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What did you think of this show?
>off-model art
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It has some cute girls in it
The cancelled movie where they take on Adam Lanza would have been kino.
Really cute girls.
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Relax, Faggot. She was gonna grow up some day.
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I liked number 4 and number 3's dynamic
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Only in America Black girls and Asian girls can touch each other's boobs like that.
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We need way more pics of Numbuh 3 with huge tits ASAP
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Can't find anything on a Neozoa. Did you mean NZ_Naughty AKA nzn?
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Ah yeah he changed his name it seems. That's the current one.
A bit of good fun.
The 2x4 tech and the candy safari episodes with Numbuh 5 were the most memorable parts.
No one in the show looks like that not even the adults.
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Mrs. Thompson along with her alpha weredog form was a unique concept & her design is also appleing for me. It's bummer tho that there's almost non fan arts of her since to me, as someone who is into milfs/hags, TF and monsterfucking, she's a wife material that has a potential for sfw and nsfw.
That's the stuff, anon. Could do with way more good pics like this.

thought this was a screenshot edit of the show for a moment, would be wild to see the show but with her having huge tits like that
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Release never ever.
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NEVER ever.
>Great cartoon crossover.
>Trixie comes to Cartoon Network, meets Kuki, and the two become good penpals.
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>What did you think of this show?
It was one of my favorites.
Looking back, one of its best aspects that still holds up is its worldbuilding, taking an episode here and there to introduce a certain faction or to expound on it.
No character was ever "one and done;" you'd always knew you'd see them again and would relate to something down the line, but it was never in your face about it.
Waaay better lore-building than Steven Universe imo.
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I didn't like it.
It was a great show. One of the best the channel ever made. It's a unique take on childhood adolescence. It had its dips, like the Splinter Cell and the whole "Aging is a disease" spiel, but everything else was great. Remember when The Toiletnator showed everyone his powerful he was when he flushed the Grand Canyon full of cereal away? Or the God Damn Slamwich? Or when they had that giant turnip? Loved that stuff.
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I used to manage the Discord for this project and did light work on the project itself, working with the main artist. Here is what was made of an Ashley seduction scene that was planned. Pretty sure I've posted it before so it might be in circulation, but as far as I know only I and Artfag and possibly another Guy I knew had access to it.
Did you guys ever pretend to be in the KND, when you were kids?
Very creative and fun concepts like I remember, but I'm not sure I like Nigel and Walley this time around. They're way too serious and kinda rude to anyone older, not just adult villains. Takes me out a little. Plus the show can devolve into screaming a bit too much.
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Who didn't?
Once or twice.
But I was mostly having my mind fried by video games and school. Not much room for imagination.
Hoagie was my favorite. He likes planes, I like planes. He likes to tinker, I like to tinker. He's me but two hundred pounds heavier.
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The most pretending I was in another world type thing I did was playing with cowclips like this.
Oh wow, you too? Me and my buddies did that all the time in the playground. Took rocks, stacked them to make them buildings. Fly the clips near and around, pretending to shoot missiles that looked suspiciously like a foot, and crash through them
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Haven't drawn Kuki since I was a kid. Hmm ...
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You drawn anything else since then?
Always wanted a fucking Rainbow Monkey.
I have, but not KND. Machines. Beasts. Bitches. Maybe. Maybe that should change.
Worth considering, at least. Got a link to or pics of any of the machines, beasts, or bitches you've drawn?
this scenario is bonerific to meeeee!
I do. Here.
https://files.catbox.moe/u95tdq.png A Machine.
https://files.catbox.moe/et0rtu.png A Beast.
https://files.catbox.moe/jznjqs.png A Bitch.
There may be some overlap.
I wish Nezinmin would stick to one alias instead of being a schizo
Nice style! Definitely should draw some busty Numbuh 3 at some point, then. Would be nice to see.
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Kuki and Wally nervously touching each other during a hot summer in the tree fort.
Also, what's with Garabatoz and all his cuck shit?
>Garabatoz and all his cuck shit
What are you talking about?
Gara has grown... Strange, these last ten years. You can see it in his manner of drawing.
Good job, I love that artist.
I could give it a whirl.
Maybe I'm misremembering, but it feels like half his shit involves cuckolding.
>I could give it a whirl.
If you're up for it! Always fun to see busty ditzy airhead types.
Y'know, I never really considered Numbuh 3 as being Ditzy. An Airhead for sure, but never Ditzy. She is able to pilot a giant stomping Rabbot, even if she tends to eject prematurely. She also comes up with the names of the 2x4 Technology they have, and seems to catch on to most things in her own way. She's smart, she just has fun.
>eject prematurely
Heh heh he
You know what, that's a fair point. She's ridiculously agile and good on her feet, I guess I just kind of link "ditzy" to "airhead" a lot. She's more like an airhead who would very effectively do her job but be absolutely unaware or uncaring about how being stacked might affect her work or the work of others. For instance, an example where we see her being a bit airheaded in a way that affected others was in the episode with the shrink ray where she kept tapping her chin while she had her shrunken teammates in her hand getting bounced back and forth by her movements the whole time she held them, including her skipping over to Numbuh 4.
I like that headcannon. Thats a funny way of seeing her.
Thanks! I feel like it's a fairly accurate way to think about her from what we've seen of her, so it's why I keep viewing her that way.
Is Number 4 cut or uncut?
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His parents are Australian and he's not Jewish.
He's still got his hood on
Why aren’t more Asian girls drawn with closed eyes it’s cute
>Why aren’t more Asian girls drawn with closed eyes it’s cute
It's racist duh
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Love grown up Kuki
>Half Japanese.
>Half Australian.
Are these the fabled Kangaroo-riding Samurais that swear horribly I have heard about?
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Here ya go.
He just likes to deprived characters sometimes. Implying Wally has a small dick is funny. That being said, having his little brother nail his "GF" and her little sister... is a bit cucky.

