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File: 1735216083721138m.jpg (129 KB, 668x1024)
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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:
>>>/i/795305 #

Previous thread: >>146875308
File: 2q2yPiMANd..jpg (664 KB, 1305x944)
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Requesting a remake of this fanart/drawing of Edward and Emo (Dog brothers from Oh Yeah! Cartoons short called Ask Edward: All About Babies) with the two of them playing together on Playstation 1.

PS: replace the game on the TV (need for speed 3: hot pursuit) with Gran Turismo 1


Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdEmWyksiIE

File: Hilda time.png (875 KB, 1244x600)
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Requesting Finn and Jake in the draw style of Hilda and Hilda and Twig in the draw style of Adventure Time.
File: Solomon and stolas.png (3.79 MB, 2569x1854)
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Requesting King Solomon and little Stolas playing in the sand while Asmodeus and Bee-lzebub slave away building a temple.
File: IMG_1866.jpg (52 KB, 600x337)
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Requesting Amanda Waller dressed as Catwoman
File: Happy New Year 2025.jpg (732 KB, 2500x1424)
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Requesting Eda spraying Lilith and Camila with champagne during a New Year's Party.
Have them all wearing glittery party dresses.
File: Date in Paris.jpg (197 KB, 1600x895)
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Requesting the tick and ladybug on a romantic date.
File: shaka & slirps.jpg (678 KB, 2681x1384)
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Requesting Shaka Booga cooking Slirps from Atomic Betty. Make that little guy relaxing with his hands behind his head.
File: JACK THE KING.png (3.53 MB, 1917x2000)
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Requesting King Jack sitting on his throne surrounded by the red-haired girls of Cartoon Network.
File: Group Hug.jpg (745 KB, 700x1322)
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Can I get these girls having a group hug?
>Flora (from Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors)
>Penny (from Inspector Gadget)
>Yumi (from Ulysses 31)
>Zia (from Mysterious Cities of Gold)
File: 1732249810349269.png (1.78 MB, 1849x720)
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Requesting Supergirl going fishing with Hot Rod.
What happened?
File: tiff tid pau.jpg (39 KB, 256x194)
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Requesting these two hanging out.
Requesting the top panel redrawn with Camila Noceda
>What happened?
I guess Christmas is over.
or someone spammed the board, although I don't know why.
Requesting Starlee and Angel taking a selfie.
File: School Uniform Policy.jpg (896 KB, 3376x1944)
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Requesting Anne, Sasha, or Marcy, or all 3 Calamity Girls, from Amphibia, wearing a modified school uniform consisting of the items on the right.
File: brooklyn winner.jpg (1.48 MB, 1601x1803)
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Requesting Brooklyn as the winner.
File: Leah request.jpg (268 KB, 1603x2342)
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Requesting a busty Leah Stein-Torres in a Hanukkah sweater offering you a tray of latkes
File: alien x human.jpg (494 KB, 1200x1995)
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Requesting Gerty abducted by Stereo Monovici from Space Goofs and both fallen in love (just like a comic below).
File: nixon cyborg.jpg (186 KB, 544x496)
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Requesting Cyborg protecting the president.
File: playing frogger in bed.jpg (1.88 MB, 4372x1956)
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Requesting the image on the right with Mrs. Boonchuy, and instead of that bit of hair peaking from the corner, make it the little hat in the bottom-left image.
File: steven hit in the nads.jpg (1.36 MB, 2168x1372)
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Requesting Steven getting hit in the nads.
the thread just died because nobodt bumped
File: flash.png (1.27 MB, 1000x694)
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requesting the meme on the top right with Flash Gordon and Dale Arden.
Dale saying "Just five more minutes, Flash! You're so warm!"
Gordon responds "Dale, I need to go save the universe!"
>nobodt bumped
I hate that guy. Fuck Nobodt.
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Requesting Rivals Peni Parker and Psylock pressing their asses together
File: Hope Kintobor panties.jpg (297 KB, 1121x1381)
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Requesting Hope Kintobor wearing "bad girl" panties.
File: Zahrita.jpg (1.3 MB, 3268x3044)
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Requesting any of the images on the right with Zahra Rashid, from Glitch Techs, but make all the gear Hinobi branded like in the show.
