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One of the best Archie stories.
That’s sexual assault!
What's the story?
Who is still reading Archie? What do they even talk about in Archie?
more like sexy assault

>What do they even talk about in Archie?
Well, Archie
You just know his right hand is reaching down and grabbing Veronica’s ass.
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I thought this was a children's comic.
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That's not where he kissed me!
Besides, there are worse kind of nuts!
Archie enjoyers are a weird kind of people.
Too bad real women aren’t like this.
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Time for impromptu Storytime.
Can YOU identify, THE KISSER?!
Since the first two pages were posted, I'm starting on three.
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What issues is this?
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That's right, follow far behind the poor potential victim of surprise kiss-rape.
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Can't remember, hold on
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Archie 143, from 1964
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Reggie, you rat bastard. This is why no one likes you.
Where did she get kissed?
I bet it was her (spoiler)forehead(/spoiler)
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"Oh dear, my exposed lips are a quiver in anticipation of kiss-rape!"
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"Well, he's passed out, we're all alone, his pants zipper juuust needs to slide down a teeny bit..."
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Fuck my miserable life, I forgot the last page.
So this is where Riverdale got the Dark Betty, serial killer gene, and Betty’s bisexuality all from.
The 60's really were progressive for their time.
Does Reggie win in these things? I liked riverdale Reggie and he got shat on.
Man, 1950s-1960s had some neat outfits.
Man, if I could go back in time to those days... Id probably get laughed at.
>"Wow! You're saying you're really from the future?"
>"Skibibidi Toilet! Pomni! Azula! Family Guy! ORANGE MAN BAD!"
>Man, 1950s-1960s had some neat outfits.
that goes without saying
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The shit you can do to women in the 50s and 60s was insane
I knew whodunnit based solely on that being who i wanted to run around kissing girls
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Children like it a lot
"You thought it was Archie but it was me, Betty!"
What a slut!
>That's not where he kissed me!
Veronica said ON OUR HANDS Betty then... you know what if you can't figure it you you're just an idiot.
>You kissed girls just to throw people off the trail!
>..... YES.
Betty Cooper, the girl next whore
It depends but he's mostly the antagonist.
Need some Rabies Lagomorph
I would die happy if I got a kiss-and-run from Betty
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>ywn sniff Betty or Veronica's pusky
What a shame.

Also it's crazy how Archie Comics is still around while DC and Marvel have had crazy slumps with the majority of fans hating everything they do.
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Sabrina wife/gf.
I guess Riverdale being popular was able to keep them alive.
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This story was much hornier than I remember reading as a 10 year old.
When I was a little kid, maybe 5 or 6, I got one of these comics for free from some promotion at my local library.
It had one of the girls getting knocked out by some kind of spray, and it gave me a rape fetish. I remember rereading that part quite a few times, don't know where it is or which issue that was though.
archie comics has consistantly had hot females most of its life.
>betty kissing girls
damn thats a hot thought.
ronnie has a great butt
wew lads
>sabrina spotted
Archie is simultaneously very tame and horny
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man that car is fucked up
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Two things:
1. Archie really was a cheating womanizer huh?
2. I’ve seen that last panel before but where?
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This really is an of it's time story
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>that cheeky panty view in the first panel
wew lads
I though this was the Boomer punching a kid meme from TLoU2
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Archie is such a hound he can tell girls apart from there ass alone.
what an EVIL plan that was! UNBELIEVABLE!
Thoughts on Veronica's ass?
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It's hard to fuck up an Archie story and Archie's publishing model is weird. I wish they would do more classic Sabrina stuff.
I enjoyed this story alot more than I thought I would. got me to laugh a few times at betty's dads reactions to things.
>a couple of condoms!
I think would have been a better joke.
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>Well, to be honest, I just tripped while running away from Veronica and came up with it on the spot so she wouldn't find the coat.
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Is Betty /ss/pilled?

Isn't that basically a scene from The Sandlot?
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>"tribute to Ancient Greek mythology"
Pauperrimus scripturae
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Riverdale and the Sabrina spin-off might have damaged the brand long term but it's to early to tell
So I take it late 60s early 70s.
Man she's gritting her teeth she's furious. Archie is a pretty shitty guy for doing stuff like this in all honesty.
Times really do change
>doesnt bother to grop out the FCO banner
you're disappointing me, anon. i thought you'd be more professional. storytime threads aint a joke, you know?
Nowadays a dad caring about that sort of thing is seen as a weirdo
Even Mrs Grundy is laughing T the joke.
I wish teachers were still like this.
That swimsuit is offaly cheeky
A lot of boys probably pulled shit like this
Why wasn't Veronica named Verdora
>Put it in!
That's what she said, goddamn.
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Midge > Betty > Melody > Josie > Verronica > Sabrina > Cheryl
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Comfy thread
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You're a Centaur, man, just rape them
Does your health insurance cover Moose attacks?
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>Gee, Jughead, how come you have your own wiener meme?
>that time Ethel and Betty went as saloon gals
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Id took her on that offer in 6 years...
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Betty or Veronica?
Betty for serious and marriage and family and veronica for butt slapping and passionate nights and flings.
Betty seems to be a lot wilder and more rambunctious compared to Veronica, so Better, especially after that saloon gal strip.
There are moments Veronica looks better (especially when she had the Betty Page hair) but overall Betty is better
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They knew
Betty is the biggest bi-slut in Riverdale.
>Shut the fuck up, Dilton.
I think if Archie chooses Betty, they're going to have an interesting sex life
Betty has some kind of fabled BPD.
>clean the windshield
to the last drop

