did her last issue made her look bigger than Bailey.
Nothing as extreme as Christina's first appearance though. She shrank like two feet in the four months between her first appearance in Edge of Spider-Verse and the first issue of Spider-Boy. It's certainly possible that Slott completely rethought the character, but it seems far more likely (and hilarious) that Slott's initial script said something like "she's a little older than him, two or three years maybe" and when he saw the pencils he went "Ah Geez, I can't tell HUMBERTO RAMOS to redo such awesome art... uh.. it'll be fine, it's just Edge of Spider-verse. Maybe nobody will notice?"

>Imagine how much money she spent at Bad Dragon
Not one cent. You think they're going to charge their top designer and investor?

C'mon man, don't be THAT comic fan. People are going to enjoy things you don't, and that's okay. It's not like Spider-Boy is hurting any other books.
It's a fun comic.
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I want him to meet Gabby so much. Before some retard ages them both up. That's how all the fun ends and we all know it.
True I used to draw him and gabby a lot too
Her lips are gonna put to better use once Bailey beats her.
Heh true, she'll learn what happens to loser. Bailey will finally teach that cocky mouth it's place.
>Yost and clones
Bros? Is there a chance?
I like this book more than Slott's entire run on Spider-Boy
I get that there was the whole memory thing, but I still think it's funny that we have this on the same day where we got a retcon story about Stegron having fought Bailey before. Lowe is such a hack
Nah she just a alt dimension wade, she's from the new movie. So odds are no real rhyme or reason though fun interpretation is she's just Ellie that was raised by wade full time.
Funhouse is clearly a better costume and identity than Spider-Girl. Hopefully she goes back to itm
I agree
I feel she won't since they made a big deal about her being spider girl and she'll probably be a bailey exclusive. She might be stuck with bailey powers as well she said she can't get him out of her head. Though funhouse is better name than spider girl
>"Take my head so you can get blowjobs from me even when I'm not doing a cameo"
She's so hot
>Bailey:w...what b..but y..you said we weren't a thing?
>Kidpool: Oh my god don't make it weird it's just a brojob
That she is indeed and she needs rough correction from a young hero.
Can’t you see?
Child rapists should be hung from a tree.
Wrong thread nigga
>Original Power Pack's recurring foe is a child predator they call "The Boogeyman"
>He dies and goes to Hell, then comes back for revenge as a literal Boogeyman demon
It wasn't quite as nice as the Marvel Adventures revival was.
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Are you guys getting this?
I'll wait til they drop the semi lewd shota one
No, but I can easily imagine being all over this if it came out when I was ten.

He's talking to a kid. He has to softball things.
It's way better than the comic con exclusive Funko Pop they made of him.
Okay, but that's just standard 80s storyline. You could see similar stuff in, say, New Mutants, or Cloak and Dagger. Subverting Saturday Morning Cartoons would require playing with stuff commonly found in Saturday Morning cartoons only to flip it on its head.
>Bump if you're reading.
make me
The subversion was that what looked like a G/Y7-rated fun comic for kids was full of harrowing material meant for older people.
This pic is nearly the chad vs virgin walk meme.
He was in that, but only as a human in the prequel mini.
Heh I can kind of see it, even funnier with text honestly since he's calling out her bluff of her charge.