File: mowgli beer.jpg (671 KB, 1564x1474)
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Requesting Mowgli drinking beer.
Catalog spamming and lack of bumps.
File: Vamp World Bonnie Buu.png (1.33 MB, 1890x1417)
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Requesting this scene of Majjin Buu from Dragon Ball Z but with Vamp World Bonnibel Bubblegum instead
Requesting the Turtles killing and eating Bebop and Rocksteady.
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Requesting Sokka giving a Christmas gift of 2 black meteorite Kyoshi fans to Suki
File: the boys.jpg (756 KB, 2952x1392)
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Requesting that Shezow image on the left with Bon Bon, Wirt, Desna, or Marco Diaz, all giving out the same compliment in their own way.
File: starfire connie.jpg (745 KB, 2528x1500)
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Requesting Starfire vs Connie.
File: tammy billy idol.jpg (598 KB, 1608x1042)
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Requesting Tammy dressed like this
File: IMG_0017.png (1.21 MB, 1600x900)
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Requesting Ezeckiel Zick Barrymore from Monster Allergy cosplaying as post time-skip Zoro withouth his upper dress and wearing the bandana with his right eye closed doing the three sword style (with the respective swords in the reference), also add the earrings pls
File: IMG_0090.jpg (108 KB, 1024x576)
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Requesting this cover but with Apocalypse Samurai from Mutant Busters wearing his mask and shooting a blue laser from the bottom muzzle and with a blue muzzle flash
File: stitch peeking out.jpg (204 KB, 1016x562)
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Requesting Stitch peeking out
Damn, dude, they combo-broke you again >>146902255
File: IMG_0200.jpg (83 KB, 1024x576)
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Requesting this comic but with Wally Machaby and Terrence Thaur from Monster Allergy
Nobody cares you tranny
File: underboob april.jpg (1.65 MB, 2424x1694)
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Requesting April showing underboob.
Christmas is over, bub.
File: gero raven.jpg (1.31 MB, 1783x1493)
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Requesting Raven dressed like this
File: darcy boondocks girls.jpg (673 KB, 849x2429)
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Requesting Darcy influencing these girls.
File: april arrested.jpg (603 KB, 1176x876)
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Requesting April getting arrested.
Requesting Wanda and Eowyn experimenting.
File: Pensta Post.jpg (348 KB, 1130x1300)
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Requesting Amity Blight making a post just like in the screenshot on the top left for her Penstagram
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Requesting Sadie making fun of Steven.
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Requesting Marie offering some puff puff.
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Requesting Wanda Pierce with hyper size lips
File: elsa kolin kissing.png (2.02 MB, 1216x2354)
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Requesting Elsa and Kolin making out
File: simon split.jpg (1.54 MB, 2916x1995)
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Requesting Simon's split face.
File: omni-man and miracleman.jpg (1.05 MB, 1688x1125)
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Requesting Omni-Man vs Miracleman
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Requesting Butterbean licking caviar.
File: download (9).png (364 KB, 624x294)
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Requesting Elsa and Lute dueting Defying Gravity at a karaoke bar.
File: Nyan.png (241 KB, 1000x500)
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Requesting Junipurr the ca as Nyan cat
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Requesting Ed threatening to detonate a bomb in front of CN characters and telling Gwen Tennyson to lift up her tank top
Genuinely hope you off yourself either before or during 2025. You can let go bro, nobody will miss you
Can we still request Christmas related stuff?
Yes, the season is not done for like one week or so
File: mamadalia tree.jpg (941 KB, 1500x2000)
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Requesting Odalia Blight naked and Collector decorating her like a Christmas Tree with ornaments, tinsel, lights and the whole thing
File: Nut Christmas .png (303 KB, 748x708)
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requesting Nut in a female Santa outfit
File: Mini.jpg (1.05 MB, 1189x1223)
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/r/ing Minerva from the Wicked and the Divine under a sprig of mistletoe.
Replace Psylocke with Black Widow
