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Damn what did spiderman do to make this nigga that mad?
The symbiote itself is a yandere that never got over Pete while Eddie Brock's life got personally ruined by Peter exposing him as a fraud over the Sin-Eater stuff.
His hate for spider-man defines his existence
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Kill Spider-Man is number 2
Spider-Man is still down on the list. So not technically in that order huh?
The sin eater backstory was always retarded
Eddie believes that Peter ruined his life and the symbiote hates Peter for attempting to kill it and abandoning it
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I think him working at the Bugle in SM3 and getting screwed over by both Peter Parker and Spider-Man was a great change and a good way to simplify it so the whole Sin Eater storyline isn't needed for Venom to exist.
I much prefer that over Spectacular taking the Ultimate route of "Eddie and Peter were childhood friends"
EAT THE RICH's brainsss
Spider-Man is multiple times on the list because he has to make sure he won't just put his costume on some skeleton he digged up.
I will always prefer the very first Venom design.
Why is Peter in a black suit if Eddie has the symbiote?
You're right that SM3 did it better but it's strange to put it as Brock getting "screwed over" by Peter and Spidey because it glosses over what makes the change good: Brock in desperation tried to cheat and submit false photos and got exposed. He then blames Peter and Spider-Man for his own failings. It works very well thematically for a villain origin but Peter exposing the fraud isn't "screwing over" Brock. The whole point is that he ruined himself but can't accept that.
not the real black suit
Black Cat made him a cloth version because she liked the look of that one more. He stopped wearing it for the most part after Venom attacked MJ
Well you know what I meant, in his eyes Eddie did nothing wrong and Peter's the asshole.
I feel like you could work out both the fake photos and the Sin Eater storyline happening so he is two times the hater, but I don't fee like thinking much.
>you're trash Brock, your pictures, they're AI generated
He cost him his job, his reputation, *sneeze*, his health...!

*sees eviction notice*

Doesn't Spider-Man make false photos multiple times in the comics?
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That asshole Peter stopped Firestar from killing Carnage!
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Then he stopped Venom from killing Firestar!
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TAS really deserves much credit for making Venom more viable without having to include all of Secret Wars and somewhat improving Eddie's motivation for holding such animosity towards Peter.
300 just kinda comes outta nowhere with this rando named Eddie hating Peter because he happened to find the real Sin-Eater, all of his personal troubles happen to come to a boil right at the same time and he just so happens to end up at the right church for the symbiote to latch onto him. The church makes sense to keep as it's cool imagery, lines up with Web of #1, and gives Eddie character. So I think Eddie being shown more beforehand as another reporter competing with Peter and maybe foreshadowing his divorce with Anne as well his deteriorating mental state could help in making Venom's origin more cohesive and make his motivation make sense if he is shown why he became a reporter to prove his abusive dad wrong about why he shouldn't be angry at stuff for the wrong reasons but then maybe some stuff happens that reminds him of his father and that causes him to make this one wrong mistake with Sin-Eater. Where he doesn't do his due dilligence and gets pressured hard enough to immediately believe Emil. Maybe if this theme of fathers was carried over from Sin-Eater like Jean DeWolff's dad, Stan acting as a father figure, you could seriously make a game/movie out of the Sin-Eater and Venom sagas as one story.
I'm pretty sure that's just him posing as Spidey to make action shots. He doesn't go and place people at the crime scene when they weren't there or give stolen valor. Unless there's an example I don't know.
You'd be that mad too, if he did whatever a spider can to your girl.
hes jealous of parker and his suit is too, so its double trouble~!
This story arch made no goddamn sense
eddie brock is essentially grimes
It's only "false" in the sense that he dishonestly sells photos of Spider-Man as if they aren't photos of himself, but even then Jonah and a bunch of people at the Bugle for years have known that Peter made some deal with Spider-Man to get his pictures
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>you could seriously make a game/movie out of the Sin-Eater and Venom sagas as one story.
A show. I wish they'd have made a live action series following 616's chronology. Jean DeWolff, the marriage, Sin Eater, Last Hunt and the first encounter with Venom BACK TO BACK
It's depressing when you see threads like these that are just copied from reddit or twitter/bluesky a few days later. It used to be that 4chan created memes, now it's just a repost hell from other sites.
TAS Venom best Venom.
Best version of Venom.
He's cool and he knows it
I really liked lanky 90's venom with the huge hands. Underused venom design.
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>kills his landlord
I will now support venom
He's jealous
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Op is a boondocks meme you newfag
You think that after character developing with Eddie, Peter and the symbiote could actually work fine?
but venom is better than spiderman
The greatest irony is that Eddie could not take (great) responsibility over his own failings as a corrupt journalist, and the symbiote could never own up to how it played a part in driving Peter away, and THEN irreversibly turning him against it by teaming up with Brock to hurt him and his loved ones.
True pottery