Also it's funny how much mass they give her arm and thighs compared to bailey and spider girl.
I love the way he's holding that
So, what does Kidpool look like unmasked?
>Holding a giant dildo
>"The dragon's challenge"
How did they get away with this?
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The simp became the simped.
No, might get Kaine.
Also, web firing hands, what a blunder. Classic Hasbro.
Those are actually spell-casting hands.
Just not feeling it man. And even saying "older people" is pushing it. The kids all survived experiences that should have left at least one of them dead. It was more mature than the Marvel Adventures series, but not some shockingly dark book for adults or anything.
Requesting sweaty green pits
Poor guy
His mother is cute.
This is brilliant, I love comics.
No comic approved by the Comics Code Authority could be R-rated, but this is not a book for young children. There were no cartoons on television that would show a criminal getting gunned down with real bullets by the police and show his PG-13 bloodless corpse, followed by another kid punching another one in the face. Marvel didn't put this book on the newsstands to lower the risk of getting angry letters from parents, the hard PG-13 books were direct market only.
>this is not a book for young children
I suppose to you it is. I was raised in the UK, so I have a very different perspective, which is "wow in the 80s that page would be considered standard in any issue of 2000AD, and far from the more extreme stuff." I'm not knocking Power Pack in any way, it's been a long-ass time since I read any of the original, but I certainly didn't think it was bad. It just didn't strike me as especially dark either.
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American comics use American standards. In the 50s, 60s, that page wouldn't have even been approved by the CCA, they formed the organization over complaints of gruesome stuff like this.
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Bailey with Christina, Hulkette, Spidergirl and Kidpool, like this
This will only end once Bailey beats Spider girl and shoves the Dragon fang inside of her fun house
Any specifics like a pose or just that?
Maybe in the style of an over the head flex?
Kinda like this? https://files.catbox.moe/pac8f1.jpg
huh not bad well might do these are easier than the full on stuff
Sweet, thanks for this anon, looking forward to seeing it. Hope the thread lives long enough for you to finish it
Yeah this one going a bit faster than usual, I'm working on the throne idea since it's been asked more than once but having a really hard time multiple characters are a bitch
Good luck man, hope you can manage.
If the thread is kill by then, feel free to put what you've done on the /DLC/ threads on /trash/
Oh yeah forgot about those, honestly could also just always make another new champion thread too those are always fun kek
Which girl is beside him and which behind?
Where is the porn?
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Christina I'd argue as the "chaste with a towel" one on the left and Hulkette as the "no-fucks-given laddette" one on the right, with Kidpool and Funhouse behind.
(Kidpool could also work as the resident laddette but makes more sense in the background since we have no idea what she looks like under that bulky outfit).
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Suggesting Honey Badger and Bailey both trying to put moves on the same girl (since Gabby is apparently gay). Maybe Hulkette or Fantasma, or Kidpool... or whoever you prefer. Your call.
Reality right there.
So this what a Shell Nepo baby gets to do with all his time?
Dan Slott never wrote a mature book in his life, unless you count him putting tons of SA into his work like what he did to Eros & Peter.
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On the booru
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>cover the crotch
Right, unless she's now unable to copy other powers. I wonder what a distorted version of Bailey's precog ability is like? And how thorough are the wrong memories?
Well seems it fucked her brain up, maybe it was selfish precog so she saw random blips of her own future but in this case it's bailey's so she got tons of bs of his ever expanding life. Like how the web of destiny is infinite so is his warped precog, so basically she looked into the abyss and it looked back which explains why she sperged out.
Based on your description, she turned out a lot better than other characters who were exposed to infinity.
True probably fucked her up a bit, since she seems obsessed with bailey. Also another reason she'll either get mind death/mind broke or go good is because her ability let's her learn people secret identities. I remember a meme in my friend group as we watched all of DC's animated stuff it's a super common trope that learning heroes secret identities or having the power too is a instant death sentence or gives you a fate worse than death.

So spider girl either speed blitzed it in her origin or is going to get a very bad end. As you can't just have a girl that can see a person's whole life at a glance.
Honestly yeah she's definitely setting herself up to job.

>Way to confident
>Her power relies on copying other peoples
>Thinks she can get into bailey's head
She got nothing but flashes of his love life.
>Spider-girl:Why is it all me bent over in a ring?
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Which version is better? Old or kid?
Kid seems more canon and is the funniest, since she can more closely relate to bailey. Also seems most didn't read past the first issues since most christina art is her as a teen x bailey
First issues nothing, even in issue 1 she was barely taller than him and obviously a fellow gradeschooler. Maybe 6th grade vs 8th. I'm guessing people just drew conclusions from her Edge of Spider-verse appearance which seems to be it for her looking 18+.
Ah thought that was her first issue lol but yeah basically that
Just gonna say as someone who's been pretty checked out from cape comics for almost a decade, I've enjoyed what I've seen from this comic so far.
Based anon and yeah really he's just fun, I wanted to hate him once as another spider man knock off but honestly he's just a fun read. He's got troubles but isn't invincible and is just learning on the job. Also kind of feels like he was set up to be a surrogate kid of peter and mj which is rare all their kids have been girls so far so a boy is fun. A fun crossover would be him and mayday honestly
To be fair, this book at least try to be kid friendly and no one by now ever died (I guess? Not sure). I don't think she's dying, at least for a while.
Why I said fate worse than death, also I mean child experimentation and kid that has spider face isn't to friendly lol. Also many kid shows did the fates worse than death why I referenced dc animated verse all kid shows but some of the worst ending