File: Timantha.jpg (557 KB, 1079x2184)
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Requesting rule 63 Timantha Turner making Fairly Odd Parents theme cookies
File: Carol and Fionna.jpg (152 KB, 850x515)
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Requesting these two have a hot make out section with each other.
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Requesting Ovtavia fishing with Anon and gets exited as she caught her fist fish: a Catfish.
File: Bubblelolly.jpg (108 KB, 682x1024)
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Requesting Princess Bubblegum and her aunt Lolly posing together like the image on top.
>aunt Lolly should be the dominate one in the picture
>Hey everybody! Someone requested a Superman Black;
Manateeanon. And then he used the delivery of his request to start a new thread and spam it. It's the closest he comes to saying thanks.
Replace Peni with Black Widow
File: pacifica diner outfit.jpg (82 KB, 1024x939)
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Requesting (show design) Pacifica seeing herself in her diner waitress uniform for the first time. Maybe alternate between disgust and pride.
File: euroforce lineup.png (3.91 MB, 1986x1570)
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Requesting a version of Marvel's Euroforce with this lineup (update costumes as you see fit)
* Key (Germany) ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. officer, world-class polymath field scientist
* Danger (Denmark) Electric powers that force him to wear a containment suit
* Baby Killer (Poland) 60-year-old general in a cloned body.
* Detective Fantôme (France) Supernatural detective.
* Balance (Italy) Rude badass trained-to-be-a-hero-since-birth technopath able to interface with machines (usually to make guns go "pew pew" harder)
* Molly Fitzgerald (Ireland) Mystic hero with "luck" powers
* Tana (Spain) Visited New York once, got turned into a Pterodactyl-woman
* Ares (Greece) The God of War
File: familyguyxowlhouse.jpg (478 KB, 2000x809)
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Requesting a short comic involving Luz Noceda "painting the truth" of Eda and Lilith for the Clawthorne Family portrait
(Based on this joke from Family Guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKvU2StQfyM)
Requesting Christina and Bailey recreating this Peter-MJ mistletoe piece. You can have Bailey's mask entirely off if you prefer.
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Requesting Milf Future Gwen Tennyson and Rule63 Ken Tennyson and Devlin Levin in lewd Christmas clothes
File: Bruta Candycane.png (1.76 MB, 1800x1800)
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Requesting Bruta finding herself with only a couple of candy canes to cover herself up with.
Requesting PJ in a fairly-authentic Santa suit giving an exhausted look to Pistol in a punk-ish reindeer costume.
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Requesting Doom Slayer Etrigan.
Requesting a group pic of Mandy (I Am Not Starfire) with the characters /co/ made up for her generation: Raven and Beast Boy's son & daughter, Cyborg's daughters, and the slav Robin.
Requesting the two pics on the right with Wilhamena, in a sexy Santa dress, and KO. Have KO standing under the mistletoe
Requesting the "Holy Shit, there's two of them" scene done with 616 Squirrel Girl friendly-sparring with Rivals Squirrel Girl. Doctor Doom as the one going "holy shit."
Optional: Other "big bad" Marvel villains reacting in horror beside Doom.
File: mean girls of gotham.png (3.72 MB, 2000x2000)
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Requesting Harley, Ivy, Baby Doll, and Orca trying to do the "Singing Santas" bit from Mean Girls.
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Requesting Hope Corgi and Dex-Starr as Santa and Krampus.
File: lucy.jpg (131 KB, 1414x1414)
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Requesting Lucy in a trash can, similar to the reference, wearing a dirty and torn Santa hat.
Whatever shithole. Nobody will trust you anymore.
Since they're more into Chinese Food Day than Christmas or Hanukah, requesting Ally and Pasqualo in Chinese Takeout costumes.
File: hulkette snowball.png (3.94 MB, 2140x1667)
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Requesting Hulkette looking a bit embarrassed after hitting Spider-Boy with a giant snowball.
Requesting the right pic with Panda Delgado
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Requesting Miss Deer Teacher wearing a bunch of pink balloons and holding up a needle mischievously like she's about to start popping them.
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Requesting Mai with a fat ass. Any (rear showing) pose, outfit and expression will be fine
File: 1735010153366713.jpg (81 KB, 1024x367)
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Christmas (to me) doesn't end until Epiphany in January, so I'll keep this one for a little longer.