Okay symbiote, lay off the six different kinds of chocolate syrup and call it a night. You have a child and several grandkids to keep in line.

I really would hope so. But honestly, the symbiote was too OP and outright broken, not just in powerset, before the recent (imo shitty) klyntar knull era. It'd be best if Spidey just kept it before the power and mythos creep set in.
And God is it hard to find a story that actually does that, but without a shitty 'it makes him bad!' or 'drains his life away!' caveat.
And it's so easy not to make the suit inherently evil, just have it so Peter is angry by default because of whatever bullshit he is dealing with in his personal life, and the black suit is but a power boost that makes it worse. Insomniac 2 is a good example, May fucking died and Peter is obviously carrying guilt and frustration, but they hade to make the symbiote and Venom evil monsters that want to invade earth.
One of my all time favorites moments is in the comics where the suit, by itself, protects Peter from the church bell despite having just been discarded by him.
>'it makes him bad!'
but that's the good part. the best part of that what if was seeing black suit punisher spiderman. the worst part was the shift back to status quo, suit bad, discount web of shadows
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They executed that concept well in TAS, Spectacular and SM3, but it's NOT how it worked in the comics and it shouldn't be retconned to be like that and it's about time we get an adaptation that does both the alien and black cloth suits right.
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Why was the Carnage symbiote so special? Being somehow way stronger than Venom and being able to make weapons
>We were innocent once, until that accursed Spiderman blah blah blah
Remember when that was practically his catchphrase?
All Spider-Man did was stop a serial killer, which inadvertently revealed that the serial killer Brock was talking to for his exclusive interviews was just a deranged schizoid liar, making him a laughingstock and costing him his career
>but it's NOT how it worked in the comics and it shouldn't be retconned to be like that
The Symbiote has:
>Faked Eddies cancer
>Faked memories of two different, nonexistent relatives, one of which died of cancer to make Eddie feel extra bad about cancer
>Emotionally and physically manipulated Eddie so that he would never leave the symbiote.
All of this shit pales in comparison to what the suit has done to Peter in TAS.
The genie is out of the bottle, complaining about retcons when it comes to Venom and the suit is a joke. The character/concept is nothing BUT retcons.
Cletus' psychotic tendencies?
Also if every symbiote after Venom was born on earth instead of space, shouldn't high sounds and fire not be their weakness anymore? seems like a natural evolution.
Every thing you mentioned was implemented AFTER TAS popularized the symbiote making you evil.
Oh...the Gargan, OMD and Anti-Venom era...keep it.
I mean even most things on Earth are weak to fire lol, it's just that it happens to be one of the only ways to kill a symbiote