>Guy turned into a deformed freak
>Psionic own power crushes his brain so he becomes retarded
>Person stuck a 1/1000th normal time
>Person frozen or turned to stone but alive
>Character trapped in forever nightmares
>Person trapped in a specific time loop
>Regressed into a baby
>Taken away for unknown fate by demons,aliens,otherworldly beings, or gods
You should've seen Power Pack before GiruHiru got their hands on it.
Shit was dark even for a series with kid heroes.
Didn't they go into the dark concept of them getting de aged because of new continuities and how now they can't be with their love interest anymore? Also really only true power pack is the giruhiru version but others are good too
I guess they fully drew her pussy?
Honestly I didn't read more PP stuff after GiruHiru, but if that's true then this is fucked up.
How strong are those four kids?
Heh it tis, also they were more like teenish and grunge esque. But really giruhiru is the most popular version their old selves are more like those knock off TT who are never were.
He hasn't fallen below the cancellation line yet
Enough to actually pose a threat to even the stronger supervillains...and super heroes when they get brainwashed.
Marvel trying to ruin yet another set of characters.
They succeeded with the Punisher.
Basically, Bitches love Spider-boy, is that right?
I mean they are best as light hearted honestly they are more well known now
Bailey gets a lot of hate, but almost all is accompanied by "I haven't read his book, but..." Meanwhile the book seems to win over readers decently well.

I suspect the way he was introduced left a bad taste in people's mouths and if hevwas just introduced as a new hero and not a time-lost one it would have been received better.
why is that little girl holding a golden dildo?
Basically yeah their is now the canon bailey harem and the non canon

>Christina xu
>Bailey's classmate


Non canon
>Sakura spider
>Peni parker
>Spider woman
>Squirrel girl
The fatigue is certainly warranted, I don't see any other context where he would be well received at first.
Indeed as a once massive bailey hater, just reading his books and you'll be endeared to him. He's fairly fun and at worst you'll be ok with him. But his connection to edge of spiderverse made him feel like everyone else, like all the other knock offs just there and being forced. They at least put effort into him also think them being a bit limited by his age saved him so many others immediately get relationship bs or cucked or beaten down brutally but they can't do that easily or permanently with bailey as he's just a kid. Also being a kid limits his powers and so he doesn't get to op.
Frog hands
>Bailey's classmate
Need image
No Kidpool hentai...tsc tsc
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She's forgettable.
Yeah he's been pretty fun. I understood the complaint about too many spider people, but he's been a fun addition and stories have felt kind of classic and fun. So hope they keep that up.
Gabby's gay.
I know /co/ has a thing for "I'll straighten her out!" fantasies, but I'd personally much rather picture her and Bailey having an Ash Ketchum vs. Gary Oak rivalry, each trying to "catch 'em all" (or as many as they can).
Lesbians are meant for one thing anon


But in all seriousness I like bailey x gabby myself so she'll never get a harem in my art lol. Though she more unofficial lesbian so might be bi
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>the complaint about too many spider people
That was kinda-sorta an issue, but not really the whole of it. The issues with Bailey were numerous.
1.) People were a bit burnt out on more Spider-people, especially after the event that introduced him.
2.) On the flip-side, Ben Reilly fans had just been told that he needed to be evil/dead because there just wasn't room for so many Spider-people. And suddenly there's this fucking kid?
3.) He wasn't just introduced as a new hero, he was a walking retcon that kept saying "I'm actually well established and already friends with everyone, they just don't remember!" That really rubbed people the wrong way. It was like skipping the work of actually building a character up.
4. The very idea of Peter allowing a KID to accompany him seemed like an impossibly out-of-character idea.
Much of that could have been avoided by introducing him as a brand-new character with no "actually I know everyone" aspect. But I've warmed to him in this book, and I hope other people give it a chance and warm to it too.

To each their own, but a world where lesbians can't lesb seems more boring to me.
Either would be fun for me.
It's classic their can only be one top/dom, can't allow another harem.

Best ending if it was a comic/nsfw thing. We get tons of lez stuff as gabby slowly builds her harem simultaneously as bailey but towards the tail end they realize their can only be one. Maybe gabby tries to poach one of bailey's girls but in the end gabby ends up cucked or fucked most likely both kek. But we feel a bit for her as she slowly built up her own harem truly tragic.

Also kind of hope that anon draws more gabby or bailey harem stuff
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>Best ending
Still it would be good to see her for reference.
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Not to my taste.


Kids dont have sexuality anon.
Any girl can say it is lesbian because "boys gross" before the hormone's bomb.
ambiguous brown girl
Gabby's a teenager and it was less "boys gross" and more "that girl made me feel funny in my vajay-yay." Best not to tilt your lance at creator-intent on these things, anon.
This is the kid version of the new Fantastic Four
Gabby is old toy, Kidpool is a better Gabby.
She's pretty cute. Once Bailey's hormones get going, he's gonna pumping his spider seed into her for sure.
As someone who actually has fucked a lesbian, they don't like orientation play at all lmao
>Bailey, please, I'm literally ovulating as we speak
>no way fag, girls have cooties
There needs to be art of Bailey fucking her, SpiderGwen, and Spinnerette.
OG Spinnerette or Teen Spinnerette?
Shocking from my experience they do lol, like I swear so many nsfw lesbians or fanfics like it as a concept now whether irl is different beast. But I've known one, same one who got me into it did and we got into a long argument about how it makes her bi not a lesbian. But who knows but most orientation play is pushed by lesbians
That's fine too, just a idea also I feel dyke breaking gabby is so much of the ship for me I can't go back
Tis cool guess I'm alone in this