I don't think Hartley really understood Jughead as a character.
If the girls brought up periods and child birth they might have had a point but instead talk like women are given away to men like it's the middle ages.
Mmmh Sabrina panties
Waterbeds confirmed a turn on for Melody
Did this come before or after Scarlet Witch?
And we never heard from him again
Is this official? If it is wow that's a lot of cleavage.
Nothing more comfy and horny than Archie Comics.
I think it's because Archie is low stakes
Melody is the ronchy one?
It's "raunchy"
And no she's just a dingbat
Do Superteen and Powerteen beat Homelander? How about Archie's Mr Justice?
Mantis? The artist must really have been a nerd.
Betty. Veronica has money but I think in the long run Betty's sweetness will be better. Sabrina is good too.
Have Homelander make a pass at Midge.
Then let Moose go full Moose at him.
I'm a bad speller
Mrs Grundy
>"He's just a teenager how the fuck am I losing!"
>"Get away from my Midge"
Somebody faped to this when it was first printed.

Not gonna lie im kinda tempted.myself
Did Garth Ennis ever do a Archie parody? Seems like something he'd do.
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>that rabbit
Literally me
It's Archie # 143 (Feb. 1964).

The artist (uncredited) is the great Harry Lucey, and the writer (also uncredited) is probably the inhumanly prolific Frank Doyle.

With Lucey on "Archie," Dan DeCarlo on "Betty and Veronica" and Samm Schwartz on "Jughead" this era is what people are talking about when they say you had to be really good to draw for Archie. (They didn't pay great even then, but they had very little competition.)
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Midge is hot
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Who is this chick with the glasses?
Betty not doing herself any favors for the Archiebowl.
Be a little more subtle, Betty
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Ok, im normally a Veronica kind of guy.
But here Betty...shows potential.
Damn, Cheryl's mom as hot as her.
How do the animu weebs call that? Oya-kata something?
Archie threads mogging most of /co/
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Yeah, that one.

Draw friend can you draw Oya-that-kada between anon thats totally not me, Cheryl Blossom and her milf mom?
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Was that supposed to be "slumber party"?
Only Archie parody I can think of is Cherry Poptart. Not including shows.
I'd Summer Midge's Party.
I know Ed Brubaker did an Archie inspired story called "Criminal: The Last of the Innocent"

The hell is Cheryl wearing? A jumpsuit designed by Jim Steranko?
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What's a good place to read old Archie comics Archie bros?
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He's lucky she didn't aim a little lower
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I use AllComics
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>how many people have you killed, jughead?
>idk how many girls have you kissed in your life?
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it really goes to show from this thread the archie comics have a long history of beautiful females. at least pre-2000s. no idea what its like now but the old comics were loaded with beautiful females.
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Not sure when picrel is from, but I think she's post-2000s. Very cute, imo, but not used very much.
Brubaker seems genuinely to be an Archie fan. His series "Deadenders" has some Archie-inspired sequences and the premise is sort of "Post-Apocalyptic Archie."
Cassie first showed up in 2023
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This and the Lavern&Shirley threads are top of what/co/ has going on right now...
Damn, she's that recent? I assumed she was like 2000s-2010s.
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Allcomics.com? what's the difference between that and say Readcomiconline. IO?
Moose knocked him out of the panel what's that make him outerversal?
That's why you don't write for Archie
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Betty is a freak
major derp in the middle
This poor guy
>"long lost brother"
>kisses him
Archie's daughter is cute
> 25 cents
I wish I could have experienced this era
US is all Alabama in the future...
I used to dismiss Archie as some relic of the by gone days of comics but there's a lot to love.
Oh this is some roleplay thing at school
I love the focus on fashion in some of these old slice of life mags. Reminds me of shojo
>Archie's outfit
Good lord, that is near most '1968' thing imaginable. All he needs is a tiedye headband and round sunglasses. Maybe a beard
>Bubble tea
Yeah that's enough to determine she's very new.
Look at the expression in Moose's face. He knows he's dangerously close to being mogged.
Half of the strips in Archie comics are reissues of their back catalogue. You can tell by the fashion the characters wear; one strip they'll be dressed like 50s ivy leaguers and in the next one they're in neon green windbreakers and acid wash jeans.
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They got the outfits switched. Ronnie is the good girl, Betty is the homewrecker. Ronnie has a snobby personality but that's just because she's rich and doesn't have good social skills. Betty is really manipulative and is far dirtier than she lets on.
Ethel is too cute to be the ugly one
Veronica. She's purehearted and traditionally-minded. Her tsundere elements are mostly because Archie is constantly chasing after other girls.
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Saavik Ronnie? Or Valeris? Wait, when was this story from? It uses both TOS and TMP style Klingons.

Oh, '86 so it was definitely Saavik then.
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Hmm, I've gotten too old. Gag scene or not, Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda can get it.
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What an odd fetish her dad has
Hey I think I have this one
I am sure you mean that the other way around.
This has been nostalgic. Read these a lot when I was a lad.

Tasteful fanservice never is better than in an Archie comic.
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A HA HA it was just good fun!
>be a regular guy
>all the girls go crazy over your ginger ass
this comic was such a gary sue
That's a pretty hardcore ending, man.
>lil' Betty's and Veronicas

>haha get straight up murdered lmao
yeah kinda
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