The fire weakness, like most things in comics/media, tends to vary greatly on the writers whims....I don't think it should be an EXTREME weakness like in the comic OP image is from where a fighting lighter can send him screeching, it should just be that it can potentially hurt them, cause without weaknesses symbiotes are pretty OP
Insomniac made him fire proof for that one shot of Venom walking through the fire and desu they totally owned it.
IIRC 1610 symbiotes are not affected by sound because they were manmade, I remember black suit Peter being unphased by SHOCKEEEER, but Carnage gets smokestag'd
what will he do once this list is complete?
Hate it or love it. The Symbiote turning its host evil retcon gave the character more significance than it originally was. Ala the same schtick that happened with how BTAS retconned Mr. Freeze and Clayface's behaviors and past that later retconned their comic book history since it was that effective. Yet no one ever complains about that retcon. And besides, even if the Symbiote didn't turn Peter evil, Peter had the right to not want to be in a permanent symbiosis with an alien that he has no knowledge of. Especially when said alien was highjacking his body at night, leaving him tired. And said alien never explaining to Peter it's sentience to him in the first place. And painfully preventing itself leaving Peter when Peter tells the Symbiote to leave when Mr. Fantastic tells him it's true origins. And especially when it tried to force itself onto Peter after escaping the FF lab despite Peter's protest against the decision, and was fine with leaving Peter to die when Peter was willing to let himself die before being its host until Peter's emotions gave the Symbiote the ability to feel and rescued him after its actions.

The Anti-Venom era was the start of Eddie trying to be an actual hero and be an ally with Spider-Man, to not descend back into villainy, and to finally stop blaming others for his villainous actions and accept that despite what influence the Symbiote had on him, he became a monster out of his own doing thanks to his own flaws and his own monstrous nature.

It's weird how in a lot of Venom threads, there's always posters that place all the blame on Spider-Man for rejecting the Symbiote and the Symbiote was just a victim. When the entirety of Venom during his time as a villain revolved around the major flaw of Venom's avoidance of taking responsibility for his actions, it was his own fault of his downfall/being rejected, and believes himself to be the victim to justify his villainous actions.
I don't like the "symbiote makes you evil" thing because it just makes it a loss less complicated. It absolves Peter of any resonsibility in the situation, when the much more interesting trope is the one of creating your own enemies, rather than it just being evil from the start
We are not talking about Batman here, the symbiote making Peter evil take has been run into the ground with the latest game, it added almost nothing new, and it would actually be fresh to see something more accurate.
>even if the Symbiote didn't turn Peter evil, Peter had the right to not want to be in a permanent symbiosis with an alien that he has no knowledge of. Especially when said alien was highjacking his body at night, leaving him tired.
And who the fuck ever said Peter was wrong to detach himself from an alien?

>It's weird how in a lot of Venom threads, there's always posters that place all the blame on Spider-Man for rejecting the Symbiote and the Symbiote was just a victim.
straight up making shit up for no reason whatsoever
Spider-Man 3 is a great mix of both becaude Peter's already being an asshole before the suit.
If they must give Peter more of a reason to get rid of it, though I don't think he needs one, most people would probably freak if they found out their clothes was an alien, but I'd rather if instead of it making him "evil" they went more with the whole feeding on adrenaline thing, like it's influencing him to take more risks and be reckless so it can feed more, not just that it turns you into a dark you
It should at most corrupt him with a power boost, but not willingly in my opinion.
Bringing it back to SM3, Peter was already filled with murderous rage towards Sandman because of the murder of Ben, and in their first fight Flint won, but the power provided by the black suit is what allowed Peter to beat and kill Marko (or that's what he thought)
Yeah SM3 is pretty vague about the symbiote and what it does, it makes Peter more aggressive I guess, but it was also because of his own angst and shit
>Okay symbiote, lay off the six different kinds of chocolate syrup and call it a night. You have a child and several grandkids to keep in line.
we i mean eddie i mean im gonna keep shitposting on /co/ and you can't stop me
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so what happens if your friend and his symbiote fully bond, he dies and you take the symbiote afterwards? Do you get advanced schizophrenia featuring your dead best friend?
the symbiote transforms you into its old host
>straight up making shit up for no reason whatsoever
Sounds like what shippers do.