Wow thinking on this why are all of the characters into bailey minorities

Isn't gabby only 13? that's still in that not 100% sure vibe plus felt like more of a just there thing honestly. It was talking about feelings and she seemed confused herself so who knows and they haven't done anything else with that yet so really best to take it with a grain of salt.
This is true but a true chad like bailey can have both the fakverine and the dopplool
>Wow thinking on this why are all of the characters into bailey minorities
It's time for them to get BLEACHED.
OG has a better design than her older self.
You drew this artwork?
Kind of hot idea actually Lol those superior spider genes will help him out
>inverse of Spiderverse where Spider-Gwen is thirsty for Bailey but he continuously rejects her because he's weirded out by being hit on by an AU version of Peter's long dead ex gf
Bailey's better than Miles
Makes me think what if spider girl gets bailey's phermone thing going because she's copying his spider
Nah, it's foreshadowing. She likes it when Bailey eats her out since it numbs her down there so he can fuck her without worrying about hurting her. Hurts like a sumbitch the next morning, but for her it's beyond worth it.
Honestly bailey's venom is kind of insane, it can work on super humans and even regen people like kidpool who implies she can regen her head. Like what even is his venom bite. An the idea of her waking up and walking bow legged is kind of hilarious, super human sexo on a only quasi superhuman body sounds like it'd do some serious damage.

Also but what if she gets him angry so he bites her so she gets proneboned but she feels the whole thing.
Did Kidpool really piss herself and why did she not seem to mind?
Women peeing a little out of fright or being startled is a common occurrence.
>21st century
He doesn't known
She's a pool and probably has a piss fetish they are all freaks
>Just hitting puberty and she already has a watersports fetish
Girls really do develop faster. Hope Bailey's willing to indulge her.
Honestly they do girls be in their pre teens writing fics about monsters lol.

Wonder how many girls would also be into his bite? I mean he basically has a insane tool set for bondage and somnophilia kinkers.

Also the end of the book implies he was kind of hope she comes back she was actually fun
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Most relatable villain motivation that I’ve seen in a long time. Hopefully she appears somewhere again. She and Stegron could be cute together.
We will find out that she's part of a huge family of pervert scientists with all type of strange fetishes
Made for bailey
The character's creator pretty clearly wanted her to be gay. It is a silly thing to try to argue against it. Other fish in the sea, anon.

They basically only use Stegron as a joke any more, so hopefully the funny addition to his story can stay.
Old if Bailey was still homeless and motherless, Young for Bailey as he is now
Why does that sound like something a anime would do with a family of scientist
Did they? I don't pay much attention also I mean their are but I'm committed to gabby plus less be honest until me and that other anon started drawing and making greens about her apparently most of /co/ hated her. Also heard she hasn't been in anything post krakoa she could use the free publicity kek
I do miss homeless bailey I just feel his mom doesn't add much. But I also think young Christiana is best as her design is cute and can give love interest vibe and big sis vibes as well.
Where are his balls?
His stuff so big it's hidden in another dimension lol
Seriously though, it's like the artist doesn't know basic anatomy.
Seriously though, you're asking why Marvel doesn't have a cover featuring a 10-year-old's genitals.
No more like most avoid bulges especially since this is a kid comic or more kid friendly which is another reason spider boy is surprisingly popular
Yep exactly this, though shocked with how much people roast this image in these few threads of this Fang arc. No one has edited a bulge just for the shits and giggles of it all.
Not featuring, just including basic anatomy.
Kids know boys have balls dude.
Isn't this new Kidpool based on Ryan Reynold's daughter?
No. She only portrayed the character since it was probably cheaper than casting some other kid to record lines.
What's that Ghost Rider twintail girl called?
Tell you what, you post a bunch of panels where the 10 year old boy's balls are clearly visible in spandex. And I'll wait and see what happens to you.
Made for slutty pitjobs
Thanks amigo.
Waiting to see her drawn by a different artist to know if they will make her younger
>sounds like my kind of girl
Based Ghost Rider?
We need as many of these "kid" superheroes to make their debut in Spider-Boy as possible, before the knucklehead working on New Champions turns all of them into another generic 18-going-on-25 bunch of characters.

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