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Sooooooo is it a Christmas movie or a Halloween movie?
It came out in the summer.
So its a summer movie then?
the easter bunny is in it so
The story is told from the halloween town's POV, so it's a halloween movie.
Halloween takes up about 5 minutes of the Runtime
Christmas doesnt actually occur, it only gets to Christmas Eve. Maybe the last minute is past midnight and Christmas proper.
The majority of the film takes place during November and December so if anything it's a "Getting Ready for Christmas Movie"
I split the difference and say it's a Thanksgiving movie
Does Halloween town effect curses. I was wondering about the werewolf. Is he a werewolf 24/7 and also if he goes to Christmas town does he turn human?
its always full moon in halloween town
But the main topic is still Christmas. It's not about Halloween. It's a christmas movie.
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It is a movie.
It's a versus movie. So both.
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Better question, was The Nightmare Before Christmas banned in YOUR household?
I never watched it at home growing up. I only watched it in school for some odd reason.
Take the average, it's either a Thanksgiving movie or a Memorial Day movie.
It's a Hanukkah movie
fat chicks with black hair get tattoos of me
what the deuce?
Halloween. I know some people like to say it's both Christmas and Halloween. And yeah technically both holidays are featured. But the main focus is on the Halloween esthetic and themes, like horror.
What does undead pussy taste like, necrobros?
It's a Thanksgiving movie.
It's not the Nightmare Before Halloween, ergo, Christmas.
more of a Christmas movie than Die Hard is.
So would that make The Hymn Before Halloween a Christmas movie?
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It's a midlife crisis movie.
I'd say it's a christmas movie. It's Halloween folks experiencing Christmas for the first time and not really understanding it. The plot is very heavily Christmas related and Halloween is always a side thing in the plot.
>and themes, like horror
You can do horror outside of Halloween though. There are christmas horror movies that most people wouldn't consider Halloween movies.
it's a Tim Burton move, it's its own thing
What the fuck kind of snowflake stays intact when placed between one's fingers?
The movie centers around a bunch of monsters discovering and trying to celebrate Christmas, so it makes more sense to watch during Christmas than any other time of year.
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*its it's own thing
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Correction: It's a Halloween movie because Disney moved it up to avoid its box office from being cannibalized by Hocus Pocus.

He's a skeleman who doesn't generate body heat.
Sad that none of the spin-offs opened the other holiday doors
If you can't take Christmas out of the story without the story falling apart then it's a Christmas movie.

Which means Die Hard, Home Alone, Jingle All the Way and It's a Wonderful Life are NOT Christmas movies.
That does make sense, it's like a hype up for the holidays at the other ever of the year while also not really being appropriate for either of them.
Such as? I would consider things like Black Christmas to be Halloween movies.
I disagree. Though, Is say Die Hard was never a Christmas movie that was just something that people who don't like Christmas used to say because they hate Christmas.
I'll give you the other three, but JAtW without Christmas requires NYC to collapse and be replaced with a toy-based society.

It's both,

OCT 31 == DEC 25
this is the correct answer. Straight from the beginning the movie's concept is
>Halloween just ended. Now what?
lol thats wild
bullshit, you can't have it both ways little girl
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His skelly body would make for a sound explanation actually
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a classic
its an experience
>Tim Burton
It's a bad movie. The sooner we all accept that immutable fact, the quicker we can move along to better things.
It's everything
both, are you stupid? mostly halloween though, at least aesthetic wise
Its actually a thanksgiving movie
Bait used to be believable.
While the premise of "Kid gets left behind by family going on vacation" could easily be shifted to summer or something, you lose a lot of Home Alone's themes and traps taking Christmas out of the equation.
Black christmas is a christmas movie
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>it's a Tim Burton movie
It doesn't take place on either of the two holidays
it doesnt?

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