>We are not talking about Batman here, the symbiote making Peter evil take has been run into the ground with the latest game, it added almost nothing new, and it would actually be fresh to see something more accurate.
Don't even get me started on the pathetic symbiote corruption ""arc"" in that game.
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>Prototype shit
lot of routes you could go with a story like that, the easiest being a guilt ridden and self hating route
does that actually happen in prototype?
Feel like the symbiotes would go this route if spiderman ever got another late night animated series.
I'm surprised no one ever really looked at it this way with Eddie.
Was Eddie - at least in his original character - an altruist or a do gooder like Peter? Because Peter wouldn't have done what Eddie did. He was also extremely mentally unstable. It wasn't until the symbiote that he got the urge to do good and right wrongs and protect people. Just like Peter.

Peter, who the symbiote desperately missed. Peter, who the symbiote modeled Venom'ss appearance and powerset and goals after. Even Venom's sense of humor is a much more twisted version of Spidey's.

The symbiote essentially molded Eddie into its own runner-up Peter. Eddie was broken, it said "I can fix him though" and turned him into a Peter that wouldn't reject it.
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>And who the fuck ever said Peter was wrong to detach himself from an alien?
NTA but what pisses me off is that not one host of the symbiote has suffered the setbacks Peter would have, had he kept it. Before or after the 'it makes you evil/aggressive' retcon.

No one has had their life force sapped away. Shit, the symbiote saved Flash from being bisected by Eddie and Toxin it heals you so good.

It doesn't prematurely age anyone.
No one in Venomverse was a rageaholic. Eddie was never a rageaholic and never was widdled down into an old man from wearing the symbiote.
No one was ever so completely bonded to it that their human body wasted away and their consciousness melded with the symbiote's so all that was left of them was a skeleton.
The mob boss's son, Fortuno, was not a rageaholic. The symbiote was intelligent enough to cajole and mock him. It never made anyone mentally unstable when they weren''t that before.
None of these things happened to MJ. None of them happened to Earth X Mayday or that Punisher who dominated the symbiote.
Flash only had a hard time with it because the symbiote was drugged, being used, and REALLY pissed off about it. But it took control away from him, not changed him into something he wasn't.
None of them happened to ANYONE.

For fuck's sake, it's so bullshit that Peter can't keep the symbiote because reasons, and that pisses me off.
>the good part
The good part was that the symbiote was only trying to help Peter and he misinterpreted its nature and was justifiably scared. You could still make it 'making him aggressive' work in that angle, by having it lash out against things and people it feels don't respect or deserve him enough. It can still be possessive, but it can be a result of it trying to give Peter what it thinks he needs, just like it was trying to help him fight crime, because that's what it thought he wanted.

A symbiote that wants to help Peter protect his loved ones - viciously. One who takes the chip on hiss shoulder and turns it into a glacier against people who disrespect him. One who just accentuates his qualities to a undesirable degree, because they match its own per what it feels is right for him.
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That's the funny thing about the Venom symbiote. He's basically like a bitter ex that never got over Peter dumping him. Sure he pretends to love Eddie, but he'd probably dump him in a heartbeat if Peter were to ask him back.
At first, yes, but as the years went on I think the symbiote really just started to enjoy being "bad" for lack of a better term, by the time it got to Gargan it seemed like was even happy to not have Eddie's loose morals holding it back, and it seemed to dominate Gargan's personality

Then of course retcons upon retcons, but that's the way it was going
>over his own failings as a corrupt journalist
He wasn't even corrupt, he just had a bad source that ended up flushing his career when the actual truth came out
Ah, prototype. I do, for some reason, enjoy the gameplay. Maybe it's the joys of jump slamming into random people and surfing their corpses as they smear across the cityscape. Or maybe it's the fun of leaping up onto a helicopter, devouring the pilots, and then unleashing a hell of rockets across their buddies. The story was pretty dogshit, though. It felt like they were building up to something with Elizabeth Greene but then she just goes down like a chump and gets eaten like everybody else. Spoilers for this old as shit game, I guess. Whatever, like I said the story as dogshit.

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