Pretty sure Numero Uno also hit that.
Nice stuff, anon!
>stacked and filling out her sweater real well
>takes off the sweater to reveal it was actually containing her tits back
>they're even BIGGER without the sweater on somehow
It's one thing to want Uno fuck her and numbuh 5, or to have everyone fucking everyone.
It's another to involve Wally as the sidelined character.
I was about to complain about adult Numbah 4 being scrawny, but then I remember there is a few lean Australians that like to fight.
>blond hair hapa
Thank you guys.
>Kuki had herself fitted at the tail-end of Freshmen Year, somewhere in the D-Range. Decided to just never get fitted again and instead opt to use the same Sports Bra she had before.
>Consequently, besides a bad back and aching shoulders, shes actually grown to somewhere in the G/H-Cup Range.
>When she and Wally finally get busy, hes entirely and utterly surprised, and Kuki just giggles, since she knew this would happen.
kookie sanban
well we do know pic related is definitely more respected now in recent times
Please tell me I'm not the only one who absolutely LOATHED this ship even when I was a kid
NTA you were replying to but this is a pretty spot on take on her character. After seeing >>146907709 it made me think that if numbuh 4 was shrunk down with the machine that numbuh 3 would lose track of him probably between her huge tits and then just kind of laugh and joke about how he's even smaller than normal once she finds him.
While I am no fan of Macro\Micro Fetishes, I feel that if she had shrank him and brought him back to normal-yet-smaller-size, as compensation, something else would have taken the growth that he had shaved off. Redistributed to somewhere else, ya?
Of course anon, always happy to encourage good new artwork.
>continues to wear and undersized bra even as her tits get larger
Even your greens are good anon, that's hot.
Oh yeah, that seems like a logical way to take things. Too bad you're no fan of the macro/micro stuff though, I think it would look really good in that anon's style (unless you are that anon replying to this, in which case I think it would look really good in YOUR style). Just a generally hot scenario for macro/micro stuff and a good personality to do it with.
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What a cute Kuki
I bet she doesn't think her chest is too big.
>Even your greens are hot.
I may not have been drawfagging for a long time, but I've been writing for a long time. Thank ya kindly.
I just never really found anything hot about it to tell the truth. If anything, we could have a scenario where the KND are shrunken down to the size of your thumb, wandering around Father's house, listening in on greater machinations and sabotaging his plans while they make an escape using a toy that the DCFDTL may own, like a model rocket or an RC Helicopter.
Oh to a degree I bet she finds it rather uncomfortable, but thats life, and she deals with it. Going to the gym to work out her back muscles helps a plenty.
>I just never really found anything hot about it to tell the truth
That's good, it just means you're a normal person and not a freak with impossible tastes. Using that kind of tech for something like snooping and sneaking around is definitely how it should be used in canon if they ever were to use that technology more in the series. It would either be that or sneaking into a teenagers slumber party to gather intel on what devious plans they're up to, then spend most of the time confused or weirded out about how they're talking about boys and doing each others nails before they're inevitably found at some point during the party.
The best artists have their bases covered and usually write at some point
anon if you take constructve criticism her head is too small
>That's good, it just means you're a normal person and not a freak with impossible tastes.
I never said that I wasn't a freak, just someone who didn't find the idea of giants and borrowers to be arousing. As a story element, its honestly something I wish they had explored. Such as with your idea; they could make it dramatic by having them attempt to avoid being squashed as insects or mice and, once out of the house, embiggened back to normal size, and running home free, they miss the rest of the sleepover where they DO talk about intel and tactical information.
Indeed they do. Maybe I'll be one some day.
It always comes across rather small. I blame the angle in which I draw, the tablet screen always looks normal to me but partially askewed to another. Something to correct in future Kukis.
This seems so painfully obvious I don't know how I haven't seen this done before
just draw the head bigger and maybe the boobs too just to be sure i believe in you anon
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I'm gonna post the best character
Hmm... It almost sounds as if you're asking for another, wholly different drawing of Kuki with a large pair from me.
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fuck you
i keked
i am and i hope you do it too anon if thats ok
Perhaps, tomorrow.
It's from the drawthread general, check the booru.
Oh no, she became her mom
Plus 10
Well you're less of a freak, then. It can be hard to separate the kind of a story element for me when it's present. I'll think of characters in this situation being found and played with and if older explored for anatomical correctness while another character comments on how one of the shrunken operatives look like their little sister's friend they think is cute, which would lead to the slumber party girls starting to bicker while the shrunken operatives make their escape. Also assuming the scenario where characters are older, one of the shrunk ones getting stuck in a cup of Battle Ready Armor while the girls pass around the pair to try on as they joke about it being too small for most of them. Still, agreed that they wouldn't actually talk about tactical information until AFTER the operatives had left.
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I love Abigail so much.
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Very nice.
Didn't they do a couple of episodes about shrinking operatives? Like the one where Rupert Puttkin shrunk Numbuh 2 to terrorize him, and another where the others shrunk themselves to extract Brussels sprouts from Numbuh 4's body?
I do not understand you, Micro-Anon, but I understand the passion you feel for this subject, for I too have felt it in my own way. May inspiration take you far enough to put this to print.
Ah, Smeet. A delight as always. Thank you, and I hope you have had a Merry Christmas(or at least a pleasant Boxing Day).
I do not expect to be understood (unless it's by others who also have my interests) so that's alright, anon. I don't know if I could draw like you're suggesting, but crazier things happen.