Requesting Amelia Bedelia dressed up as a vintage postwoman delivering some wrapped Christmas presents in the snow please :)
>"Free wise men? I think they'd be at the community college, sir."
Bro you're still on this?
File: cree dog.jpg (91 KB, 1024x768)
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Requesting Cree swatting Number 5's nose.
File: Chel Kuzco.jpg (321 KB, 4266x1024)
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Requesting the pic on the right with llama Kuzco resting his head on Chel's ass.
File: Ishida Judge Dredd.jpg (448 KB, 1401x984)
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Requesting Inspector Ishida from Usagi Yojimbo dressed as a judge from Judge Dredd. He can keep his jitte as a symbol of old world justice.
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Requesting Azula getting drunk like Kana
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Requesting Bertie Songthrush Dressed like this
File: MPK Fusion request v2.png (1.27 MB, 2048x2457)
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Requesting a fusion of Marie Kanker from Ed Edd n Eddy and Kainé from Nier.
Crotch bulges and multicolored hair appreciated, but not mandatory.
And what I meant by multicolored hair is more like these https://files.catbox.moe/0loset.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/pd9nc2.png https://files.catbox.moe/u99di9.png https://files.catbox.moe/maabys.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ohuew1.webp but I won't ask for a redo of the Marie/Poison one.
File: Benfire.jpg (691 KB, 2312x2376)
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Requesting a pin-up of Benfire like in the photo on the right. I can do without the car or the background.
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Requesting Fionna giving Finn a thigh choke
I can’t believe you all let the Christmas thread die so early
File: Barney Robot #2.jpg (1.43 MB, 3960x2144)
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Requesting a cartoonish version of this robot from Barney and Friends (Season 1, Episode 1: "The Queen of Make Believe") with a more robotic body. This includes his teapot shaped head, square body, control panel on the chest piece instead of the "This End Up" words on it, a groin piece, human like robotic hands and arms, and robotic boots. Bonus if you can also add a control panel and buttons on his chest piece.
It's still Christmas for another eleven days, anon! :D
File: 4982934825.jpg (169 KB, 1240x922)
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Requesting Marvin the Martian doing the ayy lmao dance. https://files.catbox.moe/g7lvhn.gif
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Requesting the Eds getting recruited into the KND after they saw and were impressed by one of their 2x4 scams.
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Requesting Frankie being princess carried by Prince Charming.
Christmas is over, you need to move on.
File: The Raven Lady.jpg (1009 KB, 2904x3168)
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Requesting Lilith Clawthorne wearing the outfit on the top. Same pose, or whichever pin-up pose you like.
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Requesting Nia thanking Jesus Christ for blessing her
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Requesting Bumblebee learning he has A.D.D.
>Christmas is over
Not till 5 January it ain't.
File: Avatar_Illusionist.jpg (449 KB, 2335x1946)
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Requesting Aang in the Illusionist gamer chair
technically Christmas season ends at sunset on 5th January, hence the 12 days of Christmas but very few people know about this (it's why people assume the song is counting down to the 25th, not Christmastide)
File: edda.jpg (465 KB, 1492x1156)
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Requesting Edda, in a tight version her schoolgirl uniform, like the right pic
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Draw Harley Quinn as a version of the Krampus called the Krampguts.
File: 3lb gummy worm.jpg (530 KB, 4331x1041)
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Requesting a pov pic of Gummigoo looking at his cellphone while Pomni takes his order with the right pic, redrawn with Pomni, is on his screen
Requesting Rankin Bass girls sitting in front of a fireplace
File: Tom Sawyer caroling.png (1.38 MB, 910x1112)
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Requesting the Tom Sawyer kids caroling
File: PUTA.jpg (546 KB, 1740x2348)
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Requesting Luz Noceda showing off her PUTA tattoo like in the image on the right.
File: pinghaps.png (480 KB, 1232x800)
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Requesting Robotnik going 'Perhaps'
>Nobody cares you
lmao, but also, you replied, baby
you replied
File: raphael sasuke beer.jpg (121 KB, 392x295)
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Requesting Raphael and Sasuke having a beer.
File: anna may as spiderling.png (1.52 MB, 990x945)
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Requesting Ultimate Anna-May Parker dressed as Spiderling (Earth-18119 Anna-May Parker )
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Requesting the left pic with Kiff Chatterley and Candle Fox
File: marcy expensive sushi.jpg (406 KB, 858x1649)
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Requesting Marcy eating expensive sushi.
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Requesting Doctor Bong as a salvation army bellringer.
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Requesting Brittney dressed like Calypso.
Requesting a heartwarming apprenticeship.
Hope you're all having a good holiday, btw.
File: Lulu's gonna.....jpg (81 KB, 1497x699)
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Requesting Lulu telling Arnie that she's gonna go fuck his cousin
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Requesting Nikki and Nerris in Camp Sherwood uniforms. Max too if you like.
File: demon king sweater.png (3.4 MB, 1835x1961)
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Requesting Demon King Alvida showing off her abs in this sweater. Optional: her husband The Hero's reaction.
Requesting Donatello wearing Mistletoe on his head, approaching a giggling April.
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requesting kaisa in latex clothes
File: mommy food.jpg (747 KB, 2563x1503)
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Requesting the right pic with Andrea squeezing her face between Leah's boobs. Bonus points for a follow up with Andrea holding up a fist full of cash and Leah saying "I guess I could make something real quick"
requesting the T sisters on stage dancing the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
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Requesting Luz Noceda in sexy pajamas
File: thighs and legs.jpg (412 KB, 1324x1312)
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Requesting the image on the right with Nala Se, from Star Wars, and the Grand Councilwoman, from Lilo & Stitch.
File: Marco Shezow Gyaru.jpg (813 KB, 3806x985)
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Requesting gyaru Marco and Shezow
File: rayla cow slime.png (4 MB, 2191x2678)
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Requesting Rayla running into the Cowgirl Slime and getting Cowgirl-ed.
File: disney girls christmas.png (3.69 MB, 1722x2222)
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Requesting Disney girls making some Christmas-time music.
File: jackpot.png (994 KB, 1364x1273)
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Requesting one or both version of Phineas' gets Candace as their Christmas presents and says jackpot.
File: zoey penny winter request.png (3.59 MB, 1883x1816)
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Requesting Zoey and Penny on a wintery date. Just the two of them in winter clothes together, maybe having some hot cocoa or chestnuts.
Requesting a rule 63/boy version of Bernice Bear from the Get Along Gang, replacing the bow with a cap (baseball cap type), converting the sweater into a short-sleeved t-shirt (or a jacket) and with more masculine pants and shoes.

