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should Marvel Studios move on to a separate continuity from the MCU?
could you repeat the question
name of the cosplayer pls
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Not sure but here's another pic of her I believe
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I'd let her be the boss of me...
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Marvel should make their own Creature Commandos
Ep2 "The Tourmaline Necklace"
this is the worst idea I've ever heard
Really? I feel like it's almost common sense. The MCU has hit a wall and now that major players are retired, they can't adapt major storylines.
ah okay thanks
I think I would go feral if I saw this in person
Yes. Avengers are lame and X-Men in particular work best in their own yard with minimal exposure to characters outside of it.
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Just the pic alone got me actin up..
Lisa Mancini
bring Anya back as Magik she was literally the only good thing about that terrible movie.
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What they really need is younger actors that can grow into the roles. Movies take a while to make, so I have no idea why they are casting people in their 40s for roles that they know will last 10 plus years. DC has the right idea casting a zoomer as superman

You can bring in as many obscure heroes as you want, but the fact remains that the MCU has lost too many of it's characters or they're old and on their way out.

Whatever they do they need to recast people, nobody gives a fuck about falcon
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Fucking yes. The MCU is WASHED now. I'll never understand how people--both working in this franchise and fans alike--are this desperate to limit Marvel's massive library of characters and stories within the confines of one linear continuity. >>146907905 and >>146909515 are right.
It's crazy how X-Men fans don't understand how the X-Men work

The Avengers are a necessary part of a world for the X-Men to be right. When the X-Men are hated while Cap and Thor and Wonder Man are loved, that makes the fear and hate of the X-Men irrational.

Without that, the X-Men are a bunch of assholes openly declaring that you are obsolete, they will replace you and there's nothing you can do about it.

Without the Avengers there, the X-Men are *villains*.
I didn't think we could still get such a scene in modern animation. Colour me SHOCKED
Idk dude, MCU feels like it's too Tumblr/Tiktok focused. Maybe this gatekeeping but I just want a focus on comic fans.
The Avengers aren't proclaiming themselves to be a new, separate species from humanity, and don't hide themselves away from the world in a secret Avengers training/indoctrination camp. While they've taken in some minor or henchman-tier villains who were trying to reform, they don't let people like Red Skull or Thanos join up and be Avengers, and without even paying for their crimes nor repenting their beliefs. And when they've just been involved in a big public battle, the Avengers actually engage with the public and the media and explain what happened.

Fear and hatred of mutants is not irrational, people cling to their "all racism is irrational" mantra, but mutants get treated the way they do because of their own group actions and the way they behave. Even the Inhumans engage with the rest of the world better than mutants; when they say they just want to be left alone, they actually mean it and go full isolationist, and they actually engage with the media and do PR better too.

And let's be honest, years and years of X-books abusing Avengers characters and treating them like bad people because they haven't solved the X-Men's problems for them, anyone who likes any of those characters would probably be happier with them occupying a separate continuity to the mutants so it can't happen again. Meanwhile X-Men fans aren't going to stop seething about the Avengers being a thing, and being more popular with movie audiences, so give them the separate continuity they want.
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Yes? Or no. I want whichever choice would be worse for Disney in the long term financially and more harmful to Marvel as a brand.
>I just want a focus on comic fans.
You know most comics sell under 100K per month, right? Even if every comics fan in the world went to see a movie, if nobody else at all went, it would be a massive bomb. You're going to need to accept some level of compromises to get a product that'll actually appeal to enough normies for a movie to break even. And sometimes the characters that take off with normie audiences won't be the same ones that comic fans think are supposed to be the important, popular characters.
banger cosplay
they technically already are with the fantastic four movie
They already tried live action Werewolf by Night guest starring Elsa and Man-Thing. It didn't work.
No, because that would still be the MCU with the same problems, because the term MCU became outdated ever since Marvel Studios started to dip their toes with the Multiverse, the correct term would be MCM since the FoxVerse and the Sony Movies are also part of their multiverse, same with What If and X-Men 97. MCU is just an umbrella term for Marvel Studios/Marvel in general now.
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I'm gonna need her name too
>It didn't work.
It didn't?
What, it's a reboot or something? I thought it was just the next anchor team of supers they were trying to build up after all other post-Endgame attempts flopped.
it technically takes place in a different continuity with it being set in a different universe
Why "technically"?
the ff will crossover with the mainline mcu
From what we know, the movie starts in it's own continuity but the FF are forced to migrate to MCU616

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