Smeet is still alive?? I haven't seen him in threads in ages, I don't know if I'm just missing them where he posts or if this thread revived him somehow. Good to see new stuff from you.

Right, but that's only two times this ever came up in the entire series, it's not really a common thing to happen in it.

You've been watching too much anime anon she's supposed to have a nose
Version where the puppies are free?
I did thanks, I also celebrated my birthday too, 34 now. How time flies am I right? Hope your Holidays are going well too.


I live and I lurk. I've just been kinda busy more or less. Also vidya, that eats time.

Didn't make one this time haha. Sucks I know.
Thirty-Four. Goodness. Time flies like feathers in the wind. They were fine, just what I needed. I discovered Discworld.
Probably not, I see a few Nigel and Kuki shippers.
What didn't you like about it?
>Didn't make one this time haha. Sucks I know.

Consider drawing more Number 3 where she looks like this when you can
Wonderful as always, Smeet.
Draw Numbuh 4 using all his strength to hold them up?
>using all his strength to hold them up
What, was he shrunk down like the other anon said? It wouldn't be that hard to hold them.
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Great animation, greart artstyle, great premise, okay writing.
Gonna make us anymore? Or are you just gonna leaves us this little tease?
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Was the artist who made these ever found? I have a folder full of the sketches and it was all under the name "AG" but that doesn't tell me much.
Who gives a shit? If it's aesthetically pleasing, who cares?
Yellow milk is delicious.
Yes. I also made paper mache lightsabers.
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It's a great show that still holds up to this day.
The characters are well designed and the show uses each of them as both a team and as their own schtick that's unique to them.
No character was too cool to be made fun of and no character was too lame to be denied glory.
Most of the villains were memorable and represented something a kid would hate but set to the extreme.
The equipment they used felt like something a child really could build if they spent enough time at the junkyard.
Speaking of villains, the best one was Chester.
Because Chester is a fucking sociopath who does it all for money.
First appearance he wanted to use child labor to sell bracelets
Then he opened a fast food place that sells live children to be eaten
Then he created VR headsets used to tame children so he could sell them to parents
Then he, according to Nigel, faked being a doctor who gives kids their vaccinations shots to instead turn them into moose so he could saw off their horns for profit.
Every other villain was about controlling kids in some way, but my man Chester just wanted money and he'd kill a million children to get some.
This reminded me of this head canon I have, where KND has a black ops unit that basically handles pedos. And Chester probably only survived because he wasn't actually a molester.
I've seen people mention that before and yeah that would be cool although very dark.
How would you change the verbiage/actions so it could be seen by kids?
Being spanked by a non-relative?
A bunch of adults go around and cover kids in fear-goo that paralyzes the kids with fear until the black ops can erase those memories?
Well, I like to think or rather I don't like to think, that the kids that remember being abused are just the ones that fell through the cracks. The kids that the KND weren't able to protect because an organization can't be everywhere at once. And I was once given permission by a mother to discipline a kid that wasn't my own. A "it takes a village to raise a kid" mentality with that one. And I was, as a teen, once experienced corporal punishment by paddle. So I actually know how that feels. I was a rowdy kid in school lmfao. Count Spankulot is actually a fairly decent representation in my opinion. Hes monstrous in appearance and being as well as in the act he's committing, from the view point of a child anyway.

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Been rewatching it and for some reason I would have loved having Numbsh 362 as my daughter.
>for some reason
It's pride, everyone wants to be proud of a kid being the person they're meant to be. Numbah 362 is a leader through and through.
Oh God it's happening isn't it? I wanna be a Dad.
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>>146906491 here, I only knew them as Artfag. I still have our conversations on Discord but they otherwise dissapeared and asked not to be found.

I originally gave a big explanation on what happened to the original project and how tropic, our programmer, ruined it all, but 4chan considered something in the post to be spam and I wasn't about to try finding out what part of the post it didn't like so I deleted the whole explanation.
It's something that happens to us all at some point. Its that instinctual drive to have kids. That being said, I rather not leave kids in this world. So I'm not gonna have any and hope that if you do, that you know what you're getting into. They could be something special and change the world. Or they could be just another link in the chain and strive to mediocrity.
>it's a goon thread to a kids show
Sick fucks
would you prefer a kid thread to a goon show?
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>goon show
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What did you expect, anon? This is nothing out of the ordinary for this board. Sadly.
Almost certainly the biggest goon of all trying to deflect accusation and suspicion from themself.
>kid in a goon show
Okay but little girl learning the familiy business from her 3-5 eccentric mobster uncles would make for a pretty fun show concept if the regulators weren't so butt mad about showing crime succeeding.
Kids next dork
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>What did you think of this show?

Probably the only Cartoon that did diversity right.

There are white kids but you can clearly tell who is British, American and Australian.

Same with the Black characters having unique ethnic backgrounds too.
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And that's a bad thing?
Fuckin lesbos
It's nice, like the universe and tech.
Odd not seeing much OC about the universe seeing how open it is to the idea.
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>The braid twin being a slampig
Yeah, even made my own KND agent on the CN website. Wish I could have held on to it.
This and Extreme Ghostbusters are probably my go to's on how to make a diverse team.
don't look at her eunuch manlet
Eduardo-Abigail- the cool character.