More Bernice images: https://files.catbox.moe/kuazgl.zip

oh, boy, here we go again!
get ready
draw me some black bitches with big tits or asses
Why not?
Cause that hat makes you look retarded
To the anon who frequently comments on the Sunday Funnies threads, I don't think the commission I requested 2 days that would've featured "your wife" had yet to be delivered, especially with all this mess of requests all done by one anon. I don't even know if it would be made in time for this Sunday's thread, I'm terribly sorry,

The one big time I requested something, the one time it got caught by a wave of the same old requests as other drawthreads
File: popping tops.jpg (496 KB, 3612x1301)
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Requesting Wilhamena wearing a sexy black dress squeezing a bottle of champagne between her boobs, making it explode all over them
Requesting Giant-Man/Hank Pym as an Ultraman style Tokusatsu kyodai hero please.
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I would like to request Squirrel girl as a very sweet and doting girlfriend, with emphasis on her large chest
Requesting Livewire firing off a corrupted version of Baou Zakeruga

But where is this drawing?
File: Fadlfu2(2).jpg (561 KB, 1260x1900)
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Requesting Ava Ire from Ava's Demon clinging to a waking anon (or Odin from the same series), butt naked and wanting him to stay
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Requesting Collin as a Holy Sheep Dragon.

Please use this post as an anchor for the updates of the Wip.
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Requesting Barry Buns and Kim Popularé on a romantic date
Requesting a cozy pic of Teela and Adam (from He-Man) sitting on front of a fire.
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Requesting the right comic, but with Callum and Rayla (DP elves have 4 fingers)
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requesting my beloved Madeline Fenton to switch outfits with Connie, please!
File: jumpa take me home.png (3.51 MB, 2520x2048)
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Requesting the "Krypto, take me home" scene redone with Wonder Woman and Jumpa the Kanga, but since Jumpa is hopping Wonder Woman is getting slammed into the ground with each hop.

