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I always ASSumed that he was brown-eyed. So this is one of things that Tobey Maguire's version got absolutely 100% right, at least for origin phase. (It fucking sucks that only The Snyder Fans are true fans of what they love otherwise by now there would be The Webshooter Cut of Sam Raimi's film or at leas All deleted scenes along with Alex Ross costume scenes. Instead of it being forever on YouTube only. Sony, unlike WB, actually loves to cater to the paying fans, that is why the re-released Morbeus back into theaters back then)

There can be full blown philosophical commentary as a justification of visual retcon, like Nikola Tesla's quote how he thought too much and his eyes became blue (probably inspiration for Dune book thing) but the other way around since after spider bite Peter becomes less and less of introvert constantly within himself and goes "back" to primal setting amplified by the super abilities.
But in any case, it is what it is : Original Peter Parker is/was blue eyed.
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>like Nikola Tesla's quote
Not a quote maybe but " Tesla is quoted as saying his eyes changed from a darker to a lighter color because his work requires so much serious thought."
I honestly can't find his legit colored photos
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Was Ditko blue eyed himself?
how OG Peter Parker would look like in 2010s
Spider-Man fans are saying he is supposed to be much more fast than Daredevil + spider-sense , and yet here, in comic written by unironic Stan Lee he fucking barely dodges bullet predicting how Donald J. Trump will dodge it almost 50 years later!
Romita era in , but actually drawn by Stan Lee's own real life brother, and yet Peter is still A-10er, so Tobey is accurate even beyond initial [D]itko
What say?!
also funny how all-Lieber bro-duo predicted Spider-Man TAS look with these accidental no web armpits
AND at the same time predicted its pseudo-"sequel" Spider-Man Unlimited with 1) yellow "eyes" accident 2) blue eyed Peter 3) web armpits! Which , Spider-Man Unlimited, was heavily inspired by Spider-Man 2099 which had "habit" of his web cape also appear and disappear predicting current MCU and Spider-Verse adaptation in regards of those web armpits/cape business.
Took two Liebers to be real clairvoyant and define how Spider-Man will look for the mind of 90s-early 2000s grown kids, especially ones who are SMSF (source material secondary fans)!
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requested example of Doom attack a while ago. Done by creators. Okay, not Kirby + Lee, but at very least Lee, so will do.
now this is the kind of autism i visit 4chan for
happy to oblige
Original Peter Parker has blue eyes

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