Hoagie -Roland- the mechanic character

Garrett-Wally- the jock character always gung ho into battle

Egon-Nigel- leader

Kylie-Kuki- girl? Yeah okay these two don't match up.
OG Magic School Bus too.
True, but Kylie has her girly side hidden more
>was part of her HS cheer team, which she kept hidden from the rest of the team
>her room, despite her dress and love of the occult, is clearly a girls room
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Does this operation happen to involve a van and rock CDs?
Ghostbusters, KND, Dungeons and Dragons, the list goes on.
Those shoes weren't diverse for the sake of it, it was just more natural. Maybe we can bring that era back.
well shit guess I'm racist
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Hell yeah KND thread!
This will forever not be unfunny.
>her eunuch manlet
I'm sorry... what?
>22 years since it first aired.
Man. How time flies.
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>draws baby porn now.
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The tenderest of meats deserve love and care too.
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He wasn't always like this.
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yeah and here's another one
noticed this right away, dont care what this is. its obviously trash if its injecting tranny garbage. into one of the cutest girls created in the 90's.

unbelievable how trannies need to destroy everything feminine and cute. beyond heretical kys for even having this on your pc. for real dude beyond heretical SHE does not need a penis, and ic it would scare the fuck out of her. to the point of selfharm doing everything she can to remove it.
not wtv mentally ill head canon you people would come up with.
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definitely not something a mentally ill person would type
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I'm never someone who would say "Buck broken" but holy shit dude calm down, it's a joke sketch the artist did for fun and wasn't going to be in the game.
>The average Pole is now respected
In what timeline did you just crawl in from....
You got a problem with goons? I bets the boss would like a word with ya!
Calm down, dude.
This implies that numbuh 1 would become a modern mulletstache sòyboy
I loved it. I had a crush on number 4.
Why is always the ones that draw the juiciest women who start exclusively drawing weird fucked up shit?
What does it stand for?
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I call this the "Going Full Fetish" effect. Every Artist is at risk of being utterly consumed by their fetish, which corrupts their work.

Bigdad/darnact is another victim of this effect. Pic related, though there is also the gay Bugs Bunny shit he does now.
He'd never. Also, it'd be hard to grow a mullet without having any hair.
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I like Bigdad's Gaz because he keeps drawing her every couple of years and you can see in what kind of stuff he is into depending on how she looks.
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She is pretty neat
Loved the show and how it really made it all seem so childish and serious at the same time but it makes me sad knowing that I wasn't good enough to not get decommissioned
It does suck knowing that this could have had a continuation but it got cucked and we will probably never see anything again from them without the budget being shit or modern age "humor" rotting the originals charm

For whatever reason nobody wanted to talk about cartoons in school.
It was like a taboo since nobody wanted to look like a kid except when it was recess time but even then it was only handball, 4square, tag, and jumping over kids on the swings
I've notice that back at school too, Everyone watched the same cartoons but nobody talked about them. But once in a while someone made a inside joke or a reference and everyone chuckled.
Numero Uno as leader always tends to have an effect on the ladies even if it is subtle like having slightly more respect that two or four
If he got at Numbuh 3 it was likely her seducing him for something trivial like wanting to choose the colors for the new tech or wanting a bit more budget for rainbow monkies. Also she probably likes to see him squirm and break out of his serious side
Numbuh 5 is more likely to have hit just for the sake of knowing she could so that she could randomly bring up how he is a rule breaker since dating your own team is likely against the rules especially when you are in the position of power.

I hate it. Please draw more
I hope I never go Full Fetish.
First three Gazs are the best Gazs.
TEENAG- oh nevermind. Sorry Kuki but you really can't blame me for thinking we had an intruder.
>3 and 4 accidentally end up pregnant with twins after Kuki starts her early puberty
>they fight to avoid decommissioning until their kids are old enough to join the KND
>kids first assignment is to capture and decommission their parents
If society was a little different we could have had this storyline as a non-canon short