Going for comedy, obviously.
File: hotel mistletoe.png (2.8 MB, 2134x2035)
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Requesting a piece with older Dennis and Winnie (Hotel Transylvania) similar to the ref, with her holding up some mistletoe.
Requesting something like this with Catra holding mistletoe over Adora.
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Requesting Miss Deer Teacher Cosplay as Hortensia
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Requesting aisling stretching
File: Screenshot.png (480 KB, 727x900)
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Requesting Ruby and Sapphire in the Garnet form wearing a one piece swimsuit
Requesting Dipper and Mabel snuggling sharing a sweater, like in the upper right, going for a style similar to the refs.
Make it a Hanukah sweater if you like.
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File: Best little whorehouse.jpg (507 KB, 3818x1478)
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Requesting human Slappy wearing the outfit that Dolly Parton wore in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
Lol, cute and well drawn. Cheers.
not OR but i love hulkette, great delivery
All day and finally one delivery
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Requesting Lance Loud as Yujiro Hanma.
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Requesting the right pic with Kiff Chatterley Candle Fox and Kim Popularé dress like this
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Requesting a 3 way fight between Mark and superboy prime and Gohan
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Kek, nice.
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Requesting replacing Scrooge and Isabelle in the Christmas party from Mickey's Christmas Carol with Ivy and Freckles from Lackadaisy. Oh and maybe replace Fezziwig with Rocky from Lackadaisy as well.
File: BethCodySierra.jpg (58 KB, 794x279)
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Requesting Beth kissing Cody under the mistletoe as an angry Sierra watches on with an urge to kill
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Requesting Mayday Parker AKA Spider-Girl wearing this Prince Daddy and the Hyena hoodie without her mask on. Pose doesn't particularly matter but her laying on her bed could be cool.
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Requesting the photo from Tenchi Muyo In Love with characters from Dexter's Laboratory. Dexter as Tenchi, Mee Mee as Ryoko, Lee Lee as Ayeka, Dee Dee as Sasami, Monkey as Ryo-Ohki, Agent Honeydew as Kiyone, Lisa as Mihoshi, So-Yen Chen as Washuu and Action Hank as Yosho.
Requesting the Harvey comics versions of Lotta and Gerald kissing while dressed as Robocco and Bando respectively.
Pouring one out for the little dead dude.
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Requesting a scene from "American Dad" recreated with Wilhamena lifting up her dress mooning Enid to prove to her she doesn't have a tattoo on her butt
Requesting Camp Candy characters Binky and Robin dancing together like the pic on the right
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Requesting Dee Dee and Toshi in Japan wearing Japanese school uniforms, as Dee Dee hugs and kisses Toshi asking if he missed her.
Requesting Tara skinner(with glasses) taking a bath reading penny wong's biography. Meanwhile, a nearby radio plays nick cave and the bad seeds.-
File: TheNewOutsiders.jpg (2.06 MB, 3421x2383)
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Requesting a new incarnation of the Outsiders with this lineup
I remember seeing the wip of this. Is he still working on it?
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Requesting Hekapoo slapping Jackie's butt burning up the back seat of her pants exposing her naked bottom.
I don't think so, Tim.
Requesting Peppermint Patty as krampus.
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Requesting Verb from schoolhouse rock as a stand and the kid as the stand user
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Requesting Kiff Chatterley seductive Candle Fox on the right pic
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Requesting Raven fusion
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Requesting Nick and Judy dealing with drunks on New Year's Eve/Day.
File: GinaClassy.png (3.39 MB, 2367x1692)
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Requesting Gina Diggers in this sort of classy outfit, sitting in a champagne glass.
Keep the hat and glasses please.
File: Selfcest Velmas.jpg (772 KB, 2502x2048)
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Requesting the image on the right, but with Velma and Goth Velma