another idea lost to societal taboo
>rumors spread about chester being a little too touchy with the kids
>Special KND units bust into his camp and fight off his security and gadgets
>beats him up and ties him so that they could search his computer
>finds secret folder and they torture him thinking its CP (if they find any they can move him to the secret pedo prison facility)
>he eventually relents and tells them the password
>terabytes of videos where all you can see are rainbow monkies in the thumbnails
>the team thinks they found the cp
>sends the videos to their investigator team since they are already dead inside from watching cp all day and they don't want other kids to do the same
>clicks on the first video
>its a fetish video with fat gay men in rainbow monkey furry suits replicating all 1000 episodes of the original rainbow monkey show line for line except they are all having gay sex with each other
>the kid has to watch everything in order to make sure the dude doesn't have cp
>he makes it to ep 3 before he asks to be decommissioned
>Chester is sent to the standard KND prison because its ok to try and kill the children but diddling them will get you the guantanamo bay treatment
>the kid who got decommissioned becomes a school shooter later on and wears a rainbow monkey suit while doing so
My favorite ep btw
I had a friend mention how he loved Ed Edd and Eddy as a kid and it really struck me that I could have started talking about cartoons and broke down the barriers instead of waiting for someone else to do it.
I lived in an area where people for sure had enough money for cable so that made it worse to realize it
Even today my younger cousins talk about how you can wear kids backpacks even in high school and its ok but nobody ever talks about the shows.
Imagine /co/ but in person. Would have the most fun/angry moments you would ever have minus the sexualizing the child characters
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The female operatives would have no trouble getting me in the van
>carry blowjob
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>that game
>KND using actual advanced technology like plasma reactors and not hamsters on wheels
The vegan operatives made enough of a stink about it to change to plasma
He reverses the cancer THEN becomes a mulletstache sòyboy
Is he still a basedboy if he can reverse cancer? That seems like a pretty cool thing to do for yourself and others.
Who drew this? The style's nice.
He uses sòyence instead of science to reverse it something idk
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Hypothetically, if KND got an [adult swim] reboot, what would you want out of it and what episodes would you want to see? Also they're still kids in this version.
Darker themes, more characters, deeper dive into the Uno family bloodline and other magical shit
sector V struggling while Nigel is in the galactic KND
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I think an episode based on Kids (1995) would be funny.
I only think with penis
This show did not interest my penis
I watched the Winx instead
My penis was so happy
How come adult fans of this show don't get accused of being pedos? All the characters are kids.
Same show, more violent fights, adults are more threatening and violent, implied sexual themes.
I was gonna make a snarky comment, but now I'm just coming up with jokes in my head about a man with a living penis he treats as a pet. That's funnier.
It isn't popular enough to get the attention of twitter freaks projecting.
I mostly care about them aged up, not when they're kids.
No, not that movie.
I guess that would also extend to Abigail struggling to be sector V leader.
That movie where they beat dave chapelle to death and give that girl aids?
I mean, a lot more stuff happens, but it IS that movie.
More puppies?
It's one year later, Numbuh 5 leads Sector V and they got a new fifth operative.
Sector V is sent on the "big kids" missions where they have to deal with the darker side of adulthood: fetishes.
The team is oblivious to the exposure to these fetishes and just think the adults are trying to steal the funny/cool stuff from kids.
Farts and butts are supposed to be funny.
Giant people crushing stuff are supposed to be cool.
Being tied up and tickled or tortured is supposed to be scary.
Men wearing dresses stuffed with fake breasts are supposed to be in disguise.
They sometimes team up with other adults, like Spankula, to keep these degenerates in check.
The overarching big bad is a masochistic pedophile who wants the team to hurt him and the KND have to come up with ways to stop his evil plan without causing him pain or else he'll do "those weird dance moves" again.
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Never noticed this, what other cartoons had Doctor Who references?
Are you implying fujoshi-ism is a “funny/cool” thing these kids do? If so, that'd explain the Klance shippers.
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>Only in America Black girls and Asian girls can touch each other's boobs like that.
I always wanted one.
Take a screen shot of the text and post it as an image.
No, the young adults/teenagers who see two boys, numbuh 2 and 4 in this case, stand next to each other and think "Oh, they're fucking."
Basically the South Park episode about Craig and Tweak but on a global scale and it's adults doing it.
I love numbah 3 so fucking much none of you have any idea
Enough to fuck her? Then I think you an I share a brain cell
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How good actually is this show? I've been trying to get into it, but the constant whedonism in serious moments has always turned me off.
A solid 7.5 out of 10.
It was... special, for those growing up with it. You can just let it pass. Watch something else.
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I like the villains.
Who is your favorite villain
tell that to all the kid on AO3 and Wattpad
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What was up with Warburton and incorporating pink eye in his work?
I wonder where the idea of big-titty Numbuh 3 comes from. Is it because of that japanese girls = big titties like from hentais and JAVs?
>inb4 Hitomi Tanaka
You get a really bad case of it as a kid and you don't forget it.
This is really funny to read considering I was a lad in early middle school watching Craig x Tweek videos
It's a stereotype in anime that the bubbly ditzy girl gets huge titties that all the smarter and smaller chested girls get jealous over and sometimes assaulted by.
Not counting father since he's a free space I was a sticky beard fan
Civil war that slowly becomes serious in the KND between kids who want to keep the max age 13, those who want to raise the decommission age to 15 1/2, kids who want teens to stay on until 18 because of the huge drop in new recruits since there are too many kids focused on either growing up faster to be seen as more mature and serious, becoming rich by hustling and scamming, or just have various addictions like gaming, vaping, social media, and internet porn
Since everyone is likely a bit older in sector V there is a bit of crushing going on along with a looming fear about the future of the KND along with each other as they all have different opinions on the civil war.
Having lost their leader to the GKND role and hearing all sorts of rumors that he has defected or is working with the teens and adults they are all out of whack and not mixing well with their new leader(they are pissed that none of them are it but its some random outsider) who seems to be even more of an ass than Numero Uno when he is serious
Funding is low even for a team as well renowned as them so their tech is even shittier and they aren't able to get extra help because fuel costs much more than before and allowance inflation is hurting the system they set up
The missions have changed from saving kids to mostly trying to set up new methods of power and wealth to keep on going. This hurts new recruits because the KND is not longer seen as a super hero group but another hustling gang that doesn't do as well as the hustler kids.
Sector V is faced with tough challenges like working with adults, eating their vegetables, blackmailing innocent adults, and even giving up some of their allowances
Its all a big mess but Sector V is willing to see it all through if only to make Numbuh One proud
Still in my top 3, really fun to watch now because the show is just "kids pov" but cranked up to 11. Liked how some kids had villains as parents but most kids don't really see their parents that way and never put two and two together.
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>the KND get corporatized
The ultimate adult victory over the kids.
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Numbuh 86 needed way more screentime.
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I'm surprised she didn't have a proper episode by herself about why shes so pissy and it shows how much work it takes to run the moon base along with characters we don't really see get much attention having a bigger role.
Its pretty risky to do so I understand why it likely wasn't done but it still sucks to see great characters not getting enough attention. I really liked the sleepover one and Mr. Boss being her dad made her character so much better
She's cute. Hope she mellowed out in college.
No more puppies >:)
She seems like the kind of girl who'd melt in hour arms if no one is watching.
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I think the world and the characters are the Perfect Cartoon Network show. Sure, it has its faults, but god damn if the creativity doesn't put it up there with my favorites.
Never realized how KND's most common decommissioning age are most likely to happen during middle school desu
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Not sure about melting, but she went utterly boy crazy when she was accidentally partially decommisioned.
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Hell is for children
>the kid who got decommissioned becomes a school shooter later on and wears a rainbow monkey suit while doing so
It always made me feel pandered to. I liked it, but I was always hyper-conscious that it was adults writing this story with "yeah let's fight those stupid dumb adults and their rules" at its center.