Requesting Grenda and Candy hanging from the hands of a clock for a New Year's countdown. If possible give them fancy dresses based on their normal outfits.
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Requesting Tulip and Lake as a couple of harem girls. I'm sure there's a harem car.
Requesting the image on the right but with an extra busty Nurse Doom domming Hello Nurse
File: frosta big smile.png (1.36 MB, 1683x1867)
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Requesting panel redraw with Frosta.
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nite quickie
Requesting Mee Mee's Mom and Lee Lee's Mom from Dexter's Laboratory in Dexter's Moms' outfit from this artwork (by Sonson-Sensei), but with their versions of the outfit coloured in their own colour schemes please.
You shithead.
File: New year.jpg (295 KB, 1418x885)
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Requesting Kim Possible 'gifting' one of the girls below the reference. Have the girls wrapped either in a present ribbon or a New Year's Sash. With Kim saying that her new years resolution is sharing more.
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Requesting Frida Mofette wearing the uniform on the left
File: Demon Raven Intimidate.jpg (448 KB, 3465x1024)
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Requesting a demon teacher Raven version of the image on the left of the reference
Requesting your waifu dressed like this.
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Requesting Null eating pizza.
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Requesting Harley sunbathing.
looks terrible to me
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Requesting busty amity blight cosplaying wonder woman
Requesting Naga gnawing on a bone.
I’d like to give back. Any long time drawfriends available for commission?
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Requesting Andy falling in love with Mikey
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Requesting "The Lovers" (the image on the left) with Kitty Softpaws, Puss in Boots and Perrito
Idk He hasn't updated in a while
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requesting Pearl limbs being tied in a bow
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Requesting Mac and Goo having a romantic moment on New Year's Eve
Requesting Spider-Man telling Jessica Jones that she is boring, her stories are boring, and her show is boring.
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Requesting a drunk Emmylou Brown from The New Batman Adventures episode Critters tightly holding and passionately kissing Robin during a New Year's Party as the clock strikes 12
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Requesting Molly McGee posing in a bikini
OR here, very nice dude! Thanks!
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Requesting Miss Deer Teacher with her Kirby Plush Collection
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Requesting Circe being partners in crime with Starscream
I want to made some comic related request.
Sorry, we're all full up on those. Please try again in 30 business days. Thank you!
You wanna draw comic book characters or draw a whole comic page of anything?
Dude, why are you such an attention-whore? Just look at the thread. The requests are there. It's going to be the same people in the thread replying to you, so if you don't like what's here already, why even make a post like that?
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Requesting Oum and Leah wearing sexy cocktail dresses getting champagne sprayed all over them, into their awaiting mouths
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Hope this helps.
File: grow up.jpg (342 KB, 3041x1080)
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Requesting Fives wearing the Five Nights at Freddy's Boobs!?!?!?! shirt with Miko scolding him saying "Really Fives, Boobs? Grow up." Then taking off her jacket and showing she is wearing the ASS one.
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Requesting Mike as Ichigo and Miko as Rukia in this art at the bottom left of the image
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Requesting Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) in agony afetr she was wounded by a lot of gunshots
this but she looks cocky despite the immense bloodloss, ready to right more
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Requesting the left pic with Fee seductive Piri Piri in adult version
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File: hilda snake year.png (743 KB, 1584x867)
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>It will soon be 2025, the year of the snake.

requesting Hilda and Johanna dressed as Solid Snake.
Very very cool, but could use the glasses to be recognizable
pretty desperate to have anyone do my dumbass request so may as well link mine
Not OR but good job on her.
Spider-Boy bros...
Very nice indeed.
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How about this>>146908163
File: Skirt as a blanket.jpg (68 KB, 1024x554)
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Requesting the "Skirt as a blanket" 2koma with Rapunzel lifting Cassandra's skirt.
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Requesting a Tmnt/Gi Joe crossover with a Scarlet being mutated into a red fox.
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Requesting a fitness girl/Fitness women version from the 1980's of this female punk cheetah (robot dreams) and remove the punk characteristics (such as piercings and the blue lipstick)

File: all I want is you 2.jpg (823 KB, 2030x1450)
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Requesting Adora (or She-Ra ) dressed in a bow or a comfortable sleep dress enacting this commercial with He Man (or Prince Adam)
She's telling He man "All I want for Christmas - is you." or the "You're my present this year"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMwFWDIFVCU [Embed] [Embed]
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Requesting drawing of Zatanna holding two fat bunnies on her chest. Plus the dialogue
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Requesting Pacifica playing for an audience.
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Requesting Gaz doing this.
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Requesting this with characters of your choice.
File: patty melt 0.jpg (515 KB, 1804x1424)
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Requesting a storm at night at summer camp,
A rrain-soaked Peppermint Patty (like refs) stands in the cabin doorway.
She's wearing / pulling off a drenched nightgown or long-T..
"I'm drenched Chuck. Throw me a towel"
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Requesting Ruby Gloom sandwiched between Mandy and Gaz
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Requesting pomni crying pointing at the internet weirdos making art of her as pomniman looks on mad to defend her
Stylish as fuck
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Requesting em from Empowered in a festive super-suit. (some ideas below.) and it's being torn like the cover mock-up. (with a small tag on her toe.
She's yelling
"Come on guys! the tag says "Don't open till Christmas!"

- a little late but whatever.
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Requesting Gwen Wu Playing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow on Game Boy Advance
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Requesting the left image with Finn and Princess Bubblegum
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Requesting Phineas hugging Candace from behind and sweet talking her to give him a kiss under a mistle toe. She relents and gives her a kiss anyway.
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Requesting Keiko as a Victorian "little match girl" who is dimly lit by the gaslight lamp.
She's bait.
In an alley in the shadows Jei (dressed as a Top-Hatted Gentleman) can be vaguely seen. There is a glint from the dark straight razor or scalpel he is holding.
It's snowing.
File: dogshadow.png (46 KB, 1133x796)
46 KB
Quick doodle
OR here
Nice work thanks
Cute and hot, thanks!
File: darkwing shadow 1.jpg (809 KB, 1461x1332)
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Requesting a pulp magazine or comic cover influenced by the Shadow magazines and comics.
Or possibly in a special "team-up edition."
- with Duck Savage. Duc a l'Orange (the Duck of Bronze
File: Nia rosary.png (44 KB, 821x726)
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Yeah, I guess anyone can draw. And also "draw".
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Requesting that Leni be drawn as the image on the right.
Watch this be the OP of the next thread, because Manateeanon NEEDS the OP to be a delivery for him.
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File: Gaz comic.jpg (835 KB, 2018x1543)
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Requesting a parody of the comic on the left, but with Gaz becoming a Hulk-sized version of BigDad Gaz because some Iggins-like weirdo stole her [insert Steam Deck/Switch parody here] of the Gameslave
Requesting Hedgehog on her way to court
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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck forgot pic and it won't let me delete it
File: brolly drac 1.jpg (294 KB, 1740x890)
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Requesting a pin-up style picture with Draculaura
looking coyly from behind an umbrella.
(it's fine black lace (maybe decorated with bats and spiders) and you can see that she's nude but no details.
She's blushing slightly.
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Requesting Margot LeSandre drinking some Rapunzel Hair Growth Potion
Requesting fusion.
This shit doesn't make any sense at all
File: little drummer girl.jpg (730 KB, 1293x1629)
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Requesting Entrapa from Masters of the Universe as the drummer for He Man and Skeletor's glam-metal band.
She not only uses her hands but also drums with sticks held by her hair!

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