A lot of the gross-out humor was so bad I had to switch channels for certain episodes. Just thinking about the Common Cold makes me want to gag.
I didn't really get into it while it was airing, only watching an episode here and there, but later on after watching the the entire series I really enjoyed the lore.
The gross out shit got ridiculous at certain points.
I wish I could forget this episode.
Snot one is worse my opinion.
Whatever happened to that like, dating sim or whatever it was. I vaguely remember something like that happening.
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This one?
Next update is, supposedly, jan 3rd.
Oh, maybe. What's the name so I can keep track of it better?
Operation NOVEL
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Thanks king
Loathe is a bit strong. I never really cared for it much myself but I didn't hate it or anything either.
I completely forgot this guy showed up more than the one time at camp.
I do think it's interesting seeing his shift in tastes and how into it he went over the years. Though I just wish he'd call her an OC. That's what his interpretation has been for years now.
When is the next update?
Seeing your screenshot immediately reminded me. Mr. Fizz. Guy was smooth. Though I only really remembered him having the one appearance. Looks like he actually had a couple.
That sounds like one of the harshest bad ends that could actually happen. Actually kind of impressive. Not bad at all anon.
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Ditto, can make so much cool stuff with a gum dispenser and hair dryer.
>I'm surprised she didn't have a proper episode by herself about why shes so pissy
Big jack horner backstory, she has no reason to be pissy, she's just a cunt
her name is butt
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She's pissy because Mr. Boss, the de facto leader of their adult enemies, is her father.
I could literally hear her voice while reading that

Imagine tacticooling KND lol
>that one operative who gets made fun of for tacticooling their gear like in their favourite Yell of Responsibility games
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>that one operative who wears too many belts all over his body
>he claims it's the latest fashion in japan
>sector nippon refutes this claim
>sector nippon refutes this claim
>meanwhile, in sector burgerland:
>[Insert parody of DmC reboot]
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>moon base has a mission set up
>they'll need sector nippon and sector burgerland to team up
>sector nippon contacts sector burgerland
>pic related
>they all face palm
Wouldn't this fit Sector Nippon though?
Sector burgerland ruined it.
back, give me a bit
Oh gosh I had mentally blocked this out…
Numbuh 3 wearing nothing but her pajamas is laying on her side looking forward, blushing and giggling at numbuh 4 while he's also laying on his side across from kuki, rubbing her cheek and nervously laughing until they can't hold it back and lean in for a gentle kiss while holding hands all night long.
Fuck off Garabatoz. Draw something good for once.
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A simple six shooter
Leaned a bit too heavily in the romance which is why I stopped watching it as a kid.
She's Irish. It does not mean butt there...
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I wonder if a prequel series involving sector Z before they got turned into the DCFDTL would work
Those must be hard to carry all day.
Not true KND.
consider the following
What kind of Asian was she again? Jap or China?
If I wanna jerk off to Kuki I'll go look up Gnsisir or something, not off model trash with Z cup breasts
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Like SW Jap? She looks a little dark.
nice art
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You have the brain necessary to outline art in this genre. Good job.
This would fit sooo well in the prompt from the other anon of KND being on a Adult Swim timeslot.
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It would have to not be super vulgar. The whole point of the 00's and KND is it was before true evil had ruined art. Make it a little edgy, but let it be wholesome.
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That's fine too
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Don't you know? You don't get a nose.
>gets kids to take their flu shots, which actually turns them into moose, so he can shave their antlers off to make moose ice cream

That's not even the weirdest episode.
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Henrietta and Numbuh 5 drawn like this.
At that point, it'd be less work to just kill regular mooses and use their antlers
how would knd handle an early bloomer?
I loved it as a kid I don’t think I’d like it as much now though
Like, a kid who gets really tall? I think they'd get othered pretty badly.
They meant tits, anon.
Immediate decommissioning (obvious undercover teenager)
>Checked an old thread about Tropic's game with the Mega link
>The Mega link is still active
Should I try and download it?
Wait, what?? Those wouldn't develop that much at that age.
I know, it's just that some people are unreasonably horny for these characters.
On the topic of that, why don't the kids & teens work together to face off against adult tyranny?
Teens are too edgy
Yeah, he probably got it and so added it to the shows.
86 is a thing by itself
Silly girl
Teens are closer to adults than kids
Theyve lost their whimsy and hope
They cant team up unless the adults were to actively target the teens
Depends if the kid experiencing early puberty is receiving psychological and ideological changes, if they only receive physical changes that just means you got a stronger soldier, but if mental changes are coming about then there's a greater chance for the soldier to betray the KND
Thanks for making art for this thread Smeet, I hope you make more
Now, have her embarrassed at having to shop for a bra!
Maybe it's just that Crees ninjas are a faction of teens that aren't rebellious, there's probably a faction of rebellious teens out there that smoke weed, drink, and throw parties.
She would never wear clothing of the enemy
It'd be cool to have a story involving those faction of teens.
Man you can tell they had fun coming up with these.

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